551 resultados para Almirante Saldanha


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Zavanela, PM, Crewther, BT, Lodo, L, Florindo, AA, Miyabara, EH, and Aoki, MS. Health and fitness benefits of a resistance training intervention performed in the workplace. J Strength Cond Res 26(3): 811-817, 2012-This study examined the effects of a workplace-based resistance training intervention on different health-, fitness-, and work-related measures in untrained men (bus drivers). The subjects were recruited from a bus company and divided into a training (n = 48) and control (n = 48) groups after initial prescreening. The training group performed a 24-week resistance training program, whereas the control group maintained their normal daily activities. Each group was assessed for body composition, blood pressure (BP), pain incidence, muscular endurance, and flexibility before and after the 24-week period. Work absenteeism was also recorded during this period and after a 12-week follow-up phase. In general, no body composition changes were identified in either group. In the training group, a significant reduction in BP and pain incidence, along with improvements in muscle endurance and flexibility were seen after 24 weeks (p < 0.05). There were no changes in these parameters in the control group, and the between-group differences were all significant (p < 0.05). A reduction in worker absenteeism rate was also noted in the training (vs. control) group during both the interventional and follow-up periods (p < 0.05). In conclusion, it was found that a periodized resistance training intervention performed within the workplace improved different aspects of health and fitness in untrained men, thereby potentially providing other work-related benefits. Thus, both employers and employees may benefit from the setup, promotion, and support of a work-based physical activity program involving resistance training.


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The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and otologic symptoms in patients with and without tinnitus. The influence of the level of depression was also addressed. The tinnitus group was comprised of 100 patients with tinnitus, and control group was comprised of 100 individuals without tinnitus. All subjects were evaluated using the research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (RDC/TMD) to determine the presence of TMD and depression level. Chi-square, Spearman Correlation and Mann-Whitney tests were used in statistical analysis, with a 5% significance level. TMD signs and symptoms were detected in 85% of patients with tinnitus and in 55% of controls (P = 0.001). The severity of pain and higher depression levels were positively associated with tinnitus (P = 0.001). It was concluded that tinnitus is associated with TMD and with otalgia, dizziness/vertigo, stuffy sensations, hypoacusis sensation and hyperacusis, as well as with higher depression levels.


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Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is predominantly regulated by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the adrenergic receptor signaling pathway. Knowing that a mouse with triple beta-receptor knockout (KO) is cold intolerant and obese, we evaluated the independent role played by the beta(1) isoform in energy homeostasis. First, the 30 min i.v. infusion of norepinephrine (NE) or the beta(1) selective agonist dobutamine (DB) resulted in similar interscapular BAT (iBAT) thermal response in WT mice. Secondly, mice with targeted disruption of the beta(1) gene (KO of beta(1) adrenergic receptor (beta 1KO)) developed hypothermia during cold exposure and exhibited decreased iBAT thermal response to NE or DB infusion. Thirdly, when placed on a high-fat diet (HFD; 40% fat) for 5 weeks, beta 1KO mice were more susceptible to obesity than WT controls and failed to develop diet-induced thermogenesis as assessed by BAT Ucp1 mRNA levels and oxygen consumption. Furthermore, beta 1KO mice exhibited fasting hyperglycemia and more intense glucose intolerance, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia when placed on the HFD, developing marked non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. In conclusion, the beta(1) signaling pathway mediates most of the SNS stimulation of adaptive thermogenesis. Journal of Endocrinology (2012) 214, 359-365


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The effect of combinations of sage, oregano and honey on lipid oxidation in cooked chicken meat during refrigeration at 4 degrees C for 96 h was determined. Chicken samples (thigh and breast) were then separated into five groups; control; butylated hydroxytoluene; oregano + sage; oregano + sage + 5%honey and oregano + sage + 10%honey. Quantitative measurements of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, conjugated dienes, hexanal, fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesterol oxides were used as indicators of lipid oxidation. Acceptability and preference were also evaluated. The effectiveness of the natural antioxidants for reducing the velocity of lipid oxidation in cooked chicken thigh and breast was demonstrated after 48 and 96 h of refrigeration at 4 degrees C. The treatments that presented the lowest hexanal values after 96 h of refrigeration were oregano + sage + 5%honey and oregano + sage + 10%honey. Only traces of free cholesterol oxides were found (25-OH, 7-k, 7 alpha-OH and 7 beta-OH). The natural antioxidants protected cooked chicken meat from oxidation processes and resulted in great acceptability. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Skeletal muscles from old rats fail to completely regenerate following injury. This study investigated whether pharmacological stimulation of beta 2-adrenoceptors in aged muscles following injury could improve their regenerative capacity, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Young and aged rats were treated with a subcutaneous injection of beta 2-adrenergic agonist formoterol (2 mu g/kg/d) up to 10 and 21 days after soleus muscle injury. Formoterol-treated muscles from old rats evaluated at 10 and 21 days postinjury showed reduced inflammation and connective tissue but a similar number of regenerating myofibers of greater caliber when compared with their injured controls. Formoterol minimized the decrease in tetanic force and increased protein synthesis and mammalian target of rapamycin phosphorylation in old muscles at 10 days postinjury. Our results suggest that formoterol improves structural and functional regenerative capacity of regenerating skeletal muscles from aged rats by increasing protein synthesis via mammalian target of rapamycin activation. Furthermore, formoterol may have therapeutic benefits in recovery following muscle damage in senescent individuals.


