529 resultados para 190501 Crafts


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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There are at least three different visions about origins of design; the most diffused is the idea that design begins with the Industrial Revolution. Some see the design as heir of a special kind of crafts at Revolution’s eve, because it already have a former project and work division. Less diffused is the idea that there aren’t much significant differences between design and crafts, giving to design some millenniums of history. But, being the designer heir of this millenary tradition isn’t time to reconciliate it again with crafts? Shouldn’t we return to defend the rescue of concepts of project before the modernism?


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The aim of the study is to demonstrate the occurrence and usage of the Tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) in rural areas of the Municipality of Irituia, in the State of Pará (Brazil), since the use of the palm part of the traditional culture of communities of farmers, riparian and quilombola, used in curing diseases in human and domestic animals, building shelters, obtaining fibers, production of tools and crafts, hunting and fishing. In addition to the uses reported by the population, tucumã has potential for the production of oil and biodiesel. In this sense, the Federal University of Pará – UFPA, in a partnership with the Irituia’s Municipal Government, is studying the implementation of an oleaginous processing plant in the municipality, among them, and includes the Tucumã as a potential source. Such proposal stipulates the production in the agroforestry system, as an alternative to the slash and burn agriculture in the region, reconciling environmental conservation with territorial rural development. Considering the results obtained in the field, it has been found an average of 9.4 stumps per hectare, each stump having 7.7 stipes and 4.7 racemes with up to 146 fruits. If all the Tucumã’s stumps were kept until they reached their average productivity capacity, it is estimated that the fruit production in the rural area of the municipality would be around 132.060 tons, which could produce up to 12.665,4 tons/year of pulp oil and 4.768,4 tons/year of nut oil, confirming the supply of raw material to move this productive chain.


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The Women's Club of Rock Hill's mission is to further the cultural, educational, and social interest of its members and to promote interest in Rock Hill’s civic development and welfare. The Women's Club of Rock Hill Records consist of constitutions and bylaws, histories, minutes, reports, correspondence, memoranda, program notes, brochures, newsletters, membership lists, yearbooks, questions, certificates, awards, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and photographs. The records also relate to the thirteen affiliated clubs comprising the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill: Amateur Arts, Arts Appreciation, Book Discussion, Book Lovers, Crafts, Hearthstone, Hermitage, Home Study, Lantern, Literary, Outlook, Palmetto, and Politeia, and to other records for the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Club and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Records of various organizations not directly related to the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill are also included, such as the Tri-County Parents Without Partners, the Rock Hill Community Council, the Rock Hill Model Cities Commission, the Rock Hill Senior Center, and the South Carolina Conference on the Status of Women.


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La ricerca approfondisce gli studi iniziati dalla dott.ssa Baldini in occasione della tesi di laurea e amplia le indagini critiche avviate per la mostra sull’Aemilia Ars (2001). La ricerca si è interessata alle aree di Bologna e di Faenza individuando le connessioni che tra Otto e Novecento intercorrono tra la cultura artistica locale e quella nazionale ed europea. Nasce infatti in questo periodo Aemilia Ars, uno dei più innovativi movimenti del contesto nazionale nel campo delle arti decorative. I membri del gruppo, raccoltisi intorno alla carismatica figura di Alfonso Rubbiani nei primi anni Ottanta, sono attratti da influenze nordeuropee e sin dall’inizio si mostrano orientati a seguire precetti ruskiniani e preraffaelliti. Molto importante in entrambe le città, per l’evoluzione dello scenario artistico e artigianale – in questi anni più che mai unite in un rapporto di strettissima correlazione – è l’apporto e il sostegno offerto dai salotti, dai circoli, dai caffè e dai cenacoli locali. Dal punto di vista dello stile, forme lineari con una marcata tendenza all’astrazione caratterizzano la produzione dei principali interpreti faentini e bolognesi dell’ultimo ventennio dell’Ottocento allineandoli con le ricerche dei loro contemporanei nel resto d’Europa. I settori produttivi che si sono indagati sono quelli della ceramica, dell’ebanisteria, dei ferri battuti, dell’oreficeria, delle arti tessili e dei cuoi. Gran parte di queste lavorazioni – attardatesi nella realizzazione di oggetti dalle forme di ispirazione seicentesca, certamente poco adatte alla produzione industriale – subiscono ora una decisa accelerazione verso forme più svelte che, adeguandosi alla possibilità di riproduzione seriale degli oggetti, si diffonderanno quasi capillarmente tra l’aristocrazia e la borghesia, faticando tuttavia a raggiungere le classi meno abbienti a causa degli elevati costi di produzione. Nell’ultima parte viene tracciato sinteticamente il quadro delle attività artistiche e artigianali faentine del periodo indicato, con una particolare attenzione all’opera delle personalità afferenti al Cenacolo baccariniano.


