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松嫩平原盐碱化草地是我国著名的天然草场,又是东北西部绿色生态屏障,具有较高的经济价值和重要的生态意义。但是由于各种自然因素和人为因素,致使草地出现退化、沙化和盐渍化,尤其是草地盐渍化加重,生态环境日趋恶化。当地地形条件和气候要素是导致草地原生盐碱化的主要原因。而人类对草地的过度使用,如过度放牧和割草等则是导致草地快速次生盐碱化的主要原因,不仅导致土壤的退化,而且引起草地群落发生次生演替过程。在典型的次生演替过程中,常常可以出现羊革(Aneurolepidium chinense)群落、羊草和一虎尾草(Aneurotepidium chinense&Chloris virgata)群落、虎尾草(Chloris virgata)群落、碱蓬(Suaeda glauca)群落等演替阶段。 本文试图建立一个过程模型,来模拟草地的生态学过程机理以及人类过度放牧对草地生态系统的影响。本模型包括5个部分:1)主要气候因子的模拟,2)土壤水分动态的模拟,3)土壤盐碱化动态的模拟,4)草地群落生长的模拟,5)不同放牧强度对草地生态系统的影响评价。以下将对各个部分分别描述a 在气候因子模拟子模型中,给出了影响草地生态系统主要气候园子的种类,并重点介绍了如何利用解析法计算太阳辐射,包括平地和坡地的理论可照时间,天文辐射日总量以及总辐射量。利用改进后的Penman式,模拟了全国的潜在蒸散量,与900多个气象站点的水面蒸发观测资料进行了验证,模拟结果很好。 利用面向对象技术,将土壤水分动力学模型与水分平衡模型相结合,建立了土壤水分动态的物理过程模型。模型以ld为步长,可以模拟多种土壤质地的水分动态。利用松嫩平原4中典型土壤(碳酸盐草甸黑钙土、栗钙土、碱化盐土、草甸碱土)1997年土壤湿度观测资料对模型进行了验证,效果根理想。 在水盐平衡模型和动力学模型基础上建立了物理过程模型,来模拟土壤盐碱化动态。模型以ld为步长,适合于模拟异质性强的多层土壤水盐动态。模拟了1997年羊草及碱蓬群落下的土壤盐分、碱化度、pH值动态,并与实验资料进行了比较,模拟结果可以反映土壤盐分和碱化的季节变化规律。 模型将气候要素、土壤湿度、土壤盐分浓度、碱化度和pH值作为影响草地群落生长最重要的环境因子,在土壤水分动态和盐碱化动态模型基础上,建立了过程模型来模拟以羊草(A.chinense)、虎尾草(C.virgata)、星星草(Puccinellialenuiflora)和碱蓬(S. glauca)为建群种的4种植物群落的地上生物量、地下生物量以及枯死生物量变化动态。利用吉林省长岭的气候资料和实验资料,模拟了1991年土壤湿度动态,1991年4种群落土壤盐分、碱化度和pH值变化动态,以及1991年4种群落生长动态,并分另fj利用实验资料进行了验证,模拟效果非常理想。 在此基础上,利用模型对不同放牧强度对土壤水分动态、盐碱化动态的影响进行了评价,并探讨了对群落演替和生长的可能影响。模型选择不放牧、轻牧、重牧、过牧、极牧5种放牧强度,利用模型每15天将地上生物量分别去除0%. 25%、50%、75%和90%,并且相应改变了土壤导水特性来模拟不同的放牧强度。模拟结果表明,重牧、过牧、极牧下土壤湿度显著降低,但在轻牧下土壤温度略有上升。在不放牧时,土壤以脱盐、脱碱过程为主,而轻牧下脱盐、脱碱过程则会变缓:重牧、过牧、极牧下则以盐碱化为主。.不放牧时羊草群落一直占优势,而轻牧下则被羊草一虎尾草群落替代:虎尾草可以忍受轻的盐碱,因此在重牧F取代羊草群落成为优势种;在过牧和极牧下,土壤盐碱化非常迅速,最终只有碱蓬可以忍受强度的盐碱,这时草地变为碱蓬群落或光碱斑。不放牧下草地群落生长良好,生物量最大;轻牧下,草地群落生物量保持在中等水平;而重牧、过牧、极牧下草地生物量迅速减少。通过将每年收割的生物量进行累加,可以发现轻牧下收获的生物量总量是最大的,随着放牧强度的增加,收获的生物量迅速减少,如果同时考虑到适口性的问题,则可以发现轻牧下可 以收获最多的生物量,而过牧和极牧下只能收获极少的适口性非常差的碱蓬。 模拟结果表明,过牧是导致松嫩草地次生盐碱化最重要的原因,它不仅造成草地土壤的退化,而且加速了草地群落的次生演替。适宜的放牧强度对于保护草地免受退化,保持较高的草地生产力水平至关重要。而过牧不仅降低了草地的生产力,而且严重破坏了草地环境,引起草地的迅速退化。
本文主要通过样线法和样方法相结合,进行了大量的群落学调查和分析,分别从植物区系、物种多样性的垂直分布格局和森林群落类型三个方面分析了神农架植被的基本特征及其物种多样性,结果表明: 1.神农架地区具有很高的物种丰富度,有高等植物3,479种,隶属于1,010属,202科。 其中,蕨类植物305种,80属,32科;种子植物3,174种,930属,170科,其中裸子植物32种,19属,6科,被子植物3,142种,911属,164科;单子叶植物501种,175属,21科,双子叶植物2,641种,736属,143科。植物区系属的分布区类型中北温带分布型最多,其次为东亚分布、泛热带分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布。中国特有成分占5.65%,较全国的8.12%低。温热比(温带分布型(8-11)属数与热带分布型(2-7)属数的比值)为1.200,比全国(0.385)高。 调查样方中共出现高等植物784种,隶属于454属,144科,其中蕨类植物41种,32属,16科;种子植物743种,422属,128科,其中裸子植物20种,14属,5科,被子植物723种,408属,123科;单子叶植物86种,58属,11科,双子叶植物637种,350属,112科。属的分布区类型中北温带分布型最多,其次为东亚分布、泛热带分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布。