516 resultados para BUCKLING


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The mechanical properties of a closed-cell aluminium foam were investigated by compressive tests, and the deformation behaviours of the aluminium foams were studied using Xray microtomography. The results indicate that the deformation of the aluminium foams under compressive loading was localized in narrow continuous deformation bands having widths of order of a cell diameter. The cells in the deformation bands collapsed by a mixed deformation mechanism, which includes mainly bending and minor buckling and yielding. Different fractions of the three deformation modes led to variations in the peak stress and energy absorption for different foam samples with the same density. It was also found that the cell morphology affects the deformation mechanism significantly, whilst the cell size shows little influence.


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This paper reviews our recent studies on z-pinning of composite laminates. The contents include theoretical, numerical and experimental studies on the Mode I and Mode II z-pinned delamination growth and the corresponding bridging laws. Test methods to evaluate the z-pin bridging law will be discussed. Comparisons of experimental results and theoretical predictions for the z-pinned double-cantilever-beam (DCB) subjected to mode I delamination with a pre-determined bridging law are provided to confirm the reliability of the methods. A parametric study by finite element method (FEM) is presented for both Mode I and Mode II z-pinned delaminations. In addition, the effect of loading rate on z-pinned DCB delamination and the bridging effect of z-pinning on the buckling of composite laminates are also given.


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In this study, the mechanical properties of a closed-cell aluminium foam have been investigated by compressive tests. The deformation behaviors of the aluminium foams were studied using X-ray microtomography (XMT). Aluminium foam samples with various cell size distributions and cell
morphologies were intentionally selected to investigate the effect of the cell characteristics on the deformation behaviors. Results indicated that the deformation of the aluminium foams under compressive loading was localized in narrow continuous deformation bands having widths of order of a cell diameter. The cells in the deformation bands collapsed by a mixed deformation mechanism, which includes mainly bending, and also minor buckling and yielding as well. Different fractions of the three deformation modes led to variations in the peak stress and energy absorption for different foam samples with the same density. It was also found that the cell morphology affected the deformation mechanism significantly, whilst the cell size showed little influence. Those cells with defects such as corrugations, curvatures and non-uniformities in the wall thickness were the initiators of the deformation bands of the aluminium foam.


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The energy absorbed by magnesium alloys (high-pressure die-cast (HPDC) AM20, AM50, AM60, and extruded AZ31) in a buckling test was significantly greater than the aluminum alloy 6061 T6 and particularly mild steel of a similar weight, but was less than that of the aluminum alloy and steel for the same thickness (Figure 6).26 This indicates that mass savings can be achieved by the substitution with magnesium alloys to achieve similar energy-absorbing characteristics.


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This work investigates the effect of fibre irregularities on the mechanical behaviour of the irregular fibres using the finite element method (FEM). The first part of this work examines that the effect of fibre dimensional irregularities on the linear and non-linear tensile behaviour of the fibres, using a two-dimensional (2D) finite element models. In the linear simulation, a concept of method Young’s modulus is introduced. The method Young’s modulus, breaking load and breaking extension are affected by the magnitude and frequency of diameter variation in the fibre specimen. Fibre dimensional variation and the gauge length effect are also simulated. In the non-linear analysis, some additional information is obtained on changes in the yield and post-yield regions, which are clearly shown in the load-extension curves. Further investigation is focused on the flexural buckling behaviour of fibres with dimensional irregularities. A three-dimensional (3D) finite element model is used to simulate the buckling deformation of dimensionally irregular fibres, and the critical buckling load of the simulated fibre is calculated. Two parameters, the effective length and the average diameter within the effective length of an irregular fibre, are considered to be the key factors that influence the buckling behaviour of the fibre. An important aspect of this work is the calculation of the effective length of an irregular fibre specimen during buckling. This method has not been reported before. The third part of this work is on the combined tensile and torsional behaviour of fibres with dimensional irregularities, using a three-dimensional (3D) finite element model. Two types of fibres, polyester and wool, are simulated with sine waves of different level (magnitude) and frequency at different twist levels. For the polyester fibre, experiment verification of the simulation results has been carried out, and the results indicate the FE model is well acceptable for the simulation. The final part of this work examines the combined effect of dimensional and structural irregularities on the fibre tensile behaviour. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element models are used to simulate the cracks (transverse, longitudinal, combined transverse and longitudinal cracks) and cavities distributed in uniform fibres and fibres with 30% level of diameter variation, respectively. One of important conclusions is that under the simulated conditions, the dimensional irregularity of fibre influences the tensile behaviour of fibres more than the fibre structural irregularity. The fibre dimensional irregularity affects not only the values of the breaking load and breaking extension, but also the shape of load-extension curves. However, the fibre structural irregularity simulated in the study appears to have little effect on the shape of the load-extension curves. In addition, the effect of crack or cavity size, type and distribution on fibre tensile properties is also investigated.


