942 resultados para Algal biofuels


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On 15-16 January 2005, three offshore species of cetaceans (33 short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, one minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, and two dwarf sperm whales, Kogia sima) stranded alive on the beaches of North Carolina. The pilot whales stranded near Oregon Inlet, the minke whale in northern North Carolina, and the dwarf sperm whales near Cape Hatteras. Live strandings of three species in one weekend was unique in North Carolina and qualified as an Unusual Mortality Event. Gross necropsies were conducted on 16-17 January 2005 on 27 pilot whales, two dwarf sperm whales, and the minke whale. Samples were collected for clinical pathology, parasitology, gross pathology, histopathology, microbiology and serology. There was variation in the number of animals sampled for each collection type, however, due to carcasses washing off the beach or degradation in carcass condition during the course of the response. Comprehensive histologic examination was conducted on 16 pilot whales, both dwarf sperm whales, and the minke whale. Limited organ or only head tissue suites were obtained from nine pilot whales. Histologic examination of tissues began in February 2005 and concluded in December 2005 when final sampling was concluded. Neither the pilot whales nor dwarf sperm whales were emaciated although none had recently ingested prey in their stomachs. The minke whale was emaciated; it was likely a dependent calf that became separated from the female. Most serum biochemistry abnormalities appear to have resulted from the stranding and indicated deteriorating condition from being on land for an extended period. Three pilot whales had clinical evidence of pre-existing systemic inflammation, which was supported by histopathologic findings. Although gross and histologic lesions involving all organ systems were noted, consistent lesions were not observed across species. Verminous pterygoid sinusitis and healed fishery interactions were seen in pilot whales but neither of these changes were causes of debilitation or death. In three pilot whales and one dwarf sperm whale there was evidence of clinically significant disease in postcranial tissues which led to chronic debilitation. Cardiovascular disease was present in one pilot whale and one dwarf sperm whale; musculoskeletal disease and intra-abdominal granulomas were present in two pilot whales. These lesions were possible, but not definitive, causal factors in the stranding. Remaining lesions were incidental or post-stranding. The minke whale and three of five tested pilot whales had positive morbillivirus titers (≥1:8 with one at >1:256), but there was no histologic evidence of active viral infection. Parasites (nematodes, cestodes, and trematodes) were collected from 26 pilot whales and two dwarf sperm whales. Sites of collection included stomach, nasal/pterygoid, peribullar sinuses, blubber, and abdominal cavity. Parasite species, locations and loads were within normal limits for free-ranging cetaceans and were not considered causative for the stranding event. Gas emboli lesions which were considered consistent with or diagnostic of sonarassociated strandings of beaked whales or small cetaceans were not found in the whales stranded as part of UMESE0501Sp. Twenty-five heads were examined with nine specific anatomic locations of interest: extramandibular fat, intramandibular fat, auditory meatus, peribullar acoustic fat, peribullar soft tissue, peribullar sinus, pterygoid sinus, melon, and brain. The common finding in all examined heads was verminous pterygoid sinusitis. Intramandibular adipose tissue reddening, typically adjacent to the vascular plexus, was observed in some individuals and could represent localized hemorrhage resulting from vascular rete rupture, hypostatic congestion, or erythrocyte rupture during the freeze/thaw cycle. One cetacean had peracute to acute subdural hemorrhage that likely occurred from thrashing on the beach post-stranding, although its occurrence prior to stranding cannot be excluded. Information provided to NMFS by the U.S. Navy indicated routine tactical mid-frequency sonar operations from individual surface vessels over relatively short durations and small spatial scales within the area and time period investigated. No marine mammals were detected by marine mammal observers on operational vessels; standard operating procedure for surface naval vessels operating mid-frequency sonar is the use of trained visual lookouts using high-powered binoculars. Sound propagation modeling using information provided to NMFS indicated that acoustic conditions in the vicinity likely depended heavily on position of the receivers (e.g., range, bearing, depth) relative to that of the sources. Absent explicit information on the location of animals meant that it was not possible to estimate received acoustic exposures from active sonar transmissions. Nonetheless, the event was associated in time and space with naval activity using mid-frequency active sonar. It also had a number of features in common (e.g., the “atypical” distribution of strandings involving multiple offshore species, all stranding alive, and without evidence of common infectious or other disease process) with other sonar-related cetacean mass stranding events. Given that this event was the only stranding of offshore species to occur within a 2-3 day period in the region on record (i.e., a very rare event), and given the occurrence of the event simultaneously in time and space with a naval exercise using active sonar, the association between the naval sonar activity and the location and timing of the event could be a causal rather than a coincidental relationship. However, evidence supporting a definitive association is lacking, and, in particular, there are differences in operational/environmental characteristics between this event and previous events where sonar has apparently played a role in marine mammal strandings. This does not preclude behavorial avoidance of noise exposure. No harmful algal blooms were present along the Atlantic coast south of the Chesapeake Bay during the months prior to the event. Environmental conditions, including strong winds, changes in upwelling- to downwelling-favorable conditions, and gently sloping bathymetry, were consistent with conditions which have been correlated with other mass strandings. In summary, we did not find commonality in gross and histologic lesions that would indicate a single cause for this stranding event. Three pilot whales and one dwarf sperm whale had debilitating conditions identified that could have contributed to stranding, one pilot whale had a debilitating condition (subdural hemorrhage) that could have been present prior to or resulting from stranding. While the pilot and dwarf sperm whale strandings may have had a common cause, the minke whale stranding was probably just coincidental. On the basis of examination of physical evidence in the affected whales, however, we cannot definitively conclude that there was or was not a causal link between anthropogenic sonar activity or environmental conditions (or a combination of these factors) and the strandings. Overall, the cause of UMESE0501Sp in North Carolina is not and likely will not be definitively known. (PDF contains 240 pages)


