998 resultados para Aggressive Interactions


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Delta isobar components in the nuclear many-body wave function are investigated for the deuteron, light nuclei (16O), and infinite nuclear matter within the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. The predictions derived for various realistic models of the baryon-baryon interaction are compared to each other. These include local (V28) and nonlocal meson exchange potentials (Bonn2000) but also a model recently derived by the Salamanca group accounting for quark degrees of freedom. The characteristic differences which are obtained for the NDelta and Delta Delta correlation functions are related to the approximation made in deriving the matrix elements for the baryon-baryon interaction.


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One of the main problems faced by humanity is pollution caused by residues resulting from the production and use of goods, e.g, sewage sludge. Among the various alternatives for its disposal, the agricultural use seems promising. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity and interaction of soil with sandy-silty texture, classified as Spodosols, from the Experimental Station Itapirema - IPA, in Goiana, state of Pernambuco, in mixtures with sewage sludge from the Mangueira Sewage Treatment Station, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco at rates of 25, 50 and 75 Mg ha-1. Tests were conducted to let water percolate the natural saturated soil and soil-sludge mixtures to characterize their physical, chemical, and microstructural properties as well as hydraulic conductivity. Statistical data analysis showed that the presence of sewage sludge in soils leads to an increase of the < 0.005 mm fraction, reduction in real specific weight and variation in optimum moisture content from 11.60 to 12.90 % and apparent specific dry weight from 17.10 and 17.50 kN m-3. In the sludge-soil mixture, the quartz grains were covered by sludge and filling of the empty soil macropores between grains. There were changes in the chemical characteristics of soil and effluent due to sewage sludge addition and a small decrease in hydraulic conductivity. The results indicate the possibility that soil acidity influenced the concentrations of the elements found in the leachate, showing higher levels at higher sludge doses. It can be concluded that the leaching degree of potentially toxic elements from the sewage sludge treatments does not harm the environment.


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An extension of the self-consistent field approach formulation by Cohen in the preceding paper is proposed in order to include the most general kind of two-body interactions, i.e., interactions depending on position, momenta, spin, isotopic spin, etc. The dielectric function is replaced by a dielectric matrix. The evaluation of the energies involves the computation of a matrix inversion and trace.


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This phase I trial was designed to develop a new effective and well-tolerated regimen for patients with aggressive B cell lymphoma not eligible for front-line anthracycline-based chemotherapy or aggressive second-line treatment strategies. The combination of rituximab (375 mg/m(2) on day 1), bendamustine (70 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 2), and lenalidomide was tested with a dose escalation of lenalidomide at three dose levels (10, 15, or 20 mg/day) using a 3 + 3 design. Courses were repeated every 4 weeks. The recommended dose was defined as one level below the dose level identifying ≥2/6 patients with a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) during the first cycle. Thirteen patients were eligible for analysis. Median age was 77 years. WHO performance status was 0 or 1 in 12 patients. The Charlson Comorbidity Index showed relevant comorbidities in all patients. Two DLTs occurred at the second dose level (15 mg/day) within the first cycle: one patient had prolonged grade 3 neutropenia, and one patient experienced grade 4 cardiac adverse event (myocardial infarction). Additional grade 3 and 4 toxicities were as follows: neutropenia (31 %), thrombocytopenia (23 %), cardiac toxicity (31 %), fatigue (15 %), and rash (15 %). The dose of lenalidomide of 10 mg/day was recommended for a subsequent phase II in combination with rituximab 375 mg/m(2) on day 1 and bendamustine 70 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 2.


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The exchange of gluons between heavy quarks produced in e+e- interactions results in an enhancement of their production near threshold. We study QCD threshold effects in collisions. The results are relevant to heavy quark production by beamstrahlung and laser backscattering in future linear collider experiments. Detailed predictions for top-, bottom-, and charm-quark production are presented.


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Glucocorticoids affect physiology and behaviour, reproduction and potentially sexual selection as well. Shortterm and moderate glucocorticoid elevations are suggested to be adaptive, and prolonged and high elevations may be extremely harmful. This suggests that optimal reproductive strategies, and thus sexual selection, may be dose dependent. Here, we investigate effects of moderate and high elevations of blood corticosterone levels on intra- and intersexual behaviour and mating success of male common lizards Lacerta vivipara. Females showed less interest and more aggressive behaviour towards high corticosterone males and blood corticosterone levels affected male reproductive strategy. Males of moderate and high corticosterone elevations, compared with Control males, showed increased interest (i.e., higher number of chases, tongue extrusions, and approaches) towards females and high corticosterone males initiated more copulation attempts. However, neither increased male interest nor increased copulation attempts resulted in more copulations. This provides evidence for a best-of-a-bad-job strategy, where males with higher corticosterone levels compensated for reduced female interest and increased aggressive female behaviour directed towards them, by showing higher interest and by conducting more copulation attempts. Blood corticosterone levels affected intrasexual selection as well since moderate corticosterone levels positively affected male dominance, but dominance did not affect mating success. These findings underline the importance of female mate choice and are in line with adaptive compensatory behaviours of males. They further show that glucocorticoid effects on behaviour are dose dependent and that they have important implications for sexual selection and social interactions, and might potentially affect Darwinian fitness.


