1000 resultados para Artefatos dos media


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Tavoitteena on tutkia mitä mahdollisuuksia Internet tarjoaa business-to-business markkinointiviestintään. Tämä tutkimus on tyypiltään deskriptiivinen case-tutkimus, jossa casen avulla saadaan käytännön esimerkki siitä miten eräs yritys on käytännössä hyödyntänyt Internetiä markkinointiviestinnässään. Case toteutettiin puhelin-, sähköposti- ja henkilökohtaisilla haastatteluilla. Internet tarjoaa markkinointiviestinnälle sekä haasteen että mahdollisuuden. Se tarjoaa markkinoijalle käyttöön sekä uudentyyppisen median että mahdollisuuden suoriin markkinakontakteihin. Internet-markkinointi pohjautuu perinteisiin markkinoinnin konsepteihin, erottuen yhden tärkeän ominaisuuden, interaktiivisuuden, perusteella. Koska näin yritys pääsee suoraan kommunikoimaan asiakkaidensa kanssa, se saa jatkuvasti tietoja, joiden avulla yritys voi paremmin suunnitella markkinointistrategiaansa ja kohdentaa markkinointiviestintäänsä tarkasti asiakkaiden tarpeiden mukaan.


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The application of contrast media in post-mortem radiology differs from clinical approaches in living patients. Post-mortem changes in the vascular system and the absence of blood flow lead to specific problems that have to be considered for the performance of post-mortem angiography. In addition, interpreting the images is challenging due to technique-related and post-mortem artefacts that have to be known and that are specific for each applied technique. Although the idea of injecting contrast media is old, classic methods are not simply transferable to modern radiological techniques in forensic medicine, as they are mostly dedicated to single-organ studies or applicable only shortly after death. With the introduction of modern imaging techniques, such as post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) and post-mortem magnetic resonance (PMMR), to forensic death investigations, intensive research started to explore their advantages and limitations compared to conventional autopsy. PMCT has already become a routine investigation in several centres, and different techniques have been developed to better visualise the vascular system and organ parenchyma in PMCT. In contrast, the use of PMMR is still limited due to practical issues, and research is now starting in the field of PMMR angiography. This article gives an overview of the problems in post-mortem contrast media application, the various classic and modern techniques, and the issues to consider by using different media.


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This paper explores the construction of female abject beings in Colombian contemporary media and culture comparing a character in the 2010 telenovela Chepe Fortuna named Venezuela, and the cultural representation of Piedad Córdoba. I argue that the construction of these two characters as abject beings is coherent with the dominant discourse of Alvaro Uribe's national project, which relied on a strong nationalist rhetoric based on binary oppositions of the type "we/other." In this context both Chepe Fortuna's Venezuela and Piedad Córdoba are constructed as "other." While Venezuela's abjection is partly effected on the basis of her being fat and black, Córdoba's is on the basis of her being a left-wing politician, and mediated through her being a black female. These two instances evidence an approach to femaleness that goes hand-in-hand with particular understandings of female subjectivity within current post-feminist paradigms.


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A mamografia, na atualidade, é o método mais efetivo de diagnóstico precoce do câncer de mama. Um exame com alto padrão de qualidade pode visualizar, em 85% a 90% dos casos, um tumor com mais de dois anos de antecedência de ocorrer acometimento ganglionar, em mulheres com mais de 50 anos de idade. A diferença radiográfica entre o tecido normal e o doente é extremamente tênue, logo, a alta qualidade do exame é indispensável para alcançar resolução de alto contraste que permita essa diferenciação. Para alcançar alto padrão é imperativo que o exame mamográfico siga protocolos rígidos e pré-estabelecidos. Os artefatos são defeitos no processamento do filme que comprometem o resultado final da imagem, podendo resultar em informações perdidas ou mascaradas. Há numerosos tipos de artefatos derivados de diversas fontes na aquisição da imagem, como o processador, o desempenho do técnico de radiologia, o mamógrafo ou o paciente, todos resultando na degradação da imagem obtida. O presente artigo tem o objetivo de revisar métodos eficazes no controle de qualidade do exame mamográfico e analisar os artefatos mais importantes na prática diária, com ilustrações e dicas de como evitá-los.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a freqüência global de artefatos na seqüência "gradient and spin echo" (GRASE), por tipo e grau do artefato, em exames de ressonância magnética de abdome; realizar comparação entre as seqüências GRASE e duas seqüências TSE previamente selecionadas como aquelas com melhor relação sinal-ruído e menor incidência de artefatos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, autopareado, em 86 pacientes submetidos a ressonância magnética de abdome superior, sendo adquiridas a seqüência GRASE com sincronizador respiratório e supressão de gordura e seis seqüências TSE ponderadas em T2. Dentre as seis seqüências TSE, foram previamente selecionadas aquelas com melhor relação sinal-ruído e menor número de artefatos, que foram as realizadas com supressão de gordura e com sincronizador respiratório, sendo uma com bobina de corpo (seqüência 1) e outra com bobina de sinergia (seqüência 2). A análise das imagens foi realizada por dois observadores em consenso, quanto a presença, grau e tipo de artefato. Posteriormente os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, através do teste de Friedman e do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: A freqüência absoluta de artefatos nas seqüências utilizadas foi de 65,02%. Os artefatos mais encontrados nas três seqüências estudadas foram os de respiração (30%) e de pulsação (33%). Apenas 3% dos casos apresentaram algum tipo de artefato que dificultava a análise das imagens. As freqüências de artefatos nas diversas seqüências foram: GRASE, 67,2%; seqüência TSE 1, 62,2%; seqüência TSE 2, 65,5%. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na freqüência de artefatos encontrados nas seqüências GRASE e nas seqüências TSE (p = 0,845; NS). CONCLUSÃO: As seqüências GRASE e TSE ponderadas em T2 com sincronizador respiratório e com supressão de gordura, independentemente da bobina utilizada, apresentam freqüentemente artefatos, porém com incidência semelhante e geralmente sem interferência na avaliação das imagens.


