998 resultados para Ardupilot Arduino autopilota Flightgear controllo automatico volo opensource UAV pilotaggio remoto


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The presentation reflects on French and Italian case law that, in recent years, has dealt with free software from two different angles: public procurement and consumer protection against joint sales of hardware and software.


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This paper focuses on the use of FLOSS to promote vendor independence/avoid lock-in in the enterprise. It looks at how FLOSS projects follow open standards, how forking prevents lock-in if a project threatens to migrate to a closed-source strategy and how FLOSS lowers the barrier to entry for SMEs wishing to implement and support software. However it also looks at how the adoption of policies mandating open standards instead of FLOSS and how the success of cloud computing threatens to erode those benefits. It discusses ways in which cloud computing can be adopted in the enterprise without forfeiting those advantages and urge corporate and government policy makers to mandate FLOSS rather than be satisfied with open standards.


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Creating and using FLOSS in R+D projects raises several legal issues, which need to be managed as soon as possible - preferably during the project planning stage. Challenges in the areas of project structure and policy, licenses and licensing, exploitation strategies, community management, and FLOSS-friendliness in general all have their legal aspects, which are commented here. Some recommendations are made for assisting in the use of FLOSS in R+D projects, especially in multiple party consortiums.


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FOSS packages are becoming ever more present in R&D projects carried out a variety of entities, including large corporations. I will focus on how legal risks associated with the use of FOSS licenses can be assessed and discuss measures directed to risk mitigation.


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From a business standpoint, this paper describes the point of view on the question of warranties of a FOSS editor doing business in a risk-averse market segment. It is based on 15-years experience of AdaCore in the safety-critical embedded industry. However, it is not only the point of view of a provider, as it also aims at demonstrating that the interests of providers and users are aligned in this area. From a legal point of view, the enforceability of these warranties will be partly covered, as well as the articulation between the license and the warranties on one hand, and the articulation between the license and the other contracts that can be created in a business relationship on the other hand.


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Industry and large Agencies needs ¿agile¿ programming resources, to reinforce their own development staff and take advantage of innovative approaches produced by ¿fresh minds¿ all over the world. At the same time they may be reluctant to engage in classical software development call for tenders and contracts. Such contracts are often ¿trusted¿ by large ICT firms, which will deliver according to their own rigid frameworks (often based on alliances with proprietary software vendors), may propose comfortable quality assurances, but will cover their (real) risks and liability with high contingency costs and will charge for any change request in case the original specifications have not fixed all possible issues. Introducing FLOSS in business implies a new contracting philosophy, based on incentives rather than penalties and liability. Based on 2011 experience with a large Space Agency, Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz pictures the needed legal instruments for a novel approach.


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The enormous success of Linux in the consumer electronics industry has unfortunately led to a dramatic increase in license violations in devices. In this talk we will shortly look at the backgrounds of these violations, tooling to help uncover violations and what is needed to prevent future violations from happening.


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One of the major changes introduced in the GPLv3 and LGPLv3 is the clause preventing "tivoisation". Richard Stallman defines Tivoisation as "the practice of designing hardware so that a modified version cannot function properly". In this presentation we will go through the reasons of why the information installation requirement was introduced, how you can comply with this requirement and why you may want to think about it now rather than later.


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The Free Open Source Software (FOSS) seem far from the military field but in some cases, some technologies normally used for civilian purposes may have military applications. These products and technologies are called dual-use. Can we manage to combine FOSS and dual-use products? On one hand, we have to admit that this kind of association exists - dual-use software can be FOSS and many examples demonstrate this duality - but on the other hand, dual-use software available under free licenses lead us to ask many questions. For example, the dual-use export control laws aimed at stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Dual-use export in United States (ITAR) and Europe (regulation 428/2009) implies as a consequence the prohibition or regulation of software exportation, involving the closing of source code. Therefore, the issues of exported softwares released under free licenses arises. If software are dual-use goods and serve for military purposes, they may represent a danger. By the rights granted to licenses to run, study, redistribute and distribute modified versions of the software, anyone can access the free dual-use software. So, the licenses themselves are not at the origin of the risk, it is actually linked to the facilitated access to source codes. Seen from this point of view, it goes against the dual-use regulation which allows states to control these technologies exportation. For this analysis, we will discuss about various legal questions and draft answers from either licenses or public policies in this respect.