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The American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) defines ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) as a restriction of movements due to intracapsular fibrous adhesions, fibrous changes in capsular ligaments (fibrous-ankylosis) and osseous mass formation resulting in the fusion of the articular components (osseous-ankylosis). The clinical features of the fibrous-ankylosis are severely limited mouth-opening capacity (limited range of motion during the opening), usually no pain and no joint sounds, marked deflection to the affected side and marked limitation of movement to the contralateral side. A variety of factors may cause TMJ ankylosis, such as trauma, local and systemic inflammatory conditions, neoplasms and TMJ infection. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the systemic inflammatory conditions that affect the TMJ and can cause ankylosis. The aim of this study is to present a case of a female patient diagnosed with bilateral asymptomatic fibrous-ankylosis of the TMJ associated with asymptomatic rheumatoid arthritis. This case illustrates the importance of a comprehensive clinical examination and correct diagnosis of an unusual condition causing severe mouth opening limitation.


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Um dos principais desafios nos estudos a respeito da pedagogia escolar anarquista consiste, precisamente, em apreender os conteúdos de ensino. Com essa preocupação, este texto tem triplo objetivo: analisar a proposta educativa da instituição a cargo do professor libertário João Penteado, em São Paulo, nas primeiras décadas do século XX; indicar aspectos considerados relevantes relacionados à concepção de educação integral e à forma como o trabalho está presente na organização do ensino; e, por fim, apresentar alguns apontamentos de pesquisa que possam contribuir para sua continuidade e seu aprofundamento. Optou-se por abarcar período relativo a dois momentos de existência da escola dirigida por João Penteado - a Escola Moderna Nº 1 (1912-1919) e a Escola Nova (1920-1923). Entende-se que a cronologia definida consegue abranger a pluralidade de práticas escolares necessárias aos propósitos da análise. A documentação utilizada limita-se basicamente a jornais e demais fontes produzidas e/ou acumuladas nos diferentes períodos de existência da(s) escola(s), em particular, os jornais Boletim da Escola Moderna, Boletim da Escola Nova, Boletim da Academia Saldanha Marinho, O Início, O Iris. No estudo do primeiro período, que coincide com o da Escola Moderna, são também utilizadas notícias publicadas por alguns jornais da imprensa operária e anarquista, como A Lanterna, A Vida e O Amigo do Povo, entre outros.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o efeito da intensidade do exercício de força sobre a percepção de dor muscular de início tardio (DMIT). A fim de investigar a hipótese que a intensidade determina o nível de DMIT, foram selecionados 40 homens saudáveis, iniciantes no treinamento de força, que, posteriormente, foram submetidos a duas sessões de treinamento realizadas com intensidades distintas (50%-1RM (n=20) e 75%-1RM (n=20)). A DMIT foi analisada por meio da escala analógica visual, 24, 48 e 72h após cada sessão de treinamento. A DMIT apresentou aumento significante em ambas as sessões (50%-1RM e 75%-1RM) (p<0,05), atingindo o pico em 48h (p<0,05). Entretanto, a DMIT não apresentou diferença entre as sessões (50%-1RM vs. 75%-1RM) (p>0,05). Os resultados desse estudo sugerem que a intensidade não parece ser um fator determinante para a magnitude da DMIT, quando o volume total de carga levantada na sessão de treinamento é equalizado.


