936 resultados para 13200-026


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A strategy process was completed in the ESF project “Promotion of Work-related Immigration”, which was implemented at Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Ostrobothnia, and an immigration strategy was drawn up for Northern Ostrobothnia on the basis of the process. Information was collected about the situation in Northern Ostrobothnia from the point of view of immigration and the future availability of labour. The intention was to use the information as background material for the strategy. Employers’ need for support in recruiting foreign labour was investigated with a broad inquiry, to which 1000 respondents replied. The strategy process was carried out together with an outside consultant (Net Effect Oy) by arranging three workshops and a seminar where the workshop results were summarised. A large number of companies, authorities, municipalities, associations, project actors and immigrants engaged in immigration issues participated in the workshops. The draft strategy is based on their experiences about immigration and on statistical data, background inquiries and surveys. To ensure the accuracy of the draft strategy, comments were requested from several parties and received from 64 organisations. The core of the immigration strategy consists of an initial analysis, values, a vision and priorities. The strategy is composed of three priorities. The key aim of the priority Internationalisation and Supporting Diversity is to support diversity in schools, workplaces and people’s everyday lives e.g. through attitude development and by promoting internationalisation in companies and education institutions. The aim of the priority Supporting Entrepreneurship and Recruiting Foreign Labour is to promote entrepreneurship among immigrants and the recruitment of foreign labour and to develop the forecasting of educational needs. The priority Developing Integration Services, Regional Cooperation and Networks, in turn, seeks to develop the service structure and policies of immigrant integration and to increase cooperation and exchange of information between regional actors engaged in integration issues. The aim is to use the strategy as a guideline document for immigration issues in Northern Ostrobothnia. The strategy is used to coordinate the existing organisations and operations dealing with immigration issues. In addition, it contains a future-oriented focus and underlines the management of new immigration projects and operations. The main party responsible for the implementation of the strategy is the Immigration Committee. In addition, responsible parties have been assigned to each measure. The implementation of the immigration strategy will be monitored annually on the basis of indicators.


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Objetivos: comparar resultados entre gestações com e sem ameaça de abortamento que apresentaram embrião/feto vivo ao exame ultra-sonográfico em idade gestacional entre 6 e 13 semanas. Métodos: trata-se de estudo retrospectivo, caso-controle, realizado no período de fevereiro de 1998 a dezembro de 1999. Os critérios de inclusão foram: gestação tópica e única, atividade cardíaca embrionária/fetal presente no exame ultra-sonográfico, realização de exame ultra-sonográfico entre 6 semanas completas e 13 semanas e 6 dias, ausência de alteração morfológica fetal, ausência de tentativa de abortamento por uso de drogas ou manipulação, ausência de doença materna e resultado conhecido da gestação. Preencheram os critérios de inclusão 1531 gestações, sendo 257 casos com ameaça de abortamento (grupo estudo) e 1274 sem ameaça de abortamento (grupo controle). Estes dois grupos foram comparados quanto à evolução da gestação para: abortamento, óbito intra-uterino, prematuridade e crescimento intra-uterino restrito. Resultados: os porcentuais de abortamento (11,7%) e prematuridade (17,8%) foram estatisticamente superiores nas pacientes do grupo estudo (p<0,001 e p=0,026, respectivamente). As taxas de óbito intra-uterino e restrição de crescimento intra-uterino não diferiram significativamente entre os grupos. Conclusão: As gestações com ameaça de abortamento apresentaram porcentuais significativamente superiores de evolução para o abortamento e prematuridade.