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Today, most software development teams use free and open source software (FOSS) components, because it increases the speed and the quality of the development. Many open source components are the de facto standard of their category. However, FOSS has licensing restrictions, and corporate organizations usually maintain a list of allowed and forbidden licenses. But how do you enforce this policy? How can you make sure that ALL files in your source depot, either belong to you, or fit your licensing policy? A first, preventive approach is to train and increase the awareness of the development team to these licensing issues. Depending on the size of the team, it may be costly but necessary. However, this does not ensure that a single individual will not commit a forbidden icon or library, and jeopardize the legal status of the whole release... if not the company, since software is becoming more and more a critical asset. Another approach is to verify what is included in the source repository, and check whether it belongs to the open-source world. This can be done on-the-fly, whenever a new file is added into the source depot. It can also be part of the release process, as a verification step before publishing the release. In both cases, there are some tools and databases to automate the detection process. We will present the various options regarding FOSS detection, how this process can be integrated in the "software factory", and how the results can be displayed in a usable and efficient way.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of heat waves on the evolution of bud dormancy, in apple trees with contrasting chilling requirements. Twigs of 'Castel Gala' and 'Royal Gala' were collected in orchards in Papanduva, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, and were exposed to constant (3°C) or alternating (3 and 15°C for 12/12 hours) temperature, combined with zero, one or two days a week at 25°C. Two additional treatments were evaluated: constant temperature (3°C), with a heat wave of seven days at 25°C, in the beginning or in the middle of the experimental period. Periodically, part of the twigs was transferred to 25°C for daily budburst evaluation of apical and lateral buds. Endodormancy (dormancy induced by cold) was overcome with less than 330 chilling hours (CH) of constant cold in 'Castel Gala' and less than 618 CH in 'Royal Gala'. A daily 15°C-temperature cycle did not affect the endodormancy process. Heat waves during endodormancy resulted in an increased CH to achieve bud requirements. The negative effect of high temperature depended on the lasting of this condition. Chilling was partly cancelled during dormancy when the heat wave lasted 36 continuous hours or more. Therefore, budburst prediction models need adjustments, mainly for regions with mild and irregular winters, such as those of Southern Brazil.


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Este trabalho foi realizado no ano de 1999, na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, localizada no município de Eldorado do Sul, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, latitude 30°05'52" S, longitude 51°39'08" W e altitude de 46 metros. Foram testados os efeitos da Cianamida Hidrogenada (C.H.) e Óleo Mineral (O.M.) em mistura, Óleo Mineral (O.M.) e Thidiazuron (TDZ) com Óleo Mineral (O.M.), sobre brotação, frutificação, produção e antecipação de colheita. Os tratamentos foram aplicados quando as plantas estavam no estádio fenológico A. Foram testados os seguintes tratamentos: C.H. 0,5%, 1,0% e 1,5% + O.M 1,0%, O.M. 1,0% e 2,0%, TDZ 200 e 400 ppm + O.M. 2,0% e testemunha (sem pulverização). Os tratamentos não anteciparam a brotação das gemas vegetativas. O tratamento C.H. 1,5% com O.M. 1,0% proporcionou produção suficiente para viabilizar o cultivo do "Chiripá" em condições de inverno ameno, mas não houve diferenças significativas no peso médio dos frutos. O TDZ, nas dosagens testadas, não se mostrou eficiente na quebra de dormência desta cultivar. Não houve efeito na antecipação da colheita.


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Com o objetivo de aumentar a produção e qualidade de frutos do pessegueiro- 'Flamecrest', de alta exigência em frio, realizou-se um experimento no Município de Farroupilha-RS, no ano de 2000, com o uso de cianamida hidrogenada e óleo mineral. Estudou-se o efeito de duas diferentes épocas de aplicação dos tratamentos (15-7 e 2-8) sobre a brotação, floração, frutificação, produção e antecipação de colheita. Foram testados os efeitos dos seguintes tratamentos: cianamida hidrogenada (C.H.) 1,22; 2,45; 3,675 e 4,90 g de i.a.L-1 com óleo mineral (O.M.) 10 g de i.a.L-1; O.M. 10 g de i.a.L-1 isolado e testemunha (sem pulverização). Os tratamentos não anteciparam a brotação das gemas floríferas, porém C.H. 2,45 e 4,90 g de i.a.L-1 com O.M. a 10 g de i.a.L-1 proporcionaram plantas com maior brotação das gemas vegetativas. Não houve efeito marcante dos tratamentos sobre a floração e a porcentagem de frutos vingados nas duas épocas. O número de frutos raleados por planta foi superior para os tratamentos com C.H. 2,45 e 4,90 g de i.a.L-1 com O.M. 10 g de i.a.L-1 quando aplicados na segunda época. Já, para o número e massa total dos frutos colhidos, destacaram-se, na primeira época (15-7), os tratamentos com C.H. 1,22 e 3,675 g de i.a.L-1 + O.M. 10 g de i.a.L-1 e, na segunda época (2-8), os tratamentos com C.H. 2,45 e 4,90 g de i.a.L-1 + O.M. 10 g de i.a.L-1. Os tratamentos da segunda época resultaram em produções médias superiores à primeira. A massa média dos frutos não foi alterada de forma clara pelos tratamentos, assim como o teor de sólidos solúveis totais e a resistência de polpa.


