972 resultados para BLOOD-VOLUME EXPANSION
The suppression of erythropoiesis by Hydroxyurea (HU) therapy is associated with increase in mean corpuscular volume, in addition to the increase in Hb F. Monitoring the mean corpuscular volume values and the presence of macrocytosis are effective tools of adherence to the treatment with HU in patients with sickle cell anemia. The aim of this study is to monitor the mean corpuscular volume values after starting treatment with HU to determine if macrocytosis can be used as a surrogate marker of compliance with therapy. We conducted a prospective cohort study over one year with measurements of blood counts and mean corpuscular volume after starting therapy with HU in 95 patients with sickle cell anemia who were regularly followed in our ambulatory outpatient unit. In one-year of successful use of HU the mean value of the mean corpuscular volume increased significantly. The Andersen and Gill model demonstrated that the increase of one unit of MCV implies a 5% reduction in the risk of visiting the emergency room. Monitoring mean corpuscular volume values after prescribing HU alerts the provider of noncompliance in order to counsel the patient in question for better adherence to the use of HU that could improve the quality of care and to reduce morbidity and the frequency of acute pain crises and associated healthcare costs.
The Cell-dyn 3500 is a multiparameter flow cytometer, which may analyze samples from several species performing several simultaneous analyses. It is able to perform white blood cells, red blood cells and platelet counts, besides differential leukocyte counts, packed cell volume and hemoglobin determination. Cell-Dyn 3500 performs total leukocyte count both optically and by impedance. The equipment may choose one or other method, based on the reliability of the results. Erythrocyte and platelet counts are determined by impedance. Leukocyte differentiation is based on an optical principle, using separation in multiangular polarized light. The objective of this study was to compare the results of complete blood count of Zebu Nellore heifers from Cell-dyn 3500, with those obtained from a semi-automated cell counter (Celm CC 510) and the manual technique. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein in 5 mL EDTA vacuum tubes from 58 Nellore heifers, at 24 months of age. Samples were processed in parallel in the three different techniques. Results were analyzed using paired t test, Pearson's correlation and the Bland-Altmann method. There was a strong correlation for all parameters analyzed by Cell-Dyn 3500, manual method and semi-automated cell counter, except for basophils and monocytes counts. These results confirm that this analyzer is reliable for blood samples analysis of zebu cattle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Changes in lipid profile are considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), especially in postmenopausal woman who have been associated with age-related loss of muscle mass. The beneficial role of aerobic exercise in the prevention of CVD has been well documented. However, the effect of strength training has not been established. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes of lipoprotein levels after 12 weeks of different volumes of strength training and its correlation with strength and muscle volume in postmenopausal women. The participants were randomized into three groups: low volume (LVST; n = 12, 1 set) and high volume of strength training (HVST; n = 11, 3 sets), or control group (n = 12). Training groups performed 12 weeks of supervised strength exercises, 15 maximum repetitions, five times a week, 20 minutes for LVST and 40 minutes for HVST for each training session. Measurements included body composition, strength and muscle volume, as well as blood analysis (glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein) pre- and post-training. The HVST and LVST improved the one-repetition maximum knee extension strength (p < 0.001), maximal dynamic strength (p < 0.001), and muscle volume (p = 0.048). Post-training triglyceride was lower in HVST when compared to LVST and the control group (p = 0.047). Even though they present the same neuromuscular and morphological adaptations in postmenopausal women, the HVST is more effective than LVST in improving the lipid profile of postmenopausal woman, and can be considered as an ideal program of intervention to reverse changes in lipid metabolism commonly found in this group. Copyright (C) 2014, The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness. Published by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.
Procedures for the surgical correction of dentofacial deformities may produce important complications, whether due to the potential for vascular injury or to prolonged surgery, both of which may lead to severe blood loss. Fluid replacement with crystalloid, colloid, or even blood products may be required. The aim of this study was to assess blood loss and transfusion requirements in 45 patients (18 males and 27 females; mean age 29.29 years, range 16-52 years) undergoing orthognathic surgery, assigned to one of two groups according to procedure type-rapid maxillary expansion or double-jaw orthognathic surgery. Preoperative hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and intraoperative blood loss were measured. There was a substantial individual variation in pre- and postoperative hemoglobin values (10.3-17 and 8.8-15.4 g/dL, respectively; p < 0.05). Mean hematocrit values were 41.53 % preoperatively (range 31.3-50.0 %) and 36.56 % postoperatively (range 25-43.8 %) (p < 0.05). Mean blood loss was 274.60 mL (range 45-855 mL). Only two patients required blood transfusion. Although blood loss and transfusion requirements were minimal in the present study, surgical teams should monitor the duration of surgery and follow meticulous protocols to minimize the risks.