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In the present study, porous Ti–10Nb–10Zr alloy scaffolds with different porosities were successfully fabricated by a ‘‘space-holder” sintering method. By the addition of biocompatible alloying elements the porous TiNbZr scaffolds achieved significantly higher strength than unalloyed Ti scaffolds of the same porosity. In particular, the porous TiNbZr alloy with 59% porosity exhibited an elastic modulus and plateau stress of 5.6 GPa and 137 MPa, respectively. The porous alloys exhibited excellent ductility during compression tests and the deformation mechanism is mainly governed by bending and buckling of the struts. Cell cultures revealed that SaOS2 osteoblast-like cells grew on the surface and inside the pores and showed good spreading. Cell viability for the porous scaffold was three times higher than the solid counterpart. The present study has demonstrated that the porous TiNbZr alloy scaffolds are promising scaffold biomaterials for
bone tissue engineering by virtue of their appropriate mechanical properties, highly porous structure and excellent biocompatibility.


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Mechanical properties of open-cellular magnesium alloys with three types of
geometric cell-structures, that is, a random round cell-structure (type A). a controlled diamond cell-structure for which the angle between the struts and the load direction is 45 degree (type B) and a controlled square cell-structure for which the angle between the struts and the loading direction is 0 degree (90 degree) (type C), are investigated by compressive tests. Results indicate that type C showed a higher collapse stress than the other two types. The collapse mechanism and the effects of the loading direction on collapse stress for the three types of magnesium alloys arc discussed from the viewpoint of bending, buckling and yielding of the struts. It is suggested that collapse for the open-cellular magnesium aHoys is associated with yielding of struts


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Integrating rechargeable battery cells with fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites is a promising technology to enable composite structures to concurrently carry load and store electric energy, thus significantly reducing weight at the system level. To develop a design criterion for structural battery composites, rechargeable lithium polymer battery cells were embedded into carbon fibre/epoxy matrix composite laminates, which were then subjected to tensile, flexural and compressive loading. The electric charging/discharging properties were measured at varying levels of applied loads. The results showed that degradation in battery performance, such as voltagea and energy storage capacity, correlated well with the applied strain under three different loading conditions. Under compressive loading, battery cells, due to their multilayer construction, were unable to prevent buckling of composite face sheets due to the low lateral stiffness, leading to lower compressive strength that sandwich panels with foam core.


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The association between the incidents counted by the measurement wire of the Wool ComfortMeter (WCM) and the previously published neurophysiological basis for fabric-evoked prickle have been investigated for lightweight knitted woolen fabrics. The fiber lengths and diameters capable of triggering the fabric-evoked prickle sensation were calculated using Euler’s buckling formula, and it is suggested that fibers as fine as 10 mm are capable of triggering the prickle response if they have a short enough free length protruding from the surface. Good agreement was found between the sensory assessed human prickle sensation and the wearer prickle response predicted using the WCM outputs, especially when the latter were transformed using Stevens’s Psychophysical Power Law.