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In this present thesis Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) with 9 nm in diameter were selected as nanocarriers in order to study their potential application as drug delivery systems. Therefore the aim of the study was to demonstrate the proof of concept by establishing an efficient system of drug delivery, which would be a valuable tool in biomedical applications, such as the treatement of cancer, by reducing the side effects due to administration of a high concentration of therapeutic agents. As demonstrated in a previous study, the uptake of SPIONs by tumoral human cells was enhanced by the presence of amino groups on their surface. The stabilization of SPIONs were then performed and optimized by the coating of poly(vinylalcohol) and poly(vinylalcohol/vinylamine). Such nanoparticles were known as aminoPVA-SPIONs. The toxicity and the inflammatory reaction of aminoPVA-SPIONs were evaluated in order to establish their potentiel use in the human body. The results demonstrated that the human cells were able to invaginate aminoPVA-SPIONS without revealing any toxicity and inflammatory reaction. The analysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cryo-TEM, confocal microscopy and histological staining (i.e. Prussian Blue) showed that the iron oxide core of SPIONs were located in the cytoplasm of cells and concentrated in vesicles. The evaluation of the mechanism of uptake of aminoPVA-SPIONs revealed that their uptake by monolayer cell culture was performed via an active mechanism, which was achieved by a clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Consequently, it was suggested that aminoPVA-SPIONs were good candidates as nanocarriers in drug delivery systems, which were able to reach the cytoplasm of cells. Their incubation with three-dimensional models mimicing tissues, such as differentiated rat brain cell-derived aggregates and spheroids, revealed that aminoPVA-SPIONs were able to invade into deep cell layers according to the stage of growth of these models. In the view of these promising results, drug-SPIONs were prepared by the functionalization of aminoPVA-SPIONs via a biological labile chemical bond by one of these three antineoplastic agents, which are widely used in clinical practice: 5-fluorourdine (Fur) (an antimetabolite), or camptothecin (CPT) (a topoisomerase inhibitor) or doxorubicin (DOX) (an anthracycline which interfere with DNA). The results shown that drug-SPIONs were internalized by human melanoma cells, as it was expected due the previous results with aminoPVA-SPIONs, and in addition they were active as anticancer agents, suggesting the efficient release of the drug from the drug-SPIONs. The results with CPT-SPIONs were the most promising, whereas DOX- SPIONs did not demonstrate a prononced activity of DOX. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles are a promising tool in order to deliver therapeutic agents. - Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, les nanoparticules superparamagnétiques d'oxyde de fer (SPIONs) ayant un diamètre de 9 nm ont été choisies, afin d'étudier leur éventuelle utilisation dans un système de délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques. Ainsi le but de la thèse est de démontrer la faisabilité de fabriquer un système efficace de délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques, qui serait un outil intéressant dans le cadre d'une utilisation biomédicale, par exemple lors du traitement du cancer, qui pourrait réduire les effets secondaires provoqués par le dosage trop élevé de médicaments. Comme il a été démontré dans une précédente étude, l'invagination des SPIONs par des cellules humaines cancéreuses est améliorée par la présence de groupes fonctionnels amino à leur surface. La stabilisation des SPIONs est ainsi effectuée et optimisée par l'enrobage de poly(vinylalcool) et de (poly(vinylalcool/vinylamine), qui sont connues sous le nom de aminoPVA-SPIONs. La toxicité et la réaction inflammatoire des aminoPVA-SPIONs ont été évaluées dans le but de déterminer leur potentielle utilisation dans le corps humain. Les résultats démontrèrent que les cellules humaines sont capables d'invaginer les aminoPVAS-SPIONs sans induire une réaction toxique ou inflammatoire. L'analyse par la microscopie électronique en transmission électronique (TEM), la microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM), le cryo-microscopie électronique (SEM), la microscopie confocale et la coloration histologique (par ex, le bleu de Prusse) a montré que l'oxyde de fer des SPIONs est localisé dans le cytoplasme des cellules et est concentré dans des vesicules. L'évaluation du méchanisme d'invagination des aminoPVA-SPIONs ont révélé que leur invagination par des monocultures de cellules est effectué par un méchanisme actif, contrôlé par une endocytose induite par les clathrins. Par conséquent, les aminoPVA-SPIONs sont de bons candidats en tant que transporteurs (nanocamers) dans un système de délivrance d'agents thérapeuthique, capable d'atteindre le cytoplasme des cellules. Leur incubation avec des modèles tridimenstionnels imitant les tissues, tels que les aggrégats de cellules de cerveau différenciées et les sphéroïdes, a montré que les aminoPVA-SPIONs sont capable de pénétrer dans les couches profondes des modèles, selon l'état d'avancement de leur croissance. En vue de ces résultats prometteurs, les drug-SPIONs ont été préparés en fonctionalisant les aminoPVA-SPIONs par le biai d'une liaison chimique labile par un des trois agents thérapeutiques, déjà utilisé en pratique : 5-fluorourdine (Fur) (un antimétabolite), or camptothecin (CPT) (un inhibiteur de la topoisomerase) or doxorubicin (DOX) (un anthracycline qui interfère avec le DNA). Les résultats ont montré que les drug-SPIONs sont capable d'être internalisés par les mélanomes, comme il a été attendu d'après les résultats obtenus précédemment avec les aminoPVA-SPIONs, et de plus, les drug-SPIONs sont actifs, ce qui suggère un relargage efficace de l'agent thérapeutique du drug-SPIONs. Les résultats obtenus avec les CPT-SPIONs sont les plus prometteurs, tandis que ceux avec les DOX-SPIONs, ce n'est pas le cas, dont l'activité thérapeutique de DOX n'a pas été aussi efficace. En conclusion, les résultats ont pu démontrer que les nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer fonctionnalisées sont un outil prometteur dans la délivrance d'agents thérapeutiques.