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In this PhD-thesis, two methodologies for enantioselective intramolecular ring closing reaction on indole cores are presented. The first methodology represents a highly stereoselective alkylation of the indole N1-nitrogen, leading to 3,4-dihydro-pyrazinoindol-1-ones – a structural class which is known for its activity on the CNS and therefore of high pharmacological interest concerning related diseases. In this approach, N-benzyl cinchona-alkaloids were used for the efficient catalysis of intramolecular aza-Michael reactions. Furthermore, computational studies in collaboration with the research group Prof. Andrea Bottoni (Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, Bologna) were accomplished in order to get insight into the key interactions between catalyst and substrate, leading to enantiomeric excesses up to 91%. The results of the calculations on a model system are in accordance with the experimental results and demonstrate the high sensibility of the system towards structural modifications. The second project deals with a metal catalyzed, intramolecular Friedel-Crafts (FC)-reaction on indolyl substrates, carrying a side chain which on its behalf is furnished with an allylic alcohol unit. Allylic alcohols are part of the structural class of “π-activated alcohols” – alcohols, which are more easily activated due to the proximity to a π-unit (allyl-, propargyl-, benzyl-). The enantioselective intramolecular cyclization event is catalyzed efficiently by employment of a chiral Au(I)-catalyst, leading to 1-vinyl- or 4-vinyl-tetrahydrocarbazoles (THCs) under the formation of water as byproduct. This striking and novel process concerning the direct activation of alcohols in catalytic FC-reactions was subsequently extended to similar precursors, leading to functionalized tetrahydro-β-carbolines. These two methodologies represent highly efficient approaches towards the synthesis of scaffolds, which are of enormous pharmaceutical interest and amplify the spectra of enantioselective catalytic functionalisations of indoles.


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The following Ph.D work was mainly focused on catalysis, as a key technology, to achieve the objectives of sustainable (green) chemistry. After introducing the concepts of sustainable (green) chemistry and an assessment of new sustainable chemical technologies, the relationship between catalysis and sustainable (green) chemistry was briefly discussed and illustrated via an analysis of some selected and relevant examples. Afterwards, as a continuation of the ongoing interest in Dr. Marco Bandini’s group on organometallic and organocatalytic processes, I addressed my efforts to the design and development of novel catalytic green methodologies for the synthesis of enantiomerically enriched molecules. In the first two projects the attention was focused on the employment of solid supports to carry out reactions that still remain a prerogative of omogeneous catalysis. Firstly, particular emphasis was addressed to the discovery of catalytic enantioselective variants of nitroaldol condensation (commonly termed Henry reaction), using a complex consisting in a polyethylene supported diamino thiopene (DATx) ligands and copper as active species. In the second project, a new class of electrochemically modified surfaces with DATx palladium complexes was presented. The DATx-graphite system proved to be efficient in promoting the Suzuki reaction. Moreover, in collaboration with Prof. Wolf at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver), cyclic voltammetry studies were reported. This study disclosed new opportunities for carbon–carbon forming processes by using heterogeneous, electrodeposited catalyst films. A straightforward metal-free catalysis allowed the exploration around the world of organocatalysis. In fact, three different and novel methodologies, using Cinchona, Guanidine and Phosphine derivatives, were envisioned in the three following projects. An interesting variant of nitroaldol condensation with simple trifluoromethyl ketones and also their application in a non-conventional activation of indolyl cores by Friedel-Crafts-functionalization, led to two novel synthetic protocols. These approaches allowed the preparation of synthetically useful trifluoromethyl derivatives bearing quaternary stereocenters. Lastly, in the sixth project the first γ-alkylation of allenoates with conjugated carbonyl compounds was envisioned. In the last part of this Ph.D thesis bases on an extra-ordinary collaboration with Prof. Balzani and Prof. Gigli, I was involved in the synthesis and characterization of a new type of heteroleptic cyclometaled-Ir(III) complexes, bearing bis-oxazolines (BOXs) as ancillary ligands. The new heteroleptic complexes were fully characterized and in order to examine the electroluminescent properties of FIrBOX(CH2), an Organic Light Emitting Device was realized.