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OBJETIVO: analisar os valores dos parâmetros dopplerfluxométricos do ducto venoso, entre a 10ª e a 14ª semana de gestação, durante as diferentes fases do ciclo cardíaco: sístole ventricular (onda S), diástole ventricular (onda D), contração atrial (onda a) e dos índices ângulo-independentes. MÉTODOS: foi desenvolvido estudo prospectivo e transversal que examinou 276 gestações únicas. Foram excluídas as gestações múltiplas, malformações fetais, fetos com translucência nucal aumentada e gestantes com doenças associadas. O equipamento utilizado foi Toshiba, modelo SSH-140 A. A análise espectral foi obtida de acordo com os procedimentos padronizados: ângulo de insonação menor que 30° e uso de filtro de 50-70 Hz. O ducto venoso foi identificado em corte sagital e ventral do abdome superior fetal com o Doppler colorido. A amostra de volume (1-2 mm³) foi adquirida imediatamente na origem do ducto venoso. Pelo menos três ondas nítidas e consecutivas foram necessárias para aferição dos parâmetros. Para o estudo estatístico foi realizado o teste de Levene e o método de Bonferroni. RESULTADOS: foi observado aumento na velocidade S de 29 cm/s para 37 cm/s (p=0,013) entre a 10ª e a 14ª semana de gestação. Similarmente, houve aumento na velocidade D (de 25 cm/s para 32 cm/s, p=0,026). A onda a, o índice de pulsatilidade e a relação S/a apresentaram valores constantes no período estudado. CONCLUSÃO: os valores estabelecidos por este estudo podem servir para acompanhamento dopplerfluxométrico de gestações normais. Futuros estudos são necessários para determinar a validade destes parâmetros na população normal e, em particular, para fetos de risco.


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OBJETIVO: comparar a acurácia de dois radiocolóides na marcação do linfonodo sentinela (LNS) por imagem. MÉTODOS: as pacientes foram incluídas no período de maio de 2002 a abril de 2004. Neste estudo duplo-cego, a paciente foi submetida duas vezes ao mesmo exame, mas com fármacos diferentes, sendo que os fármacos, tecnécio-99m-dextrano 500 (dextrano) e tecnécio-99m-fitato (fitato), foram injetados, na mama, em quatro pontos na área peritumoral e no subcutâneo superficialmente ao tumor, com volume de 2 ml, contendo de 1,0 a 1,5 mCi, em alíquotas de 0,4 ml. Para a obtenção das imagens, duas horas após a injeção do radiofármaco, usamos gama-câmera com colimador de alta resolução. A drenagem linfática axilar foi identificada em imagens radiográficas estáticas, anterior e lateral. A estatística para pares discordantes foi realizada pelo teste de MacNemar e pelo teste Z para proporções. RESULTADOS: na análise das 40 pacientes, obtiveram-se 15 pares com imagens positivas iguais, 4 pares com imagens negativas e 21 pares com imagens distintas, seja porque uma era negativa, seja porque o número de LNS marcados era diferente. A análise do desempenho quanto ao sucesso e insucesso mostrou 35 e 27 imagens positivas e 5 e 13 imagens negativas, respectivamente para o dextrano e o fitato, sendo que das negativas 4 eram comuns. O estudo estatístico pelo teste de MacNemar mostrou p=0,026, com odds ratio (OR) = 0,11 e IC 95% 0,01


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OBJETIVO: descrever os resultados do tratamento da síndrome de transfusão feto-fetal grave com a ablação vascular placentária a laser em um centro universitário do Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional retrospectivo que incluiu pacientes tratadas na Universidade Estadual de Campinas entre 2007 e 2009. A ablação vascular placentária foi realizada em casos de transfusão feto-fetal grave (estágios II, III e IV de Quintero) diagnosticados até a 26ª semana de gravidez. As principais variáveis avaliadas foram a idade gestacional no parto, a sobrevida (alta do berçário) de pelo menos um gêmeo e o comprometimento neurológico nos sobreviventes. Regressão logística foi utilizada para investigar a influência do comprimento do colo uterino, da idade gestacional e do estágio da doença (antes da cirurgia) sobre o parto/abortamento e o óbito fetal após a intervenção, sobre o parto pré-termo extremo e a sobrevida. RESULTADOS: em toda a amostra, pelo menos uma criança sobreviveu em 63,3% dos casos (19/30). Entre as gestantes que não tiveram parto/abortamento após à cirurgia, a sobrevida de pelo menos um gêmeo foi 82,6% (19/23). Nesse subgrupo (n=23), a idade gestacional média no parto foi 31,9 semanas e o comprometimento neurológico ocorreu em um neonato (1/31; 3,2%). O comprimento do colo uterino influenciou na ocorrência de parto/abortamento após a cirurgia (valor de p=0,008). Entre sete pacientes (7/30; 23,3%) que apresentaram essa complicação, cinco (5/7; 71,4%) tinham medidas do colo uterino menores do que 15 mm. Entre as 23 gestantes que não tiveram parto/abortamento após a cirurgia, os estágios mais avançados da doença (III e IV) aumentaram o risco de parto antes de 32 semanas (valor de p=0,025) e diminuíram a chance de sobrevida de ambas as crianças (valor de p=0,026). CONCLUSÕES: os resultados são semelhantes aos descritos na literatura. Na presente amostra, os principais fatores associados a piores resultados foram o colo uterino curto (menor do que 15 mm) e os estágios mais avançados da doença (III e IV) no momento em que o tratamento foi realizado.


