970 resultados para 110311 Medical Genetics (excl. Cancer Genetics)


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BACKGROUND: The WNT10A protein is critical for the development of ectodermal appendages. Variants in the WNT10A gene may be associated with a spectrum of ectodermal abnormalities including extensive tooth agenesis. METHODS: In seven patients with severe tooth agenesis we identified anomalies in primary dentition and additional ectodermal symptoms, and assessed WNT10A mutations by genetic analysis. RESULTS: Investigation of primary dentition revealed peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors and three individuals had agenesis of at least two primary teeth. The permanent dentition was severely affected in all individuals with a mean of 21 missing teeth. Primary teeth were most often present in positions were succedaneous teeth were missing. Furthermore, most existing molars had taurodontism. Light, brittle or coarse hair was reported in all seven individuals, hyperhidrosis of palms and soles in six individuals and nail anomalies in two individuals. The anomalies in primary dentition preceded most of the additional ectodermal symptoms. Genetic analysis revealed that all seven individuals were homozygous or compound heterozygous for WNT10A mutations resulting in C107X, E222X and F228I. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that tooth agenesis and/or peg-shaped crowns of primary mandibular incisors, severe oligodontia of permanent dentition as well as ectodermal symptoms of varying severity may be predictors of bi-allelic WNT10A mutations of importance for diagnosis, counselling and follow-up.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. La distrofia muscular de Duchenne es una enfermedad neuromuscular con una herencia recesiva ligada al X que afecta a 1 de cada 3500 niños nacidos vivos. Se produce por mutaciones en el gen DMD que codifica para la distrofina. Se caracteriza por manifestaciones clínicas variables típicas de una distrofia muscular proximal progresiva. OBJETIVO. Realizar el primer registro en Colombia de los pacientes identificados con distrofinopatías, teniendo en cuenta características clínicas y paraclínicas, así como las mutaciones causales de esta patología. METODOLOGÍA Es un estudio descriptivo, transversal, de la revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de DMD atendidos en la consulta de Genética de la Universidad del Rosario durante los años 2006 a 2015. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 99 pacientes, de los cuales 56 (56,56%) corresponden al fenotipo Duchenne y 12 (12,12%) al Becker. No fue posible clasificar a 31 pacientes (31,3%) por falta de datos clínicos. La edad de inicio de los síntomas fue en promedio de 4,41 años. Las mutaciones más frecuentes fueron las deleciones (69%), seguidas por las mutaciones puntuales(14%), las duplicaciones (11%) y por otras mutaciones (4%). CONCLUSIONES Este registro de distrofinopatías es el primero reportado en Colombia y el punto de partida para conocer la incidencia de la enfermedad, caracterización clínica y molecular de los pacientes, garantizando así el acceso oportuno a los nuevos tratamientos de medicina de precisión que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias.


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The growing knowledge of the genetic polymorphisms of enzymes metabolising xenobiotics in humans and their connections with individual susceptibility towards toxicants has created new and important interfaces between human epidemiology and experimental toxicology. The results of molecular epidemiological studies may provide new hypotheses and concepts, which call for experimental verification, and experimental concepts may obtain further proof by molecular epidemiological studies. If applied diligently, these possibilities may be combined to lead to new strategies of human-oriented toxicological research. This overview will present some outstanding examples for such strategies taken from the practically very important field of occupational toxicology. The main focus is placed on the effects of enzyme polymorphisms of the xenobiotic metabolism in association with the induction of bladder cancer and renal cell cancer after exposure to occupational chemicals. Also, smoking and induction of head and neck squamous cell cancer are considered.


