948 resultados para 612.044


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados da terapia local pré-operatória em pacientes portadores de carcinoma hepatocelular submetidos a transplante hepático. MÉTODOS: . Foram analisados os prontuários dos pacientes adultos submetidos a transplante hepático cadavérico e intervivos no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná no período entre janeiro de 2002 e agosto de 2007. Foram incluídos no estudo os portadores de cirrose hepática e carcinoma hepatocelular diagnosticado pelos critérios da EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver). Foram analisados o número e o diâmetro dos nódulos neoplásicos antes e após a terapia local e na análise do explante, o número de sessões de terapia local e sua duração. Após o estabelecimento do diagnóstico de carcinoma hepatocelular os pacientes foram submetidos à terapia local com alcoolização. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 22 pacientes portadores de 31 nódulos neoplásicos com diâmetro médio de 28,8±12 mm. Após as sessões de terapia local foram detectados 29 nódulos neoplásicos com diâmetro médio de 24,6±12 mm, sem diferença em relação ao observado antes do tratamento e todos dentro dos critérios de Milão. Foram realizados 17 transplantes cadavéricos e cinco transplantes intervivos. A análise do explante demonstrou seis casos fora dos critérios de Milão. Dezesseis casos estavam dentro dos critérios de Milão com 14 nódulos neoplásicos com diâmetro médio de 30±14 mm, sem diferença em relação ao observado no diagnóstico e após a terapia local. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia local para o carcinoma hepatocelular com alcoolização e quimioembolização permitiu o controle parcial da evolução da doença considerando-se os critérios de Milão em pacientes em lista de espera para transplante hepático. Ocorreram diferenças significativas em relação aos critérios de Milão entre os exames de imagem pré-operatórios e a análise do explante.


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Mångfalden i naturen på landsbygden är överraskande stor. I vårdbiotoperna, eller på naturängarna och -betena, finns den största variationen. Alla vårdbiotoper har sina karaktärsdrag och i dem lever ett stort antal sällsynta arter. Dessa värdefulla miljöer har dock blivit allt mer sällsynta: De har beskogats, uppodlats till åker eller lämnats oskötta. Av vårdbiotoperna finns endast en bråkdel kvar, jämfört med den mängd eller areal som fanns på 1950-talet. Samtidigt hotar deras artbestånd att dö ut. De som sköter de kvarvarande biotoperna gör ett värdefullt arbete. Genom att sköta vårdbiotoperna värnar vi också om vårt traditionella nationallandskap till vilket oskiljaktigt hör öppna beten och ängar med glest trädbestånd. Samtidigt bevaras till dem hörande mångsidiga kulturella arv. I detta slutdokument för Härkää sarvista -projektet presenteras berättelser om de objekt som vi planerat inom projektet. Berättelserna belyser de synpunkter som markägarna och skötarna haft på utgångsläget, metoderna, arbetets belöning och framförallt samarbetets betydelse.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar os fatores preditivos de lesões abdominais graves (LAG) identificáveis na avaliação inicial das vítimas de trauma fechado. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva dos dados das vítimas de trauma fechado com idade superior a 13 anos submetidas à tomografia computadorizada do abdome e/ou laparotomia exploradora. Consideramos como graves as lesões com Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) maior ou igual a três. As variáveis foram comparadas entre os grupos A (LAG) e B (Sem LAG). Realizou-se inicialmente uma análise estatística univariada para identificar as variáveis associadas à presença de LAG. Destas, foram selecionadas para a análise multivariada (regressão logística) as que tivessem p<0,20 e pudessem ser avaliadas na admissão do doente. RESULTADOS: a amostra foi composta por 331 casos, sendo que 140 (42,3%) pacientes apresentaram lesões abdominais. Destes, 101 (30,5%) tinham lesão abdominais com AIS > 3 (Grupo A). Na análise univariada, associaram-se significativamente às LAG (p<0,05): pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) no pré-hospitalar (p=0,019), PAS à admissão (p<0,001), frequência cardíaca à admissão (p=0,047), exame físico do abdome alterado (p<0,001) e presença de fraturas de pelve (p=0,006). As seguintes variáveis se relacionaram significativamente e independentemente com a presença de lesões abdominais graves: PAS à admissão (p=0,034), exame físico abdominal alterado (p<0,001), fratura exposta de membro inferior (p<0,044), "motociclista" como mecanismo de trauma (p=0,017) e FAST positivo (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: das variáveis presentes na avaliação inicial, se associaram significativamente com a presença de LAG: PAS, exame físico abdominal alterado, presença de fratura exposta de membro inferior, "motociclista" como mecanismo de trauma e FAST positivo.