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Truss core laminates display stiffness and strength/density ratios superior to those seen in foam cored laminates. However, this superiority is held only for ideal shaped struts. If the truss core is damaged, its performance rapidly decreases towards that of a foam. The present study investigates the stiffness and strength degradation with imposed core deformation/damage. This is done for a pyramidal core structure made by electro-discharge machining from AA5083 alloy. The experiments are compared with finite element predictions. The effect of the strain rate sensitivity is studied by performing the tests at different temperatures and by FE simulations with different material data sets. The results show reasonable agreement between experiments and modeling. The stiffness of a damaged truss core rapidly degrades and reaches the performance levels seen in foams after ≈8% of deformation. The results show that a high strain rate sensitivity significantly influences post-buckling core behavior and is able to decrease the stiffness and strength degradation rate.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é o dimensionamento de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado, sob cargas de curta e longa duração, baseado numa análise realística das deformações do mesmo. Apresenta-se três algoritmos numéricos para a obtencão das relações momento fletor-esforço normal-curvatura de uma seção arbitrária de concreto armado, sob flexo-compressão normal. Inclue-se as deformações específicas de fluência e retração do concreto na análise, através de uma alteração nas referidas relações. Apresenta-se alguns critérios de normas, relativos ao dimensionamento de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado e uma comparação dos mesmos, entre si e com o algoritmo numérico desenvolvido. Considerações da NB-1/78 relativas ao projeto de pilares são analisadas, verificando o nivel da precisão obtida. Um procedimento simplificado para a inclusão da fluência do concreto no dimensionamento, proposto pelo CEB, é testado e uma solução para pilares de concreto armado com engastamento elástico simétrico é apresentada, para verificar o nível: do erro cometido ao se estender o conceito de comprimento de flambagem a pilares de concreto armado. Uma série de exemplos experimentais são apresentados, onde a solução numérica para o dimensionamento tem sua precisão verificada. Diversas tabelas foram desenvolvidas para o dimensionamento de pilares esbeltos com secão transversal retangular e armadura simétrica. Todo o estudo é restrito ao caso de flexo-compressão normal.


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Neste trabalho apresentam-se pocedimentos para análise não linear de estruturas de materiais compostos laminados reforçados por fibras. A formulação é baseada em uma descrição cinemática incremental Lagrangeana Total, que permite o tratamento de deslocamentos arbitrariamente grandes com pequenas deformações, utilizando elementos finitos tridimensionais degenerados deduzidos para a análise de cascas. As estruturas são consideradas como submetidas a cargas mecânicas e a ações de temperatura e de umidade. O material é suposto elástico linear com propriedades dependentes, ou não, dos valores da temperatura e da concentração de umidade, ou viscoelástico linear com uma relação constitutiva em integral hereditária , e com comportamento higrotermo-reologicamente simples. As lâminas são consideradas como sujeitas a falhas, as quais são detectadas através de critérios macroscópicos, baseados em tensões ou em deformações. As equações não lineares de equilíbrio são resolvidas através de procedimentos iterativos e as deformações dependentes do tempo são avaliadas pelo método das variáveis de estado. Diversos exemplos numéricos de estruturas submetidas à flexão, flambagem elástica e viscoelástica e falhas são apresentados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A finite element modeling of an intelligent truss structure with piezoelectric stack actuators for the purpose of active damping and structural vibration attenuation is presented. This paper concerns with the following issues aspects: the design of intelligent truss structure considering electro-mechanical coupling between the host structure and piezoelectric stack actuators; the H 2 norm approach to search for optimal placement of actuators and sensors; and finally some aspects in robust control techniques. The electro-mechanical behavior of piezoelectric elements is directly related to the successful application of the actuators in truss structures. In order to achieve the desired damping in the interested bandwidth frequency it is used the H ∞ output feedback solved by convex optimization. The constraints to be reached are written by linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The paper concludes with a numerical example, using Matlab and Simulink, in a cantilevered, 2-bay space truss structure. The results demonstrated the approach applicability.