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Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) grown on substrates are potential electron sources in field emission applications. Several studies have reported the use of CNTs in field emission devices, including field emission displays, X-ray tube, electron microscopes, cathode-ray lamps, etc. Also, in recent years, conventional cold field emission cathodes have been realized in micro-fabricated arrays for medical X-ray imaging. CNTbased field emission cathode devices have potential applications in a variety of industrial and medical applications, including cancer treatment. Field emission performance of a single isolated CNT is found to be remarkable, but the situation becomes complex when an array of CNTs is used. At the same time, use of arrays of CNTs is practical and economical. Indeed, such arrays on cathode substrates can be grown easily and their collective dynamics can be utilized in a statistical sense such that the average emission intensity is high enough and the collective dynamics lead to longer emission life. The authors in their previous publications had proposed a novel approach to obtain stabilized field emission current from a stacked CNT array of pointed height distribution. A mesoscopic modeling technique was employed, which took into account electro-mechanical forces in the CNTs, as well as transport of conduction electron coupled with electron phonon induced heat generation from the CNT tips. The reported analysis of pointed arrangements of the array showed that the current density distribution was greatly localized in the middle of the array, the scatter due to electrodynamic force field was minimized, and the temperature transients were much smaller compared to those in an array with random height distribution. In the present paper we develop a method to compute the emission efficiency of the CNT array in terms of the amount of electrons hitting the anode surface using trajectory calculations. Effects of secondary electron emission and parasitic capacitive nonlinearity on the current-voltage signals are accounted. Field emission efficiency of a stacked CNT array with various pointed height distributions are compared to that of arrays with random and uniform height distributions. Effect of this parasitic nonlinearity on the emission switch-on voltage is estimated by model based simulation and Monte Carlo method.


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O câncer ganha cada vez mais destaque como problema de saúde pública. Desta forma, diversas estratégias somam-se com objetivo de reduzir a morbi-mortalidade associada a este conjunto de doenças. Para o pleno sucesso das políticas de controle, o profissional de saúde, em especial o médico, assume papel fundamental. Contudo, depara-se com a deficiência encontrada nos currículos das escolas médicas (EM), principalmente no que tange ao ensino de ações desenvolvidas dentro da atenção primária em saúde. No Brasil, diversos projetos genericamente denominados de Ligas Acadêmicas (LA) têm ganhado destaque como propostas para ensino, enquanto atividades extracurriculares, através da iniciativa discente. Esta dissertação tem como objetivos: (1) avaliar a capacitação de alunos de Medicina quanto a conhecimentos e práticas para prevenção, rastreamento e diagnóstico precoce das neoplasias mais frequentes no Brasil e (2) avaliar a repercussão e as propostas das LA como complementação de ensino. Foi realizada a adaptação transcultural de um questionário autopreenchível utilizado em estudos norte-americanos como instrumento para coleta de dados. Os dados foram obtidos de alunos do último ano de uma universidade pública no Rio de Janeiro. Dos 78 alunos elegíveis, 74 participaram do estudo. Destes, 87% consideram que o estudo de câncer no currículo é insuficiente. Apenas 4% souberam informar corretamente as neoplasias com protocolo de rastreamento recomendados no Brasil. Os resultados mostram que o treinamento em habilidades para o controle do câncer é fraco: quanto ao aconselhamento de pacientes, 30% receberam treinamento para orientar a cessação do tabagismo e um percentual ainda menor (15%) chegam ao final do curso sem terem sido treinados para avaliar a história nutricional dos pacientes. Em relação ao exame físico, quase 60% nunca foram treinados a realizar o exame clínico da pele, 50% terminam a graduação sem terem executado um preventivo ginecológico e quase 20% sem realizar o exame clínico das mamas. Já em relação a autopercepção, os alunos sentem-se muito mais preparados a aconselhar pacientes quanto a hábitos para prevenção do câncer. Outras variáveis estudadas (gênero, sistema de ingresso no vestibular e familiares/pessoas próximas com câncer) não afetaram o desempenho dos alunos nas dimensões avaliadas (treinamento, prática e autopercepção). Para avaliar o efeito graduação, foi utilizado um grupo controle formado por alunos do primeiro ano (n=77). Houve ganho significativo nas dimensões treinamento e prática quando comparamos os dois grupos e, numa proporção bem menor, na dimensão autopercepção. Para avaliação das LA, foi realizado um levantamento de todas as EM no Brasil que iniciaram suas atividades antes do ano de 2010 e, após relação nominal, foram identificadas aquelas com LA e com LA relacionada ao estudo do câncer. Contudo, o verdadeiro impacto destes projetos só pode ser entendido com uma análise qualitativa dos mesmos. Observa-se que, nas LA, os alunos são estimulados a desenvolver habilidades pouco abordadas nos currículos tradicionais, fundamentais para a formação profissional, como gestão, liderança, empreendedorismo, inovação, extensão universitária e construção da cidadania.