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Yritysharava on työmalli, jossa puhelinhaastatteluilla tiedustellaan yrityksistä merkittäviksi huomattuja tarpeita. 2000-luvun alkupuolella erillisissä hankkeissa kehitelty malli on jatkunut vuoden 2009 alusta työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön rahoittamana valtakunnallisena KOTTI-hankkeena. Pirkanmaan ennakointipalvelu on selvittänyt Pirkanmaalla 2009–2010 tehtyjen Yritysharavahaastattelujen toteutusprosessin eri vaiheita ja niiden sujuvuutta sekä Yritysharavahaastattelujen tuloksia. Selvitys jakautuu kahteen osaa, joista ensimmäisessä mielenkiinnon kohteena on Yritysharavan toteutuksen käyttöönotto- ja jälkihoitoprosessin kuvaus sekä prosessin arviointia ja kehitysehdotuksia. Selvityksen toinen osa keskittyy haastattelujen tulosten analyysiin. Selvityksen aineistona on käytetty toteutusprosessin kuvauksen osalta asiantuntijahaastatteluja ja tilasto-osuuden osalta Yritysharavan Pirkanmaan tietoja. Tässä selvityksessä käytetään 3.9.2010 tilannetta, jolloin Yritysharavassa oli haastateltu 18 026 pirkanmaalaista yritystä. Selvityksen aineistona olevasta yrityskannasta pääosa oli pieniä yrityksiä. Yli puolet yrityksistä oli alle kahden hengen yrityksiä, 81 prosenttia alle viiden hengen yrityksiä ja alle kymmenen hengen yritysten osuus oli 91 prosenttia. Pirkanmaalaisten yritysten kehitysnäkymissä ei tapahtunut merkittäviä muutoksia syksyn 2009 ja kevään 2010 aikana. Suurimmat yritykset arvioivat tulevan 12 kuukauden kehityksensä positiivisemmaksi kuin pienet yritykset. Noin 10 prosenttia yrityksistä harjoitti joko tuontia tai vientiä, ja nämä yritykset toimivat yleisimmin teollisuuden toimialoilla. Noin kaksi prosenttia yrityksistä arvioi myös suunnittelevansa vientitoiminnan aloittamista. Sekä ilmoitetut työvoiman lisäys- että vähentämistarpeet olivat vähäisiä. Kaksi prosenttia yrityksistä ilmoitti välittömästä työvoimatarpeesta ja yksi prosentti vähentämistarpeesta. Noin viidesosa yrityksistä arvioi henkilöstömääränsä kasvavan kahden vuoden sisällä. Koko Pirkanmaan osalta henkilöstön kasvuksi arvioitiin yhteensä hieman alle 10 000 henkilöä. Yritysharavan toteutusprosessin palautteen perusteella kyselyä pidettiin toimivana tapana lähestyä yrityksiä, tutustua yrityskantaan ja markkinoida palveluja. Konkreettisten toimeksiantojen lisäämiseksi ja palveluvasteen turvaamiseksi esitettiin kyselyn kohdentamista kysymysten asettelua tarkentamalla ja kohderyhmää rajaamalla. Lisäksi korostettiin ennakkovalmistautumisen tärkeyttä ja riittävien resurssien varaamista haastattelujen jälkihoidon ja yritysten palvelemisen tehostamiseksi. Työn sujuvuuden edistämisessä ratkaisevaksi koettiin monipuolinen ja avoin tiedon jakaminen.