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OBJETIVO: comparar o conhecimento e percepção em terapia nutricional (TN) de residentes de cirurgia e cirurgiões. MÉTODOS: foram aplicados dois questionários padronizados sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e condutas em TN de 50 médicos (35 residentes e 15 cirurgiões) de 12 áreas cirúrgicas distintas. Utilizando-se o teste exato de Fisher, com significância de 5% com p<0,05, foi comparada a proporção de acertos, de acordo com a percepção a respeito do assunto de cada grupo. RESULTADOS: mais de 80% não se sentiram seguros frente à TN e 46% negaram conhecimento de equipe multiprofissional de TN (EMTN). Houve maior percentual de acertos, dentre os residentes, nos itens: trauma operatório e sua influência nutricional no paciente (p=0,047); IMC normal (p=0,036); e TN no pré-operatório (p=0,007) e indicação da TN pré-cirúrgico no grupo que diz que interagem com EMTN (p=0,02). Dentre os cirurgiões: complicações da TN e TN em pacientes previamente desnutridos (p=0,044); e Métodos de avaliação nutricional no pré-operatório no grupo que diz que interagem com EMTN (p=0,01). CONCLUSÃO: há falhas na educação médica. Apenas 13,3% estavam seguros quanto à TN, sendo que os seus conhecimentos não justificaram tal confiança. Não houve diferenças entre os acertos dos confiantes e não confiantes em TN na maioria dos assuntos. Destacaram-se melhores resultados no grupo que afirmou ser assistido por alguma EMTN. Baseando-se nos resultados, a indicação de melhores programas médicos educacionais deve ser objetivo para esta universidade.


