Down syndrome (DS) is the most frequent genetic cause of mental retardation. Cognitive dysfunction in these patients is correlated with reduced dendritic branching and complexity, along with fewer spines of abnormal shape that characterize the cortical neuronal profile of DS. DS phenotypes are caused by the disruptive effect of specific trisomic genes. Here, we report that overexpression of dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A, DYRK1A, is sufficient to produce the dendritic alterations observed in DS patients. Engineered changes in Dyrk1A gene dosage in vivo strongly alter the postnatal dendritic arborization processes with a similar progression than in humans. In cultured mammalian cortical neurons, we determined a reduction of neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. The mechanism underlying neurite dysgenesia involves changes in the dynamic reorganization of the cytoskeleton.
Central core disease is a rare, nonprogressive myopathy that is characterized by hypotonia and proximal muscle weakness. In a large Mexican kindred with an unusually severe and highly penetrant form of the disorder, DNA sequencing identified an I4898T mutation in the C-terminal transmembrane/luminal region of the RyR1 protein that constitutes the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor. All previously reported RYR1 mutations are located either in the cytoplasmic N terminus or in a central cytoplasmic region of the 5,038-aa protein. The I4898T mutation was introduced into a rabbit RYR1 cDNA and expressed in HEK-293 cells. The response of the mutant RyR1 Ca2+ channel to the agonists halothane and caffeine in a Ca2+ photometry assay was completely abolished. Coexpression of normal and mutant RYR1 cDNAs in a 1:1 ratio, however, produced RyR1 channels with normal halothane and caffeine sensitivities, but maximal levels of Ca2+ release were reduced by 67%. [3H]Ryanodine binding indicated that the heterozygous channel is activated by Ca2+ concentrations 4-fold lower than normal. Single-cell analysis of cotransfected cells showed a significantly increased resting cytoplasmic Ca2+ level and a significantly reduced luminal Ca2+ level. These data are indicative of a leaky channel, possibly caused by a reduction in the Ca2+ concentration required for channel activation. Comparison with two other coexpressed mutant/normal channels suggests that the I4898T mutation produces one of the most abnormal RyR1 channels yet investigated, and this level of abnormality is reflected in the severe and penetrant phenotype of affected central core disease individuals.
Eukaryotic viruses can maintain latency in dividing cells as extrachromosomal nuclear plasmids. Segregation and nuclear retention of DNA is, therefore, a key issue in retaining copy number. The E2 enhancer protein of the papillomaviruses is required for viral DNA replication and transcription. Viral mutants that prevent phosphorylation of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV) E2 protein are transformation-defective, despite normal viral gene expression and replication function. Cell colonies harboring such mutants show sectoring of viral DNA and are unable to maintain the episome. We find that transforming viral DNA attaches to mitotic chromosomes, in contrast to the mutant genome encoding the E2 phosphorylation mutant. Second-site suppressor mutations were uncovered in both E1 and E2 genes that allow for transformation, maintenance, and chromosomal attachment. E2 protein was also found to colocalize to mitotic chromosomes, whereas the mutant did not, suggesting a direct role for E2 in viral attachment to chromosomes. Such viral hitch-hiking onto cellular chromosomes is likely to provide a general mechanism for maintaining nuclear plasmids.
The cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) is an activity-dependent transcription factor that is involved in neural plasticity. The kinetics of CREB phosphorylation have been suggested to be important for gene activation, with sustained phosphorylation being associated with downstream gene expression. If so, the duration of CREB phosphorylation might serve as an indicator for time-sensitive plastic changes in neurons. To screen for regions potentially involved in dopamine-mediated plasticity in the basal ganglia, we used organotypic slice cultures to study the patterns of dopamine- and calcium-mediated CREB phosphorylation in the major subdivisions of the striatum. Different durations of CREB phosphorylation were evoked in the dorsal and ventral striatum by activation of dopamine D1-class receptors. The same D1 stimulus elicited (i) transient phosphorylation (≤15 min) in the matrix of the dorsal striatum; (ii) sustained phosphorylation (≤2 hr) in limbic-related structures including striosomes, the nucleus accumbens, the fundus striati, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; and (iii) prolonged phosphorylation (up to 4 hr or more) in cellular islands in the olfactory tubercle. Elevation of Ca2+ influx by stimulation of L-type Ca2+ channels, NMDA, or KCl induced strong CREB phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum but not in the olfactory tubercle. These findings differentiate the response of CREB to dopamine and calcium signals in different striatal regions and suggest that dopamine-mediated CREB phosphorylation is persistent in limbic-related regions of the neonatal basal ganglia. The downstream effects activated by persistent CREB phosphorylation may include time-sensitive neuroplasticity modulated by dopamine.