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The transition metal-catalyzed allylic alkylation (Tsuji-Trost type reaction) is a powerful tool for C-C, C-N, and C-O bond formation, which has been widely applied to organic chemistry over the last decades. Typical substrates for this transformation are activated allylic compounds such as halides, esters, carbonates, carbamates, phosphates, and so on. However, use of these substrates is associated with the disadvantage of generating a stoichiometric amount of chemical waste. Furthermore, these starting materials have to be prepared in an extra step from the corresponding allylic alcohol. Thus, ideal substrates would be the allylic alcohols themselves, with water being the only byproduct in this case. However, the scarse propensity of the hydroxyl moiety to act as good leaving group has significantly limited their use so far. During the last decade significant efforts have been made in order to develop more atom-economical and environmentally-friendly allylic alkylation protocols by employing allylic alcohols directly. In this PhD dissertation two main projects addressing this topic are presented. “Project 1” deals with the development of new metal-catalyzed intramolecular Friedel-Crafts (FC) allylic alkylations of electron-rich (PAPER A), as well as challenging electron-poor arenes (PAPER B) with alcohols. In “Project 2”, gold(I)-catalyzed intramolecular and stereoselective allylic alkylation reactions are reported. In particular, a FC alkylation of indole-containing allylic alcohols is presented in PAPER C. While, an O-alkylation of aminol-containing allylic alcohols is reported in PAPER D. To the best of knowledge, these reports represent the first example of gold(I)-catalyzed stereoselective alkylations with alcohols.


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Oggetto della ricerca è lo studio del National Institute of Design (NID), progettato da Gautam Sarabhai e sua sorella Gira, ad Ahmedabad, assunta a paradigma del nuovo corso della politica che il Primo Ministro Nehru espresse nei primi decenni del governo postcoloniale. Obiettivo della tesi è di analizzare il fenomeno che unisce modernità e tradizione in architettura. La modernità indiana, infatti, nacque e si sviluppò con i caratteri di un Giano bifronte: da un lato, la politica del Primo Ministro Nehru favorì lo sviluppo dell’industria e della scienza; dall’altro, la visione di Gandhi mirava alla riscoperta del locale, delle tradizioni e dell’artigianato. Questi orientamenti influenzarono l’architettura postcoloniale. Negli anni ‘50 e ’60 Ahmedabad divenne la culla dell’architettura moderna indiana. Kanvinde, i Sarabhai, Correa, Doshi, Raje trovarono qui le condizioni per costruire la propria identità come progettisti e come intellettuali. I motori che resero possibile questo fermento furono principalmente due: una committenza di imprenditori illuminati, desiderosi di modernizzare la città; la presenza ad Ahmedabad, a partire dal 1951, dei maestri dell’architettura moderna, tra cui i più noti furono Le Corbusier e Kahn, invitati da quella stessa committenza, per la quale realizzarono edifici di notevole rilevanza. Ad Ahmedabad si confrontarono con forza entrambe le visioni dell’India moderna. Lo sforzo maggiore degli architetti indiani si espresse nel tentativo di conciliare i due aspetti, quelli che