The anisocytosis is a hematologic finding that is routinely evaluated from the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and erythrocyte morphology in assessment of blood smears. The present study tested the hypothesis that the coefficient of variation of the red cell distribution width (RDW-CV - Red Cell Distribution Width) is a more sensitive parameter in the evaluation of hematologic anisocytosis, considering different levels of anemia in dogs and reticulocytosis. Blood counts of 102 anemic dogs and 353 control dogs made by automated hematology counter. The anemic animals were grouped according to the degree of anemia (mild, moderate and severe) and also as medullary response by manual reticulocyte count (none, weak, moderate and strong). The RDW-CV was different to the animal groups with moderate and severe anemia, which were higher, compared to the control group and mild anemia. The highest average value of RDW-CV (14.45%) occurred in patients with severe anemia. In the control group had higher MCV value that anemic animals , this may be due to a mixed population of erythrocytes in that group of animals. However, there wasn’t difference in MCV between different degrees of anemia and reticulocytosis. Therefore, the RDW is a more sensitive indicator anisocytosis than VCM and its value is directly proportional to the degree of anemia and reticulocytosis; when combined, the sensitivity for detection of anisocytosis in anemic dogs is greater. The use of reference values established by the clinical laboratory itself is mighty important.
Monocytes have been categorized in three main subpopulations based on CD14 and CD16 surface expression. Classical monocytes express the CD14(++)CD16(-) CCR2(+) phenotype and migrate to inflammatory sites by quickly responding to CCL2 signaling. Here, we identified and characterized the expansion of a novel monocyte subset during HIV and SIV infection, which were undistinguishable from classical monocytes, based on CD14 and CD16 expression, but expressed significantly lower surface CCR2. Transcriptome analysis of sorted cells demonstrated that the CCR2(low/neg) cells are a distinct subpopulation and express lower levels of inflammatory cytokines and activation markers than their CCR2(high) counterparts. They exhibited impaired phagocytosis and greatly diminished chemotaxis in response to CCL2 and CCL7. In addition, these monocytes are refractory to SIV infection and suppress CD8(+) T cell proliferation in vitro. These cells express higher levels of STAT3 and NOS2, suggesting a phenotype similar to monocytic myeloid-derived cells, which suppress expansion of CD8(+) T cells in vivo. They may reflect an antiproliferative response against the extreme immune activation observed during HIV and SIV infections. In addition, they may suppress antiviral responses and thus, have a role in AIDS pathogenesis. Antiretroviral therapy in infected macaque and human subjects caused this population to decline, suggesting that this atypical phenotype is linked to viral replication. J. Leukoc. Biol. 91: 803-816; 2012.
BACKGROUND: Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) is used for airway clearance in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Hypertonic saline (HTS) aerosol increases sputum expectoration volume and may improve respiratory secretion properties. CPAP may also be used to maintain airway patency and mobilize secretions. To evaluate if CPAP would increase the beneficial clearance effect of HTS in subjects with CF, we investigated the effects of CPAP alone and CPAP followed by HTS on sputum physical properties and expectoration volume in CF subjects. METHODS: In this crossover study, 15 CF subjects (mean age 19 y old) were randomized to interventions, 48 hours apart: directed coughs (control), CPAP at 10 cm H2O, HTS 7%, and both CPAP and HTS (CPAP+HTS). Sputum collection was performed at baseline and after interventions. Expectorated volume was determined and in vitro sputum properties were analyzed for contact angle and cough clearability. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between any treatment in arterial blood pressure, heart rate, or pulse oximetry, between the 2 time points. HTS and CPAP+HTS improved cough clearability by 50% (P = .001) and expectorated volume secretion by 530% (P = .001). However, there were no differences between control and CPAP on sputum contact angle, cough clearability, or volume of expectorated secretion. CONCLUSIONS: CPAP alone had no effect on mucus clearance, sputum properties, or expectorated volume, and did not potentiate the effect of HTS alone in CF subjects.