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O cultivo de pessegueiros é uma atividade de grande importância econômica no Sul do Brasil, onde se destaca o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul como grande produtor brasileiro, sendo que 50% dos pomares se encontram na Metade Sul do Estado. Um dos principais problemas do pessegueiro é o tamanho dos frutos e a produção em épocas concentradas que dificultam a comercialização. Com o intuito de aumentar o tamanho e expandir o período de colheita do fruto, estudou-se o efeito de aplicações de auxinas e da execução da incisão anelar (I.A.) em ramos do pessegueiro 'Diamante'. A avaliação foi realizada no ano agrícola de 1999-2000, na Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), situada em Eldorado do Sul-RS, na latitude 30º39'S, longitude 51º06'W e a altitude de 46 metros. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e uma planta por parcela, com os seguintes tratamentos: 1) 10 mg.L-1 3,5,6-TPA álcool amina; 2) 20 mg.L-1 3,5,6-TPA álcool amina; 3) 30 mg.L-1 3,5,6-TPA álcool amina; 4) 20 mg.L-1 3,5,6-TPA álcool amina + (I.A.); 5) 30 mg.L-1 3,5,6-TPA ácido livre; 6) 30 mg.L-1 3,5,6-TPA ácido livre + (I.A.); 7) 25 mg.L-1 2,4-DP éster; 8) 50 mg.L-1 2,4-DP éster; 9) 75 mg.L-1 2,4-DP éster; 10) 50 mg.L-1 2,4-DP éster + (I.A.); 11) Incisão Anelar (I.A.) e 12) Testemunha. Os resultados demonstraram que os tratamentos com auxinas e (I.A.) não aumentaram o peso total de frutos por planta. Os tratamentos com auxinas, especialmente o 3,5,6-TPA 30 mg.L-1 ácido livre, com (I.A.) ou não, anteciparam a colheita em cerca de 20 dias. O tratamento com 30 mg.L-1 de 3,5,6-TPA ácido livre, associado à incisão anelar, resultou em incrementos de diâmetro e comprimento dos frutos em relação à testemunha, porém não diferiu estatisticamente dos demais tratamentos. Os tratamentos 3,5,6 TPA 20 mg.L-1 e 2,4 DP (Éster) 75 mg.L-1 anteciparam a colheita em 20 dias e não diferiram estatisticamente do tratamentos 30 mg.L-1 3,5,6 TPA ácido livre. A distribuição dos frutos de primeira categoria foi superior para os tratamentos 30 mg.L-1 3,5,6 TPA ácido livre + (I.A.) e 20 mg.L-1 de 3,5,6-TPA (álcool amina), embora não diferindo estatisticamente da testemunha.


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Este trabalho foi realizado nos anos de 2000 e 2001, em um pomar comercial de pessegueiro 'Marli', no município de São Jerônimo, RS, latitude 30º05'52" S, longitude 51º39'08" W e altitude de 46 metros. A população de Grapholita molesta (Busck, 1916) foi monitorada com o objetivo de comparar as técnicas de controle preconizados no sistema de Produção Integrada (PI) e Convencional (PC), bem como seus reflexos nos danos em frutos e plantas de cada sistema. Em ambos os anos, o uso de monitoramento na PI mostrou-se eficiente para diminuir a população a níveis baixos e dentro do limite de três aplicações de inseticidas para o controle do inseto, quando comparado com a PC. Neste tipo de produção, as aplicações foram realizadas a cada 10 dias a partir de outubro, em um total de sete aplicações no primeiro ano e nove no segundo. Com relação aos danos em frutos e ponteiros, o monitoramento na PI permitiu um controle tão eficiente quanto na PC, com a vantagem da diminuição do número de aplicações dos agroquímicos. O monitoramento mostrou-se eficiente na redução do número de aplicações de agroquímicos, com considerável redução nos custos de produção de pêssego e menor impacto sobre o meio ambiente.