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Palvelukohteiden maakunnallinen opastussuunnitelma on ensisijaisesti asiantuntijoille ja lupaviranomaisille tarkoitettu strategia-asiakirja, jossa ei tehdä varsinaisia opastusmerkkisuunnitelmia. Suunnitelmaa varten selvitetään maakunnan erityispiirteet ja laaditaan pitkän tähtäimen suunnitelma maakunnan opastusjärjestelmän kehittämiselle. Uudenmaan ja Itä-Uudenmaan palvelukohteiden maakunnallisessa opastussuunnitelmassa kartoitettiin valtakunnallisesti ja maakunnallisesti merkittävimmät nähtävyydet, aktiviteetit, matkailukohteet, leirintäalueet sekä opastuspaikat yhteistyössä palvelukohteiden viitoituskelpoisuutta suosittelevien tahojen sekä kuntien ja muiden sidosryhmien kanssa. Lausunnonantajina ovat olleet Museovirasto, Metsähallitus, Suomen Leirintäalueyhdistys sekä Suomen matkailuorganisaatioiden yhdistys (SUOMA ry). Lausuntopyyntö lähetettiin myös Uudenmaan taidetoimikunnalle ja Uudenmaan Ympäristökeskukselle, mutta heiltä ei saatu vastausta. Lisäksi nykytilan kartoituksen aikana inventoitiin kaikki Uudenmaan sekä Itä-Uudenmaan opastuspisteet ja inventointien tuloksista tehtiin erillinen raportti Uudenmaan ELY-keskukselle. Koska Uudenmaan ja Itä-Uudenmaan maakunnat yhdistyvät vuoden 2011 alussa, palvelukohteiden maakunnallisen opastussuunnitelma laadittiin samanaikaisesti sekä Uudenmaan että Itä-Uudenmaan maakunnille ja ne käsiteltiin työssä yhdessä. Nykytilan kartoituksen pohjalta on laadittu Uudenmaan ja Itä-Uudenmaan maakuntien palvelukohteiden opastusstrategia. Sen päätavoitteina ovat yhteistyön tiivistäminen eri sidosryhmien kesken perustamalla opastuksen yhteistyöryhmä, opastuspaikkojen kehittäminen inventoinneissa havaittujen puutteiden perusteella sekä palvelukohteiden seudullisten suunnitelmien käynnistäminen mahdollisimman pikaisesti. Yhteistyöryhmän tehtävänä on seurata opastusstrategian toteutumista ja sen puheenjohtajana toimii Uudenmaan ELY-keskus.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a prevalência referida de abortamento espontâneo e induzido, em uma amostra de mulheres brasileiras entrevistadas na Pesquisa Nacional sobre Demografia e Saúde (PNDS), de 1996. MÉTODOS: análise secundária do banco de dados da PNDS de 1996 no Brasil, com informações de entrevistas com uma amostra representativa de 12.612 mulheres sobre sua vida reprodutiva, abordando a prevalência do abortamento espontâneo e induzido nos últimos cinco anos e os fatores associados para as diversas regiões e o total do país. O plano de amostragem foi implementado com uma estratégia de seleção em dois estágios, um para domicílios e outro para as mulheres. Estimou-se a prevalência de abortamento espontâneo e induzido no Brasil e regiões, e as características sociodemográficas das mulheres foram analisadas em função da experiência de aborto. Um modelo de análise de regressão multinomial foi utilizado para identificar os fatores independentemente associados com os dois tipos de aborto, relatando-se seu OR e respectivo IC95%. RESULTADOS: a prevalência do relato de aborto espontâneo foi de 14% e de induzido, 2,4% para todo o Brasil. O estado com maior prevalência de aborto induzido foi o Rio de Janeiro com 6,5%, seguido pela região Nordeste, com 3,1%. Os locais com menor prevalência foram o estado de São Paulo e a região Sul. Tanto para o aborto espontâneo como para o induzido, a prevalência aumenta com a idade da mulher. Ser da região urbana (OR=1,5; IC95%=1,0-2,3), ter tido mais de um filho vivo (OR=2,2; IC95%=1,5-3,2), e não ser de cor/raça branca (OR=1,4; IC95%=1,0-1,8) foram os principais fatores de risco para o aborto induzido. CONCLUSÕES: os fatores de risco não-modificáveis para abortamento induzido identificados neste estudo apontam para a necessidade de ações educativas e anticonceptivas priorizadas para esses grupos demográficos específicos.


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Trough computed tomography (CT), it is possible to evaluate lymph nodes in detail and to detect changes in these structures earlier than with radiographs and ultrasound. Lack of information in the veterinary literature directed the focus of this report to normal aspects of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes of adult dogs on CT imaging. A CT scan of 15 normal adult male and female Rottweilers was done. To define them as clinically sound, anamnesis, physical examination, complete blood count, renal and hepatic biochemistry, ECG, and thoracic radiographs were performed. After the intravenous injection of hydrosoluble ionic iodine contrast medium contiguous 10mm in thickness thoracic transverse images were obtained with an axial scanner. In the obtained images mediastinal and axillary lymph nodes were sought and when found measured in their smallest diameter and their attenuation was compared to musculature. Mean and standard deviation of: age, weight, body length and the smallest diameter of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes were determined. Mean and standard deviation of parameters: age 3.87±2.03 years, weight 41.13±5.12, and body length 89.61±2.63cm. Axillary lymph nodes were seen in 60% of the animals, mean of the smallest diameter was 3.58mm with a standard deviation of 2.02 and a minimum value of 1mm and a maximum value of 7mm. From 13 observed lymph nodes 61.53% were hypopodense when compared with musculature, and 30.77% were isodense. Mediastinal lymph nodes were identified in 73.33% of the dogs; mean measure of the smallest diameter was 4.71mm with a standard deviation of 2.61mm and a minimum value of 1mm, and a maximum value of 8mm. From 14 observed lymph nodes 85.71% were isodense when compared with musculature and 14.28% were hypodense. The results show that it is possible to visualize axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes in adult clinically sound Rottweilers with CT using a slice thickness and interval of 10mm. The smallest diameter of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes not surpassed 7mm and 8mm respectively. Their attenuations were equal or smaller than that of musculature in the post contrast scan.