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Boiling two-phase flow and the equations governing the motion of fluid in two-phase flows are discussed in this thesis. Disposition of the governing equations in three-dimensional complex geometries is considered from the perspective of the porous medium concept. The equations governing motion in two-phase flows were formulated, discretized and implemented in a subroutine for pressure-velocity solution utilizing the SIMPLE algorithm modified for two-phase flow. The subroutine was included in PORFLO, which is a three-dimensional 5-equation porous media model developed at VTT by Jaakko Miettinen. The development of two-phase flow and the resulting void fraction distribution was predicted in a geometry resembling a section of BWR fuel bundle in a couple of test cases using PORFLO.


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Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) induce vascular dysfunction in humans and mice. In mice, ART-induced vascular dysfunction is related to epigenetic alteration of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene, resulting in decreased vascular eNOS expression and nitrite/nitrate synthesis. Melatonin is involved in epigenetic regulation, and its administration to sterile women improves the success rate of ART. We hypothesized that addition of melatonin to culture media may prevent ART-induced epigenetic and cardiovascular alterations in mice. We, therefore, assessed mesenteric-artery responses to acetylcholine and arterial blood pressure, together with DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter in vascular tissue and nitric oxide plasma concentration in 12-wk-old ART mice generated with and without addition of melatonin to culture media and in control mice. As expected, acetylcholine-induced mesenteric-artery dilation was impaired (P = 0.008 vs. control) and mean arterial blood pressure increased (109.5 ± 3.8 vs. 104.0 ± 4.7 mmHg, P = 0.002, ART vs. control) in ART compared with control mice. These alterations were associated with altered DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter (P < 0.001 vs. control) and decreased plasma nitric oxide concentration (10.1 ± 11.1 vs. 29.5 ± 8.0 μM) (P < 0.001 ART vs. control). Addition of melatonin (10(-6) M) to culture media prevented eNOS dysmethylation (P = 0.005, vs. ART + vehicle), normalized nitric oxide plasma concentration (23.1 ± 14.6 μM, P = 0.002 vs. ART + vehicle) and mesentery-artery responsiveness to acetylcholine (P < 0.008 vs. ART + vehicle), and prevented arterial hypertension (104.6 ± 3.4 mmHg, P < 0.003 vs. ART + vehicle). These findings provide proof of principle that modification of culture media prevents ART-induced vascular dysfunction. We speculate that this approach will also allow preventing ART-induced premature atherosclerosis in humans.


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Abstract: A bouble-faced medium? The challenges and opportunities of the Internet for social movements


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Objective To compare automatic and manual measurements of intima-media complex (IMC) in common carotid, common femoral and right subclavian arteries of HIV-infected patients in relation to a control group, taking into consideration the classical risk factors for atherosclerosis. Materials and Methods The study sample comprised 70 HIV-infected patients and 70 non-HIV-infected controls paired according sex and age. Automatic (gold standard) and manual measurements of IMC were performed in the carotid arteries. Manual measurements were also performed in common femoral and right subclavian arteries. Bland-Altman graphs were utilized in the comparison and the adopted level significance was 5%. Results Intima-media complex alterations were not observed in any of the individuals as the mean automatic measurement in the right common carotid (RCC) artery was considered as the gold standard. As the gold standard was compared with the manual measurements (mean, maximum and minimum), no clinically significant alteration was observed. As the gold standard was compared with other sites, the difference was statistically and clinically significant at the origin of right subclavian artery (RCC: 0.51 mm vs. 0.91 mm) (p < 0.001). Conclusion HIV-infected individuals are not at higher risk for atherosclerosis than the control population.


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The emergence of social media has led many companies to adopt them as marketing channels. Yet these media are novel enough that many marketers are still unsure as to how to plan an effective social media marketing strategy, actually oriented towards engaging prospects. In this article, we discuss how to shape a social media strategy. To do so, we show the key concepts and steps involved in the planning process of this type of digital marketing strategy, and how to measure their impact immediately.