温热比为1.52,草本层>乔木层>灌木层分别为2.18、1.76和1.14。 2.神农架植被类型多样,具有常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、亚高山针叶林、硬叶常绿阔叶林和亚高山灌丛草甸等自然植被类型。本文,依据乔木物种的重要值将神农架地区的森林植被划分出了69个类型。用Twinspan将调查的森林群落划分为32组,能基本上反映群落间相似的关系。 3.神农架地区具有完整的植被垂直带谱:海拔900 (1300) m以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔900 (1300) m~1500 (1800)ⅡI为常绿落叶阔叶混交林带;海拔1500 (1800) m-2000 (2200)m为落叶阔叶林带;海拔2000 (2200) m~2400 (2600)m为针阔混交林带:海拔2400 (2600)m以上为亚高山针叶林带。神农架地区植被的垂直带的分化从总体上比较显著,但由于小生境的异质性和人为干扰,垂直带谱又具有一定的模糊性和次生性。南北坡具有一定的差异,但不十分明显,也说明神农架植被的过渡性。 4.神农架物种多样性的垂直分布格局。神农架的物种多样性与海拔的关系,类似于“中间膨胀”规律(mid-altitude bulge),在中低海拔处生物多样性最高。通过二次多项式回归拟合,得到如下拟合曲线: 1)海拔与总体物种数:y= _14.445x2+ 34.74lx+42.07,Xd=1.203km; 2)海拔与乔木层物种数:y=-6.9707x2+ 21.334x+0.2004,Xdrl.530km; 3)海拔与灌木层物种数:y=-6.1599x2+ 9.9747x+30.991,Xd=0.8 lOkm: 4)海拔与草本层物种数:y= _3.9907x2+ 10.455x+15.35,Xd-1.308km; 5)海拔与乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=_0.3337x2+ 0.9877x+0.2537,Xd' 1.480km; 6)海拔与灌木层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=-0.1938xz+ 0.422lx+1.2103,Xd=1.089km: 7)海拔与草本层Shannon-Wiener指数:y=_0.1072x2+ 0.294lx+0.9954,Xd=1.372km; x为海拔( km),y为各物种多样性指标,Xd为物种多样性的最大时的海拔。 从这些拟合曲线中可以看出:总体物种多样性在海拔1200m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带最高:乔木层物种多样性在海拔1500m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带与落叶阔叶林的过渡带最高;灌木层物种多样性在海拔800-llOOm左右的常绿阔叶林与常绿落叶阔叶混交林带的过渡带最高;草本层物种多样性在海拔1300-1400m左右的常绿落叶阔叶混交林带最高。 但物种多样性随海拔变化有许多的起伏和波动。这些波动有些反映了群落的垂直带谱随海拔梯度变化的特点,在垂直带谱的过渡区物种多样性往往较高;有些波动反映了一些特殊的生境,有些反映了人为活动的影响,造成了神农架植被的次生性。因此,影响神农架物种多样性垂直分布的因素有:植被本身的性质和特点、过渡带的特点、生境的异质性和人为活动。 5.神农架植被水平地带性的过渡性。海拔1300m以下的植物属的分布区类型的温热比南坡总是比北坡小,而且相差十分显著,反映了神农架作为植被分界线的价值。神农架南坡的基带植被是常绿阔叶林,因此南坡属于中亚热带。北坡的基带植被,虽然也有常绿树种的零星分布,甚至有小块的常绿阔叶林,完全由于小生境所至,分布的主要类型是常绿落叶阔叶混交林,应属于北亚热带。因此,神农架是中、北亚热带重要的过渡地带。神农架地区中北亚热带的具体分界线宜按照分长江干流和汉水的水岭来划界,即猴子石、大窝坑、神农架、神农顶、老君山一线,南坡属于中亚热带,北坡属于北亚热带。 总之,神农架处于我国中、北亚热带的过渡带,具有过渡带的性质,具有很高的物种多样性,拥有完整的植被垂直带谱,具有多种多样的植物群落及其组成的生态系统。而且,具有我国许多特有植物和珍稀濒危保护植物和许多资源植物。因此,神农架植被在我国植被体系中具有重要的地位,是我国生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,是生物多样性保护的关键地区,也应是生物多样性研究的热点地区。 另外,调查分析了黄山和万朝山植被及其物种多样性与垂直分布格局,结果表明: 6.黄山样方中共出现高等植物259种,隶属于263属,110科,其中蕨类植物14种,II属,8科,种子植物345种,152属,105科,其中裸子植物9种,8属,6科,被子植物336种,144属,99科,其中单子叶植物37种,27属,6科,双子叶植物299种,117属,90科。属的分布区类型中北温带分布最多,其次为东亚分布和泛热带分布,再次为东亚北美间断分布、热带亚洲分布以及旧世界温带分布,与神农架和万朝山也较相似,但热带分布的属更多一些。温热比为1.1875,灌木层>草本层>乔木层,分别为1.3818、1.2609和1.2143。 黄山的森林植被类型有针叶林、常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林和竹林。Twinspan将调查的森林群落划分为22组,反映群落间相似的关系,比较清楚和适用。依据乔木物种的重要值将森林植被划分出了34个类型。黄山物种多样性的与海拔的关系不十分明显。