968 resultados para Animal Use Alternatives
This paper discusses estimation of the tumor incidence rate, the death rate given tumor is present and the death rate given tumor is absent using a discrete multistage model. The model was originally proposed by Dewanji and Kalbfleisch (1986) and the maximum likelihood estimate of the tumor incidence rate was obtained using EM algorithm. In this paper, we use a reparametrization to simplify the estimation procedure. The resulting estimates are not always the same as the maximum likelihood estimates but are asymptotically equivalent. In addition, an explicit expression for asymptotic variance and bias of the proposed estimators is also derived. These results can be used to compare efficiency of different sacrifice schemes in carcinogenicity experiments.
For countless communities around the world, acquiring access to safe drinking water is a daily challenge which many organizations endeavor to meet. The villages in the interior of Suriname have been the focus of many improved drinking water projects as most communities are without year-round access. Unfortunately, as many as 75% of the systems in Suriname fail within several years of implementation. These communities, scattered along the rivers and throughout the jungle, lack many of the resources required to sustain a centralized water treatment system. However, the centralized system in the village of Bendekonde on the Upper Suriname River has been operational for over 10 years and is often touted by other communities. The Bendekonde system is praised even though the technology does not differ significantly from other failed systems. Many of the water systems that fail in the interior fail due to a lack of resources available to the community to maintain the system. Typically, the more complex a system becomes, so does the demand for additional resources. Alternatives to centralized systems include technologies such as point-of-use water filters, which can greatly reduce the necessity for outside resources. In particular, ceramic point-of-use water filters offer a technology that can be reasonably managed in a low resource setting such as that in the interior of Suriname. This report investigates the appropriateness and effectiveness of ceramic filters constructed with local Suriname clay and compares the treatment effectiveness to that of the Bendekonde system. Results of this study showed that functional filters could be produced from Surinamese clay and that they were more effective, in a controlled laboratory setting, than the field performance of the Bendekonde system for removing total coliform. However, the Bendekonde system was more successful at removing E. coli. In a life-cycle assessment, ceramic water filters manufactured in Suriname and used in homes for a lifespan of 2 years were shown to have lower cumulative energy demand, as well as lower global warming potential than a centralized system similar to that used in Bendekonde.
Through the concerted evaluations of thousands of commercial substances for the qualities of persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity as a result of the United Nations Environment Program's Stockholm Convention, it has become apparent that fewer empirical data are available on bioaccumulation than other endpoints and that bioaccumulation models were not designed to accommodate all chemical classes. Due to the number of chemicals that may require further assessment, in vivo testing is cost prohibitive and discouraged due to the large number of animals needed. Although in vitro systems are less developed and characterized for fish, multiple high-throughput in vitro assays have been used to explore the dietary uptake and elimination of pharmaceuticals and other xenobiotics by mammals. While similar processes determine bioaccumulation in mammalian species, a review of methods to measure chemical bioavailability in fish screening systems, such as chemical biotransformation or metabolism in tissue slices, perfused tissues, fish embryos, primary and immortalized cell lines, and subcellular fractions, suggest quantitative and qualitative differences between fish and mammals exist. Using in vitro data in assessments for whole organisms or populations requires certain considerations and assumptions to scale data from a test tube to a fish, and across fish species. Also, different models may incorporate the predominant site of metabolism, such as the liver, and significant presystemic metabolism by the gill or gastrointestinal system to help accurately convert in vitro data into representative whole-animal metabolism and subsequent bioaccumulation potential. The development of animal alternative tests for fish bioaccumulation assessment is framed in the context of in vitro data requirements for regulatory assessments in Europe and Canada.
A digital camera was used to obtain digital images of beef carcasses moving on the rail in commercial beef packing plants. These images were satisfactory for measurement of backfat thickness and area of ribeye. The measurements were closely correlated with the same two measurements taken from tracings on acetate paper of fat thickness and area of ribeye made on carcasses moving on the rail.
