993 resultados para 90-03-PC1


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During the spring session of the ICES Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) 48 stocks assessed by 7 Working Groups have been analyzed and reviewed, among these all herring stocks in the ICES area, blue whiting and most demersal stocks in the Baltic, Arctic and North-Western area. As in previous years, ICES recommends a reduction in fishing mortality for a number of stocks or even the establishment of recovery and management plans, to safeguard a continuous development of the stocks towards safe biological limits. ICES recommended a 90% reduction of the cod fishery in the Baltic Sea, while most of the herring stocks are in good condition.


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We demonstrate the influence of the relative humidity (RH) on the wavelength of fiber Bragg grating sensors (FBGS), performing tests with five FBGS at different humidity and temperature conditions. These tests were performed in a climate chamber whose RH changes according to a scheduled profile from 30% to 90%, in steps of 10%. These profiles were repeated for a wide range of temperatures from to , in steps of . Two different types of instrumentation methods have been tested, spot welding and epoxy bonding, in two different materials, steel and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). We discuss the results for each type of sensor and instrumentation method by analyzing the linearity of the Bragg wavelength with RH and temperature.


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The common 2652 6N del variant in the CASP8 promoter (rs3834129) has been described as a putative low-penetrance risk factor for different cancer types. In particular, some studies suggested that the deleted allele (del) was inversely associated with CRC risk while other analyses failed to confirm this. Hence, to better understand the role of this variant in the risk of developing CRC, we performed a multi-centric case-control study. In the study, the variant 2652 6N del was genotyped in a total of 6,733 CRC cases and 7,576 controls recruited by six different centers located in Spain, Italy, USA, England, Czech Republic and the Netherlands collaborating to the international consortium COGENT (COlorectal cancer GENeTics). Our analysis indicated that rs3834129 was not associated with CRC risk in the full data set. However, the del allele was under-represented in one set of cases with a family history of CRC (per allele model OR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.69-0.90) suggesting this allele might be a protective factor versus familial CRC. Since this multi-centric case-control study was performed on a very large sample size, it provided robust clarification of the effect of rs3834129 on the risk of developing CRC in Caucasians.


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Actualmente sólo existen dos vacunas disponibles para la prevención primaria frente al virus del papiloma humano, Gardasil® y Cervarix®. Ambas vacunas ofrecen una alta protección contra los genotipos 16 y 18 del papillomavirus, que son los responsables de más del 70% de los cánceres de cérvix, segunda causa de mortalidad por cáncer a nivel mundial en mujeres. Además, Gardasil®, ofrece una protección del 99% para las mujeres y del 89,4% para los hombre, frente a los genotipos 6 y 11 del virus, responsables del 90% de las verrugas genitales. Uno de los principales obstáculos para su uso generalizado es su elevado coste, por ello, los ensayos clínicos se dirigen a conseguir una inmunogenicidad eficaz con el menor número de dosis. Cervarix® se comercializa en Europa con una pauta de dos dosis en niñas de 9 a 14 años, con una inmunogenicidad de 48 meses. Gardasil® ha sido autorizada para su comercialización para una pauta de dos dosis en niñas/os de 9 a 13 años, con una imunogenicidad de 36 meses. Ambas vacunas han despertado una gran controversia en los últimos tiempos, por este motivo se están realizando continuos estudios de control que, hasta la fecha, avalan su seguridad. La falta de información sobre las vacunas, los escasos programas de sensibilización y las dudas sobre su seguridad han dificultado su aceptación. El papel de la enfermera es clave en este aspecto para fomentar la vacunación, a través de actividades dirigidas hacía la promoción y prevención frente al virus del papiloma humano.