Background: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical, haematological and biochemical responses to autologous blood transfusion and the feasibility of this practice in sheep. Thus, we used eight male, 8 months old sheep, weighing on average 30 kg, from which 15 mL/kg of whole blood was collected and stored in CPDA-1 bags. Blood samples were refrigerated for 8 days and subsequently re-infused. The clinical, haematological and biochemical parameters were evaluated before blood collection and reinfusion, after 10 minutes of collection and reinfusion, after 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 192 hours after collection and reinfusion. Results: With respect to clinical parameters, we observed a decrease in heart rate after 24, 48 and 196 hours from reinfusion compared to basal values (p <0.05). Haematological variables including globular volume and erythrocyte counts showed a significant decrease (p <0.01) at all time points after collection and increased (p <0.01) at all time points after reinfusion. There was a significant increase in total protein and calcium at all time points after reinfusion (p <0.05). Conclusion: Autologous transfusion in sheep slightly altered the physiological, biochemical and haematological responses of sheep, indicating that the technique proposed is safe and can be applied in the clinical practice of this species. The 8 d period was not sufficient for complete recovery of the haematological parameters after blood collection.
The present study sought to assess nasal respiratory function in adult patients with maxillary constriction who underwent surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) and to determine correlations between orthodontic measurements and changes in nasal area, volume, resistance, and airflow. Twenty-seven patients were assessed by acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, orthodontic measurements, and use of a visual analogue scale at three time points: before surgery; after activation of a preoperatively applied palatal expander; and 4 months post-SARME. Results showed a statistically significant increase (p < 0.001) in all orthodontic measurements. The overall area of the nasal cavity increased after surgery (p < 0.036). The mean volume increased between assessments, but not significantly. Expiratory and inspiratory flow increased over time (p < 0.001). Airway resistance decreased between assessments (p < 0.004). Subjective analysis of the feeling of breathing exclusively through the nose increased significantly from one point in time to the next (p < 0.05). There was a statistical correlation between increased arch perimeter and decreased airway resistance. Respiratory flow was the only variable to behave differently between sides. The authors conclude that the SARME procedure produces major changes in the oral and nasal cavity; when combined, these changes improve patients' quality of breathing.
Objective: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a reliable method of assessing the oral cavity and upper airways. We conducted this study to examine the changes introduced by rapid maxillary expansion in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, and oropharynx as seen with images obtained by CBCT. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 15 patients with maxillary width deficiency treated with RME. Patients were subjected to CBCT at the beginning of RME and after the retention period of 4 months. Results: The nasal cavity presented a significant transverse increase in the lower third, in the anterior (1.08 mm +/- 0.15), medium (1.28 mm +/- 0.15), and posterior regions (0.77 mm +/- 0.12). No significant change occurred in the nasopharynx in volume (P = .11), median sagittal area (P = .33), or lower axial area (P = .29) resulting from the RME. A significant change was noted in the oropharynx in volume (P = .05), median sagittal area (P = .01), and lower axial area (P = .04) before and immediately after the RME. Conclusions: RME is able to increase the transverse width of the nasal cavity, but it does not have the same effect in the nasopharynx. Changes noted in the oropharynx may be due to the lack of a standardized position of the head and tongue at the time of image acquisition. (Angle Orthod. 2012;82:458-463.)
Abstract Introduction We conducted the present study to investigate whether early large-volume crystalloid infusion can restore gut mucosal blood flow and mesenteric oxygen metabolism in severe sepsis. Methods Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated male mongrel dogs were challenged with intravenous injection of live Escherichia coli (6 × 109 colony-forming units/ml per kg over 15 min). After 90 min they were randomly assigned to one of two groups – control (no fluids; n = 13) or lactated Ringer's solution (32 ml/kg per hour; n = 14) – and followed for 60 min. Cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, mean arterial pressure, systemic and mesenteric oxygen-derived variables, blood lactate and gastric carbon dioxide tension (PCO2; by gas tonometry) were assessed throughout the study. Results E. coli infusion significantly decreased arterial pressure, cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, and systemic and mesenteric oxygen delivery, and increased arterial and portal lactate, intramucosal PCO2, PCO2 gap (the difference between gastric mucosal and arterial PCO2), and systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction ratio in both groups. The Ringer's solution group had significantly higher cardiac index and systemic oxygen delivery, and lower oxygen extraction ratio and PCO2 gap at 165 min as compared with control animals. However, infusion of lactated Ringer's solution was unable to restore the PCO2 gap. There were no significant differences between groups in mesenteric oxygen delivery, oxygen extraction ratio, or portal lactate at the end of study. Conclusion Significant disturbances occur in the systemic and mesenteric beds during bacteremic severe sepsis. Although large-volume infusion of lactated Ringer's solution restored systemic hemodynamic parameters, it was unable to correct gut mucosal PCO2 gap.