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Lehmijärvi on 63 ha laajuinen kirkasvetinen ja vähähumuksinen latvajärvi Salossa. Lehmijärven suojeluyhdistys pyysi Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskukselta ja Suomen metsäkeskukselta apua järvivedessä havaittujen korkeiden alumiinipitoisuuksien ja happamuuspiikkien sekä mahdollisten metsätaloustoimenpiteiden haittojen ehkäisemiseen valuma-alueella. Suomen metsäkeskuksen ja Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen yhteistyönä selvitettiin maanäytteiden avulla maaperän happamuutta ja alumiinipitoisuutta Lehmijärven valuma-alueella. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset on esitetty tässä raportissa. Tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että Lehmijärven happamuuspiikit (pH:n jyrkät laskut vedessä) johtuvat pääosin happamista lumensulamisvesistä, johon on jo aiemmissakin selvityksissä viitattu eikä alunamaa ongelmasta valuma-alueella. Myös ojitettujen soiden suuri osuus valuma-alueesta ja turvemaiden yleinen happamuus lisäävät osaltaan valuma-alueelta virtaavien vesien happamuutta varsinkin tulva-aikoina. Mustikkasuon eteläpuolisella suokuviolla, jonka läpi pääosa pohjoispuolen valumavesistä virtaa, voi kuitenkin esiintyä ohuen turpeen alla pienialaisesti alunamaata. Vertailtaessa tämän aineiston liukoisen alumiinin määriä turpeessa aikaisempien tutkimusten vertailulukuihin, voidaan sanoa Lehmijärven valuma-alueen ojitetuilla soilla olevan keskimääräistä korkeampia alumiinipitoisuuksia. Paikoin liukoiset alumiinipitoisuudet olivat jopa erittäin korkeita. Mustikkasuon eteläpuolisella suokuviolla, jonka kautta vedet suurelta osin virtaavat, alumiinipitoisuus oli korkeimmillaan 11 267 mg/kg ja Miilussuolla 7 044 mg/kg, kun Niemisen ja Jarvan (1996) tutkimuksessa alumiinipitoisuuden maksimiarvo oli 5 577 mg/kg. Alumiinin ajoittain korkeat pitoisuudet Lehmijärvessä johtuvat tämän raportin tulosten perusteella todennäköisesti pääosin valuma-alueen soiden turpeen korkeista alumiinipitoisuuksista. Voimakas maanmuokkaus kivennäismailla lisää alumiinin liukoisuutta ja samalla alumiinin huuhtoutumisriskiä vesistöihin. Lehmijärven valuma-alueella on suositeltavaa käyttää metsänuudistamisessa kevyitä maanmuokkausmenetelmiä (laikutus, kääntömätästys ja laikkumätästys) ja välttää ojitusmätästystä. Luontainen uudistaminen (erityisesti alikasvosten hyödyntäminen) pitäisi olla ensisijainen uudistamismenetelmä Lehmijärven valuma-alueella. Kunnostusojituksia toteutettaessa pitäisi ottaa käyttöön mahdollisimman tehokkaat vesiensuojelutoimet. On muistettava, että korkeat alumiinipitoisuudet Lehmijärvellä eivät ole pelkästään negatiivinen asia, koska alumiini sitoo tehokkaasti fosforia ja pahasti rehevöityneitä järviä (esim. Köyliön Ilmijärvi) on yritetty kunnostaa alumiinisulfaatti käsittelyllä. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan selvittämään, onko Lehmijärven veden alumiinipitoisuus ajoittain jo niin korkea, että siitä on haittaa kalakannalle tai, että se jopa estää rapukannan palauttamisen istuttamalla järveen.