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In the present study we have compared the effects of leucine supplementation and its metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate (HMB) on the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the PI3K/Akt pathway during two distinct atrophic conditions, hindlimb immobilization and dexamethasone treatment. Leucine supplementation was able to minimize the reduction in rat soleus mass driven by immobilization. On the other hand, leucine supplementation was unable to provide protection against soleus mass loss in dexamethasone treated rats. Interestingly, HMB supplementation was unable to provide protection against mass loss in all treatments. While solely fiber type I cross sectional area (CSA) was protected in immobilized soleus of leucine-supplemented rats, none of the fiber types were protected by leucine supplementation in rats under dexamethasone treatment. In addition and in line with muscle mass results, HMB treatment did not attenuate CSA decrease in all fiber types against either immobilization or dexamethasone treatment. While leucine supplementation was able to minimize increased expression of both Mafbx/Atrogin and MuRF1 in immobilized rats, leucine was only able to minimize Mafbx/Atrogin in dexamethasone treated rats. In contrast, HMB was unable to restrain the increase in those atrogenes in immobilized rats, but in dexamethasone treated rats, HMB minimized increased expression of Mafbx/Atrogin. The amount of ubiquitinated proteins, as expected, was increased in immobilized and dexamethasone treated rats and only leucine was able to block this increase in immobilized rats but not in dexamethasone treated rats. Leucine supplementation maintained soleus tetanic peak force in immobilized rats at normal level. On the other hand, HMB treatment failed to maintain tetanic peak force regardless of treatment. The present data suggested that the anti-atrophic effects of leucine are not mediated by its metabolite HMB.


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Objective: to discuss the current PAHO recommendation that does not support the substitution of traditional cellular DTP vaccine by acellular DTP, and the role of mutations, in humans, as the main cause of rare adverse events, such as epileptic-like convulsions, triggered by pertussis vaccine. Data review: the main components related to toxic effects of cellular pertussis vaccines are the lipopolysaccharide of bacterial cell wall and pertussis toxin. The removal of part of lipopolysaccharide layer has allowed the creation of a safer cellular pertussis vaccine, with costs comparable to the traditional cellular vaccine, and which may be a substitute for the acellular vaccine. Conclusion: The new methodology introduced by Instituto Butantan allows for the development of a new safer pertussis vaccine with low LPS content (Plow), and the use of the lipopolysaccharide obtained in the process in the production of monophosphoryl lipid A. This component has shown potent adjuvant effect when administered together with influenza inactivated vaccine, making possible to reduce the antigen dose, enhancing the production capacity and lowering costs.


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A média global da variação na quantidade de calor armazenado nos oceanos observada recentemente é positiva (Cabanes et al., 2001; Cazenave & Nerem, 2004), porém, sua distribuição espacial não é homogênea (Polito & Sato, 2008). O calor armazenado está associado, via expansão térmica, à altura da coluna d'água. Portanto, variações espaciais na tendência do calor armazenado tem como consequência mudanças na inclinação da superfície que, por sua vez, implicam em variações nas correntes geostróficas e portanto na energia cinética associada a fenômenos de meso e larga escala. Polito & Sato (2008) observaram tendências predominantemente positivas na amplitude de ondas de Rossby e vórtices de mesoescala nos últimos 13 anos, sugerindo que estes eventos estão, em uma média global, ficando mais energéticos. Estas tendências variam regionalmente e a variabilidade espacial é mais pronunciada próximo da extensão para leste das correntes de contorno oeste (CCO), sugerindo um aumento do cisalhamento da velocidade geostrófica. O afastamento das CCO da costa provoca, na região de sua ocorrência, intensa atividade vortical e meandramento, constituindo, do ponto de vista da anomalia da altura da superfície do mar (AASM), as áreas mais energéticas do planeta. O exemplo no Atlântico Sul é a separação da Corrente do Brasil (CB) em sua região de encontro com a Corrente das Malvinas (CM). A CB flui quase-meridionalmente para sul até aproximadamente 36°S, iniciando seu afastamento da costa até 38°S devido ao encontro de suas águas quentes e salinas com as águas de origem subpolar da CM, conforme Garzoli & Garrafo (1989). Essa região recebe o nome de Confluência Brasil-Malvinas (CBM).