黄山植被的垂直带谱不是十分明显,将其垂直带谱划分为:海拔1300m(1500m)以下为常绿阔叶林带;海拔1300m(1500m)-1500m(1600m)常绿落叶阔叶混交林 带;1500m(1600m)以上为落叶阔叶林、黄山松林、山地灌木草丛带。垂直带谱在不同坡向上有差别,东、南、西坡的相似性较大,而北坡与其差别较大。 7.万朝山样方中共出现高等植物490种,隶属于339属,124科,其中蕨类植物21种,18属,11科,种子植物469种,321属,113科,其中裸子植物9种,7属,4科,被子植物460种,314属,109科,其中单子叶植物47种,37属,11科,双子叶植物413种,277属,98科。植物属的分布区类型中,北温带分布所占最多,其次为泛热带分布、东亚分布、东亚北美间断分布、旧世界温带分布以及热带亚洲分布,。温热比为1.3366,草本层>乔木层>灌木层,分别为1.5429、1.4063和1.0645。 万朝山的植被类型包括针叶林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和常绿落时阔叶混交林,但没有典型的常绿阔叶林。依据乔木物种的重要值将森林植被划分出了20个类型。万朝山物种多样性与海拔的关系则不十分明显。万朝山的人为干扰比较强,植被的次生性很大,南、北坡物种多样性随海拔升高的起伏较大。
Visakhapatnam is on the eastern sea board of India (17 degree 40' N and 83 degree 15' E) having a continental shelf of 45 km width which is provided with a polychaete rich, silty clay sea floor to a distance of 15 km and beyond, from the shore. Repeated trawling by a large number of trawlers over an area of 900 sq.km (30 x 30) resulted in the hardening of the substratum to the extent of making it uninhabitable to the polychaetes and polychaete feeding fish. The shoaling and strictly demersal marine catfish, Arius tenuispinis, which is a prolific polychaete feeder on the fishing grounds off Visakhapatnam, has been on the decline since 1979. The catch rate of fish dropped from 9.7 kg/boat per day in 1979 to 2.6 kg by 1985-86. In the bottomset gillnets, the catch per net dwindled from 4.4 kg in 1973 to 0.04 kg by 1985-86. The species has virtually disappeared from the fishing grounds off Visakhapatnam and further north, as a results of the cumulative effect of overfishing with trawlnets and bottomset gillnets. It is further aggravated by the hardening of the sea floor on these grounds due to repeated trawling over a narrow zone.
A Catch Assessment Surveys (CAS) with the overall objective of generating information on the fish production and commercial value of the fisheries of Lake Albert and Albert Nile system was implemented by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI) in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR), Local Government staff (FOs) and BMU members at selected landing sites on Lake Albert (12 landing sites) and Albert Nile (26 landing sites) in July 2012. A total 622 and 313 boat days on Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively were sampled for a period of 9 days. Results indicate an annual landing of 151,600 and 5,900 tonnes (t) of fish with an estimated beach value of 122.5 and 14 Billion (UShs) from Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively. Over 