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Recent and potential changes in technology have resulted in the anticipation of increases in the frequency of job changes. This has led manpower policy makers to investigate the feasibility of incorporating the employment skills of job groups in the general prediction of future job learning and performance with a view to the establishment of "job families" within which transfer might be considered reciprocally high. A structured job analysis instrument (the Position Analysis Questionnaire) is evaluated in terms of two distinct sets of scores; job dimensions and synthetically established attribute/trait profiles. Studies demonstrate that estimates of a job's structure/dimensions and requisite human attributes can be reliably established. Three alternative techniques of statistically assembling profiles of the requisite human attributes for jobs are found to have differential levels of reliability and differential degrees of validity in their estimation of the "actual" ability requirements of jobs. The utility of these two sets of job descriptors to serve as representations of the cognitive structure similarity of job groups is investigated in a study which simulates a job transfer situation. The central role of the index of similarity used to assess the relationship between "target" and "present" job is demonstrated. The relative extents to which job structure similarity and job attribute similariity are associated with positive transfer are investigated. The studies demonstrate that the dimensions of jobs, and more fruitfully their requisite human attributes can serve as bases to predict job transfer learning and performance. The nature of the index of similarity used to optimally formulate predictions of transfer is such that networks of jobs might be establishable to which current job incumbents could be expected to transfer positively. The derivation of "job families" with anticipated reciprocal transfer consequences is considered to be less appropriate.


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This thesis consisted of two major parts, one determining the masking characteristics of pixel noise and the other investigating the properties of the detection filter employed by the visual system. The theoretical cut-off frequency of white pixel noise can be defined from the size of the noise pixel. The empirical cut-off frequency, i.e. the largest size of noise pixels that mimics the effect of white noise in detection, was determined by measuring contrast energy thresholds for grating stimuli in the presence of spatial noise consisting of noise pixels of various sizes and shapes. The critical i.e. minimum number of noise pixels per grating cycle needed to mimic the effect of white noise in detection was found to decrease with the bandwidth of the stimulus. The shape of the noise pixels did not have any effect on the whiteness of pixel noise as long as there was at least the minimum number of noise pixels in all spatial dimensions. Furthermore, the masking power of white pixel noise is best described when the spectral density is calculated by taking into account all the dimensions of noise pixels, i.e. width, height, and duration, even when there is random luminance only in one of these dimensions. The properties of the detection mechanism employed by the visual system were studied by measuring contrast energy thresholds for complex spatial patterns as a function of area in the presence of white pixel noise. Human detection efficiency was obtained by comparing human performance with an ideal detector. The stimuli consisted of band-pass filtered symbols, uniform and patched gratings, and point stimuli with randomised phase spectra. In agreement with the existing literature, the detection performance was found to decline with the increasing amount of detail and contour in the stimulus. A measure of image complexity was developed and successfully applied to the data. The accuracy of the detection mechanism seems to depend on the spatial structure of the stimulus and the spatial spread of contrast energy.


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The present thesis investigates mode related aspects in biology lecture discourse and attempts to identify the position of this variety along the spontaneous spoken versus planned written language continuum. Nine lectures (of 43,000 words) consisting of three sets of three lectures each, given by the three lecturers at Aston University, make up the corpus. The indeterminacy of the results obtained from the investigation of grammatical complexity as measured in subordination motivates the need to take the analysis beyond sentence level to the study of mode related aspects in the use of sentence-initial connectives, sub-topic shifting and paraphrase. It is found that biology lecture discourse combines features typical of speech and writing at sentence as well as discourse level: thus, subordination is more used than co-ordination, but one degree complexity sentence is favoured; some sentence initial connectives are only found in uses typical of spoken language but sub-topic shift signalling (generally introduced by a connective) typical of planned written language is a major feature of the lectures; syntactic and lexical revision and repetition, interrupted structures are found in the sub-topic shift signalling utterance and paraphrase, but the text is also amenable to analysis into sentence like units. On the other hand, it is also found that: (1) while there are some differences in the use of a given feature, inter-speaker variation is on the whole not significant; (2) mode related aspects are often motivated by the didactic function of the variety; and (3) the structuring of the text follows a sequencing whose boundaries are marked by sub-topic shifting and the summary paraphrase. This study enables us to draw four theoretical conclusions: (1) mode related aspects cannot be approached as a simple dichotomy since a combination of aspects of both speech and writing are found in a given feature. It is necessary to go to the level of textual features to identify mode related aspects; (2) homogeneity is dominant in this sample of lectures which suggests that there is a high level of standardization in this variety; (3) the didactic function of the variety is manifested in some mode related aspects; (4) the features studied play a role in the structuring of the text.