One hundred eighty-nine mixed breed beef heifers from 13 consignors enrolled in the MACEP heifer development project were utilized in this study. Heifers were synchronized by feeding 0.5 mg melengestrol acetate (MGA) per head per day for 14 days followed by an injection of prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a; 25 mg Lutalyse®) 17 days after the last MGA feeding. Each heifer was fitted with a Heatwatch® transmitter on the morning of PGF2a administration to facilitate detection of estrus. Vaginal conductivity measurements were taken using an Ovatec® probe every 12 hours for 96 hours beginning at the time of PGF2a injection. Heifers randomly assigned to produce a female calf were inseminated near the onset of estrus (as indicated by probe values of £ 55 on the decline). Heifers randomly assigned to produce a male calf were inseminated approximately 24 hours after the onset of estrus (as indicated by probe values of ³ 60 on the incline). All heifers not inseminated by 96 hours after PGF2a were mass inseminated in an attempt to impregnate as many heifers as possible. Heifers that were diagnosed as pregnant as a result of the artificial insemination were subjected to ultrasonography for fetal sex determination. Only 70 of the 189 heifers (37.0%) exhibited estrus according to Heatwatch® and incidence of estrus was influenced by heifer average daily gain, reproductive tract score, and disposition score. Heifers receiving a disposition score of 3 (78.7) had a higher (P<.05) probe reading at AI than those receiving a disposition score of 1 or 2 (70.8 and 72.5, respectively). Heifers with probe readings at insemination of 80 - 84 and > 84 had lower (P<.05) pregnancy rates to AI (13.6 and 0.0%, respectively) than heifers with probe readings in the ranges of < 60, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 - 74, and 75 - 79 (35.7, 40.9, 31.4, 35.3, and 26.9% respectively). Heifers that were bred when probe values were increasing had a lower (P<.05) percentage of male fetuses (34.4%) than those bred during a period of decreasing probe values (69.2% male fetuses). These results demonstrate that a vaginal conductivity probe may be a useful tool to determine an insemination time that could potentially alter calf sex ratio.
An experiment was conducted using 95 Continental crossbred steers. The cattle were sorted by ultrasound 160 days before slaughter into a low backfat group (Low BF) and a higher backfat group (High BF). Half of the Low BF and half of the High BF were implanted whereas the other halves were not. Data from the experiment were used in two hypothetical markets. One market was a high yield beef program (HY) that did not allow the use of implants. The second market was a commodity beef program (CM) that allowed the use of implants. The cattle were priced as an unsorted group (ALL) and two sorted groups (Low BF and High BF) within the HY (non-implanted) and CM (implanted) markets. The CM program had a base price of $1.05/lb hot carcass weight (HCW) with a $0.15/lb HCW discount for quality grade (QG) Select and a $0.20/lb HCW discount for yield grade (YG) 4. The HY program used a base price of $1.07/lb HCW with premiums ($/lb HCW) paid for YG £ .9 (.15), 1.0 - 1.4 (.10), and 1.5 - 1.9 (.03). The carcasses were discounted ($/lb HCW) for YG 2.5 - 2.9 (.03), 3.0 - 3.9 (.15), and ³ 4.0 (.35). This data set provides good evidence that the end point at which to sell a group of cattle depends on the particular market. Sorting had an economic advantage over ALL in the HY Low BF and the CM High BF groups. The HY High BF cattle should have been sold sooner due to the discounts recieved for increased YG. The increased YG was directly affected by an increase in BF. Furthermore, the CM Low BF group should have been fed longer to increase the number of carcasses grading Choice.