80% of the catch from Lake Albert comprised the small pelagic species; Neobola bredoi (Muziri) and Brycinus nurse (Ragoogi) followed by Nile perch (6%). However, due to low market value of the small fishes and the high prices attached to Nile perch for industrial processing and export market, the contribution of the latter to beach value rose to 34% of the total. The contribution of the light fishery based on small pelagic species (B. nurse and N. bredoi) are insignificant on Albert Nile. Even if the small pelagic species may be present in the river system, a light fishery based on these two is yet to be developed. Proportionally, Albert Nile still remain a multispecies fishery with over 20 fish species harvested commercially. Interestingly, the Albert Nile fishery still remains primitive with simple crafts and gears (mainly dugout canoes, traps, and gillnets). This could suggest that the more developed the system becomes the higher the level of transformation in its fisheries leading to simplification, characterized by reduction in multispecies nature and dominance of few species. Illegal gears especially undersized gillnet of mesh size less than 4 inches were the most dominant in the Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries. They captured large quantities of immature fish particularly when used to target Nile perch, Bagrus, Nile tilapia, and large Barbus spp. Their impact when used to target the smaller species (Ragoogi, Angara & Ngasia) is yet to be evaluated. A specific study to analyze selectivity and impacts of these nets is a recommended. However, the dominance of 1.5” mesh sizes especially on Albert Nile to target Angara, Ngassia and Barbus, is definitely destructive to their fisheries and should be checked forthwith. In addition, there is an emerging fishing method locally referred to as “Salsio or Luzira” whereby fishers stay on the lake from 3 days up to 2 weeks without returning to the landing site. They carry with them food and salt for processing the catches on the lake, and in the case of Albert Nile on make shift shelters on islands and in the game park. They normally use gillnets of 3-3½ inch mesh size and caught mainly Nile perch & Bagrus (Pethi & Munama). On return they land several tons of fish. Most of these Catches are not captured in the estimates presented in our analyses since we target daily fishing boats. The possible impacts of this fishing method should be studied and appropriate action recommended.