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Several long-term monitoring studies describing the water quality and biological condition of Southeastern estuaries (National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment Project, South Carolina Estuarine and Coastal Assessment Program (SCECAP), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), South Carolina Harmful Algal Bloom Program (SCHAB), South Carolina Tidal Creek Project, and others) have been developed. Many of the same water quality issues determined for open estuaries are also found in coastal stormwater ponds, and there are important interactions between the man-made ponds and the natural systems. Researchers have highlighted problems such as nutrient eutrophication, bacterial and chemical contamination, hypoxia, and harmful algal blooms (HABs). This technical memorandum summarizes the state-of-the-knowledge of water quality indicators (dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and chlorophyll a), and harmful algae in Southeastern coastal stormwater ponds. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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A literature review was conducted to locate information on the flow of energy from primary producers to the fishery stocks of the Puerto Rican-Virgin Islands insular shelf. This report uses site-specific information to describe the major ecological subsystems, or habitats, of the region, to identify the more common species and the subsystems in which they occur, to quantify productivity and biomass, and to outline trophic relationships. Discussions on each topic and subsystem vary in substance and detail, being limited by the availability and accessibility of information. (PDF contains 189 pages) Seven distinct subsystems are described: mangrove estuary, seagrass bed, coral reef, algal plain, sand/mud bottom, shelf break, and overlying pelagic. Over 50 tables provide lists of species found in each habitat on various surveys dating back to 1956. Estimates of density, relative abundance, and productivity are provided when possible. We evaluated whether sufficient information exists to support an analysis of the energy basis of fishery production in the area, beginning with the design and development of an ecosystem model. Data needs in three categories - species lists, biomass, and trophic relations - were examined for each subsystem and for each of three species groups - primary producers, invertebrates, and fish. We concluded that adequate data, sufficient for modeling purposes, are available in 16 (25%) of 64 categories; limited data, those requiring greater extrapolation, are available in 35 (55%) categories; and no data are available in 13 (20%) categories. The best-studied subsystems are seagrass beds and coral reefs, with at least limited data in all categories. Invertebrates, the intermediate link in the food web between primary producers and fishes, are the least quantified group in the region. Primary production and fishes, however, are relatively well-studied, providing sufficient data to support an ecosystem-level analysis and to initiate a modeling effort.


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The Flower Garden Banks are topographic features on the edge of the continental shelf in the northwest Gulf of Mexico. These banks are approximately 175 km southeast of Galveston, Texas at 28° north latitude and support the northernmost coral reefs on the North American continental shelf. The East and West Flower Garden Banks (EFG and WFG) and Stetson Bank, a smaller sandstone bank approximately 110 km offshore, are managed and protected as the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS). As part of a region-wide initiative to assess coral reef condition, the benthic and fish communities of the EFG and WFG were assessed using the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) protocol. The AGRRA survey was conducted during a week-long cruise in August 1999 that was jointly sponsored by the FGBNMS and the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF). A total of 25 coral transects, 132 algal quadrats, 24 fish transects, and 26 Roving Diver (REEF) surveys were conducted. These surveys revealed reefs with high coral cover, dominated by large, healthy corals, little macroalgae, and healthy fish populations. The percent live coral cover was 53.9 and 48.8 at the WFG and EFG, respectively, and the average colony diameter was 93 and 81 cm. Fish diversity was lower than most Caribbean reefs, but large abundances and size of many species reflected the low fishing pressure on the banks. The benthic and fish assemblages at the EFG and WFG were similar. Due to its near pristine conditions, the FGB data will prove to be a valuable component in the AGRRA database and its resulting scale of reef condition for the region. (PDF contains 22 pages.)


