910 resultados para Art in literature.


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Many weeds occur in patches but farmers frequently spray whole fields to control the weeds in these patches. Given a geo-referenced weed map, technology exists to confine spraying to these patches. Adoption of patch spraying by arable farmers has, however, been negligible partly due to the difficulty of constructing weed maps. Building on previous DEFRA and HGCA projects, this proposal aims to develop and evaluate a machine vision system to automate the weed mapping process. The project thereby addresses the principal technical stumbling block to widespread adoption of site specific weed management (SSWM). The accuracy of weed identification by machine vision based on a single field survey may be inadequate to create herbicide application maps. We therefore propose to test the hypothesis that sufficiently accurate weed maps can be constructed by integrating information from geo-referenced images captured automatically at different times of the year during normal field activities. Accuracy of identification will also be increased by utilising a priori knowledge of weeds present in fields. To prove this concept, images will be captured from arable fields on two farms and processed offline to identify and map the weeds, focussing especially on black-grass, wild oats, barren brome, couch grass and cleavers. As advocated by Lutman et al. (2002), the approach uncouples the weed mapping and treatment processes and builds on the observation that patches of these weeds are quite stable in arable fields. There are three main aspects to the project. 1) Machine vision hardware. Hardware component parts of the system are one or more cameras connected to a single board computer (Concurrent Solutions LLC) and interfaced with an accurate Global Positioning System (GPS) supplied by Patchwork Technology. The camera(s) will take separate measurements for each of the three primary colours of visible light (red, green and blue) in each pixel. The basic proof of concept can be achieved in principle using a single camera system, but in practice systems with more than one camera may need to be installed so that larger fractions of each field can be photographed. Hardware will be reviewed regularly during the project in response to feedback from other work packages and updated as required. 2) Image capture and weed identification software. The machine vision system will be attached to toolbars of farm machinery so that images can be collected during different field operations. Images will be captured at different ground speeds, in different directions and at different crop growth stages as well as in different crop backgrounds. Having captured geo-referenced images in the field, image analysis software will be developed to identify weed species by Murray State and Reading Universities with advice from The Arable Group. A wide range of pattern recognition and in particular Bayesian Networks will be used to advance the state of the art in machine vision-based weed identification and mapping. Weed identification algorithms used by others are inadequate for this project as we intend to collect and correlate images collected at different growth stages. Plants grown for this purpose by Herbiseed will be used in the first instance. In addition, our image capture and analysis system will include plant characteristics such as leaf shape, size, vein structure, colour and textural pattern, some of which are not detectable by other machine vision systems or are omitted by their algorithms. Using such a list of features observable using our machine vision system, we will determine those that can be used to distinguish weed species of interest. 3) Weed mapping. Geo-referenced maps of weeds in arable fields (Reading University and Syngenta) will be produced with advice from The Arable Group and Patchwork Technology. Natural infestations will be mapped in the fields but we will also introduce specimen plants in pots to facilitate more rigorous system evaluation and testing. Manual weed maps of the same fields will be generated by Reading University, Syngenta and Peter Lutman so that the accuracy of automated mapping can be assessed. The principal hypothesis and concept to be tested is that by combining maps from several surveys, a weed map with acceptable accuracy for endusers can be produced. If the concept is proved and can be commercialised, systems could be retrofitted at low cost onto existing farm machinery. The outputs of the weed mapping software would then link with the precision farming options already built into many commercial sprayers, allowing their use for targeted, site-specific herbicide applications. Immediate economic benefits would, therefore, arise directly from reducing herbicide costs. SSWM will also reduce the overall pesticide load on the crop and so may reduce pesticide residues in food and drinking water, and reduce adverse impacts of pesticides on non-target species and beneficials. Farmers may even choose to leave unsprayed some non-injurious, environmentally-beneficial, low density weed infestations. These benefits fit very well with the anticipated legislation emerging in the new EU Thematic Strategy for Pesticides which will encourage more targeted use of pesticides and greater uptake of Integrated Crop (Pest) Management approaches, and also with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive to reduce levels of pesticides in water bodies. The greater precision of weed management offered by SSWM is therefore a key element in preparing arable farming systems for the future, where policy makers and consumers want to minimise pesticide use and the carbon footprint of farming while maintaining food production and security. The mapping technology could also be used on organic farms to identify areas of fields needing mechanical weed control thereby reducing both carbon footprints and also damage to crops by, for example, spring tines. Objective i. To develop a prototype machine vision system for automated image capture during agricultural field operations; ii. To prove the concept that images captured by the machine vision system over a series of field operations can be processed to identify and geo-reference specific weeds in the field; iii. To generate weed maps from the geo-referenced, weed plants/patches identified in objective (ii).