There has been a growing interest in hydrogenated silicon carbide films (SiC:H) prepared using the electron cyclotron resonance-chemical vapour deposition (ECR-CVD) technique. Using the ECR-CVD technique, SiC:H films have been prepared from a mixture of methane, silane and hydrogen, with phosphine as the doping gas. The effects of changes in the microwave power (from 150 to 900 W) on the film properties were investigated in a series of phosphorus-doped SiC:H films. In particular, the changes in the deposition rate, optical bandgap, activation energy and conductivity were investigated in conjunction with results from Raman scattering and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) analysis. It was found that increase in the microwave power has the effect of enhancing the formation of the silicon microcrystalline phase in the amorphous matrix of the SiC:H films. This occurs in correspondence to a rapid increase in the conductivity and a reduction in the activation energy, both of which exhibit small variations in samples deposited at microwave powers exceeding 500 W. Analysis of IR absorption results suggests that hydrogen is bonded to silicon in the Si-H stretching mode and to carbon in the sp3 CHn rocking/wagging and bending mode in films deposited at higher microwave powers.
An alternative method for seeding catalyst nanoparticles for carbon nanotubes and nanowires growth is presented. Ni nanoparticles are formed inside a 450 nm SiO2 film on (100) Si wafers through the implantation of Ni ions at fluences of 7.5×1015 and 1.7×1016 ions.cm-2 and post-annealing treatments at 700, 900 and 1100°C. After exposed to the surface by HF dip etching, the Ni nanoparticles are used as catalyst for the growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes by direct current plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. © 2007 Materials Research Society.
Two experiments were conducted to formulate and evaluate test diets using locally available ingredients to find out suitable diets for mono and polyculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in ponds. The first experiment was conducted from 1 July 2003 to 29 September 2003 in 12 experimental ponds each measuring 30 square meters behind the Fisheries Faculty Building, BAU campus, Mymensingh. Three experimental diets containing 30% protein were formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oilcake, sesame meal and rice bran and assigned to treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A special shrimp feed (Starter-II) from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. was assigned to treatment 4 (Control). Each treatment had three replications. Juveniles of M. rosenbergii (2.90±0.81g) were stocked at the rate of 4/square meter. Prawns were fed three times daily at the rate of 15% of their body weight at the beginning, which was gradually reduced to 10% and 5% for the last two months. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the weight gains of prawns fed diets 1 and 4 (control), but they were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of diets 2 and 3. The FCR values of diets ranged between 2.61 to 3.36 with diets 1 and 4 showing significantly (P<0.05) lower FCR values. The survival rate of prawns ranged between 68 to 78% with prawns fed diets 1 and 4 showing significantly higher survival rate. The production of prawn ranged from 921 to 1,428 kg/ha/90 days and diet 1 gave the highest production. Treatment 1 gave the highest net profit ofTk. 161,980/ha/90 days. The second experiment was conducted from December, 2003 to April, 2004 to see the growth of over wintered M. rosenbergii juveniles in polyculture with indigenous major carps (catla and rohu) in ponds using formulated diets. Three isoenergetic experimental diets formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, wheat bran and molasses, and a shrimp feed 'Golda special feed' from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. were assigned to treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 (control), respectively, each treatment had two replications. Eight experimental ponds each measuring 80 square meters in the Field Laboratory Complex of the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU campus, Mymensingh were used. The mean initial weights of M. rosenbergii, catla and rohu were 1.60±0.01, 30.0±0.09 and 25.0±0.08 g, respectively. A total of 160 fish and prawn (20,000/ha) were stocked in each pond at the ratio of 2:1:1 (prawn: catla: rohu). Fish were fed at the rate of 3-5% of their body weight. Prawns fed diet 1, 2 and 4 showed higher weight gains compared to diet 3. The weight gain of catla was significantly higher in T1 while in case of rohu was higher in T1 and T4, respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the survival rate of fish as obtained from different treatments. The overall total fish production ranged from 2196 to 2679 kg/ha/5 months. The highest production and the highest profit (Tk. 56,531/ha/5 months) was obtained from T1 and the lowest (Tk. 24,932/ha/5 months) from T4.