Abstract Introduction We conducted the present study to examine the effects of hypertonic saline solution (7.5%) on cardiovascular function and splanchnic perfusion in experimental sepsis. Methods Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of live Escherichia coli over 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, they were randomized to receive lactated Ringer's solution 32 ml/kg (LR; n = 7) over 30 minutes or 7.5% hypertonic saline solution 4 ml/kg (HS; n = 8) over 5 minutes. They were observed without additional interventions for 120 minutes. Cardiac output (CO), mean arterial pressure (MAP), portal and renal blood flow (PBF and RBF, respectively), gastric partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2; gas tonometry), blood gases and lactate levels were assessed. Results E. coli infusion promoted significant reductions in CO, MAP, PBF and RBF (approximately 45%, 12%, 45% and 25%, respectively) accompanied by an increase in lactate levels and systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction (sO2ER and mO2ER). Widening of venous-arterial (approximately 15 mmHg), portal-arterial (approximately 18 mmHg) and gastric mucosal-arterial (approximately 55 mmHg) pCO2 gradients were also observed. LR and HS infusion transiently improved systemic and regional blood flow. However, HS infusion was associated with a significant and sustained reduction of systemic (18 ± 2.6 versus 38 ± 5.9%) and mesenteric oxygen extraction (18.5 ± 1.9 versus 36.5 ± 5.4%), without worsening other perfusional markers. Conclusion A large volume of LR or a small volume of HS promoted similar transient hemodynamic benefits in this sepsis model. However, a single bolus of HS did promote sustained reduction of systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction, suggesting that hypertonic saline solution could be used as a salutary intervention during fluid resuscitation in septic patients.
Abstract: Background: The alkaline version of the single-cell gel (comet) assay is a useful method for quantifying DNA damage. Although some studies on chronic and acute effects of exercise on DNA damage measured by the comet assay have been performed, it is unknown if an aerobic training protocol with intensity, volume, and load clearly defined will improve performance without leading to peripheral blood cell DNA damage. In addition, the effects of overtraining on DNA damage are unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of aerobic training and overtraining on DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells in Swiss mice. To examine possible changes in these parameters with oxidative stress, we measured reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in total blood, and GSH levels and lipid peroxidation in muscle samples. Results: Performance evaluations (i.e., incremental load and exhaustive tests) showed significant intra and inter-group differences. The overtrained (OTR) group showed a significant increase in the percentage of DNA in the tail compared with the control (C) and trained (TR) groups. GSH levels were significantly lower in the OTR group than in the C and TR groups. The OTR group had significantly higher lipid peroxidation levels compared with the C and TR groups. Conclusions Aerobic and anaerobic performance parameters can be improved in training at maximal lactate steady state during 8 weeks without leading to DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells or to oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells. However, overtraining induced by downhill running training sessions is associated with DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells, and with oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells and total blood.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is used in several applications, including the reduction of inflammatory processes. It might be used to prevent the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), which some patients develop after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery. The objectives of this study were to investigate light distribution inside blood, in order to implement the LLLT during CPB, and, through this study, to determine the best wavelength and the best way to perform the treatment. The blood, diluted to the same conditions of CPB procedure was contained inside a cuvette and an optical fiber was used to collect the scattered light. Two wavelengths were used: 632.8 nm and 820 nm. Light distribution in blood inside CPB tubes was also evaluated. Compared to the 820 nm light, the 632.8 nm light is scattered further away from the laser beam, turning it possible that a bigger volume of blood be treated. The blood should be illuminated through the smallest diameter CPB tube, using at least four distinct points around it, in only one cross section, because the blood is kept passing through the tube all the time and the whole volume will be illuminated.