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To search for compounds with superior anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activity, ten 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline sulfonates (4a-j) were synthesized and preliminarily evaluated as HIV-1 inhibitors in vitro for the first time. Some compounds demonstrated anti-HIV-1 activity, especially 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-ethylbenzenesulfonate (4g) and 5,5'-(p-phenylenebisazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline p-chlorobenzenesulfonate (41) showed the more potent anti-HIV-1 activity with 50% effective concentration (EC50) values of 2.59 and 4.01 mu g/ml, and therapeutic index (TI) values of 31.77 and 24.51, respectively.


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Durch die Entwicklung der chemischen Industrie im 19. Jahrhundert traten völlig neue medizinische Probleme auf. 1895 postulierte Dr. Ludwig Rehn, ein Chirurg am Städtischen Krankenhaus in Frankfurt am Main, auf dem Chirurgenkongreß erstmals einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Blasenkarzinom und seinem gehäuften Auftreten bei Arbeitern der organisch-chemischen Farbenfabriken. Er hatte bemerkt, daß er in relativ kurzer Zeit einige Patienten mit Blasenkrebs operiert hatte, die auffälligerweise alle in derselben Fabrik arbeiteten. Da diese Krankheit sehr selten war, versuchte er in Zusammenarbeit mit Heinrich Paul Schwerin das Phänomen zu ergründen. Einerseits mußte die schädliche Substanz selbst genau identifiziert werden, andererseits die Kanzerogenese aufgeklärt sowie eine Therapie gefunden bzw. prophylaktische Maßnahmen eingeleitet werden. Wie auch heute bei vielen neuen Entdeckungen dauerte es Jahrzehnte, bis Ärzte diese These anerkannten. Besonders starke Anfeindung erfuhr Ludwig Rehn von Fabrikärzten aufgrund ihrer Verpflichtung für das Wohlergehen der Arbeiter und ihrer Abhängigkeit von der wirtschaftlichen Prosperität der Fabriken, z. B. von Friedrich Wilhelm Grandhomme. Es ergab sich die bis heute bestehende Schwierigkeit, zwischen den Wünschen der produzierenden, arbeitsplätzeschaffenden Industrie und dem Schutz der Arbeitnehmer und der Umwelt einen Konsens herzustellen. Die Probleme Therapie und Prophylaxe sowie Identifikation aller Blasenkrebs verursachenden Substanzen sind auch im 21. Jahrhundert noch nicht völlig geklärt.


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Two proton accelerators have been recently put in operation in Bern: an 18 MeV cyclotron and a 2 MeV RFQ linac. The commercial IBA 18/18 cyclotron, equipped with a specifically conceived 6 m long external beam line ending in a separate bunker, will provide beams for routine 18-F and other PET radioisotope production as well as for novel detector, radiation biophysics, radioprotection, radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments. The accelerator is embedded into a complex building hosting two physics laboratories and four Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) laboratories. This project is the result of a successful collaboration between the Inselspital, the University of Bern and private investors, aiming at the constitution of a combined medical and research centre able to provide the most cutting-edge technologies in medical imaging and cancer radiation therapy. The cyclotron is complemented by the RFQ with the primary goals of elemental analysis via Particle Induced Gamma Emission (PIGE), and the detection of potentially dangerous materials with high nitrogen content using the Gamma-Resonant Nuclear Absorption (GRNA) technique. In this context, beam instrumentation devices have been developed, in particular an innovative beam profile monitor based on doped silica fibres and a setup for emittance measurements using the pepper-pot technique. On this basis, the establishment of a proton therapy centre on the campus of the Inselspital is in the phase of advanced study.