A socio-economic investigation was carried out in two fishermen cooperative societies namely Purba Helatala Fishermen Co-operative Society (E-1), Barhal Fishermen Co-operative Society (E-2), under Maldah district, West Bengal to which the beels (flood plains) under study belong. A total of 132 member fishermen, which constituted the sample, were personally interviewed. The age group of the fishermen of the sample in E-1 varied between 20 and 66 years whereas in E-2 it was 22 and 61 years. All the members of the sample belonged to Scheduled Caste (SC) community. The primary occupation of all the respondents of both the beels was observed to be fishing (100%). Maximum number of illiterate respondents was observed to 56% in E-2 and 35% in E-1. It has been observed that as many as 38.3% of fishermen were having fishing experience which ranging from 16 to 20 years in E-1 whereas it was 6 - 10 years (36.1%) in E-2. Maximum number of fishermen lived in thatched houses (41.66%) in E-1 whereas in E-2 most of them lived in houses made of corrugated tin/tile shed (41.66%). As many as 41.55% of E-1 and 30.55% of E-2 used dug-out canoes for their fishing. Maximum number of fishermen used cast net with individualistic approach (100%) followed by Gill net (E-1:41.56% and E-2:55.55%). Most of the fishermen of the sample participated in fishing activities for 241 to 270 days (41.66%) in E-2 whereas it was 211 to 240 days (33.33 %) in E-1 in a year. During fishing season as many as 40.0% of the respondents of E-1 earned on an average Rs. 801.00 to Rs. 900.00 per month whereas it was Rs. 901.00 to Rs.1,000.00 (43.05%) in case of E-2. A section of fishermen of the sample borrowed money often (51.6%) E-1 whereas it was most often (27.27%) of E-2. The respondents of E-2 made regular repayment of the loan to the maximum extent (79.48%) whereas it was 57.44% in E-1. Higher fish production vis-a-vis higher income for the fishermen was observed in the beel (E2) having close characteristic.
Kalyani lake (P sub(1)), a weed infested recreational water body and a weed chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) in the heart of Kalyani city of West Bengal were studied for a period of one year for their primary productivity and other physicochemical parameters. Very low primary productivity (GPP=360-1237mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=157-787 mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was recorded in P sub(2) in spite of having a high concentration of nutrients (PO sub(4)–P=0.052-0.260mg l super(- 1); NO sub(3)-N=0.110-0.412mg l super(-1)). On the other hand, moderate primary productivity (GPP=1687-3195mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=900-2700mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was found in P sub(1) with comparatively low range of nutrients (P0 sub(4)-P =0.010-0.058mg l super(-1); NO sub(3)-N=0.032-0.118mg l super(-1)). After studying the other physicochemical parameters (temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, pH, alkalinity and macrophytic biomass), it was found that the overall hydro-biological conditions of the weed-chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) is not congenial for biological production as compared to Kalyani Lake (P sub(1)). Kalyani Lake may be used for fish culture with proper management practices.
This paper demonstrates a catalyst-free synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using platinum microheaters under ambient environmental conditions. Different morphologies of ZnO nanostructures are synthesized from the oxidization of Zn thin film by local heating. The synthesized ZnO structures are characterized by the SEM, EDX and Raman spectra. The characterization of two shapes of Pt microheaters is investigated and the relationship between the applied heating power and ZnO nanostructures synthesis is investigated under ambient conditions. We observe that the density and morphology of ZnO nanostructures can be controlled through applied heating voltages. Furthermore, a connected composite structural (Zn-ZnO-Zn) layer is synthesized using combinative microheaters. © 2011 IEEE.
This study was made as an attempt to investigate the optimum packing density and the ice quantity suitable for the transport of Penaeus monodon juveniles. The results revealed that prawns of 40 mg size can be packed to as much as 3,000 per bag. While packing densities above 3,000 per bag containing 8 L seawater and 16 L oxygen can be used only for short transport periods. On the other hand in the ice-quantity experiment, mortality rate was less than 1% in all the bags containing 300 g, 600 g, 900 g and 1200 g of ice. A packing temperature of 20~’C must be maintained hence, 50 g of ice per hour should be allowed per box, counting from the moment the box is sealed to the time it is estimated to be opened.