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This study will concentrate on Product Data Management (PDM) systems, and sheet metal design features and classification. In this thesis, PDM is seen as an individual system which handles all product-related data and information. The meaning of relevant data is to take the manufacturing process further with fewer errors. The features of sheet metals are giving more information and value to the designed models. The possibility of implementing PDM and sheet metal features recognition are the core of this study. Their integration should make the design process faster and manufacturing-friendly products easier to design. The triangulation method is the basis for this research. The sections of this triangle are: scientific literature review, interview using the Delphi method and the author’s experience and observations. The main key findings of this study are: (1) the area of focus in triangle (the triangle of three different point of views: business, information exchange and technical) depends on the person’s background and their role in the company, (2) the classification in the PDM system (and also in the CAD system) should be done using the materials, tools and machines that are in use in the company and (3) the design process has to be more effective because of the increase of industrial production, sheet metal blank production and the designer’s time spent on actual design and (4) because Design For Manufacture (DFM) integration can be done with CAD-programs, DFM integration with the PDM system should also be possible.


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Selänpään ja Okanniemen pohjavesialueiden suojelusuunnitelma on tehty osana vuosina 2012–2014 toteutettua kymPOVERI (Kymenlaakson pohjavesiriskit hallintaan) -hanketta. Hankkeessa laadittiin pohjavesialueiden suojelusuunnitelmat 32:lle Kymenlaakson vedenhankinnan kannalta tärkeälle pohjavesialueelle. Pohjavesialueiden suojelusuunnitelmaan on koottu tietoa pohjavesialueiden hydrogeologisista olosuhteista käyttäen hyväksi vanhoja alueella tehtyjä tutkimuksia sekä hankkeen yhteydessä suoritettujen maastokartoitusten ja -tutkimusten tuloksia. Suojelusuunnitelmaan on koottu tietoa alueilla sijaitsevista pohjavedelle riskiä aiheuttavista toiminnoista, kuten teollisuus- ja yritystoiminnoista, liikenteen ja tienpidon riskeistä, pilaantuneista maa-alueista, maa-ainestenotosta, maa- ja metsätaloudesta, asutuksesta, jätevesistä, öljy- ja polttoainesäiliöistä, maalämmöstä ja muuntamoista. Suojelusuunnitelmassa on annettu toimenpidesuosituksia sekä yksittäisille riskikohteille että eri riskiryhmille yleisesti. Suojelusuunnitelmassa käsitellään kaavoitustilanne alueilla ja annetaan ohjeita maankäytön suunnitteluun pohjavesialueilla. Lisäksi suunnitelmaan on kirjattu toimintaohjeet mahdollisissa vahinko- ja onnettomuustapauksissa.


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The objective of the present study was to assess the incidence, risk factors and outcome of patients who develop acute renal failure (ARF) in intensive care units. In this prospective observational study, 221 patients with a 48-h minimum stay, 18-year-old minimum age and absence of overt acute or chronic renal failure were included. Exclusion criteria were organ donors and renal transplantation patients. ARF was defined as a creatinine level above 1.5 mg/dL. Statistics were performed using Pearsons' chi2 test, Student t-test, and Wilcoxon test. Multivariate analysis was run using all variables with P < 0.1 in the univariate analysis. ARF developed in 19.0% of the patients, with 76.19% resulting in death. Main risk factors (univariate analysis) were: higher intra-operative hydration and bleeding, higher death risk by APACHE II score, logist organ dysfunction system on the first day, mechanical ventilation, shock due to systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)/sepsis, noradrenaline use, and plasma creatinine and urea levels on admission. Heart rate on admission (OR = 1.023 (1.002-1.044)), male gender (OR = 4.275 (1.340-13642)), shock due to SIRS/sepsis (OR = 8.590 (2.710-27.229)), higher intra-operative hydration (OR = 1.002 (1.000-1004)), and plasma urea on admission (OR = 1.012 (0.980-1044)) remained significant (multivariate analysis). The mortality risk factors (univariate analysis) were shock due to SIRS/sepsis, mechanical ventilation, blood stream infection, potassium and bicarbonate levels. Only potassium levels remained significant (P = 0.037). In conclusion, ARF has a high incidence, morbidity and mortality when it occurs in intensive care unit. There is a very close association with hemodynamic status and multiple organ dysfunction.