derivavano dalle influenze internazionali e quelli che provenivano dallo spirito della tradizione. Il progetto del NID è uno dei migliori esempi di questo esercizio di sintesi. Esso recupera nella composizione spaziale la lezione di Wright, Le Corbusier, Kahn, Eames ibridandola con elementi della tradizione indiana. Nell’uso sapiente della struttura modulare e a padiglione, della griglia ordinatrice a base quadrata, dell’integrazione costante fra spazi aperti, natura e architettura affiorano nell’edificio del NID echi di una cultura millenaria.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Synthese von optisch aktivem 9,14-Methylen-Lipoxin A4 untersucht. Lipoxin A4 und seine Derivate leiten sich von der Arachidonsäurekaskade ab wie die Prostaglandine, Prostacycline, Thromboxana und Leucotriene. Alle diese Verbindungen sind biologisch aktive Eicosanoide, die aus 20 C-Atomen bestehen. Lipoxine können im Organismus auf verschiedenen Biosynthesewegen entstehen: über die Lipoxygenase sowie über die Zell-Zell-Wechselwirkungen. Untersuchungen ergaben, dass die Lipoxine selektive biologische Wirkungen zeigen, die eine wichtige Rolle vor allem in Entzündungsprozessen und Infektabwehr zeigen. Da aber diese Moleküle rasch isomerisieren, sind diese hohen Aktivitäten mit einer sehr geringen Stabilität gekoppelt. Aufgrund dieser Instabilität konnte die biologisch aktive Konformation des Lipoxin A4 am Rezeptor nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden. Zur besseren Untersuchung der Lipoxinrezeptor-Anordnung wurden deshalb stabile Analoga synthetisiert. Die biologische Aktivität des nach Nokami et al hergestellten Lipoxin A4-Analogons weicht sehr stark von der des Lipoxins ab. Angeregt durch diese Arbeiten wurde in der Arbeitsgruppe Nubbemeyer die Idee entwickelt, das konjugierte Tetraensystem des Lipoxin A4-Moleküls durch das Cycloheptatrien nachzuahmen. Die CH2-Gruppe bildet eine Brücke, die die Isomerisierung vom aktiven cis-Isomer zu den inaktiven trans-Isomeren verhindern soll. Mit diesem Cycloheptatriengerüst als Lipoxin A4-Analogon hoffen wir das Lipoxingerüst unwesentlich zu verändern und die damit verbundene biologische Aktivität zu erhalten. Die Synthese des 9,14-Methylen-LXA4 soll möglichst konvergent erfolgen, so dass gegebenenfalls auf Bausteine zurückgegriffen werden kann, deren Aufbau bereits optimiert wurde. Eine derartige Strategie ermöglicht darüber hinaus die Herstellung einer großen Zahl von weiteren potentiell interessanten Verbindungen ohne komplettes Umstellen der Synthese. Wichtige Reaktionen im Verlauf dieser Synthese sind: bei der Synthese des C8-C20-Bausteins: Friedel-Crafts-Acylierungen, Haloform-Reaktion, Veresterung mittels Standardmethoden, enantioselektive Reduktion mit dem chiralen CBS-Katalysator und Schutzgruppenoperation. bei der Synthese des C1-C7-Bausteins: ex-chiral-pool-Synthese aus 2-Desoxy-D-ribose, Wittig-Reaktion, Hydrierung mit Pd/C, Schutzgruppenoperation, Abspaltung von Schutzgruppen und Swern-Oxidation zum Aldehyd. Die Schlüsselreaktion der ganzen Synthese ist die Eintopf-Variante der Julia-Olefinierung nach Kocienski: selektiver Aufbau des trans-Olefins durch Verknüpfung der beiden Bausteine. Nach weiteren Schutzgruppenoperationen (und Öffnung des Valerolactons) wird der Methylester des 9,14-Lipoxin A4 erhalten, dessen biologische Aktivität zweifelsfrei bewiesen wurde.


