845 resultados para Africa, Christianity, Pentecostalism, Social Change, Prosperity theology
Community work and development - Now, that market economy is no longer faced with territorial boundaries, the spheres of life within the limits of local communities are gaining new importance in terms of sustained patterns of development. This extended meaning of local community as a place for mastering the challenges of life and as a framework for developing future-oriented solutions to social, ecological and economic problems, corresponds to the extended meaning of community-based social work as an effort to shape social life and generate social change. Community-economy follows the original sense of human economy, defined by Aristotle. It is the idea of the “oikos”, an economy for the satisfaction of needs of the “whole house” - of the young and the old, the healthy and sick, of the living and future generations and the not-human world. In this sense “oikonomia” means household management.
Although globalization, through the communications revolution and international law, brings the promise of progressive social change, the concern of this paper is with the backlash against women’s increasing emancipation, a backlash that is evidenced in the United States through making a mockery of women’s bid for equality by turning the principles against some women whose lives are troubled while rewarding others. Meanwhile across the world the victimization of women, personal and cultural, is taking place in both democratic and totalitarian regimes. Two related forms of backlash are institutional and personal. That forces from the global market and the corporate media help fuel this backlash is a major contention of this paper.
The UK's liberal-cum-democratic welfare regime has led to a more developed state-sponsored youth work than in the majority of continental Europe, where a corporatist welfare regime has held sway (Esping Andersen 1990). To this extent British Youth Work has been more susceptible to governmental intervention. Nevertheless the ascendancy of neo-liberalism across the last three decades has disturbed significantly all models of the Welfare State, expressed in the impact of 'New Managerialism'. Thus we are seeing a convergence towards an imposed, instrumental, output-driven approach to the delivery of both education and welfare. In both the UK and continental Europe youth workers and social workers are confronted with intrusive interventions and demands from governments, which are utterly at odds with their shared desire to start from 'where young people are at'. In this paper we sketch the emergence of a campaign within Youth Work, which seeks to oppose and resist its transformation into an agency of social engineering. In contrast we stand for an emancipatory Youth Work committed to social change. In telling our story thus far we hope to reach out to and make alliances with workers across Europe sympathetic to our cause.
This article compares family values and family future orientation between German and Russian adolescents. Based on different cultural values in Germany and Russia a higher family orientation of Russian as compared to German adolescents was assumed. Adolescents from both countries responded to a questionnaire of general and family-related values and family-related future orientation in the framework of the VOC-study. Results showed that for both German and Russian adolescents a future family of one's own is of high importance. The majority of adolescents from both countries (and both genders) reported wanting to get married in the future and to have (preferably two) children. Russian as compared to German adolescents reported a higher importance of traditional family values and child-related values (value of children), as well as a stronger desire to have children. Russian girls were most likely to abandon own career plans for the benefit of a future family. The results are discussed with regard to psychological models of cultural values' and the notion of a regaining strength of traditional family values in the course of social change in Germany and Russia.
This paper treats the architectural developments in Sungai Tenang since the occupation by the Netherland's Indies in 1902 until the present. During this time great changes have occurred, among them the virtual disappearance of the traditional houses with carved planks. At the same time, much of the architectural developments can be described as the evolution of a still basically Austronesian house structure. Both these changes and the continuities merit close scrutiny, since they together reflect the persistence of the house as a powerful symbolic form that is capable of expressing changing social structures and cultural values. Up to the present, architecture in Sungai Tenang, in spite of its often modern outward appearance, is still by and large vernacular in the sense that its constructive means, its symbolic forms and its uses are firmly rooted in local traditions.
In the introduction to this special issue on Sociolinguistics and Tourism, we focus on language in tourism as an important window into contemporary forms of economic, political, and social change. Our aim is twofold: (1) to establish and extend ‘sociolinguistics and tourism’ as another social and applied domain of sociolinguistic research; and (2) to use tourism as a lens for a broader discussion of the sociolinguistics of late modernity. To this end, we outline the contours of language and tourism research to date; we consider the (re)conceptualization of key thematics or notions in sociolinguistic research – such as ‘community’, ‘identity’, and ‘language’ itself – as particularly germane to the study of tourism's fleeting encounters; we examine the inevitable tensions between commodification and authenticity; and we explore the links between performances of ‘self’ and ‘other’, and the contestation of different identity positions with regard to social actors’ multilingual repertoires. We illustrate these issues with data examples from several tourist sites, where multilingual resources are deployed for identification, authentication and commodification. Finally, we briefly introduce the papers in this special issue and conclude by commenting on some sociolinguistic consequences of the study of language/s in tourism.