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Major Outcomes from the 2009 PICES Annual Meeting: A Note from the Chairman (pdf, 0.1 Mb) The FUTURE is Here (pdf, 0.1 Mb) PICES Harmful Algal Bloom International Seafood Safety Project (pdf, 0.3 Mb) PICES at the 2009 GLOBEC Open Science Meeting (pdf, 0.4 Mb) Modeling Ecosystems and Ocean Processes Workshop (pdf, 0.1 Mb) Krill Biology and Ecology Workshop (pdf, 0.1 Mb) Polar and Sub-Polar Marine Ecosystems Workshop (pdf, 0.4 Mb) Biogeochemistry of the Oceans in a Changing Climate Workshop (pdf, 0.1 Mb) Continuous Plankton Recorder Surveys of the Global Oceans (pdf, 0.4 Mb) Plankton Phenology Workshop (pdf, 0.2 Mb) Workshop on “Climate Impact on Ecosystem Dynamics of Marginal Seas” (pdf, 0.1 Mb) Erratum (pdf, 0.4 Mb) The State of the Western North Pacific in the Second Half of 2008 (pdf, 0.2 Mb) State of the Northeast Pacific into early 2009 (pdf, 0.1 Mb) Current Status of the Bering Sea Ecosystem (pdf, 0.1 Mb) 2009 Salmon Forecasting Forum (pdf, 0.3 Mb) The Third Argo Science Workshop: “The Future of Argo” (pdf, 0.1 Mb) 2009 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting (pdf, 0.1 Mb) A Visit Fit for an Emperor and Empress of Japan (pdf, 0.9 Mb)


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop "Technologies and Methodologies for the Detection of Harmful Algae and their Toxins" convened in St. Petersburg, Florida, October 22- 24, 2008 and was co-sponsored by ACT (http://act-us.info); the Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET, http://ciceet.unh.edu); and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC, http://www.myfwc.com). Participants from various sectors, including researchers, coastal decision makers, and technology vendors, collaborated to exchange information and build consensus. They focused on the status of currently available detection technologies and methodologies for harmful algae (HA) and their toxins, provided direction for developing operational use of existing technology, and addressed requirements for future technology developments in this area. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) in marine and freshwater systems are increasingly common worldwide and are known to cause extensive ecological, economic, and human health problems. In US waters, HABs are encountered in a growing number of locations and are also increasing in duration and severity. This expansion in HABs has led to elevated incidences of poisonous seafood, toxin-contaminated drinking water, mortality of fish and other animals dependent upon aquatic resources (including protected species), public health and economic impacts in coastal and lakeside communities, losses to aquaculture enterprises, and long-term aquatic ecosystem changes. This meeting represented the fourth ACT sponsored workshop that has addressed technology developments for improved monitoring of water-born pathogens and HA species in some form. A primary motivation was to assess the need and community support for an ACT-led Performance Demonstration of Harmful Algae Detection Technologies and Methodologies in order to facilitate their integration into regional ocean observing systems operations. The workshop focused on the identification of region-specific monitoring needs and available technologies and methodologies for detection/quantification of harmful algal species and their toxins along the US marine and freshwater coasts. To address this critical environmental issue, several technologies and methodologies have been, or are being, developed to detect and quantify various harmful algae and their associated toxins in coastal marine and freshwater environments. There are many challenges to nationwide adoption of HAB detection as part of a core monitoring infrastructure: the geographic uniqueness of primary algal species of concern around the country, the variety of HAB impacts, and the need for a clear vision of the operational requirements for monitoring the various species. Nonetheless, it was a consensus of the workshop participants that ACT should support the development of HA detection technology performance demonstrations but that these would need to be tuned regionally to algal species and toxins of concern in order to promote the adoption of state of the art technologies into HAR monitoring networks. [PDF contains 36 pages]