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Aspectos relacionados à transferência de imunidade passiva (TIP) foram estudados em 290 cordeiros recém-nascidos, cruzas Texel, manejados extensivamente em contato permanente com as suas mães, e criados em clima tropical. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas dos cordeiros uma única vez entre 24 e 36 horas de vida para obtenção do soro sanguíneo. Foram determinadas a atividade da gama glutamiltransferase e as concentrações de proteínas totais por refratometria e colorimetria, de albumina, alfa, beta e gamaglobulinas por eletroforese e de IgG estimada pela turvação pelo sulfato de zinco. Os cordeiros foram agrupados de acordo com o sexo, o número de partos das ovelhas, o escore de condição corporal (ECC) da ovelha, o número de cordeiros nascidos, o peso e a vitalidade ao nascimento. Os fatores de risco para a ocorrência de falha na transferência de imunidade passiva (FTIP) foram identificados e a sua associação com a mortalidade de cordeiros foi testada. Foram estabelecidas correlações entre as variáveis estudadas. A TIP não foi influenciada pelo sexo, pelo número de partos ou pelo ECC das ovelhas. Houve diferenças entre os cordeiros únicos e gêmeos e entre os que nasceram com peso >3 kg e < 3 kg. A FTIP foi pouco frequente (12,4%), mais provável em gêmeos (p=0,026) e em cordeiros leves (p<0,001) e esteve fortemente associada com a mortalidade dos cordeiros até os 60 dias de vida (p<0,001). A taxa de mortalidade geral foi de 11,3%; e 30,5% dos cordeiros com FTIP morreram, quase todos no primeiro mês de vida. A concentração de proteína total determinada por refratometria se correlacionou (p<0,001) com as concentrações de gamaglobulinas (r=0,816) e de IgG (r=0,810) e o valor crítico < 5,0g/dL para a proteína total pode ser admitido como indicador de FTIP. Sob condições de clima tropical a FTIP pode ser considerada pouco frequente em cordeiros mestiços de corte, entretanto, a vigilância e os cuidados devem ser intensificados no caso do nascimento de cordeiros gêmeos com peso reduzido.


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Kuntoutussäätiön arviointi- ja koulutusyksikkö on toteuttanut Etelä-Savon ELY-keskuksen toimeksiannosta yhteistyössä Spangar Negotiationsin kanssa Etelä-Savon nuorten ESR-hankkeiden ulkoisen arvioinnin. Ulkoisen arvioinnin vastuuhenkilönä toimi Sari Pitkänen, jonka lisäksi arviointiin osallistuivat Henna Harju ja Timo Spangar. Hankkeiden tuloksia koostava ulkoinen arviointi toteutettiin keväällä 2014 rakennerahasto-ohjelmakauden 2007–2013 loppuvaiheessa. Arvioinnin kohteena oli 22 Etelä-Savossa rahoitettua nuorten ESR-hanketta, joita oli toteutettu toimintalinjoilla 1-4. Arvioinnin tehtävänä oli selvittää hankkeiden lyhytaikaisia ja pitkäaikaisia vaikutuksia, alueellisen yhteistyön kehittymistä sekä esittää kehittämiskohteita uutta rakennerahasto-ohjelmakautta (2014–2020) varten. Arviointiaineistona käytettiin kirjallista ja tilastollista aineistoa kuten hankkeiden väli-, loppu-, seuranta- ja arviointiraportteja, projektipäälliköille ja projektien osatoteuttajille sekä hankkeiden taustaorganisaatioiden ja ohjausryhmän jäsenille suunnattua kyselyä, hanketoiminnan kannalta. Ulkoisen arvioinnin kehittämisehdotusten mukaan käynnistyvälle ohjelmakaudelle olisi hyödyllistä rakentaa nuorten hankkeille tavoitteellinen yhteinen sateenvarjohanke. Sateenvarjohankkeen suunnittelussa on huomioitava, että maakuntastrategian ja nuorisotakuun ympärille rakentuva tuki- ja koordinointihanke edellyttää resursointia, tavoitteiden asettamista ja tulosten seurantaa. Tämän vuoksi tarvitaan keskeisten aluekehittäjien eli ELY-keskuksen ja maakuntaliiton panostusta toiminnan koordinoinnin, alueellisen yhteistyön kehittymisen ja arvioinnin varmistamiseksi. Yksittäisten hankkeiden tasolla käynnistyvällä ohjelmakaudella tulee panostaa enemmän hankkeiden toteuttajaorganisaatioiden sitoutumisen varmistamiseen sekä yhteistyön tiivistämiseen siten, että yhteistyön sijasta toiminta olisi entistä enemmän yhteiskehittämiseen perustuvaa. Yhteiskehittämisen myötä toiminta on vaikuttavampaa ja juurtumisen edellytykset ovat paremmat.