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Helburua: Ikerketa honen helburu nagusia kadete eta jubenil futbolarien arteko ezberdintasunak analizatzea izan zen azelerazio, norabide aldaketa, jauzi bertikal eta jauzi horizontal gaitasunetan. Metodoak: Lagina Romo Futbol Club-aren 34 futbol jokalarik osatu zuten, denak gizonezkoak (16,03 ± 1,22 urte, 1,73 ± 0,07 m, 66,86 ± 7,65 kg, 22,21 ± 1,91 kg.m-2). Lagina bi taldetan banatu egin zen, lehiatzen zuten kategoria kontutan hartuta. 1.taldeak (KAD) Kadeteen Euskal Ligan jokatzen zuen (15,12 ± 0,70 urte, 1,71 ± 0,07 m, 63,06 ± 6,66 kg, 21,48 ± 1,56 kg.m-2), 2.taldeak (JUB) Jubenilen Nazional Ligan egiten zuen bitartean (16,94 ± 0,90 urte, 1,76 ± 0,07 m, 70,65 ± 6,77 kg, 22,93 ± 2,00 kg.m-2). Testak bi egun ezberdinetan burutu egin ziren eta jokalariek ez zuten intentsitate altuko jarduerarik egin frogen aurreko bi egunetan. 1.egunean, asteartea, jokalari guztien datu antropometrikoak hartu ziren eta azelerazio gaitasuna, norabide aldaketa gaitasuna (CODA) eta jauzi horizontala (HJ) neurtzeko testak burutu ziren. 2.egunean, osteguna, salto bertikalari (VJ) dagozkion frogak eraman ziren aurrera. Emaitzak: Azelerazio gaitasunean ezberdintasun esanguratsuak eskuratu ziren kadeteen eta jubenilen artean. Hala ere, MAT testan lortutako emaitzak antzekoak izan ziren bi taldeetan. Ezberdintasun esanguratsuak eskuratu ziren elastizitate indizean (IE) eta efektuaren tamaina altua edo moderatua izan zen VCMJ eta CMJAS frogetan. Ezberdintasun esanguratsuak aurkitu ziren bai HCMJ jauzian zein H3BT jauzian jokalari kadete eta jubenilen artean. Konklusioa: Ikerketa honetan kategorien arteko ezberdintasunak aurkitu ziren (kadete eta jubenil) azelerazio gaitasunean, baina ez norabide aldaketa gaitasunean. Jauzi gaitasunari dagokionez, jokalari jubenilek jauzi horizontal gaitasun handiagoa eskuratu zuten. Hala ere, ezberdintasun hauek ez ziren ikusi jauzi bertikal mota guztietan. Kontra mugimendurik gabeko jauzi bertikal testan (VSJ), emaitzak antzekoak izan ziren adin ezberdinetako jokalarien artean. Emaitza hauei erreparatuz, interesgarria izan daiteke azelerazio (5 eta 15 m), luzatze-laburtze ziklodun jauzi bertikal (VCMJ eta VCMJAS) eta jauzi horizontal (HCMJ eta H3BT) testak erabiltzea errendimendua analizatzeko futbolari gazteetan.


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An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of Moina, artificial diet (55% CP) and nutrase xyla supplemented artificial diet on growth performances and survival rates of Clarias gariepinus larvae. A combination of Moina and artificial diet (with or without nutrass xyla) resulted in higher growth performance and survival rates during a 12-day nursing time with specific growth rates of 30.04-32.15% d super(-1) and survival rates of 87.5-90%. Best growth performance and survival rate was obtained with a combination of Moina and artificial diet supplemented with nutrias xylem. Feeding of Moina and artificial diet supplemented, with nutrias xyla alone to the larval led to a lower growth performance of 25.60-27.04% d super(-1). However, the survival rate of Monia of larvae fed a combination of Moina and artificial diet (with or without nutrias xylem supplementation) artificial diet without nutrias xylem addition proved relatively less suitable for larval rearing of Clarias gariepinus owing to a low survival rate of 69% and growth performance of 19.7% d super(-1). This study showed the feasibility of feeding a combination of Moina and nutrias xylem supplemented artificial diet to the larvae of Clarias gariepinus


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Based on the findings and diagnostic survey, a new fishing trap, christened Lege trap was designed and fabricated, and the performance evaluated. The 8-valve Lege trap was assessed concurrently with Malian and Ndurutu traps by the fishermen in the study area. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity number, biomass and size were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results showed that 22 fish species belonging to thirteen families were caught. The prototype (Lege) trap recorded higher species diversity index (0.90) than the Malian (0.50) and Ndurutu (0.50) traps. The Lege trap also accounted for the largest number (55%) and biomass (63%) of fish caught which was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the Malian and Nduutu traps were. The mean length (15.03~c5.70cm), weight (60.43~c48.61g) and girth (4.77~c1.65cm) of fishes caught in the Lege trap were also significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other two traps. These results demonstrated better performance of the new trap than the two conventional traps, even though the sizes of some of the fish species caught in all the traps were below those allowed by the Sokoto State Fisheries Edict where the study was conducted. Therefore, since it is desirable to develop conservation-oriented trap at a least cost, it is necessary to research further on the number of valves and mesh size of the new trap