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop on Trace Metal Sensors for Coastal Monitoring was convened April 11-13, 2005 at the Embassy Suites in Seaside, California with partnership from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). Trace metals play many important roles in marine ecosystems. Due to their extreme toxicity, the effects of copper, cadmium and certain organo-metallinc compounds (such as tributyltin and methylmercury) have received much attention. Lately, the sublethal effects of metals on phytoplankton biochemistry, and in some cases the expression of neurotoxins (Domoic acid), have been shown to be important environmental forcing functions determining the composition and gene expression in some groups. More recently the role of iron in controlling phytoplankton growth has led to an understanding of trace metal limitation in coastal systems. Although metals play an important role at many different levels, few technologies exist to provide rapid assessment of metal concentrations or metal speciation in the coastal zone where metal-induced toxicity or potential stimulation of harmful algal blooms, can have major economic impacts. This workshop focused on the state of on-site and in situ trace element detection technologies, in terms of what is currently working well and what is needed to effectively inform coastal zone managers, as well as guide adaptive scientific sampling of the coastal zone. Specifically the goals of this workshop were to: 1) summarize current regional requirements and future targets for metal monitoring in freshwater, estuarine and coastal environments; 2) evaluate the current status of metal sensors and possibilities for leveraging emerging technologies for expanding detection limits and target elements; and 3) help identify critical steps needed for and limits to operational deployment of metal sensors as part of routine water quality monitoring efforts. Following a series of breakout group discussions and overview talks on metal monitoring regulatory issues, analytical techniques and market requirements, workshop participants made several recommendations for steps needed to foster development of in situ metal monitoring capacities: 1. Increase scientific and public awareness of metals of environmental and biological concern and their impacts in aquatic environments. Inform scientific and public communities regarding actual levels of trace metals in natural and perturbed systems. 2. Identify multiple use applications (e.g., industrial waste steam and drinking water quality monitoring) to support investments in metal sensor development. (pdf contains 27 pages)


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Meeting the world's growing energy demands while protecting our fragile environment is a challenging issue. Second generation biofuels are liquid fuels like long-chain alcohols produced from lignocellulosic biomass. To reduce the cost of biofuel production, we engineered fungal family 6 cellobiohydrolases (Cel6A) for enhanced thermostability using random mutagenesis and recombination of beneficial mutations. During long-time hydrolysis, engineered thermostable cellulases hydrolyze more sugars than wild-type Cel6A as single enzymes and binary mixtures at their respective optimum temperatures. Engineered thermostable cellulases exhibit synergy in binary mixtures similar to wild-type cellulases, demonstrating the utility of engineering individual cellulases to produce novel thermostable mixtures. Crystal structures of the engineered thermostable cellulases indicate that the stabilization comes from improved hydrophobic interactions and restricted loop conformations by proline substitutions. At high temperature, free cysteines contribute to irreversible thermal inactivation in engineered thermostable Cel6A and wild-type Cel6A. The mechanism of thermal inactivation in this cellulase family is consistent with disulfide bond degradation and thiol-disulfide exchange. Enhancing the thermostability of Cel6A also increases tolerance to pretreatment chemicals, demonstrated by the strong correlation between thermostability and tolerance to 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate. Several semi-rational protein engineering approaches – on the basis of consensus sequence analysis, proline stabilization, FoldX energy calculation, and high B-factors – were evaluated to further enhance the thermostability of Cel6A.


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Understanding and catalyzing chemical reactions requiring multiple electron transfers is an endeavor relevant to many outstanding challenges in the field of chemistry. To study multi-electron reactions, a terphenyl diphosphine framework was designed to support one or more metals in multiple redox states via stabilizing interactions with the central arene of the terphenyl backbone. A variety of unusual compounds and reactions and their relevance toward prominent research efforts in chemistry are the subject of this dissertation.

Chapter 2 introduces the para-terphenyl diphosphine framework and its coordination chemistry with group 10 transition metal centers. Both mononuclear and dinuclear compounds are characterized. In many cases, the metal center(s) are stabilized by the terphenyl central arene. These metal–arene interactions are characterized both statically, in the solid state, and fluxionally, in solution. As a proof-of-principle, a dinickel framework is shown to span multiple redox states, showing that multielectron chemistry can be supported by the coordinatively flexible terphenyl diphosphine.