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Embryonic stem cell research is a widely debated topic in modern politics and religion. Differing views on the fetal rights conflict with the rights of an embryo. Those who believe an embryo has the same human qualities as a fetus accordingly believe embryonic stem cell research is unethical because it destroys a potential human life. However, scientists advocate the embryo does not have human qualities and should be used for valuable research in the stem cell field. Stem cell research may lead to vast developments in medical treatments, including cancer and brain conditions and injuries that are currently incurable. ^ The current stem cell policy introduced by President Bush in 2001 in an attempt to balance the moral issues with the need for scientific research has broad negative implications on the furthering of stem cell research. There is a limited diversity of available stem cell lines, there may be constitutional issues, there is an increasing disparity between the public and private research spheres, and the U.S. is struggling to maintain its scientific community. The U.S. must develop a new stem cell research policy that will balance the interest of science and public health with the moral issues that concern the public. ^ The United Kingdom allows researchers great liberty in conducting research, permitting the creation of embryos for the sole purpose of research, while Germany is equally conservative in their laws, as their policies support the philosophy that all embryos deserve the protection of full life. The United States should adopt a policy that takes the "middle ground" approach and permit research on excess embryos created for IVF purposes, rather than simply discarding those potentially valuable research tools. ^


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There are a number of observations that suggest the dsRNA-activated protein kinase, PKR, may play an active role in formation and maintenance of leukemia, including nonrandom chromosomal deletions in acute leukemia as well as truncations and deletions of the PKR gene in some leukemia cell lines. However, there is little direct evidence from patient material that this is so. Here we show that full-length PKR is present but not active in 21 of 28 patient samples from B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). PKR from these patients was unable to auto-activate or phosphorylate substrates but was able to bind dsRNA. Furthermore, the lack of PKR activation was not due to differing levels of the PKR activator, PACT nor of the PKR inhibitor, p58(IPK). We compared PKR status with clinical parameters and disease staging. No differences were found between the 2 groups in terms of staging (modified Rai or Binet), age, CD38 status, p53 status, 11q23 deletion status or CEP12 deletion status. However, there was a significant correlation between deletion in 13q14.3 and lack of PKR activity. We show that B-CLL cells appear to contain a soluble inhibitor of PKR, as lysates from cells lacking PKR activity were able to inhibit exogenous PKR in mixing experiments. Finally, we show suppression of PKR activity was still present following ultrafilitration through a 10,000 Da cutoff filter but was lost upon extraction with phenol/chloroform or by high salt washing. This data suggests loss of PKR activity may contribute to the formation and/or maintenance of CLL. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Assessment of real cost effectiveness, with data linked to individual health outcomes while protecting patient privacy, is an essential challenge we need to meet


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Background: Costs of tobacco-related disease can be useful evidence to support tobacco control. In Hong Kong we now have locally derived data on the risks of smoking, including passive smoking. Aim: To estimate the health-related costs of tobacco from both active and passive smoking. Methods: Using local data, we estimated active and passive smoking-attributable mortality, hospital admissions, outpatient, emergency and general practitioner visits for adults and children, use of nursing homes and domestic help, time lost from work due to illness and premature mortality in the productive years. Morbidity risk data were used where possible but otherwise estimates based on mortality risks were used. Utilisation was valued at unit costs or from survey data. Work time lost was valued at the median wage and an additional costing included a value of US$1.3 million for a life lost. Results: In the Hong Kong population of 6.5 million in 1998, the annual value of direct medical costs, long term care and productivity loss was US$532 million for active smoking and US$156 million for passive smoking; passive smoking accounted for 23% of the total costs. Adding the value of attributable lives lost brought the annual cost to US$9.4 billion. Conclusion: The health costs of tobacco use are high and represent a net loss to society. Passive smoking increases these costs by at least a quarter. This quantification of the costs of tobacco provides strong motivation for legislative action on smoke-free areas in the Asia Pacific Region and elsewhere.


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Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the immunogenicity of liposomes containing mannosylated lipid core peptide (manLCP) constructs, both in vitro and in vivo, with or without the addition of the immune stimulating adjuvant Quil A. Methods. Mouse bone marrow dendritic cells (BMDC) were cultured with liposome formulations for 48 h, and the resulting level of BMDC activation was determined by flow cytometry. BMDC pulsed with liposome formulations were incubated with 5,6-carboxyfluoroscein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled T cells for 72 h and the resulting T cell proliferation was determined by flow cytometry. To investigate the immunogenicity of formulations in vivo, groups of C57Bl/6J mice were immunized by subcutaneous injection, and the resulting antigen-specific cytotoxic and protective immune responses toward tumor challenge evaluated. Results. Despite being unable to demonstrate the activation of BMDC, BMDC pulsed with liposomes containing manLCP constructs were able to stimulate the proliferation of naive T cells in vitro. However, in vivo only liposomes containing both manLCP and Quil A were able to stimulate a strong antigen-specific cytotoxic immune response. Liposomes containing manLCP and Quil A within the same particle were able to protect against the growth of tumor cells to a similar level as if the antigen was administered in alum with CD4 help. Conclusion. ManLCPs administered in liposomes are able to stimulate strong cytotoxic and protective immune responses if Quil A is also incorporated as an adjuvant.