A 3-year study, using 84 fall-born and 28 spring-born calves of similar genotypes, was conducted to integrate pasturing systems with drylot feeding systems. Calves were started on test following weaning in May and October. Seven treatments were imposed: 1) fall-born calves directly into feedlot; 2 and 3) fall-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of July; 4 and 5) fall-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of October; 6 and 7) spring-born calves put on pasture with or without ionophore and moved to the feedlot at the end of October. A bromegrass pasture consisting of 16 paddocks, each 1.7 acre in size, was available. Each treatment group had access to 1 paddock at a time and was rotated at approximately 3-day intervals. In the feedlot, steers were provided an 82% concentrate diet containing whole-shelled corn, ground alfalfa hay, and a protein, vitamin and mineral supplement containing ionophore and molasses. As pens of cattle reached about 1150 lb. average live weight, they were processed and carcass traits were evaluated. Pasture daily gains were highest for cattle on pasture for the longest duration (P < .03), and overall daily gains were highest for drylot cattle (P < .01) and decreased with increased time spent on pasture. Although differences among treatments existed in numerical scores for yield and quality grades (P < .05 and P < .03, respectively), all treatments provided average yield grade scores of 2 and quality grades of low Choice or higher. Use of four production costs and pricing scenarios revealed that fall-born calves placed on pasture for varying lengths of time were the most profitable (P < .04) among the treatments. Furthermore, employing a 5% price sensitivity analysis, indicated that fed-cattle selling price had great impact on profit potential and was followed in importance by feeder purchase price and corn grain price. Overall, these findings should provide significant production alternatives for some segments of the cattle feeding industry and also lend substantial credence to the concept of sustainable agriculture.
Pharmaceuticals are ubiquitous in surface waters as a consequence of discharges from municipal wastewater treatment plants. However, few studies have assessed the bioavailability of pharmaceuticals to fish in natural waters. In the present study, passive samplers and rainbow trout were experimentally deployed next to three municipal wastewater treatment plants in Finland to evaluate the degree of animal exposure. Pharmaceuticals from several therapeutic classes (in total 15) were analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in extracts of passive samplers and in bile and blood plasma of rainbow trout held at polluted sites for 10 d. Each approach indicated the highest exposure near wastewater treatment plant A and the lowest near that of plant C. Diclofenac, naproxen, and ibuprofen were found in rainbow trout, and their concentrations in bile were 10 to 400 times higher than in plasma. The phase I metabolite hydroxydiclofenac was also detected in bile. Hence, bile proved to be an excellent sample matrix for the exposure assessment of fish. Most of the monitored pharmaceuticals were found in passive samplers, implying that they may overestimate the actual exposure of fish in receiving waters. Two biomarkers, hepatic vitellogenin and cytochrome P4501A, did not reveal clear effects on fish, although a small induction of vitellogenin mRNA was observed in trout caged near wastewater treatment plants B and C.
A feedlot demonstration utilizing Encore®, a new longterm implant product, was completed at the Allee Demonstration Farm at Newell, Iowa in 1999. Seventyone steers (697 lbs.) were allotted by weight and hide color and assigned to one of three treatments: 1) Encore® (43.9 mg estradiol = E) on day 0; 2) Encore® plus Component® TS (140 mg trenbolone acetate = ETS0) on day 0; or 3) Encore® on day 0 followed by Component® TS (ETS100) on day 100. Due to wide standard deviation in the weight of steers at the beginning of the demonstration, cattle were harvested in two groups. Approximately half of each treatment group was sorted by visual appraisal as to market readiness. Statistical interactions existed within treatment group between first and second harvest dates, therefore data were split and analyzed accordingly. In the first harvest group, ETS0 steers had higher marbling scores than ETS100 steers, and lower average daily gain than E steers and ETS100 steers. In the second harvest group, ETS0 steers had more fat at the 12th/13 rib than ETS100 steers, but did not differ from E steers. Marbling scores were also higher for ETS0 steers than either ETS100 or E steers in the second harvest group. Pooled data reveal that ETS0 steers had higher marbling scores than ETS100 steers and tended to have higher marbling scores than E steers. First harvest E and ETS100 steers had greater average daily gain than ETS0 steers. In the second harvest group, ETS0 steers had heavier final ending weights than E steers but did not differ from ETS100 steers. Final ending weights, rib eye area, fat thickness at the 12th/13th rib, KPH fat, and calculated yield grades did not differ among treatment groups in the pooled data.
