1000 resultados para ATOMIC RADII


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Ambisonics and Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) are scalable spatial audio techniques that attempt to present a sound scene to listeners over as large an area as possible. A localisation experiment was carried out to investigate the performance of a first and third order system at three listening positions - one in the centre and two off-centre - using a 5 m radius loudspeaker array. The results are briefly presented and compared to those of an earlier experiment on a 2.2 m loudspeaker array. In both experiments the off-centre listeners were placed such that the ratio of distance from the centre to the array radius was constant in both experiments. The test used a reverse target-pointer adjustment method to determine the error, both signed and absolute, for each combination of listening position and system. The results for both arrays were found to be very similar, suggesting that the relative amplitude of the loudspeakers, which were the same in both cases, was more dominant for localisation than the arrival time differences, which differed between array sizes.


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A string of repulsively interacting particles exhibits a phase transition to a zigzag structure, by reducing the transverse trap potential or the interparticle distance. Based on the emergent symmetry Z2 it has been argued that this instability is a quantum phase transition, which can be mapped to an Ising model in transverse field. An extensive Density Matrix Renormalization Group analysis is performed, resulting in an high-precision evaluation of the critical exponents and of the central charge of the system, confirming that the quantum linear-zigzag transition belongs to the critical Ising model universality class. Quantum corrections to the classical phase diagram are computed, and the range of experimental parameters where quantum effects play a role is provided. These results show that structural instabilities of one-dimensional interacting atomic arrays can simulate quantum critical phenomena typical of ferromagnetic systems.


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The effect of nonconservative current-induced forces on the ions in a defect-free metallic nanowire is investigated using both steady-state calculations and dynamical simulations. Nonconservative forces were found to have a major influence on the ion dynamics in these systems, but their role in increasing the kinetic energy of the ions decreases with increasing system length. The results illustrate the importance of nonconservative effects in short nanowires and the scaling of these effects with system size. The dependence on bias and ion mass can be understood with the help of a simple pen and paper model. This material highlights the benefit of simple preliminary steady-state calculations in anticipating aspects of brute-force dynamical simulations, and provides rule of thumb criteria for the design of stable quantum wires.


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Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) is unique in that it is a dynamically new comet derived from the Oort cloud reservoir of comets with a sun-grazing orbit. Infrared (IR) and visible wavelength observing campaigns were planned on NASA's Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and on National Solar Observatory Dunn (DST) and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes, respectively. We highlight our early results. SOFIA (+FORCAST [1]) mid- to far-IR images and spectroscopy (~5-35 μm) of the dust in the coma of ISON are to be obtained by the ISON-SOFIA Team during a flight window 2013 Oct 21-23 UT (r_h≈1.18 AU). Dust characteristics, identified through the 10 μm silicate emission feature and its strength [2], as well as spectral features from cometary crystalline silicates (Forsterite) at 11.05-11.2 μm, and near 16, 19, 23.5, 27.5, and 33 μm are compared with other Oort cloud comets that span the range of small and/or highly porous grains (e.g., C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) [3,4,5] and C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) [6]) to large and/or compact grains (e.g., C/2007 N4 (Lulin) [7] and C/2006 P1 (McNaught) [8]). Measurement of the crystalline peaks in contrast to the broad 10 and 20 μm amorphous silicate features yields the cometary silicate crystalline mass fraction [9], which is a benchmark for radial transport in our protoplanetary disk [10]. The central wavelength positions, relative intensities, and feature asymmetries for the crystalline peaks may constrain the shapes of the crystals [11]. Only SOFIA can look for cometary organics in the 5-8 μm region. Spatially resolved measurements of atoms and simple molecules from when comet ISON is near the Sun (r_h<0.4 AU, near Nov-20--Dec-03 UT) were proposed for by the ISON-DST Team. Comet ISON is the first comet since comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f) [12,13] suitable for studying the alkalai metals Na and K and the atoms specifically attributed to dust grains including Mg, Si, Fe, as well as Ca. DST's Horizontal Grating Spectrometer (HGS) measures 4 settings: Na I, K, C2 to sample cometary organics (along with Mg I), and [O I] as a proxy for activity from water [14] (along with Si I and Fe I). State-of-the-art instruments that will also be employed include IBIS [15], which is a Fabry-Perot spectral imaging system that concurrently measures lines of Na, K, Ca II, or Fe, and ROSA (CSUN/QUB) [16], which is a rapid imager that simultaneously monitors Ca II or CN. From McMath-Pierce, the Solar-Stellar Spectrograph also will target ISON (320-900 nm, R~21,000, r_h