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Purpose: To analyse the relationship between measured intraocular pressure (IOP) and central corneal thickness (CCT), corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) in ocular hypertension (OHT), primary open-angle (POAG) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG) eyes using multiple tonometry devices. Methods: Right eyes of patients diagnosed with OHT (n=47), normal tension glaucoma (n=17) and POAG (n=50) were assessed, IOP was measured in random order with four devices: Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT); Pascal(R) dynamic contour tonometer (DCT); Reichert(R) ocular response analyser (ORA); and Tono-Pen(R) XL. CCT was then measured using a hand-held ultrasonic pachymeter. CH and CRF were derived from the air pressure to corneal reflectance relationship of the ORA data. Results: Compared to the GAT, the Tonopen and ORA Goldmann equivalent (IOPg) and corneal compensated (IOPcc) measured higher IOP readings (F=19.351, p<0.001), particularly in NTG (F=12.604, p<0.001). DCT was closest to Goldmann IOP and had the lowest variance. CCT was significantly different (F=8.305, p<0.001) between the 3 conditions as was CH (F=6.854, p=0.002) and CRF (F=19.653, p<0.001). IOPcc measures were not affected by CCT. The DCT was generally not affected by corneal biomechanical factors. Conclusion: This study suggests that as the true pressure of the eye cannot be determined non-invasively, measurements from any tonometer should be interpreted with care, particularly when alterations in the corneal tissue are suspected.


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Question/Issue: We combine agency and institutional theory to explain the division of equity shares between the foreign (majority) and local (minority) partners within foreign affiliates. We posit that once the decision to invest is made, the ownership structure is arranged so as to generate appropriate incentives to local partners, taking into account both the institutional environment and the firm-specific difficulty in monitoring. Research Findings/Insights: Using a large firm-level dataset for the period 2003-2011 from 16 Central and Eastern European countries and applying selectivity corrected estimates, we find that both weaker host country institutions and higher share of intangible assets in total assets in the firm imply higher minority equity share of local partners. The findings hold when controlling for host country effects and when the attributes of the institutional environment are instrumented. Theoretical/Academic Implications: The classic view is that weak institutions lead to concentrated ownership, yet it leaves the level of minority equity shares unexplained. Our contribution uses a firm-level perspective combined with national-level variation in the institutional environment, and applies agency theory to explain the minority local partner share in foreign affiliates. In particular, we posit that the information asymmetry and monitoring problem in firms are exacerbated by weak host country institutions, but also by the higher share of intangible assets in total assets. Practitioner/Policy Implications: Assessing investment opportunities abroad, foreign firms need to pay attention not only to features directly related to corporate governance (e.g., bankruptcy codes) but also to the broad institutional environment. In weak institutional environments, foreign parent firms need to create strong incentives for local partners by offering them significant minority shares in equity. The same recommendation applies to firms with higher shares of intangible assets in total assets. © 2014 The Authors.


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Purpose – This study seeks to provide valuable new insight into the timeliness of corporate internet reporting (TCIR) by a sample of Irish-listed companies. Design/methodology/approach – The authors apply an updated version of Abdelsalam et al. TCIR index to assess the timeliness of corporate internet reporting. The index encompasses 13 criteria that are used to measure the TCIR for a sample of Irish-listed companies. In addition, the authors assess the timeliness of posting companies’ annual and interim reports to their web sites. Furthermore, the study examines the influence of board independence and ownership structure on the TCIR behaviour. Board composition is measured by the percentage of independent directors, chairman’s dual role and average tenure of directors. Ownership structure is represented by managerial ownership and blockholder ownership. Findings – It is found that Irish-listed companies, on average, satisfy only 46 per cent of the timeliness criteria assessed by the timeliness index. After controlling for size, audit fees and firm performance, evidence that TCIR is positively associated with board of director’s independence and chief executive officer (CEO) ownership is provided. Furthermore, it is found that large companies are faster in posting their annual reports to their web sites. The findings suggest that board composition and ownership structure influence a firm’s TCIR behaviour, presumably in response to the information asymmetry between management and investors and the resulting agency costs. Practical implications – The findings highlight the need for improvement in TCIR by Irish-listed companies in many areas, especially in regard to the regular updates of information provided on their web sites. Originality/value – This study represents one of the first comprehensive examinations of the important dimension of the TCIR in Irish-listed companies.