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Mutations of the tumor suppressor gene p53 have been considered to be important determinants in several kinds of human cancer. Accumulation of p53 protein has been reported to correlate with more aggressive clinical behavior in some neoplasms. The role of p53 expression in adrenal cortical tumors (ACT) has not been elucidated but some studies have suggested its correlation with malignant behavior. Our objective was to determine if there is a correlation between the expression of immunoreactive p53 and the biological behavior of ACT. Fifty-seven ACT (21 from children and 36 from adults) were evaluated for p53 expression by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue and analyzed in terms of outcome. The p53 parameter was utilized semiquantitatively. Tumors were classified as p53 negative when no positivity was observed, or when only few cells showed weak positivity (0/1+) and scored as p53 positive when there was a diffuse and strong nuclear positivity (2+/3+). In children, p53 positivity was associated with clinically malignant ACT and p53 negativity was associated with clinically benign ACT (P = 0.026). In adults' ACT, p53 positivity had an effect on disease-free survival (P<0.001) and also correlated with Weiss score, with a cutoff = 4 (P = 0.04). p53 expression was related to the clinical behavior of ACT in both children and adults and these findings seem to support a role for p53 in ACT progression.


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With the aim of investigating the presence of latent inflammatory process in the lungs of patients with Crohn's disease, 15 patients with Crohn's disease were evaluated by spirometry, the methacholine challenge test, induced sputum, and skin tests for inhaled antigens. Serum IgE, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and hematocrit were also determined. The patients were compared with 20 healthy controls by the Mann-Whitney and Fisher exact tests. Their respiratory physical examination was normal. None had a personal or family history of clinical atopy. None had a previous history of pulmonary disease, smoking or toxic bronchopulmonary exposure. None had sinusitis, migraine, diabetes mellitus, or cardiac failure. Four (26.6%) of the patients with Crohn's disease had a positive methacholine challenge test whereas none of the 20 controls had a positive methacholine test (P = 0.026, Fisher exact test). Patients with Crohn's disease had a higher level of lymphocytes in induced sputum than controls (mean 14.59%, range 3.2-50 vs 5.46%, 0-26.92%, respectively; P = 0.011, Mann-Whitney test). Patients with Crohn's disease and a positive methacholine challenge test had an even higher percentage of lymphocytes in induced sputum compared with patients with Crohn's disease and a negative methacholine test (mean 24.88%, range 12.87-50 vs 10.48%, 3.2-21.69%; P = 0.047, Mann-Whitney test). The simultaneous findings of bronchopulmonary lymphocytosis and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with Crohn's disease were not reported up to now. These results suggest that patients with Crohn's disease present a subclinical inflammatory process despite the absence of pulmonary symptoms.


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We showed that guaraná (Paullinia cupana Mart var. sorbilis) had a chemopreventive effect on mouse hepatocarcinogenesis and reduced diethylnitrosamine-induced DNA damage. In the present experiment, we evaluated the effects of guaraná in an experimental metastasis model. Cultured B16/F10 melanoma cells (5 x 10(5) cells/animal) were injected into the tail vein of mice on the 7th day of guaraná treatment (2.0 mg P. cupana/g body weight, per gavage) and the animals were treated with guaraná daily up to 14 days until euthanasia (total treatment time: 21 days). Lung sections were obtained for morphometric analysis, apoptotic bodies were counted to calculate the apoptotic index and proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive cells were counted to determine the proliferation index. Guaraná-treated (GUA) animals presented a 68.6% reduction in tumor burden area compared to control (CO) animals which were not treated with guaraná (CO: 0.84 ± 0.26, N = 6; GUA: 0.27 ± 0.24, N = 6; P = 0.0043), a 57.9% reduction in tumor proliferation index (CO: 23.75 ± 20.54, N = 6; GUA: 9.99 ± 3.93, N = 6; P = 0.026) and a 4.85-fold increase in apoptotic index (CO: 66.95 ± 22.95, N = 6; GUA: 324.37 ± 266.74 AB/mm², N = 6; P = 0.0152). In this mouse model, guaraná treatment decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis of tumor cells, consequently reducing the tumor burden area. We are currently investigating the molecular pathways of the effects of guaraná in cultured melanoma cells, regarding principally the cell cycle inhibitors and cyclins.