The G protein-coupled m1 and m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors increase tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins, including the focal adhesion-associated proteins paxillin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK), but the mechanism is not understood. Activation of integrins during adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix, or stimulation of quiescent cell monolayers with G protein-coupled receptor ligands including bradykinin, bombesin, endothelin, vasopressin, and lysophosphatidic acid, also induces tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin and FAK and formation of focal adhesions. These effects are generally independent of protein kinase C but are inhibited by agents that prevent cytoskeletal assembly or block activation of the small molecular weight G protein Rho. This report demonstrates that tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin and FAK elicited by stimulation of muscarinic m3 receptors with the acetylcholine analog carbachol is inhibited by soluble peptides containing the arginine–glycine–aspartate motif (the recognition site for integrins found in adhesion proteins such as fibronectin) but is unaffected by peptides containing the inactive sequence arginine–glycine–glutamate. Tyrosine phosphorylation elicited by carbachol, but not by cell adhesion to fibronectin, is reduced by the protein kinase C inhibitor GF 109203X. The response to carbachol is dependent on the presence of fibronectin. Moreover, immunofluorescence studies show that carbachol treatment induces formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions. These results suggest that muscarinic receptor stimulation activates integrins via a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism. The activated integrins transmit a signal into the cell’s interior leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin and FAK. This represents a novel mechanism for regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation by muscarinic receptors.
The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-signaling pathway has emerged as an important component of cytokine-mediated survival of hemopoietic cells. Recently, the protein kinase PKB/akt (referred to here as PKB) has been identified as a downstream target of PI3K necessary for survival. PKB has also been implicated in the phosphorylation of Bad, potentially linking the survival effects of cytokines with the Bcl-2 family. We have shown that granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) maintains survival in the absence of PI3K activity, and we now show that when PKB activation is also completely blocked, GM-CSF is still able to stimulate phosphorylation of Bad. Interleukin 3 (IL-3), on the other hand, requires PI3K for survival, and blocking PI3K partially inhibited Bad phosphorylation. IL-4, unique among the cytokines in that it lacks the ability to activate the p21ras–mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, was found to activate PKB and promote cell survival, but it did not stimulate Bad phosphorylation. Finally, although our data suggest that the MAPK pathway is not required for inhibition of apoptosis, we provide evidence that phosphorylation of Bad may be occurring via a MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK)-dependent pathway. Together, these results demonstrate that although PI3K may contribute to phosphorylation of Bad in some instances, there is at least one other PI3K-independent pathway involved, possibly via activation of MEK. Our data also suggest that although phosphorylation of Bad may be one means by which cytokines can inhibit apoptosis, it may be neither sufficient nor necessary for the survival effect.
H3 phosphorylation has been correlated with mitosis temporally in mammalian cells and spatially in ciliated protozoa. In logarithmically growing Tetrahymena thermophila cells, for example, H3 phosphorylation can be detected in germline micronuclei that divide mitotically but not in somatic macronuclei that divide amitotically. Here, we demonstrate that micronuclear H3 phosphorylation occurs at a single site (Ser-10) in the amino-terminal domain of histone H3, the same site phosphorylated during mitosis in mammalian cells. Using an antibody specific for Ser-10 phosphorylated H3, we show that, in Tetrahymena, this modification is correlated with mitotic and meiotic divisions of micronuclei in a fashion that closely coincides with chromosome condensation. Our data suggest that H3 phosphorylation at Ser-10 is a highly conserved event among eukaryotes and is likely involved in both mitotic and meiotic chromosome condensation.