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Aidos, an abstraction whose meaning ranges from shame to modesty, is personified in literature (Hani 1980) but not art (Cairns 1996). Homer contrasts aidos, personal shame, with Nemesis, public indignation (Scott 1980).


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In this paper we discuss the current state-of-the-art in estimating, evaluating, and selecting among non-linear forecasting models for economic and financial time series. We review theoretical and empirical issues, including predictive density, interval and point evaluation and model selection, loss functions, data-mining, and aggregation. In addition, we argue that although the evidence in favor of constructing forecasts using non-linear models is rather sparse, there is reason to be optimistic. However, much remains to be done. Finally, we outline a variety of topics for future research, and discuss a number of areas which have received considerable attention in the recent literature, but where many questions remain.


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The current state of the art in the planning and coordination of autonomous vehicles is based upon the presence of speed lanes. In a traffic scenario where there is a large diversity between vehicles the removal of speed lanes can generate a significantly higher traffic bandwidth. Vehicle navigation in such unorganized traffic is considered. An evolutionary based trajectory planning technique has the advantages of making driving efficient and safe, however it also has to surpass the hurdle of computational cost. In this paper, we propose a real time genetic algorithm with Bezier curves for trajectory planning. The main contribution is the integration of vehicle following and overtaking behaviour for general traffic as heuristics for the coordination between vehicles. The resultant coordination strategy is fast and near-optimal. As the vehicles move, uncertainties may arise which are constantly adapted to, and may even lead to either the cancellation of an overtaking procedure or the initiation of one. Higher level planning is performed by Dijkstra's algorithm which indicates the route to be followed by the vehicle in a road network. Re-planning is carried out when a road blockage or obstacle is detected. Experimental results confirm the success of the algorithm subject to optimal high and low-level planning, re-planning and overtaking.


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Ruminant production is a vital part of food industry but it raises environmental concerns, partly due to the associated methane outputs. Efficient methane mitigation and estimation of emissions from ruminants requires accurate prediction tools. Equations recommended by international organizations or scientific studies have been developed with animals fed conserved forages and concentrates and may be used with caution for grazing cattle. The aim of the current study was to develop prediction equations with animals fed fresh grass in order to be more suitable to pasture-based systems and for animals at lower feeding levels. A study with 25 nonpregnant nonlactating cows fed solely fresh-cut grass at maintenance energy level was performed over two consecutive grazing seasons. Grass of broad feeding quality, due to contrasting harvest dates, maturity, fertilisation and grass varieties, from eight swards was offered. Cows were offered the experimental diets for at least 2 weeks before housed in calorimetric chambers over 3 consecutive days with feed intake measurements and total urine and faeces collections performed daily. Methane emissions were measured over the last 2 days. Prediction models were developed from 100 3-day averaged records. Internal validation of these equations, and those recommended in literature, was performed. The existing in greenhouse gas inventories models under-estimated methane emissions from animals fed fresh-cut grass at maintenance while the new models, using the same predictors, improved prediction accuracy. Error in methane outputs prediction was decreased when grass nutrient, metabolisable energy and digestible organic matter concentrations were added as predictors to equations already containing dry matter or energy intakes, possibly because they explain feed digestibility and the type of energy-supplying nutrients more efficiently. Predictions based on readily available farm-level data, such as liveweight and grass nutrient concentrations were also generated and performed satisfactorily. New models may be recommended for predictions of methane emissions from grazing cattle at maintenance or low feeding levels.


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This paper discusses the work of Claude Parent and The Serving Library, considering the critiques generated by their intersecting of architecture, art and editorial design. Through focus on the ways in which hosting environment, architecture and forms of expanded publishing can serve to dissolve disciplinary boundaries and activities of production, spectatorship and reception, it draws on the lineage of 1960s/70s Conceptual Art in considering these practices as a means through which to escape medium specificity and spatial confinement. Relationships between actual and virtual space are then read against this broadening of aesthetic ideas and the theory of critical modernity.


