1000 resultados para Activity branches
In the G2 phase cell cycle checkpoint arrest, the cdc25-dependent activation of cyclin B/cdc2, a critical step in regulating entry into mitosis, is blocked. Studies in yeast have demonstrated that the inhibition of cdc25 function involves 14-3-3 binding to cdc25, In humans, two cdc25 isoforms have roles in G2/M progression, cdc25B and cdc25C, both bind 14-3-3, Abrogating 14-3-3 binding to cdc25C attenuates the G2 checkpoint arrest, but the contribution of 14-3-3 binding to the regulation of cdc25B function is unknown. Here we demonstrate that high level over-expression of cdc25B in G2 checkpoint arrested cells can activate cyclin B/cdc2 and overcome the checkpoint arrest. Mutation of the major 14-3-3 binding site, S323, or removal of the N-terminal regulatory domain are strong activating mutations, increasing the efficiency with which the mutant forms of cdc25B not only overcome the arrest, but also initiate aberrant mitosis, We also demonstrate that 14-3-3 binding to the S323 site on cdc25B blocks access of the substrate cyclin/cdks to the catalytic site of the enzyme, thereby directly inhibiting the activity of cdc25B, This provides direct mechanistic evidence that 14-3-3 binding to cdc25B can regulate its activity, thereby controlling progression into mitosis.
The cystine-glutamate antiporter is a transport system that facilitates the uptake of cystine, concomitant with the release of glutamate. The cystine accumulated by this transporter is generally considered for use in the formation of the cysteine-containing antioxidant glutathione, which is abundant in many glial cells. This study used the simple strategy of generating an antibody to aminoadipic acid, a selective substrate for the cystine-glutamate antiporter. Stereospecific accumulation of aminoadipic acid into specific cell types in rat brain slice preparations was detected immunocytochemically. Strong accumulation was detected in astroglial cells in all brain regions studied including those in white matter tracts. Strong accumulation into radial glial cells, including the retinal Muller cells and the Bergmann glial cells was also observed. Glial accumulation was observed not only in cells within the blood brain barrier, but also outside such; anterior pituitary folliculostellate cell and intermediate lobe pituitary glial cells exhibited strong accumulation of aminoadipic acid. Interestingly, some glial cells such as the posterior pituitary glial cells (pituicytes) exhibited very little if any accumulation of aminoadipic acid. Within the brain labelling was not uniform. Particularly strong labelling was noted in some regions, such as the glial cells surrounding the CA1 pyramidal cells. By contrast, neurons never exhibited uptake of aminoadipic acid. Because cystine uptake is associated with glutamate release, it is suggested that this antiporter might contribute to release of glutamate from glial cells under some pathophysiological conditions. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Aberrant movement patterns and postures are obvious to clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletal pain. However, some changes in motor function that occur in the presence of pain are less apparent. Clinical and basic science investigations have provided evidence of the effects of nociception on aspects of motor function. Both increases and decreases in muscle activity have been shown, along with alterations in neuronal control mechanisms, proprioception, and local muscle morphology. Various models have been proposed in an attempt to provide an explanation for some of these changes. These include the vicious cycle and pain adaptation models. Recent research has seen the emergence of a new model in which patterns of muscle activation and recruitment are altered in the presence of pain (neuromuscular activation model). These changes seem to particularly affect the ability of muscles to perform synergistic functions related to maintaining joint stability and control. These changes are believed to persist into the period of chronicity. This review shows current knowledge of the effect of musculoskeletal pain on the motor system and presents the various proposed models, in addition to other shown effects not covered by these models. The relevance of these models to both acute and chronic pain is considered. It is apparent that people experiencing musculoskeletal pain exhibit complex motor responses that may show some variation with the time course of the disorder. (C) 2001 by the American Pain Society.