Chapter 3 presents reactivity of the terphenyl diphosphine when bound to a metal center. Because of the dearomatizing effect of the metal center, the central arene of the ligand is susceptible to reactions that do not normally affect arenes. In particular, Ni-to-arene H-transfer and arene dihydrogenation reactions are presented. Additionally, evidence for reversibility of the Ni-to-arene H-transfer is discussed.

Chapter 4 expands beyond the chelated metal-arene interactions of the previous chapters. A dipalladium(I) terphenyl diphosphine framework is used to bind a variety of exogenous organic ligands including arenes, dienes, heteroarenes, thioethers, and anionic ligands. The compounds are structurally characterized, and many ligands exhibit unprecedented bindng modes across two metal centers. The relative binding affinities are evaluated spectroscopically, and equilibrium binding constants for the examined ligands are determined to span over 13 orders of magnitude. As an application of this framework, mild hydrogenation conditions of bound thiophene are presented.

Chapter 5 studies nickel-mediated C–O bond cleavage of aryl alkyl ethers, a transformation with emerging applications in fields such as lignin biofuels and organic methodology. Other group members have shown the mechanism of C–O bond cleavage of an aryl methyl ether incorporated into a meta-terphenyl diphosphine framework to proceed through β-H elimination of an alkoxide. First, the electronic selectivity of the model system is examined computationally and compared with catalytic systems. The lessons learned from the model system are then applied to isotopic labeling studies for catalytic aryl alkyl ether cleavage under dihydrogen. Results from selective deuteration experiments and mass spectrometry draw a clear analogy between the mechanisms of the model and catalytic systems that does not require dihydrogen for C–O bond cleavage, although dihydrogen is proposed to play a role in catalyst activation and catalytic turnover.

Appendix A presents initial efforts toward heterodinuclear complexes as models for CO dehydrogenase and Fischer Tropsch chemistry. A catechol-incorporating terphenyl diphosphine is reported, and metal complexes thereof are discussed.

Appendix B highlights some structurally characterized terphenyl diphosphine complexes that either do not thematically belong in the research chapters or proved to be difficult to reproduce. These compounds show unusual coordination modes of the terphenyl diphosphine from which other researchers may glean insights.


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Por ser um material de baixo custo e apresentar propriedades ligantes, a macroalga marinha Sargassum filipendula vem sendo utilizada como material biossorvente no processo de biossorção de metais. No presente trabalho a alga marrom foi utilizada no estudo cinético e de equilíbrio dos íons de tório e urânio individuais e os resultados comparados à biossorção desses metais em sistema binário. Os testes foram realizados nas concentrações 1 e 10 mg/L e pH= 1,0 e 4,0 na temperatura de 25 1C. A melhor condição para biossorção de tório foi encontrada para 1 mg/L e pH= 1,0, enquanto que para urânio foi em 1 mg/L e pH= 4,0. O estudo cinético de biossorção de tório mostrou que o modelo de segunda ordem descreve melhor os dados experimentais em 1 mg/L (R2= 0,9987) e 10 mg/L (R2= 0,9919) em pH= 1,0 e 1 mg/L (R2= 0,9976) em pH= 4,0, enquanto em 10 mg/L (R2= 0,9787) pH= 4,0 a curva encontrada representou uma cinética de primeira ordem. Para a cinética de urânio os dois modelos se adequaram bem aos dados em ambas as condições experimentais. O estudo de equilíbrio mostrou um perfil crescente de captação de tório, com uma remoção de 96% e 54% do metal em pH= 1,0 e 4,0, respectivamente, a partir da Co= 1 mg/L. A melhor eficiência de captação dos íons de urânio foi de 33% para Co= 100 mg/L em pH= 1,0 e 71% para Co= 1 mg/L em pH= 4,0. Os dados experimentais da isoterma de tório mostraram-se mais adequados ao modelo de Freundlich para pH= 1,0, enquanto que para o pH= 4,0 esses foram melhor representados pelo modelo de Langmuir, com valores de coeficiente de determinação superiores. Em relação à isoterma do urânio, o modelo de Freundlich representou bem os dados experimentais. Os parâmetros de equilíbrio calculados a partir do modelo de Langmuir (kL, qmax ) e Freundlich (kF, n) indicaram uma maior afinidade da biomassa pelos íons de tório em ambas as condições experimentais. O estudo de equilíbrio do sistema binário mostrou que a biossorção dos íons de tório não é afetada pela presença do urânio em solução. Por outro lado, a sorção do urânio foi fortemente afetada pela coexistência com os íons de tório.


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