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A aquisição de dados da estrutura termohalina dos oceanos sempre foi limitada pelo alto custo das missões oceanográficas. Sistemas de amostragem in situ menos dispendiosos, como o lançamento de XBTs por navios de oportunidade, a utilização de bóias de deriva, e mais recentemente, de sistemas de observação autõnomos como gliders e flutuadores Argo, foram concebidos como alternativas aos cruzeiros. Estes sistemas são capazes de cobrir vastas porções oceanicas e de fornecer grande quantidade de medições, porem seus dados nem sempre estão disponíveis ou mesmo são adequados `a resolução de um determinado problema ou ao estudo de um fenômeno em questão, devido principalmente à sua falta de sinopticidade e/ou cobertura espacial irregular. Sensores orbitais provaram ser valiosos e comparativamente possuem excelente periodicidade e cobertura espacial, mas suas observações são limitadas apenas à superfície dos oceanos. Assim, a capacidade de se inferir com boa precisão a estrutura termohalina de feições oceanográficas à partir de uma amostragem reduzida e/ou utilizando medições¸ indiretas é desejável e vem sido aprimorada em diversos trabalhos. Métodos clássicos incluem o desenvolvimento de modelos de feição pelo ajuste de curvas paramétricas (e.g. GANGOPADHYAY et al., 1997; CHU et al., 1999) e a reconstrução de perfis utilizando modos EOF (e.g. CARNES et al., 1990; AGARWAL et al., 2007)


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The increase in aquaculture operations worldwide has provided new opportunities for the transmission of aquatic viruses. The occurrence of viral diseases remains a significant limiting factor in aquaculture production and for the sustainability. The ability to identify quickly the presence/absence of a pathogenic organism in fish would have significant advantages for the aquaculture systems. Several molecular methods have found successful application in fish pathology both for confirmatory diagnosis of overt diseases and for detection of asymptomatic infections. However, a lot of different variants occur among fish host species and virus strains and consequently specific methods need to be developed and optimized for each pathogen and often also for each host species. The first chapter of this PhD thesis presents a complete description of the major viruses that infect fish and provides a relevant information regarding the most common methods and emerging technologies for the molecular diagnosis of viral diseases of fish. The development and application of a real time PCR assay for the detection and quantification of lymphocystivirus was described in the second chapter. It showed to be highly sensitive, specific, reproducible and versatile for the detection and quantitation of lymphocystivirus. The use of this technique can find multiple application such as asymptomatic carrier detection or pathogenesis studies of different LCDV strains. The third chapter, a multiplex RT-PCR (mRT-PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) and sleeping disease (SD) in a single assay. This method was able to efficiently detect the viral RNA in tissue samples, showing the presence of single infections and co-infections in rainbow trout samples. The mRT-PCR method was revealed to be an accurate and fast method to support traditional diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of major viral diseases of rainbow trout.


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Composition and distribution of megabenthic communities around Svalbard were investigated in June/July 1991 with 20 Agassiz trawl and 5 bottom trawl hauls in depths between 100 and 2100 m. About 370 species, ranging from sponges to fish, were identified in the catches. Species numbers per station ranged from 21 to 86. Brittle stars, such as Ophiacantha bidentata, Ophiura sarsi and Ophiocten sericeum, were most important in terms of constancy and relative abundance in the catches. Other prominent faunal elements were eunephthyid alcyonarians, bivalves, shrimps, sea stars and fish (Gadidae, Zoarcidae, Cottidae). Multivariate analyses of the species and environmental data sets showed that the spatial distribution of the megabenthos was characterized by a pronounced depth zonation: abyssal, bathyal, off-shore shelf and fjordic communities were discriminated. However, a gradient in sediment properties, especially the organic carbon content, seemed to superimpose on the bathymetric pattern. Both main factors are interpreted as proxies of the average food availability, which is, hence, suggested to have the strongest influence in structuring megabenthic communities off Svalbard.


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Empujados por el hambre, la pobreza y la falta de libertades religiosas y políticas, muchos irlandeses emigraron a nuestro país hacia mediados del siglo XIX. Actualmente, descendientes de esos inmigrantes continúan festejando y conmemorando fechas patrias y religiosas irlandesas, nucleándose en diferentes instituciones creadas por sus ancestros y compartiendo momentos y pasatiempos en clubes irlandeses. El presente artículo se propone analizar cómo, a través de dos personajes históricos (el Padre Fahy y el Almirante Brown), estas personas unidas en lo que ellos llaman “comunidad”, recrean simbólicamente el pasado, logrando autolegitimarse en el tiempo y el espacio, uniendo el presente con “ambos” pasados -el argentino y el irlandés- y construyendo una identidad dual que, sin dejar de lado las tradiciones y costumbres heredadas de sus raíces irlandesas, trasciende lo “irlandés” para amalgamarse con e insertarse en el plano mayor de la nación que adoptó y albergó a sus padres y abuelos.