Heart failure is accompanied by severely impaired β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) function, which includes loss of βAR density and functional uncoupling of remaining receptors. An important mechanism for the rapid desensitization of βAR function is agonist-stimulated receptor phosphorylation by the βAR kinase (βARK1), an enzyme known to be elevated in failing human heart tissue. To investigate whether alterations in βAR function contribute to the development of myocardial failure, transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted overexpression of either a peptide inhibitor of βARK1 or the β2AR were mated into a genetic model of murine heart failure (MLP−/−). In vivo cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Both MLP−/− and MLP−/−/β2AR mice had enlarged left ventricular (LV) chambers with significantly reduced fractional shortening and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. In contrast, MLP−/−/βARKct mice had normal LV chamber size and function. Basal LV contractility in the MLP−/−/βARKct mice, as measured by LV dP/dtmax, was increased significantly compared with the MLP−/− mice but less than controls. Importantly, heightened βAR desensitization in the MLP−/− mice, measured in vivo (responsiveness to isoproterenol) and in vitro (isoproterenol-stimulated membrane adenylyl cyclase activity), was completely reversed with overexpression of the βARK1 inhibitor. We report here the striking finding that overexpression of this inhibitor prevents the development of cardiomyopathy in this murine model of heart failure. These findings implicate abnormal βAR-G protein coupling in the pathogenesis of the failing heart and point the way toward development of agents to inhibit βARK1 as a novel mode of therapy.
The effects of insulin on the mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR, were investigated in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. mTOR protein kinase activity was measured in immune complex assays with recombinant PHAS-I as substrate. Insulin-stimulated kinase activity was clearly observed when immunoprecipitations were conducted with the mTOR antibody, mTAb2. Insulin also increased by severalfold the 32P content of mTOR that was determined after purifying the protein from 32P-labeled adipocytes with rapamycin⋅FKBP12 agarose beads. Insulin affected neither the amount of mTOR immunoprecipitated nor the amount of mTOR detected by immunoblotting with mTAb2. However, the hormone markedly decreased the reactivity of mTOR with mTAb1, an antibody that activates the mTOR protein kinase. The effects of insulin on increasing mTOR protein kinase activity and on decreasing mTAb1 reactivity were abolished by incubating mTOR with protein phosphatase 1. Interestingly, the epitope for mTAb1 is located near the COOH terminus of mTOR in a 20-amino acid region that includes consensus sites for phosphorylation by protein kinase B (PKB). Experiments were performed in MER-Akt cells to investigate the role of PKB in controlling mTOR. These cells express a PKB-mutant estrogen receptor fusion protein that is activated when the cells are exposed to 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Activating PKB with 4-hydroxytamoxifen mimicked insulin by decreasing mTOR reactivity with mTAb1 and by increasing the PHAS-I kinase activity of mTOR. Our findings support the conclusion that insulin activates mTOR by promoting phosphorylation of the protein via a signaling pathway that contains PKB.
The Pointed (PNT) domain and an adjacent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation site are defined by sequence conservation among a subset of ets transcription factors and are implicated in two regulatory strategies, protein interactions and posttranslational modifications, respectively. By using NMR, we have determined the structure of a 110-residue fragment of murine Ets-1 that includes the PNT domain and MAP kinase site. The Ets-1 PNT domain forms a monomeric five-helix bundle. The architecture is distinct from that of any known DNA- or protein-binding module, including the helix-loop-helix fold proposed for the PNT domain of the ets protein TEL. The MAP kinase site is in a highly flexible region of both the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of the Ets-1 fragment. Phosphorylation alters neither the structure nor monomeric state of the PNT domain. These results suggest that the Ets-1 PNT domain functions in heterotypic protein interactions and support the possibility that target recognition is coupled to structuring of the MAP kinase site.