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This study was carried out to assess consumers' acceptance of kilishi prepared from Labeo coubie and Hyperopisus bebe occidentalis in Sokoto. The organoleptic properties (texture, odour, taste and flavour) of kilishi in its fresh form and under storage for 16 weeks were determined. The mean scores for the organoleptic assessment (6.90 and 7.19 for kilishi of Labeo and Hyperopisus respectively) showed that fish kilishi was highly acceptable. Hyperopisus kilishi recorded slightly higher mean scores for the tested organoleptic properties. The declining pattern of the sensory assessment scores with length of storage indicated that the optimum storage period under the room temperature for kilishi made from the experimental fish species in the study area was 6-8 weeks. Further research on appropriate storage methods is desirable. However, preparation of fish kilishi could be explored as alternative preservation technique to reduce fish spoilage especially during the glut in supply and to diversify fish products


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A total of 61 Heterotis niloticus specimen were examined and evaluated to determine the food and feeding habits using the frequency of occurrence, point and dominance methods. The specimens had mean standard length of 27.09 plus or minus 4.73cm, total length of 33.40cm body weight of 90-900g. The gut length ranges from 34-104cm while the gut weight range from 2.79-130g. It was observed that the fish fed mostly on plankton with rotifers and polyscysits having the highest number of frequency and dominant value with mean value of 43.03 plus or minus 4.12 and 11.73 plus or minus 1.15, 37.45 plus or minus 3.27 and 8.32 plus or minus 0.38 respectively. Arcella had the least mean frequency of occurrence of 3.27 plus or minus 17. Amoeba sp had the least mean dominance value of 7.06 plus or minus 50 and Aphnocapsa sp had the least mean frequency of occurrence of 1.10 plus or minus 0.29 and Navicula sp had the least mean dominance value of 4.31 plus or minus 1.11. Heterotis niloticus of River Kaduna flood plain is therefore considered to be predominantly planktivorous


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Über den aktuellen Radioaktivitätsgehalt des 137Cs im Fleisch von Fischen aus dem Eingangsbereich zur Barentssee in 1992 wurde bereits unmittelbar nach Abschluß der Gammaspektrometrie berichtet. Die nach radiochemischen Aufbereitungen inzwischen ermittelten 90Sr Gehaltswerte werden in diesem Artikel diskutiert.


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Esta dissertação focaliza as interdições civis dos indivíduos portadores de transtornos psíquicos. Este é um tema pouco abordado em trabalhos acadêmicos brasileiros. Trata-se de um estudo histórico-etnográfico contextualizado no município de Angra dos Reis, cidade do litoral sul do estado do Rio de Janeiro, década de 90. Na construção do objeto de pesquisa, refez-se a genealogia do perito, problematizando-se sua identidade frente à reforma psiquiátrica brasileira. Trinta e nove processos compõem o banco de dados, o que permitiu traçar o perfil sociológico da população que procura esse recurso jurídico. Além da análise das perícias, descreveu-se o diálogo construído entre os profissionais da saúde mental e os agentes da justiça e as respostas desencadeadas nesses agentes. Dos resultados foi enfatizada a existência de processos com sentenças judiciais de interdição parcial dos direitos civis.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a inserção da ciência (especialmente das ciências biomédicas e psicológicas) em um grande veículo de circulação brasileiro, a revista Nova, durante os 25 anos de sua publicação. Sobressaiu da análise do discurso da revista uma relação estreita entre ciência e estética, articulada em dois níveis: o primeiro refere-se à questão da legitimidade conferida pela ciência às preocupações estéticas com o corpo, ao torná-las um componente imprescindível da saúde física e mental; o segundo diz respeito ao modo como a ciência se coloca a serviço de um idéia que é ao mesmo tempo biológico, estético e moral. Uma análise diacrônica de Nova revela que durante os anos 70 era a psicologia que estava presente na revista, legitimando a busca da beleza e estabelecendo causas psicológicas para problemas estéticos. Já nos anos 80/90, a psicologia vai sendo substituída pela bioquímica, ao menos no que diz respeito à reflexão sobre as causas daqueles problemas. De um modo geral, o que se revela é um processo de crescente medicalização da beleza.