Recent findings that spinal manual therapy (SMT) produces concurrent hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects have led to the proposal that SMT may exert its initial effects by activating descending inhibitory pathways from the dorsal periaqueductal gray area of the midbrain (dPAG). In addition to hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects, stimulation of the dPAG in animals has been shown to hal e a facilitatory effect on motor activity. This study sought to further investigate the proposal regarding SMT and the FAG by including a test of motor function in addition to the variables previously investigated, Using a condition randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind, repeated measures design, 30 subjects with mid to lon er cervical spine pain of insidious onset participated in the study. The results indicated that the cervical mobilisation technique produced a hypoalgesic effect as revealed by increased pressure pain thresholds on the side of treatment (P = 0.0001) and decreased resting visual analogue scale scores (P = 0.049). The treatment technique also produced a sympathoexcitatory effect with an increase in skin conductance (P < 0.002) and a decrease in skin temperature (P = < 0.02). There was a decrease in superficial neck flexor muscle activity (P < 0.0002) at the lower levels of a staged cranio-cervical flexion test. This could imply facilitation of the deep neck flexor muscles with a decreased need for co-activation of the superficial neck flexors, The combination of all findings,would support the proposal that SMT may, at least initially, exert part of its influence via activation of the PAG, (C) 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Different sites of plasma membrane attachment may underlie functional differences between isoforms of Ras. Here we show that palmitoylation and farnesylation targets H-ras to lipid rafts and caveolae, but that the interaction of H-ras with these membrane subdomains is dynamic. GTP-loading redistributes H-ras from rafts into bulk plasma membrane by a mechanism that requires the adjacent hypervariable region of H-ras. Release of H-ras-GTP from rafts is necessary for efficient activation of Raf. By contrast, K-ras is located outside rafts irrespective of bound nucleotide. Our studies identify a novel protein determinant that is required for H-ras function, and show that the GTP/GDP state of H-ras determines its lateral segregation on the plasma membrane.
Variation in the personality trait of neuroticism is known to be affected by genetic influences, but despite a number of association studies, the genes involved have not yet been characterized. In a recent study of platelet monoamine oxidase in 1,551 twin subjects, we found a significant association between monoamine oxidase activity and scores on the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire neuroticism scale. Further analyses presented here indicate that both neuroticism and monoamine oxidase activity are associated with variation in smoking habits, and that adjusting for the effect of smoking strengthens the association between MAO and neuroticism. Analysis of the genetic and environmental sources of covariation between neuroticism, smoking, and monoamine oxidase activity show that approximately 8% of the genetic variance in neuroticism is due to the same additive genetic effects that contribute to variation in monoamine oxidase activity, suggesting that variation in neuroticism is associated in part with aspects of serotonin metabolism. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background: In large cohort studies of older children, self-report is the only practical way to assess physical activity. Assessing usual activity over the entire year is desirable, but children and adolescents may overestimate activities with high seasonal variability. Use of questionnaires in which individuals report each activity by season may improve accuracy. Methods: A total of 6782 girls and 5110 boys, aged 9–14 years in 1996, completed self-administered activity questionnaires in 1996 and in 1997. In 1996, participants reported the average time spent in each of 17 activities during the previous 12 months; in 1997, we also asked for the average time spent in the previous year, but within each of the four seasons. Results: Girls reported a median of 12.8 hours/week total activity in 1996 and 10.4 hours/week in 1997. For boys, the estimates were 15.5 hours/week and 13.4 hours/week, respectively. Girls and boys within 1-year age strata (e.g., comparison of 10-year olds in 1996 with 10-year olds in 1997) reported an average of 3.7 and 3.1 fewer hours per week, respectively, on the 1997 seasonal format versus the 1996 annual format questionnaire. In longitudinal analyses, the difference between the annual and the seasonal estimates was greater if participants did the activity in fewer seasons in 1997. Conclusions: In comparison to an annual format questionnaire, a seasonal format questionnaire may improve accuracy of self-report of physical activity by reducing over-reporting of activities in which pre-adolescents and adolescents engage in fewer seasons.
To obtain methotrexate (MTX) derivatives with a balanced hydrolipophilic character, we synthesized a series of conjugates in which the drug was linked to lipoamino acid (LAA)-glucose residues (LAAG-MTX). These conjugates displayed increased solubility in polar media compared with the corresponding LAA-MTX conjugates previously described. In vitro biological testing of LAAG-MTX indicated that the introduction of the sugar moiety decreased the biological activity of these MTX conjugates. The tetradecyl derivative 6b, however, was effective in inhibiting the dihydrofolate reductase activity in vitro and showed an inhibitory effect on human lymphoblastoid cell growth. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.