997 resultados para 7038-215


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In a supersonic chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) operating without primary buffer gas, the features of flowfield have significant effects on the Laser efficiency and beam quality. In this paper three-dimensional, multi-species, chemically reactive CFD technology was used to study the flowfield in mixing nozzle implemented with a supersonic interleaving jet configuration. The features of the flowfield as well as its effect on the spatial distribution of small signal gain were analyzed.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de tuberculosis(Micobacterium bovis) y brucelosis (Brucella abortus) en bovinos criollos de raza Reyna de la finca Santa Rosa propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. Este trabajo se realizó en dos etapas de campo con un intervalo de 215 días entre el primer muestreo y el segundo muestreo de la misma población de bovinos. Primer muestreo: 80 bovinos muestreados de un total de 120 animales, correspondiente al 66.83% de la población total. Segundo muestreo serológico se utilizaron 85 bovinos de una población de 130 equivalente al 65.39% del total de bovinos.Los criterios de selección fueron: bovinos de la raza Reyna clínicamente sanos y en edad reproductiva. Para la interpretación de los datos en este estudio se utilizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis se realizó la prueba de tuberculina anocaudal y la prueba doble comparativa en los bovinos que reaccionaron a la aplicación de tuberculina PPD. En la primera y segunda etapa del muestreo serológico los animales dieron “no reactores” a la sensibilización dérmica por tuberculina. Los resultados del muestreo serológico realizados a través de las pruebas rosa de bengala, rivanol y test de ELISA para el diagnostico de brucelosis,demuestran que ninguno de los sueros de los bovinos presentaron anticuerpos aglutinantes, indicando que los animales no estuvieron expuestos a Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis o Brucellasuis.


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密度分层流体中物体统流的实验研究从六十年代中期起蓬勃开展起来。在1967年Mowbray和Rarity发表了三张纹影照片,但是没有涉及到尾涡结构。在这期间,不少学者研究了水平运动产生的内波,到了1977年Pao和Kao首先报导了用弱分层的方法揭示了在小Richardson数R_i=0.215和雷诺数Re=4×10~3~2×10~4情况下在均匀流中圆球的尾涡具有封闭末端双螺旋结构。Merzkirch和他的学生用光学技术得到清晰的内波波型照片,对圆柱垂直运动实验和理论结果作了比较。近些年来,稳定性研究和三维分离流动中流面分叉及涡构架研究有新进展。为了搞清楚密度分层流体中的尾涡结构、内波和尾涡的关系、内波产生的机理,在1983年我们建立了分层流水箱设备。从实验中我们发现:在低雷诺数Re≈10~2情况下,分层流体中圆柱绕流的尾涡具有双螺旋结构,双螺旋的二支以相反的方向连续地缠绕在一起。这与Pao和Kao水平运动圆球尾流中涡结构有类似的现象。在有倾角情况下,涡管在运动中发生变形。可以认为,实验结果有助于剪切流动现象的研究以及对湍流的发生、发展和衰变机制的进一步理解。 本实验使用直径D=20mm,长度70mm的不锈钢圆柱模型,该模型水平地悬挂在分层流水箱框架中的带有滚珠轴承滑块上。圆柱与水平轴成45°和90°倾角向上和向下被拖着


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Coordinated measurement of temperature, velocity and free surface oscillation were obtained by using the drop shaft facility for microgravity experiments of half floating zone convection. The ground-based studies gave transition from steady to oscillatory convection for multi-quantities measurement.


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In order to understand the mechanism of the incipient spallation in rolled metals, a one dimensional statistical mode1 on evolution of microcracks in spallation was proposed. The crack length appears to be the fundamental variable in the statistical description. Two dynamic processes, crack nucleation and growth, were involved in the model of damage evolution. A simplified case was examined and preliminary correlation to experimental observations of spallation was made.


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Coastal ecosystems and the services they provide are adversely affected by a wide variety of human activities. In particular, seagrass meadows are negatively affected by impacts accruing from the billion or more people who live within 50 km of them. Seagrass meadows provide important ecosystem services, including an estimated $1.9 trillion per year in the form of nutrient cycling; an order of magnitude enhancement of coral reef fish productivity; a habitat for thousands of fish, bird, and invertebrate species; and a major food source for endangered dugong, manatee, and green turtle. Although individual impacts from coastal development, degraded water quality, and climate change have been documented, there has been no quantitative global assessment of seagrass loss until now. Our comprehensive global assessment of 215 studies found that seagrasses have been disappearing at a rate of 110 square kilometers per year since 1980 and that 29% of the known areal extent has disappeared since seagrass areas were initially recorded in 1879. Furthermore, rates of decline have accelerated from a median of 0.9% per year before 1940 to 7% per year since 1990. Seagrass loss rates are comparable to those reported for mangroves, coral reefs, and tropical rainforests and place seagrass meadows among the most threatened ecosystems on earth.


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Common carp is one of the most important cultured freshwater fish species in the world. Its production in freshwater areas is the second largest in Europe after rainbow trout. Common carp production in Europe was 146,845 t in 2004 (FAO Fishstat Plus 2006). Common carp production is concentrated mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. In Hungary, common carp has been traditionally cultured in earthen ponds since the late 19th century, following the sharp drop in catches from natural waters, due to the regulation of main river systems. Different production technologies and unintentional selection methods resulted in a wide variety of this species. Just before the intensification of rearing technology and the exchange of stocking materials among fish farms (early sixties), “landraces” of carp were collected from practically all Hungarian fish farms into a live gene bank at the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) at Szarvas (Bakos and Gorda 1995; Bakos and Gorda 2001). In order to provide highly productive hybrids for production purposes starting from 1964, different strains and crosses between Hungarian landraces were created and tested. During the last 40 years, approximately 150 two-, three-, and four-line hybrids were produced. While developing parental lines, methods of individual selection, inbreeding, backcrossing of lines, gynogenesis and sex reversal were used. This breeding program resulted in three outstanding hybrids: “Szarvas 215 mirror” and “Szarvas P31 scaly” for pond production, and “Szarvas P34 scaly” for angling waters. Besides satisfying the needs of industry, the live gene bank helped to conserve the biological diversity of Hungarian carp landraces. Fifteen Hungarian carp landraces are still maintained today in the gene bank. Through exchange programs fifteen foreign carp strains were added to the collection from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Southeast Asia (Bakos and Gorda 2001). Besides developing the methodology to maintain live specimens in the gene bank, the National Carp Breeding Program has been initiated in cooperation with all the key stakeholders in Hungary, namely the National Association of Fish Producers (HOSZ), the National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control (OMMI), and the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI). In addition, methodologies or technologies for broodstock management and carp performance testing have been developed. This National Carp Breeding Program is being implemented successfully since the mid-1990s.