The struggle to achieve gender equality is accompanied by efforts to introduce gender-fair language. In languages with grammatical gender this implies the use of gender-appropriate forms (feminine for women and masculine for males). In the present research, results of a mixed method approach—a corpus analysis, a survey, and an experiment—provide consistent evidence that in Polish, feminine forms are still infrequent in women’s self-reference and that women psychologists continue to use masculine titles. Moreover, a qualitative inquiry examines the reasons why women prefer masculine over feminine job titles. Integrating findings from the two-stage design, we are able to identify the obstacles to promoting social change with the help of language and to understand the reasons behind them.
L’histoire des religions ne saurait se passer d’une réflexion préalable sur ses propres conditions d’élaboration. Qu’est-ce qu’un « savoir religieux », qu’est-ce qu’un savoir « sur le religieux », en quoi et comment se distinguent-ils l’un de l’autre ? Ce livre est issu d’une série de recherches et d’enquêtes portant sur des horizons historiques et culturels contrastés. Il montre comment un scribe mésopotamien, un philosophe grec, un clerc bouddhiste, un égyptologue contemporain, un historien des religions, etc, élaborent leurs savoirs, comment ces savoirs se transforment et se perpétuent, quelles fonctions ils remplissent, qui les met en oeuvre, où et comment ils s’enracinent, pourquoi ils meurent.
Despite various efforts to promote sport participation among youth, social inequalities still exist. An explanation for these social inequalities could be traced back to transgenerational transmission of sport-related values and behaviour patterns in a family (Baur, 1989). Therefore, children’s socialisation to sport is strongly influenced by the parents’ sport-related values and sport behaviour (Burrmann, 2005). However, findings of previous studies are inconsistent, and the daily sport-related behaviour patterns of families have often not been taken into account. The paper deals with the question, to what extent sport participation of youth is influenced by factors such as the importance of sport, the self-evidence of regular sport activity, mutual support, shared sport activities, sport-related health-awareness and communication about sport in the family. In order to pursue this research question, socialisation theories were used as theoretical framework (Hurrelmann, 2006). Based on this approach, a quantitative online survey where 4’039 adolescents and young adults from the ages of 15 to 30 (n = 4’039, M = 21.48, SD = 4.64) answered questions according their sport participation and the sport-related patterns of their families. Furthermore, a qualitative study that included guideline-based interviews with adolescents and young adults (n = 13) were undertaken. Content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Initial findings of the multiple regression analysis reveal that the most important predictors of sport participation of youth are communication about sport (β = .18, p < .001), mutual support (β = .13, p < .001), regular sport activity (β = .10, p < .01) and the importance of sport in the family (β = .10, p < .01). By means of content analysis, more in-depth information could be identified. The promotion of sport through sport-related behaviour patterns in the family appears to be a successful strategy to develop a durable sport commitment in youth. References Baur, J. (1989). Körper- und Bewegungskarrieren [Body and exercise careers]. Schorndorf: Hofmann. Burrmann, U. (2005). Zur Vermittlung und intergenerationalen "Vererbung" von Sport(vereins)engagements in der Herkunftsfamilie [On placing and "inheriting" intergenerational sport(club) commitment in the family of origin]. Sport und Gesellschaft, 2, 125–154. Hurrelmann, K. (2006). Einführung in die Sozialisationstheorie [Introduction to socialisation theory] (9th ed.). Studium Paedagogik. Weinheim: Beltz.
Abstract: In recent decades, the structure of the American family has been revolutionized to incorporate families of diverse and unconventional compositions. Gay and lesbian couples have undoubtedly played a crucial role in this revolution by establishing families through the tool of adoption. Eleven adoptive parents from the state of Connecticut were interviewed to better conceptualize the unique barriers gay couples encounter in the process adoption. Both the scholarly research and the interview data illustrate that although gay couples face enormous legal barriers, the majority of their hardship comes through social interactions. As a result, the cultural myths and legal restrictions that create social hardships for gay adoptive parents forge a vicious and discriminatory cycle of marginalization that American legal history illustrates is best remedied through judicial intervention at the Supreme Court level. While judicial intervention, alone, cannot change the reality of gay parenthood, I argue that past judicial precedent illustrates that such change can serve as a tool of individual, political, and legal validation for the gay community for obtaining equal rights.
This is an ethnographic study about the worldview of community-based initiatives in Houston, Texas, and the people who work in them. People who participated in this study recognize that their direct constructive action is at the heart of authentic social change in their minority communities. Through qualitative data analysis, a constellation of relationships and process patterns were found to constitute themselves into the system of the community-based initiative. The predominant patterns identified from the findings in this study are: the pervasiveness of place, the importance of people, unique initiatory patterns, the concrete local sustainability, the ever-present action orientation, the resourceful use of networks and inter-relationships, the significance of church influence, the core sense of spirituality and the essence of hope. These patterns emerged out of the local knowledge, which is acutely sensitive to the elements of history and lived experience, embedded in the distinctive moral and visionary patterns of meaning and expression. Findings from the research reveal that these community-based initiatives are not programs--they are people--people who keep hope alive in their communities and who, by their daily practice, liberate others. ^