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Die Großherzog Wilhelm Ernst Ausgabe deutscher Klassiker wurde seit 1904 bis in die Zwanziger Jahre hinein im Insel Verlag in Leipzig publiziert. Die Buchreihe hat nicht nur für den Verlag und die Druckerei Poeschel in der sie gedruckt wurde eine ganze Reihe von Neuerungen nach sich gezogen, auch für den deutschen Buchmarkt hat die Klassikerausgabe einen Meilenstein bedeutet. Sie hat einige Eigenschaften des Taschenbuches vorweggenommen. Sie orientierte sich an der Qualität bibliophiler Buchpublikationen, aber war dennoch preislich erschwinglich. Zeitgenössische Klassikerausgaben erschienen zumeist mit einem Kommentar. Nicht so die Großherzog Wilhelm Ernst Ausgabe. Der Text wurde zwar von führenden Wissenschaftlern editiert, aber sie war dennoch unkommentiert. Der Text war in einer Jenson-Antiqua gesetzt obwohl die Debatte um individuell gestaltete Künstlerschriften und die Diskussion um die als deutsche Schrift begriffene Fraktur unter den wichtigsten Protagonisten des deutschen Buchgewerbes ihren Höhepunkt noch nicht erreicht hatte. Ziel für die Klassikerausgabe war darüber hinaus, das zur Jahrhundertwende leicht angestaubte Image der Stadt Weimar aufzupolieren. Über das Patronat des Großherzogs hinaus hätte man die Gewinne aus dem Verkauf der Bücher der Permanenten Ausstellung für die Anschaffung von modernen Kunstobjekten zur Verfügung stellen wollen, die unter der Leitung von Harry Graf Kessler stand. Sieht man den Inhalt der Werke der in der Klassikerreihe erschienen Dichter Goethe, Schiller und Körner in einem ästhetischen Kontext mit dem der Philosophen Schopenhauer und Kant, wird im Spiegel der Formalästhetik der Klassikerausgabe Graf Kesslers Bildungs- und Kulturbegriff erkennbar, der sich in den Jahren nach der Jahrhundertwende zu seinem Lebenskunstideal verdichtete. Der zerrütteten Existenz der Zeitgenossen, wie Friedrich Nietzsche sie beschrieben hatte, sollte der Inhalt der Ausgabe in seiner modernen Form eine moderne Wertehaltung entgegensetzen. Die Lektüre der Klassiker sollte den deutschen Philister „entkrampfen“ und ihm ein Stück der verloren geglaubten Lebensfreude wieder zurück bringen, in dem dieser auch die Facetten des Lebensleids als normal hinnehmen und akzeptieren lernte. Die Klassikerausgabe repräsentierte aus diesem Grund auch den kulturellen und politischen Reformwillen und die gesellschaftlichen Vorstellungen die der Graf für ein modernes Deutschland als überfällig erachtete. Die Buchreihe war aus diesem Grund auch ein politisches Statement gegen die Beharrungskräfte im deutschen Kaiserreich. Die Klassikerreihe wurde in der buchhistorischen Forschung zwar als bedeutender Meilenstein charakterisiert und als „wichtiges“ oder gar „revolutionäres“ Werk der Zeit hervorgehoben, die Ergebnisse der Forschung kann man überspitzt aber in der Aussage zusammenfassen, dass es sich bei der Großherzog Wilhelm Ernst Ausgabe um einen „zufälligen Glückstreffer“ deutscher Buchgestaltung zu handeln scheint. Zumindest lassen die Aussagen, die bisher in dieser Hinsicht gemacht wurden, keine eindeutige Einordnung zu, außer vielleicht der, dass die Klassiker von der englischen Lebensreform inspiriert wurden und Henry van de Velde und William Morris einen Einfluss auf ihre äußere Form hatten. Gerade die Gedankenansätze dieser Beiden nutzte Graf Kessler aber für eigene Überlegungen, die ihn schließlich auch zu eigenen Vorstellungen von idealer Buchgestaltung brachten. Da für Kessler auch Gebrauchsgegenstände Kunst sein konnten, wird das Konzept der Klassikerausgabe bis zur Umsetzung in ihrer `bahnbrechenden´ Form in das ideengeschichtliche und ästhetische Denken des Grafen eingeordnet. Die Klassiker werden zwar in buchhistorischen Einzeluntersuchungen bezüglich ihrer Komponenten, dem Dünndruckpapier, ihrem Einband oder der Schrifttype exponiert. In buchwissenschaftlichen Überblicksdarstellungen wird ihr Einfluss hingegen weniger beachtet, denn verschiedene Kritiker bezogen sie seit ihrem ersten Erscheinen nicht als deutsches Kulturgut mit ein, denn sie lehnten sowohl die englischen Mitarbeiter Emery Walker, Edward Johnston, Eric Gill und Douglas Cockerell wie auch ihre Gestaltung als „welsche“ Buchausgabe ab. Richtig ist, die Großherzog Wilhelm Ernst Ausgabe hatte dieselbe Funktion wie die von Graf Kessler in Weimar konzipierten Kunstausstellungen und die dortige Kunstschule unter der Leitung seines Freundes Henry van de Velde. Auch das für Weimar geplante Theater, das unter der Leitung von Hugo von Hofmannsthal hätte stehen sollen und die Großherzog Wilhelm Ernst Schule, hätten dieselben Ideen der Moderne mit anderen Mitteln transportieren sollen, wie die Großherzog Wilhelm Ernst Ausgabe deutscher Klassiker.