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Ab initio total energy calculations within a density functional theory framework have been performed for CO and atomic oxygen chemisorbed on the Pt(111) surface. Optimised geometries and chemisorption energies for CO and O on four high-symmetry sites, namely the top, bridge, fee hollow and hcp hollow sites, are presented, the coverage in all cases being 0.25 ML. The differences in CO adsorption energies between these sites are found to be small, suggesting that the potential energy surface for CO diffusion across Pt(111) is relatively flat. The 5 sigma and 2 pi molecular orbitals of CO are found to contribute to bonding with the metal. Some mixing of the 4 sigma and 1 pi molecular orbitals with metal states is also observed. For atomic oxygen, the most stable adsorption site is found to be the fee hollow site, followed in decreasing order of stability by the hcp hollow and bridge sites, with the top site being the least stable. The differences in chemisorption energies between sites for oxygen are larger than in the case of CO, suggesting a higher barrier to diffusion for atomic oxygen. The co-adsorption of CO and O has also been investigated. Calculated chemisorption energies for CO on an O/fcc-precovered surface show that of the available chemisorption sites, the top site at the oxygen atom's next-nearest neighbour surface metal atom is the most stable, with the other four sites calculated bring at least 0.29 eV less stable. The trend of CO site stability in the coadsorption system is explained in terms of a 'bonding competition' model. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adsorption of 0.5 monolayer of N adatoms on W{100} results in a sharp (root 2 X root 2)R45 degrees LEED pattern. The only previous quantitative LEED study of this system gave a simple overlayer model with a Pendry R-factor of 0.55. An exhaustive search has been made of possible structures, including a novel vacancy reconstruction, displacive reconstructions and underlayer adsorption. From this work a new overlayer structure is derived with an R(p) value of 0.22, displaying a considerable buckling of 0.27 +/- 0.05 Angstrom within the second W layer and consequently involving large changes in the interlayer spacings of the surface. The N adatom is pseudo-five-fold coordinated to the W surface, bonding to a second-layer W atom with a nearest-neighbour bond length of 2.13 Angstrom and with the four next-nearest-neighbour W atoms in the surface plane at 2.27 Angstrom. The structure does not resolve the work function anomaly observed on this surface.


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In open-shell atoms and ions, processes such as photoionization, combination (Raman) scattering, electron scattering, and recombination are often mediated by many-electron compound resonances. We show that their interference (neglected in the independent-resonance approximation) leads to a coherent contribution, which determines the energy-averaged total cross sections of electron- and photon-induced reactions obtained using the optical theorem. In contrast, the partial cross sections (e.g., electron recombination or photon Raman scattering) are dominated by the stochastic contributions. Thus, the optical theorem provides a link between the stochastic and coherent contributions of the compound resonances. Similar conclusions are valid for reactions via compound states in molecules and nuclei.


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For the reliable analysis and modeling of astrophysical, laser-produced, and fusion plasmas, atomic data are required for a number of parameters, including energy levels, radiative rates, and electron impact excitation rates. Such data are desired for a range of elements (H to W) and their many ions. However, measurements of atomic data, mainly for radiative and excitation rates, are not feasible for many species, and therefore, calculations are needed. For some ions (such as of C, Fe, and Kr), there is a variety of calculations available in the literature, but often, they differ significantly from one another. Therefore, there is a great demand from the user community to have data "assessed" for accuracy so that they can be confidently applied to the modeling of plasmas. In this paper we highlight the difficulties in assessing atomic data and offer some solutions for improving the accuracy of calculated results.


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We describe a new atomic and molecular database we developed for use in the spectral synthesis code Cloudy. The design of Stout is driven by the data needs of Cloudy, which simulates molecular, atomic, and ionized gas with kinetic temperatures and densities spanning the low-to high-density limits. The radiation field between photon energies 10−8 Ry and 100 MeV is considered, along with all atoms and ions of the lightest 30 elements, and ~102 molecules. For ease of maintenance, the data are stored in a format as close as possible to the original data sources. Few data sources include the full range of data we need. We describe how we fill in the gaps in the data or extrapolate rates beyond their tabulated range. We tabulate data sources both for the atomic spectroscopic parameters and for collision data for the next release of Cloudy. This is not intended as a review of the current status of atomic data, but rather a description of the features of the database which we will build upon.


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In this seminar, I will talk about the discovery of the diamond pyramid structures in the electroless copper deposits on both epoxy and stainless steel substrates. The surface morphology of the structure was characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). According to the morphological feature of the structure, an atom model was brought forward in order to describe the possible mechanism of forming such structure. Molecular dynamics simulations were then carried out to investigate the growing process of the diamond pyramid structure. The final structures of the simulation were compared with the SEM images and the atomic model. The radial distribution function of the final structures of the simulation was compared with that calculated from the X-ray diffraction pattern of the electroless copper deposit sample.