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This paper examines competition between chain-stores and independent retailers in the UK retail opticians' market. We demonstrate that the pricing policy adopted by chain-stores can determine the impact their entry has on independent retailers. Crucially, in this market the chain-store retailers set an identical national price across all local markets. Our results suggest that this pricing strategy lessens the detrimental effect competition from chain-stores has on independent retailers. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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The structure and spin-crossover magnetic behavior of [FeII16][BF4]2 (1 = isoxazole) and [FeII16][ClO4]2 have been studied. [FeII16][BF4]2 undergoes two reversible spin-crossover transitions at 91 and 192 K, and is the first two-step spin transition to undergo a simultaneous crystallographic phase transition, but does not exhibit thermal hysteresis. The single-crystal structure determinations at 260 [space group P3̄, a = 17.4387(4) Å, c = 7.6847(2) Å] and at 130 K [space group P1̄, a = 17.0901(2) Å, b = 16.7481(2) Å, c = 7.5413(1) Å, α = 90.5309(6)°, β = 91.5231(6)°, γ = 117.8195(8)°] reveal two different iron sites, Fe1 and Fe2, in a 1:2 ratio. The room-temperature magnetic moment of 5.0 μB is consistent with high-spin Fe(II). A plateau in μ(T) having a moment of 3.3 μB centered at 130 K suggests a mixed spin system of some high-spin and some low-spin Fe(II) molecules. On the basis of the Fe−N bond distances at the two temperatures, and the molar fraction of high-spin molecules at the transition plateau, Fe1 and Fe2 can be assigned to the 91 and 192 K transitions, respectively. [FeII16][ClO4]2 [space group P3̄, a = 17.5829(3) Å, c = 7.8043(2) Å, β = 109.820 (3)°, T = 295 K] also possesses Fe1:Fe2 in a 1:2 ratio, and magnetic measurements show a single spin transition at 213 K, indicating that both Fe1 and Fe2 undergo a simultaneous spin transition. [FeII16][ClO4]2 slowly decomposes in solutions containing acetic anhydride to form [FeIII3O(OAc)613][ClO4] [space group I2, a = 10.1547(7) Å, b = 16.5497(11) Å, c = 10.3205(9) Å, β = 109.820 (3)°, T = 200 K]. The isosceles Fe3 unit contains two Fe···Fe distances of 3.2844(1) Å and a third Fe···Fe distance of 3.2857(1) Å. The magnetic data can be fit to a trinuclear model with ℋ = −2J(S1·S2 + S2·S3) − 2J13(S1·S3), where J = −27.1 and J13 = −32.5 cm-1.


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This article empirically investigates the determinants of R&D intensity for large Australian firms (1994–1997). The results indicate that more focused firms have higher R&D intensities and that lower levels of industry competition are associated with lower R&D intensities.


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Although Western Balkan countries are quite different, they can all be characterised by their one shared goal, to achieve the quickest possible accession to the European Union. Even though agriculture plays an important key role within all Western Balkan states, it’s share is the highest in Albania and only Serbia has a trade surplus. Land is a key production factor but all the analysed countries can be characterized by fragmented land structure and low average farm sizes. Mostly based on land ownership issues, a land reform index can be calculated. The major contribution of this paper to the literature is the reevaluated land reform index for the Western Balkans.


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The single spin asymmetry, ALT ′, and the polarized structure function, σ LT′, for the p( e&ar; , e′K +)Λ reaction in the resonance region have been measured and extracted using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. Data were taken at an electron beam energy of 2.567 GeV. The large acceptance of CLAS allows for full azimuthal angle coverage over a large range of center-of-mass scattering angles. Results were obtained that span a range in Q 2 from 0.5 to 1.3 GeV2 and W from threshold up to 2.1 GeV and were compared to existing theoretical calculations. The polarized structure function is sensitive to the interferences between various resonant amplitudes, as well as to resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This measurement is essential for understanding the structure of nucleons and searching for previously undetected nucleon excited states (resonances) predicted by quark models. The W dependence of the σ LT′ in the kinematic regions dominated by s and u channel exchange (cos qcmk = −0.50, −0.167, 0.167) indicated possible resonance structures not predicted by theoretical calculations. The σLT ′ behavior around W = 1.875 GeV could be the signature of a resonance predicted by the quark models and possibly seen in photoproduction. In the very forward angles where the reaction is dominated by the t-channel, the average σLT ′ was zero. There was no indication of the interference between resonances or resonant and non-resonant amplitudes. This might be indicating the dominance of a single t-channel exchange. Study of the sensitivity of the fifth structure function data to the resonance around 1900 MeV showed that these data were highly sensitive to the various assumptions of the models for the quantum number of this resonance. This project was part of a larger CLAS program to measure cross sections and polarization observables for kaon electroproduction in the nucleon resonance region. ^