Animal production, hay production and feeding, and the yields and composition of forage from summer and winter grass-legume pastures and winter corn crop residue fields from a year-round grazing system were compared with those of a conventional system. The year-round grazing system utilized 1.67 acres of smooth bromegrass-orchardgrass-birdsfoot trefoil pasture per cow in the summer, and 1.25 acres of stockpiled tall fescue-red clover pasture per cow, 1.25 acres of stockpiled smooth bromegrass-red clover pasture per cow, and 1.25 acres of corn crop residues per cow during winter for spring- and fall-calving cows and stockers. First-cutting hay was harvested from the tall fescue-red clover and smooth bromegrass-red clover pastures to meet supplemental needs of cows and calves during winter. In the conventional system (called the minimal land system), spring-calving cows grazed smooth bromegrass-orchardgrass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures at 3.33 acres/cow during summer with first cutting hay removed from one-half of these acres. This hay was fed to these cows in a drylot during winter. All summer grazing was done by rotational stocking for both systems, and winter grazing of the corn crop residues and stockpiled forages for pregnant spring-calving cows and lactating fall-calving cows in the year-round system was managed by strip-stocking. Hay was fed to springcalving cows in both systems to maintain a mean body condition score of 5 on a 9-point scale, but was fed to fall-calving cows to maintain a mean body condition score of greater than 3. Over winter, fall-calving cows lost more body weight and condition than spring calving cows, but there were no differences in body weight or condition score change between spring-calving cows in either system. Fall- and spring-calving cows in the yearround grazing system required 934 and 1,395 lb. hay dry matter/cow for maintenance during the winter whereas spring-calving cows in drylot required 4,776 lb. hay dry matter/cow. Rebreeding rates were not affected by management system. Average daily gains of spring-born calves did not differ between systems, but were greater than fall calves. Because of differences in land areas for the two systems, weight production of calves per acre of cows in the minimal land system was greater than those of the year-round grazing system, but when the additional weight gains of the stocker cattle were considered, production of total growing animals did not differ between the two systems.
In the fall of 1994, mature Charolais cross cows in midgestation were allotted to duplicate 15 acre fields containing corn crop residues or a 2-to-1 mixture of corn crop residues and berseem clover planted in 3 strips at an allowance of 2.5 acres/cow for a 140 day wintering season. Similar cows were allotted duplicate drylots. All cows were fed hay as necessary to maintain a body condition score of 5. Cows grazing corn crop residues with or without berseem clover required 2596 pounds less hay per cow than cows maintained in a drylot. There was no difference in the amounts of hay required by cows grazing corn crop residues alone or with berseem clover. Initial organic matter yield of berseem clover was nearly that of corn crop residues and did not decrease as rapidly as corn crop residues. Berseem clover had a higher organic matter digestibility than corn crop residues at the initiation of grazing. Organic matter digestibility of berseem clover, however, decreased more rapidly than corn crop residues because of weathering during the winter.
There is a lively debate on whether biodiversity conservation and agricultural production could be better reconciled by land sparing (strictly separating production fields and conservation areas) or by land sharing (combining both, agricultural production and biodiversity conservation on the same land). The debate originates from tropical countries, where agricultural land use continues to increase at the expense of natural ecosystems. But is it also relevant for Europe, where agriculture is withdrawing from marginal regions whilst farming of fertile lands continues to be intensified? Based on recent research on farmland biodiversity we conclude that the land sharing – land sparing dichotomy is too simplistic for Europe. Instead we differentiate between productive and marginal farmland. On productive farmland, semi-natural habitats are required to yield ecosystem services relevant for agriculture, to promote endangered farmland species which society wants to conserve even in intensively farmed regions, and to allow migration of non-farmland species through the agricultural matrix. On marginal farmland, high-nature value farming is a traditional way of land sharing, yielding high quality agricultural products and conserving specialized species. To conserve highly disturbance-sensitive species, there is a need for nature reserves. In conclusion, land sparing is not a viable olution for Europe in both productive and marginal farmland but because of different reasons in each type of farmland.