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Cancer remains one of the world’s most devastating diseases, with more than 10 million new cases every year. However, traditional treatments have proven insufficient for successful medical management of cancer due to the chemotherapeutics’ difficulty in achieving therapeutic concentrations at the target site, non-specific cytotoxicity to normal tissues, and limited systemic circulation lifetime. Although, a concerted effort has been placed in developing and successfully employing nanoparticle(NP)-based drug delivery vehicles successfully mitigate the physiochemical and pharmacological limitations of chemotherapeutics, work towards controlling the subcellular fate of the carrier, and ultimately its payload, has been limited. Because efficient therapeutic action requires drug delivery to specific organelles, the subcellular barrier remains critical obstacle to maximize the full potential of NP-based delivery vehicles. The aim of my dissertation work is to better understand how NP-delivery vehicles’ structural, chemical, and physical properties affect the internalization method and subcellular localization of the nanocarrier. In this work we explored how side-chain and backbone modifications affect the conjugated polymer nanoparticle (CPN) toxicity and subcellular localization. We discovered how subtle chemical modifications had profound consequences on the polymer’s accumulation inside the cell and cellular retention. We also examined how complexation of CPN with polysaccharides affects uptake efficiency and subcellular localization. This work also presents how changes to CPN backbone biodegradability can significantly affect the subcellular localization of the material. A series of triphenyl phosphonium-containing CPNs were synthesized and the effect of backbone modifications have on the cellular toxicity and intracellular fate of the material. A mitochondrial-specific polymer exhibiting time-dependent release is reported. Finally, we present a novel polymerization technique which allows for the controlled incorporation of electron-accepting benzothiadiazole units onto the polymer chain. This facilitates tuning CPN emission towards red emission. The work presented here, specifically, the effect that side-chain and structure, polysaccharide formulation and CPN degradability have on material’s uptake behavior, can help maximize the full potential of NP-based delivery vehicles for improved chemotherapeutic drug delivery.


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Respiratory gating in lung PET imaging to compensate for respiratory motion artifacts is a current research issue with broad potential impact on quantitation, diagnosis and clinical management of lung tumors. However, PET images collected at discrete bins can be significantly affected by noise as there are lower activity counts in each gated bin unless the total PET acquisition time is prolonged, so that gating methods should be combined with imaging-based motion correction and registration methods. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a fast and practical solution to the problem of respiratory motion for the detection and accurate quantitation of lung tumors in PET images. This included: (1) developing a computer-assisted algorithm for PET/CT images that automatically segments lung regions in CT images, identifies and localizes lung tumors of PET images; (2) developing and comparing different registration algorithms which processes all the information within the entire respiratory cycle and integrate all the tumor in different gated bins into a single reference bin. Four registration/integration algorithms: Centroid Based, Intensity Based, Rigid Body and Optical Flow registration were compared as well as two registration schemes: Direct Scheme and Successive Scheme. Validation was demonstrated by conducting experiments with the computerized 4D NCAT phantom and with a dynamic lung-chest phantom imaged using a GE PET/CT System. Iterations were conducted on different size simulated tumors and different noise levels. Static tumors without respiratory motion were used as gold standard; quantitative results were compared with respect to tumor activity concentration, cross-correlation coefficient, relative noise level and computation time. Comparing the results of the tumors before and after correction, the tumor activity values and tumor volumes were closer to the static tumors (gold standard). Higher correlation values and lower noise were also achieved after applying the correction algorithms. With this method the compromise between short PET scan time and reduced image noise can be achieved, while quantification and clinical analysis become fast and precise.