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The radiation food processing has been demonstrating great effectiveness in the attack of pathogenic agents, while little compromising nutritional value and sensorial properties of foods. The mate (Ilex paraguariensis), widely consumed product in South America, generally in the form of infusions with hot or cold water, calls of chimarrao or terere, it is cited in literature as one of the best sources phenolic compounds. The antioxidants action of these constituent has been related to the protection of the organism against the free radicals, generated in alive, currently responsible for the sprouting of some degenerative illness as cancer, arteriosclerosis, rheumatic arthritis and cardiovascular clutters among others. The objective of that work was to evaluate the action of the processing for gamma radiation in phenolic compounds of terere beverage in the doses of 0, 3, 5, 7 and 10 kGy. The observed results do not demonstrate significant alterations in phenolic compounds of terere beverage processed by gamma radiation. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is a gap in terms of the supposed survival differences recorded in the field according to individual condition. This is partly due to our inability to assess survival in the wild. Here we applied modern statistical techniques to field-gathered data in two damselfly species whose males practice alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) and whose indicators of condition in both sexes are known. In Paraphlebia zoe, there are two ART: a larger black-winged (BW) male which defends mating territories and a smaller hyaline-winged (HW) male that usually acts as a satellite. In this species, condition in both morphs is correlated with body size. In Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis, males follow tactics according to their condition with males in better condition practicing a territorial ART. In addition, in this species, condition correlates positively with wing pigmentation in both sexes. Our prediction for both species was that males practicing the territorial tactic will survive less longer than males using a nonterritorial tactic, and larger or more pigmented animals will survive for longer. In P. zoe, BW males survived less than females but did not differ from HW males, and not necessarily larger individuals survived for longer. In fact, size affected survival but only when group identity was analysed, showing a positive relationship in females and a slightly negative relationship in both male morphs. For C. haemorrhoidalis, survival was larger for more pigmented males and females, but size was not a good survival predictor. Our results partially confirm assumptions based on the maintenance of ARTs. Our results also indicate that female pigmentation, correlates with a fitness component - survival - as proposed by recent sexual selection ideas applied to females.


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Since the early days, clays have been used for therapeutic purposes. Nowadays, they are used as active ingredients or as excipient in formulations for a variety of purposes. Despite their wide use, little information is available in literature on their content of trace elements and radionuclides. The purpose of this study was to determine the elements (As, Ba, Br, Cs, Co, Cr, Eu, Fe, Hf, Hg, La, Lu, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sm, Ta, Tb, Yb, Zn, and Zr) and the radionuclides ((238)U, (232)Th, (226)Ra, (228)Ra, (210)Pb and (40)K) in Brazilian clays as well as the health and radiological implications of the use of these clays in pharmaceutical formulations. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll är en standardiserad och väl etablerad modell för att hantera åtkomsträttigheter i informationssystem. Den vedertagna ANSI-standarden 359-2004 saknar dock stöd för att geografiskt avgränsa rollbehörigheter. Informationssystem som behandlar geografiska data och de senaste årens ökade spridning av mobila enheter påkallar ett behov av att sådana rumsliga aspekter diskuteras inom kontexten av rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll. Arbetet syftar till att bringa klarhet i hur det befintliga kunskapstillståndet inom ämnesområdet rollbaserad åtkomst kontroll med geografisk avgränsning ser ut, och vilka aspekter hos detta som står i behov av vidare utveckling. Genom de teoretiska referensramar som skapats vid inledande litteraturstudier har en efterföljande systematisk litteraturgenomgång möjliggjorts, där vetenskapligt material selekterats genom fördefinierade urvalskriterier. Sammanställningen och analysen av den systematiska litteraturgenomgångens resultat har i samverkan med de teoretiska referensramarna lett fram till arbetets huvudsakliga kunskapsbidrag: en områdesöversikt där ämnets state-of-the-art presenteras och en strukturerad lista över angelägna forsknings- och utvecklingsbehov inom området.


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The demands of image processing related systems are robustness, high recognition rates, capability to handle incomplete digital information, and magnanimous flexibility in capturing shape of an object in an image. It is exactly here that, the role of convex hulls comes to play. The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we summarize the state of the art in computational convex hull development for researchers interested in using convex hull image processing to build their intuition, or generate nontrivial models. Secondly, we present several applications involving convex hulls in image processing related tasks. By this, we have striven to show researchers the rich and varied set of applications they can contribute to. This paper also makes a humble effort to enthuse prospective researchers in this area. We hope that the resulting awareness will result in new advances for specific image recognition applications.