998 resultados para Abhidharma-Text


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Compared with conventional two-class learning schemes, one-class classification simply uses a single class for training purposes. Applying one-class classification to the minorities in an imbalanced data has been shown to achieve better performance than the two-class one. In this paper, in order to make the best use of all the available information during the learning procedure, we propose a general framework which first uses the minority class for training in the one-class classification stage; and then uses both minority and majority class for estimating the generalization performance of the constructed classifier. Based upon this generalization performance measurement, parameter search algorithm selects the best parameter settings for this classifier. Experiments on UCI and Reuters text data show that one-class SVM embedded in this framework achieves much better performance than the standard one-class SVM alone and other learning schemes, such as one-class Naive Bayes, one-class nearest neighbour and neural network.


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People with motor impairments who use a switch device to interface with computers have poor access to affordable software for email communication. The MultiMail email package was developed with government support to provide email access solutions for these users and for others with a range of disabilities. In this paper, the development of accessible on-screen keyboards and a word prediction program which facilitates email text production is discussed. Technology solutions were informed by people with disabilities through focus group and survey data. The resulting cross-disability design of MultiMail provides innovative and cost-free solutions to email text production.


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Concept learning of text documents can be viewed as the problem of acquiring the definition of a general category of documents. To definite the category of a text document, the Conjunctive of keywords is usually be used. These keywords should be fewer and comprehensible. A naïve method is enumerating all combinations of keywords to extract suitable ones. However, because of the enormous number of keyword combinations, it is impossible to extract the most relevant keywords to describe the categories of documents by enumerating all possible combinations of keywords. Many heuristic methods are proposed, such as GA-base, immune based algorithm. In this work, we introduce pruning power technique and propose a robust enumeration-based concept learning algorithm. Experimental results show that the rules produce by our approach has more comprehensible and simplicity than by other methods.


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Text categorization (TC) is one of the main applications of machine learning. Many methods have been proposed, such as Rocchio method, Naive bayes based method, and SVM based text classification method. These methods learn labeled text documents and then construct a classifier. A new coming text document's category can be predicted. However, these methods do not give the description of each category. In the machine learning field, there are many concept learning algorithms, such as, ID3 and CN2. This paper proposes a more robust algorithm to induce concepts from training examples, which is based on enumeration of all possible keywords combinations. Experimental results show that the rules produced by our approach have more precision and simplicity than that of other methods.


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Many classification methods have been proposed to find patterns in text documents. However, according to Occam's razor principle, "the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible", short patterns usually have more explainable and meaningful for classifying text documents. In this paper, we propose a depth-first pattern generation algorithm, which can find out short patterns from text document more effectively, comparing with breadth-first algorithm


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In text categorization applications, class imbalance, which refers to an uneven data distribution where one class is represented by far more less instances than the others, is a commonly encountered problem. In such a situation, conventional classifiers tend to have a strong performance bias, which results in high accuracy rate on the majority class but very low rate on the minorities. An extreme strategy for unbalanced, learning is to discard the majority instances and apply one-class classification to the minority class. However, this could easily cause another type of bias, which increases the accuracy rate on minorities by sacrificing the majorities. This paper aims to investigate approaches that reduce these two types of performance bias and improve the reliability of discovered classification rules. Experimental results show that the inexact field learning method and parameter optimized one-class classifiers achieve more balanced performance than the standard approaches.


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For some years now we have been talking with young people across Australia. They have shared their experiences with us about school, family, their friends, relationships and just life in general (see Pallotta-Chiarolli 1998, Martino & Pallotta-Chiarolli 200la). Our major aim in this work has been to give young people the opportunity to 'speak their hearts and minds', to collaborate with us in the structuring and stylisation of a text 'by them and for them', and to enable their voices to be heard in the broader society, beyond the exclusive space of the academic journal (see Le Compte 1993). This is established praxis in feminist and postcolonial research that challenges the detached and hierarchical relations between researcher and researched in traditional Western masculinist research.


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Text-based information accounts for more than 80% of today’s Web content. They consist of Web pages written in different natural languages. As the semantic Web aims at turning the current Web into a machine-understandable knowledge repository, availability of multilingual ontology thus becomes an issue at the core of a multilingual semantic Web. However, multilingual ontology is too complex and resource intensive to be constructed manually. In this paper, we propose a three-layer model built on top of a soft computing framework to automatically acquire a multilingual ontology from domain specific parallel texts. The objective is to enable semantic smart information access regardless of language over the Semantic Web.


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This collection of resources provides classroom examples and case studies, offers a platform of ideas for teachers to investigate new ways of building the literacy development of their students.