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Il lavoro discusso in questa tesi è lo sviluppo di un metodo sintetico basato sulla catalisi asimmetrica che consente di ottenere precursori di alcuni alcaloidi dell’Ergot in forma enantioarricchita. La reazione sviluppata consiste in un processo domino Friedel-Crafts/nitro-Michael fra indoli sostituiti in posizione 4 con un accettore di Michael e nitroetene. I catalizzatori utilizzati sono in grado di attivare il nitroetene per la Friedel-Crafts mediante legami a idrogeno e di indurre stereoselezione nella successiva ciclizzazione di Michael intramolecolare. Mediante la procedura ottimizzata è possibile ottenere una serie di indoli policiclici, potenziali precursori sintetici di alcaloidi dell’Ergot, con buone rese ed enantioselezioni.


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During the last fifteen years organocatalysis emerged as a powerful tool for the enantioselective functionalization of the most different organic molecules. Both C-C and C-heteroatom bonds can be formed in an enantioselective fashion using many types of catalyst and the field is always growing. Many kind of chiral catalysts have emerged as privileged, but among them Proline, cinchona alkaloids, BINOL, and their derivatives showed to be particularly useful chiral scaffolds. This thesis, after a short presentation of many organocatalysts and activation modes, focuses mainly on cinchona alkaloid derived primary amines and BINOL derived chiral Brønsted acids, describing their properties and applications. Then, in the experimental part, these compounds are used for the catalysis of new transformations. The enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation of cyclic enones with naphthols using cinchona alkaloid derived primary amines as catalysts is presented and discussed. The results of this work were very good and this resulted also in a publication. The same catalysts are then used to accomplish the enantioselective addition of indoles to cyclic enones. Many catalysts in combination with many acids as co-catalysts were tried and the reaction was fully studied. Selective N-alkylation was obtained in many cases, in combination with quite good to good enantioselectivities. Also other kind of catalysis were tried for this reaction, with interesting results. Another aza-Michael reaction between OH-free hydroxylamines and nitrostyrene using cinchona alkaloid derived thioureas is briefly discussed. Then our attention focused on Brønsted acid catalyzed transformations. With this regard, the Prins cyclization, a reaction never accomplished in an enantioselective fashion until now, is presented and developed. The results obtained are promising. In the last part of this thesis the work carried out abroad is presented. In Prof. Rueping laboratories, an enantioselective Nazarov cyclization using cooperative catalysis and the enantioselective desymmetrization of meso-hydrobenzoin catalyzed by Brønsted acid were studied.


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In recent years the need for the design of more sustainable processes and the development of alternative reaction routes to reduce the environmental impact of the chemical industry has gained vital importance. Main objectives especially regard the use of renewable raw materials, the exploitation of alternative energy sources, the design of inherently safe processes and of integrated reaction/separation technologies (e.g. microreactors and membranes), the process intensification, the reduction of waste and the development of new catalytic pathways. The present PhD thesis reports results derived during a three years research period at the School of Chemical Sciences of Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (now Dept. of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”), under the supervision of Prof. Fabrizio Cavani (Catalytic Processes Development Group). Three research projects in the field of heterogeneous acid catalysis focused on potential industrial applications were carried out. The main project, regarding the conversion of lignocellulosic materials to produce monosaccharides (important intermediates for production of biofuels and bioplatform molecules) was financed and carried out in collaboration with the Italian oil company eni S.p.A. (Istituto eni Donegani-Research Center for non-Conventional Energies, Novara, Italy) The second and third academic projects dealt with the development of green chemical processes for fine chemicals manufacturing. In particular, (a) the condensation reaction between acetone and ammonia to give triacetoneamine (TAA), and (b) the Friedel-Crafts acylation of phenol with benzoic acid were investigated.


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The research work reported in this Thesis was held along two main lines of research. The first and main line of research is about the synthesis of heteroaromatic compounds with increasing steric hindrance, with the aim of preparing stable atropisomers. The main tools used for the study of these dynamic systems, as described in the Introduction, are DNMR, coupled with line shape simulation and DFT calculations, aimed to the conformational analysis for the prediction of the geometries and energy barriers to the trasition states. This techniques have been applied to the research projects about: • atropisomers of arylmaleimides; • atropisomers of 4-arylpyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines; • study of the intramolecular NO2/CO interaction in solution; • study on 2-arylpyridines. Parallel to the main project, in collaboration with other groups, the research line about determination of the absolute configuration was followed. The products, deriving form organocatalytic reactions, in many cases couldn’t be analyzed by means of X-Ray diffraction, making necessary the development of a protocol based on spectroscopic methodologies: NMR, circular dichroism and computational tools (DFT, TD-DFT) have been implemented in this scope. In this Thesis are reported the determination of the absolute configuration of: • substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines; • compounds from enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation-acetalization cascade of naphthols with α,β-unsaturated cyclic ketones; • substituted 3,4-annulated indoles.