Activation by growth factors of the Ras-dependent signaling cascade results in the induction of p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (p90rsk). These are translocated into the nucleus upon phosphorylation by mitogen-activated protein kinases, with which p90rsk are physically associated in the cytoplasm. In humans there are three isoforms of the p90rsk family, Rsk-1, Rsk-2, and Rsk-3, which are products of distinct genes. Although these isoforms are structurally very similar, little is known about their functional specificity. Recently, mutations in the Rsk-2 gene have been associated with the Coffin–Lowry syndrome (CLS). We have studied a fibroblast cell line established from a CLS patient that bears a nonfunctional Rsk-2. Here we document that in CLS fibroblasts there is a drastic attenuation in the induced Ser-133 phosphorylation of transcription factor CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) in response to epidermal growth factor stimulation. The effect is specific, since response to serum, cAMP, and UV light is unaltered. Furthermore, epidermal growth factor-induced expression of c-fos is severely impaired in CLS fibroblasts despite normal phosphorylation of serum response factor and Elk-1. Finally, coexpression of Rsk-2 in transfected cells results in the activation of the c-fos promoter via the cAMP-responsive element. Thus, we establish a link in the transduction of a specific growth factor signal to changes in gene expression via the phosphorylation of CREB by Rsk-2.
hMSH2⋅hMSH6 heterodimer (hMutSα) and hMLH1⋅hPMS2 complex (hMutLα) have been implicated in the cytotoxic response of mammalian cells to a number of DNA-damaging compounds, including methylating agents that produce O6-methylguanine (O6MeG) adducts. This study demonstrates that O6MeG lesions, in which the damaged base is paired with either T or C, are subject to excision repair in a reaction that depends on a functional mismatch repair system. Furthermore, treatment of human cells with the SN1 DNA methylators N-methyl-N-nitrosourea or N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine results in p53 phosphorylation on serine residues 15 and 392, and these phosphorylation events depend on the presence of functional hMutSα and hMutLα. Coupled with the previous demonstration that O6MeG⋅T and O6MeG⋅C pairs are recognized by hMutSα, these results implicate action of the mismatch repair system in the initial step of a damage-signaling cascade that can lead to cell-cycle checkpoint activation or cell death in response to DNA methylator damage.
Primitive subsets of leukemic cells isolated by using fluorescence-activated cell sorting from patients with newly diagnosed Ph+/BCR–ABL+ chronic myeloid leukemia display an abnormal ability to proliferate in vitro in the absence of added growth factors. We now show from analyses of growth-factor gene expression, protein production, and antibody inhibition studies that this deregulated growth can be explained, at least in part, by a novel differentiation-controlled autocrine mechanism. This mechanism involves the consistent and selective activation of IL-3 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) production and a stimulation of STAT5 phosphorylation in CD34+ leukemic cells. When these cells differentiate into CD34− cells in vivo, IL-3 and G-CSF production declines, and the cells concomitantly lose their capacity for autonomous growth in vitro despite their continued expression of BCR–ABL. Based on previous studies of normal cells, excessive exposure of the most primitive chronic myeloid leukemia cells to IL-3 and G-CSF through an autocrine mechanism could explain their paradoxically decreased self-renewal in vitro and slow accumulation in vivo, in spite of an increased cycling activity and selective expansion of later compartments.
G proteins play a major role in signal transduction upon platelet activation. We have previously reported a patient with impaired agonist-induced aggregation, secretion, arachidonate release, and Ca2+ mobilization. Present studies demonstrated that platelet phospholipase A2 (cytosolic and membrane) activity in the patient was normal. Receptor-mediated activation of glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa complex measured by flow cytometry using antibody PAC-1 was diminished despite normal amounts of GPIIb-IIIa on platelets. Ca2+ release induced by guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate (GTP[γS]) was diminished in the patient’s platelets, suggesting a defect distal to agonist receptors. GTPase activity (a function of α-subunit) in platelet membranes was normal in resting state but was diminished compared with normal subjects on stimulation with thrombin, platelet-activating factor, or the thromboxane A2 analog U46619. Binding of 35S-labeled GTP[γS] to platelet membranes was decreased under both basal and thrombin-stimulated states. Iloprost (a stable prostaglandin I2 analog) -induced rise in cAMP (mediated by Gαs) and its inhibition (mediated by Gαi) by thrombin in the patient’s platelet membranes were normal. Immunoblot analysis of Gα subunits in the patient’s platelet membranes showed a decrease in Gαq (<50%) but not Gαi, Gαz, Gα12, and Gα13. These studies provide evidence for a hitherto undescribed defect in human platelet G-protein α-subunit function leading to impaired platelet responses, and they provide further evidence for a major role of Gαq in thrombin-induced responses.