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OBJECTIVE: With the increased survival of very preterm infants, there is a growing concern for their developmental and socioemotional outcomes. The quality of the early mother-infant relationship has been noted as 1 of the factors that may exacerbate or soften the potentially adverse impact of preterm birth, particularly concerning the infant's later competencies and development. The first purpose of the study was to identify at 6 months of corrected age whether there were specific dyadic mother-infant patterns of interaction in preterm as compared with term mother-infant dyads. The second purpose was to examine the potential impact of these dyadic patterns on the infant's behavioral and developmental outcomes at 18 months of corrected age. METHODS: During a 12-month period (January-December 1998), all preterm infants who were <34 weeks of gestational age and hospitalized at the NICU of the Lausanne University Hospital were considered for inclusion in this longitudinal prospective follow-up study. Control healthy term infants were recruited during the same period from the maternity ward of our hospital. Mother-infant dyads with preterm infants (n = 47) and term infants (n = 25) were assessed at 6 months of corrected age during a mother-infant play interaction and coded according to the Care Index. This instrument evaluates the mother's interactional behavior according to 3 scales (sensitivity, control, and unresponsiveness) and the child's interactional behavior according to 4 scales (cooperation, compliance, difficult, and passivity). At 18 months, behavioral outcomes of the children were assessed on the basis of a semistructured interview of the mother, the Symptom Check List. The Symptom Check List explores 4 groups of behavioral symptoms: sleeping problems, eating problems, psychosomatic symptoms, and behavioral and emotional disorders. At the same age, developmental outcomes were evaluated using the Griffiths Developmental Scales. Five areas were evaluated: locomotor, personal-social, hearing and speech, eye-hand coordination, and performance. RESULTS: Among the possible dyadic patterns of interaction, 2 patterns emerge recurrently in mother-infant preterm dyads: a "cooperative pattern" with a sensitive mother and a cooperative-responsive infant (28%) and a "controlling pattern" with a controlling mother and a compulsive-compliant infant (28%). The remaining 44% form a heterogeneous group that gathers all of the other preterm dyads and is composed of 1 sensitive mother-passive infant; 10 controlling mothers with a cooperative, difficult, or passive infant; and 10 unresponsive mothers with a cooperative, difficult, or passive infant. Among the term control subjects, 68% of the dyads are categorized as cooperative pattern dyads, 12% as controlling pattern dyads, and the 20% remaining as heterogeneous dyads. At 18 months, preterm infants of cooperative pattern dyads have similar outcomes as the term control infants. Preterm infants of controlling pattern dyads have significantly fewer positive outcomes as compared with preterm infants of cooperative pattern dyads, as well as compared with term control infants. They display significantly more behavioral symptoms than term infants, including more eating problems than term infants as well as infants from cooperative preterm dyads. Infants of the controlling preterm dyads do not differ significantly for the total development quotient but have worse personal-social development than term infants and worse hearing-speech development than infants from cooperative preterm dyads. The preterm infants of the heterogeneous group have outcomes that can be considered as intermediate with no significant differences compared with preterm infants from the cooperative pattern or the controlling pattern dyads. CONCLUSION: Among mother-preterm infant dyads, we identified 2 specific patterns of interaction that could play either a protective (cooperative pattern) or a risk-precipitating (controlling pattern) role on developmental and behavioral outcome, independent of perinatal risk factors and of the family's socioeconomic background. The controlling pattern is much more prevalent among preterm than term dyads and is related to a less favorable infant outcome. However, the cooperative pattern still represents almost 30% of the preterm dyads, with infants' outcome comparable to the ones of term infants. These results point out the impact of the quality of mother-infant relationship on the infant's outcome. The most important clinical implication should be to support a healthy parent-infant relationship already in the NICU but also in the first months of the infant's life. Early individualized family-based interventions during neonatal hospitalization and transition to home have been shown to reduce maternal stress and depression and increase maternal self-esteem and to improve positive early parent-preterm infant interactions.