Inactivation by allelic exchange in clinical isolates of the emerging nosocomial pathogen Enterococcus faecium has been hindered by lack of efficient tools, and, in this study, transformation of clinical isolates was found to be particularly problematic. For this reason, a vector for allelic replacement (pTEX5500ts) was constructed that includes (i) the pWV01-based gram-positive repAts replication region, which is known to confer a high degree of temperature intolerance, (ii) Escherichia coli oriR from pUC18, (iii) two extended multiple-cloning sites located upstream and downstream of one of the marker genes for efficient cloning of flanking regions for double-crossover mutagenesis, (iv) transcriptional terminator sites to terminate undesired readthrough, and (v) a synthetic extended promoter region containing the cat gene for allelic exchange and a high-level gentamicin resistance gene, aph(2'')-Id, to distinguish double-crossover recombination, both of which are functional in gram-positive and gram-negative backgrounds. To demonstrate the functionality of this vector, the vector was used to construct an acm (encoding an adhesin to collagen from E. faecium) deletion mutant of a poorly transformable multidrug-resistant E. faecium endocarditis isolate, TX0082. The acm-deleted strain, TX6051 (TX0082Deltaacm), was shown to lack Acm on its surface, which resulted in the abolishment of the collagen adherence phenotype observed in TX0082. A mobilizable derivative (pTEX5501ts) that contains oriT of Tn916 to facilitate conjugative transfer from the transformable E. faecalis strain JH2Sm::Tn916 to E. faecium was also constructed. Using this vector, the acm gene of a nonelectroporable E. faecium wound isolate was successfully interrupted. Thus, pTEX5500ts and its mobilizable derivative demonstrated their roles as important tools by helping to create the first reported allelic replacement in E. faecium; the constructed this acm deletion mutant will be useful for assessing the role of acm in E. faecium pathogenesis using animal models.
The intensive and inappropriate use of antibiotics in both medicine and agriculture has selected for antibiotic resistant bacteria that cause severe problems in antibiotic therapy. In animal husbandry, antibiotics are used for therapeutic and preventive treatments of infectious diseases and as growth promoters. In Europe, many antibiotics used as growth promoters were of the same classes as important antibiotics used in human medicine. The European Union withdrew the authorization for the use of the major antimicrobial growth promoters between 1996 and 1999. In 1999 Switzerland decided to ban the use of all antimicrobials as growthpromoting feed additives. The regulations concerning antibiotic use in animal husbandry and the chronological reasons for the ban of antimicrobial growth promoters are described. This ban led to a decrease of the antibiotic volume deployed in agriculture. This measure helps to reduce the amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria in food-producing animals. However, the use of medicated feed is still a common practice to prevent and to remedy bacterial infections and thus still leads to resistant pathogens. Surveillance programs, single animal treatment, good manufacturing practices and vaccinations are additional measures to be taken to keep the level of resistances in bacteria low.
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) continue to significantly threaten human and animal health. While there has been some progress in identifying underlying proximal driving forces and causal mechanisms of disease emergence, the role of distal factors is most poorly understood. This article focuses on analyzing the statistical association between highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 and urbanization, land-use diversity and poultry intensification. A special form of the urban transition—peri-urbanization—was hypothesized as being associated with ‘hot-spots’ of disease emergence. Novel metrics were used to characterize these distal risk factors. Our models, which combined these newly proposed risk factors with previously known natural and human risk factors, had a far higher predictive performance compared to published models for the first two epidemiological waves in Viet Nam. We found that when relevant risk factors are taken into account, urbanization is generally not a significant independent risk factor. However, urbanization spatially combines other risk factors leading to peri-urban places being the most likely ‘hot-spots’. The work highlights that peri-urban areas have highest levels of chicken density, duck and geese flock size diversity, fraction of land under rice, fraction of land under aquaculture compared to rural and urban areas. Land-use diversity, which has previously never been studied in the context of HPAI H5N1, was found to be a significant risk factor. Places where intensive and extensive forms of poultry production are collocated were found to be at greater risk.