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Epidemiological investigations suggest that T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A may be associated with mean life span because diseases and behaviors related to this polymorphism, such as schizophrenia, suicide, aggression, and addiction, may potentially shorten mean life span. A sample of 687 individuals without previous neuropsychiatric disease was genotyped and separated into 3 groups according to their gender and age: 14-45 years old, 46-64 years old and 65-100 years old. Molecular genotyping was performed using the technique of polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism using HpaII restriction enzyme. 5-HT2A genotype frequencies were: TT = 21.5% (148), CC = 16.6% (114) and TC = 61.9% (425) and allele frequencies were T = 52.5% and C = 46.5%. Significant differences were found between mean age of the TT genotype carriers (60.27 ± 12.60 years) and TC genotype carriers (56.80 ± 13.18 years) of T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A (P = 0.026) as well as the age groups (P = 0.012). Carriers of genotype TT were older than the other two genotypes, whereas carriers of genotype CC had an intermediate age compared with TT and CC subjects. The present results demonstrate an association between T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A and age. Our results suggest that T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A is associated with mean life span, and thus this gene becomes a possible candidate for the group of adaptive genes to meat consumption proposed in the literature. Further studies should be conducted in order to elucidate this association.


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We have shown that the free cholesterol (FC) and the cholesteryl ester (CE) moieties of a nanoemulsion with lipidic structure resembling low-density lipoproteins show distinct metabolic fate in subjects and that this may be related to the presence of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis. The question was raised whether induction of hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in rabbits would affect the metabolic behavior of the two cholesterol forms. Male New Zealand rabbits aged 4-5 months were allocated to a control group (N = 17) fed regular chow and to a 1% cholesterol-fed group (N = 13) during a 2-month period. Subsequently, the nanoemulsion labeled with ³H-FC and 14C-CE was injected intravenously for the determination of plasma kinetics and tissue uptake of the radioactive labels. In controls, FC and CE had similar plasma kinetics (fractional clearance rate, FCR = 0.234 ± 0.056 and 0.170 ± 0.038 h-1, respectively; P = 0.065). In cholesterol-fed rabbits, the clearance of both labels was delayed and, as a remarkable feature, FC-FCR (0.089 ± 0.033 h-1) was considerably greater than CE-FCR (0.046 ± 0.010 h-1; P = 0.026). In the liver, the major nanoemulsion uptake site, uptake of the labels was similar in control animals (FC = 0.2256 ± 0.1475 and CE = 0.2135 ± 0.1580%/g) but in cholesterol-fed animals FC uptake (0.0890 ± 0.0319%/g) was greater than CE uptake (0.0595 ± 0.0207%/g; P < 0.05). Therefore, whereas in controls, FC and CE have similar metabolism, the induction of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis resulted in dissociation of the two forms of cholesterol.


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Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA) are the most common cause of renal graft failure. Chronic transplant glomerulopathy (CTG) is present in approximately 1.5-3.0% of all renal grafts. We retrospectively studied the contribution of CTG and recurrent post-transplant glomerulopathies (RGN) to graft loss. We analyzed 123 patients with chronic renal allograft dysfunction and divided them into three groups: CTG (N = 37), RGN (N = 21), and IF/TA (N = 65). Demographic data were analyzed and the variables related to graft function identified by statistical methods. CTG had a significantly lower allograft survival than IF/TA. In a multivariate analysis, protective factors for allograft outcomes were: use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI; hazard ratio (HR) = 0.12, P = 0.001), mycophenolate mofetil (MMF; HR = 0.17, P = 0.026), hepatitis C virus (HR = 7.29, P = 0.003), delayed graft function (HR = 5.32, P = 0.016), serum creatinine ≥1.5 mg/dL at the 1st year post-transplant (HR = 0.20, P = 0.011), and proteinuria ≥0.5 g/24 h at the 1st year post-transplant (HR = 0.14, P = 0.004). The presence of glomerular damage is a risk factor for allograft loss (HR = 4.55, P = 0.015). The presence of some degree of chronic glomerular damage in addition to the diagnosis of IF/TA was the most important risk factor associated with allograft loss since it could indicate chronic active antibody-mediated rejection. ACEI and MMF were associated with better outcomes, indicating that they might improve graft survival.