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Of all malignant neoplasias affecting women, breast cancer has the highest incidence rate in Brazil. The objective of the present study was to determine the frequency of genetic modifications in families with medium and high risk for breast and ovarian cancer from different regions of Brazil. An exploratory, descriptive study was carried out on the prevalence of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in case series of high-risk families for breast and/or ovarian cancer. After heredogram construction, a blood sample was taken and DNA extraction was performed in all index cases. The protein truncation test was used to screen for truncated mutations in exon 11 of the BRCA1 gene and in exons 10 and 11 of the BRCA2 gene. Of the 612 individuals submitted to genetic testing, 21 (3.4%), 19 women and 2 men, had mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Of the 19 BRCA1 mutations found in the 18 participants, 7 consisted of ins6kb mutations, 4 were 5382insC, 3 were 2156delGinsCC, 2 were 185delAG, 1 was C1201G, 1 was C3522T, and 1 was 3450del4. With respect to the BRCA2 gene, 3 mutations were found: 5878del10, 5036delA and 4232insA (one case each). The prevalence of germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes found in the present study was lower than reported by other studies on high-risk Brazilian populations. The inclusion of individuals with medium risk may have contributed to the lower prevalence observed.


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We investigated whether fibrin glue (FG) could promote urethral sphincter restoration in muscle-derived stem cell (MDSC)-based injection therapies in a pudendal nerve-transected (PNT) rat, which was used as a stress urinary incontinence (SUI) model. MDSCs were purified from the gastrocnemius muscles of 4-week-old inbred female SPF Wistar rats and labeled with green fluorescent protein. Animals were divided into five groups (N = 15): sham (S), PNT (D), PNT+FG injection (F), PNT+MDSC injection (M), and PNT+MDSC+FG injection (FM). Each group was subdivided into 1- and 4-week groups. One and 4 weeks after injection into the proximal urethra, leak point pressure (LPP) was measured to assess urethral resistance function. Histology and immunohistochemistry were performed 4 weeks after injection. LPP was increased significantly in FM and M animals after implantation compared to group D (P < 0.01), but was not different from group S. LPP was slightly higher in the FM group than in the M group but there was no significant difference between them at different times. Histological and immunohistochemical examination demonstrated increased numbers of surviving MDSCs (109 ± 19 vs 82 ± 11/hpf, P = 0.026), increased muscle/collagen ratio (0.40 ± 0.02 vs 0.34 ± 0.02, P = 0.044), as well as increased microvessel density (16.9 ± 0.6 vs 14.1 ± 0.4/hpf, P = 0.001) at the injection sites in FM compared to M animals. Fibrin glue may potentially improve the action of transplanted MDSCs to restore the histology and function of the urethral sphincter in a SUI rat model. Injection of MDSCs with fibrin glue may provide a novel cellular therapy method for SUI.


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The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between total nitrite/nitrate concentrations (NOx) and the kinetic parameters of monoamine oxidase enzymes (MAO-A and MAO-B) and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) in human mesenteric arteries. Arteries were from non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients with sigmoid or rectum carcinoma for whom surgery was the first option and who were not exposed to neo-adjuvant therapy. Segments of human inferior mesenteric arteries from non-diabetic (61.1 ± 8.9 years old, 7 males and 5 females, N = 12) and type 2 diabetic patients (65.8 ± 6.2 years old, 8 males and 4 females, N = 12) were used to determine NOx concentrations and the kinetic parameters of MAO-A, MAO-B and SSAO by the Griess reaction and by radiochemical assay, respectively. The NOx concentrations in arteries from diabetic patients did not differ significantly from those of the non-diabetic group (10.28 ± 4.61 vs 10.71 ± 4.32 nmol/mg protein, respectively). In the non-diabetic group, there was a positive correlation between NOx concentrations and MAO-B parameters: Km (r = 0.612, P = 0.034) and Vmax (r = 0.593, P = 0.042), and a negative correlation with the SSAO parameters: Km (r = -0.625, P = 0.029) and Vmax (r = -0.754, P = 0.005). However, in the diabetic group no correlation was found between NOx concentrations and the three kinetic parameters of the enzymes. These results suggest an important function of sympathetic nerves and vascular NOx concentrations in arteries of non-diabetic patients. Thus, these results confirm the importance of a balance between oxidants and antioxidants in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis to prevent oxidative stress.