The combined effect of radiation and refrigeration on the shelf life of hilsa, Tanualosa ilisha was studied by monitoring the microbiological, chemical and sensory changes of unirradiated and irradiated fish samples using low dose irradiation, doses of 300 krad, 600 krad and 900 krad. Irradiation (900 krad) dramatically reduced population of bacteria, namely total viable counts 48.850cfu per gm for unirradiated, 31.850cfu per gm and 19.600cfu per gm of 300 krad and 600 krad, respectively. The effect was more pronounced at the higher dose (900 krad), total viable count were 14.100cfu per gm. Another microbial indicator total mould counts (TMC) was 8.750cfu per gm, 6.350cfu per gm, and 19.600cfu per gm for 300 krad and 600 krad, respectively. The effect was more pronounced at the higher dose (900 krad) where total viable counts were 14,100cfu per gm. Total volatile nitrogen values increased slowly attaining a value of 101.02mgN per 100gm for unirradiated T. ilisha during refrigerated storage, whereas for irradiated fish, lower values of 71.13, 59.33 and 47.03mgN per 100gm muscle were recorded. Sensory evaluation showed a good correlation with bacterial populations on the basis of overall acceptability scores.
We studied the altitudinal ranging of one habituated group of black-crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor) at Dazhaizi, Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China, between March 2005 and April 2006. The group ranged from 1,900 to 2,680 m above sea level. Food distribution was the driving force behind the altitudinal ranging patterns of the study group. They spent 83.2% of their time ranging between 2,100 and 2,400 m, where 75.8% of important food patches occurred. They avoided using the area above 2,500 m despite a lack of human disturbance there, apparently because there were few food resources. Temperature had a limited effect on seasonal altitudinal ranging but probably explained the diel altitudinal ranging of the group, which tended to use the lower zone in the cold morning and the higher zone in the warm afternoon. Grazing goats, the main disturbance, were limited to below 2,100 m, which was defined as the high-disturbance area (HDA). Gibbons spent less time in the HDA and, when ranging there, spent more time feeding and travelling and less time resting and singing. Human activities directly influenced gibbon behaviour, might cause forest degradation and create dispersal barriers between populations. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
目的:制备小鼠双尾C蛋白Bicc1的多克隆抗体并确定其在细胞内定位.方法:根据生物信息学分析结果, PCR扩增小鼠Bicc1编码61E-199A的cDNA片段.将该片段克隆到GST融合蛋白表达载体上, 在IPTG诱导下产生Bicc1-N抗原.纯化目的蛋白并制备兔抗Bicc1蛋白多克隆抗体.Western blot鉴定抗体特异性, 并以间接免疫荧光法初步分析该蛋白在细胞内定位.结果:成功构建Bicc1-N片段原核表达载体, 在大肠杆菌中实现可溶性表达, 制备小鼠Bicc1蛋白的多克隆抗体, 并证实该蛋白主要表达于细胞质内.结论:成功制备了高效价并特异的兔抗Bicc1多克隆抗体, 为进一步研究Bicc1基因产物的生物功能奠定了基础.
2005年2月26日和3月1日在云南省昭通大山包黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区,分别为4只越冬黑颈鹤佩戴卫星信号发射器(PTTs),跟踪研究其迁徙路线和迁徙停歇地.2005年春季迁徙中,有2只跟踪黑颈鹤到达繁殖地,其中1只黑颈鹤在2005年11月和2006年3月分别完成从繁殖地返回越冬地和从越冬地再次到达繁殖地的迁徙过程.2只春季迁徙黑颈鹤的迁徙路线大致相同--沿着长江上游金沙江、大渡河一直向北到达黄河上游白河及黑河沿岸若尔盖湿地内.春季迁徙过程中,途中停歇3-4次,总迁徙距离是674-713 km,迁徙全程所用时间3-4天.秋季迁徙全程所用时间8天.在4个PTTs工作期间,共确定有13个黑颈鹤迁徙停歇地,其中11个停歇地在河流滩地;其他2个停歇地在高山湖泊附近.总体上,黑颈鹤一般选择海拔在1 900 m以上湖泊、河流等湿地内,距离耕地较近且人、畜干扰较少的栖息地停歇.