996 resultados para 037


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Omega-3 fatty acids and probiotic bacteria were co-encapsulated in a single whey protein isolate (WPI)-gum Arabic (GA) complex coacervate microcapsule. Tuna oil (O) and Lactobacillus casei 431 (P) were used as models of omega-3 and probiotic bacteria, respectively. The co-microcapsules (WPI-P-O-GA) and L.casei containing microcapsules (WPI-P-GA) were converted into powder by using spray and freeze drying. The viability of L.casei was significantly higher in WPI-P-O-GA co-microcapsules than in WPI-P-GA. The oxidative stability of tuna oil was significantly higher in spray dried co-capsules than in freeze dried ones.


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Titanium alloys are widely used in various engineering design application due to its superior material properties. The traditional manufacturing of titanium products is always difficult, time consuming, high material wastage and manufacturing costs. Selective laser melting (SLM), an additive manufacturing technology has widely gained attention due to its capability to produce near net shape components with less production time. In this technical paper,microstructure,chemical composition,tensile properties and hardness are studied for the wrought and additive manufactured SLM cylindrical bar. Microstructure,mechanical properties and hardness were studied in both the longitudinal and transverse directions of the bar to study the effect of orientation. It was found that additive manufactured bar have higher yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and hardness than the wrought bar. For both conventional and SLM test samples, the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and hardness was found to be high in the transverse direction. The difference in the properties can be attributed to the difference in microstructure as a result of processing conditions. The tensile fracture area was quantified by careful examination of the fracture surfaces in the scanning electron microscope.


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 Objectives: To synthesize the efficacy and safety outcomes from randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) regarding new oral anticoagulant, protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) antagonist, and warfarin adjunctive to aspirin for patients after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) via pair-wise and network meta-analyses.
Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed in Embase, Medline, Cochrane Library Web of Knowledge, and Scopus. The pair-wise meta-analysis was undertaken respectively to each agent/treatment category via Revmen 5.1. In order to estimate the relative efficacy of each agent/treatment category whilst preserving the randomized comparisons within each trial, a Bayesian network meta-analysis was conducted in WinBUGS using both fixed- and random-effects model. Covariate analysis was performed to explore the effects of length of follow-up and age of subject on the final results.
Results: In total, 23 RCTs were included in the meta-analysis. As shown by the results (OR,95%CI) for the pair-wise meta-analysis, new oral anticoagulants (0.85, [0.78, 0.93] and 3.04, [2.21, 4.19]), PAR-1 antagonists (0.80, [0.52, 1.22] and 1.55, [1.25, 1.93]) and warfarin (0.87, [0.74, 1.02] and 1.77, [1.46, 2.14]) might be able to provide better outcome in the incidences of major adverse events (MAE) but with higher bleeding risk comparing to aspirin treatment alone. Based on the model fit assessment, the random-effects model was adopted. The network meta-analysis (treatment effect comparing to aspirin lone) identified ximelagatran (-0.3044, [-0.8601, 0.2502]), dabigatran (-0.2144, [-0.8666, 0.4525]), rivoroxaban (-0.2179, [-0.5986, 0.1628]) and vorapaxar (-0.2272, [-0.81, 0.1664]) produced better improvements in MAE incidences whereas vorapaxar (0.3764, [-0.4444, 1.124]), warfarin (0.663, [0.3375, 1.037]), ximelagatran (0.7509, [-0.4164, 2.002]) and apixaban (0.8594, [-0.0049, 1.7]) produced less major bleeding events. The indirect comparisons among drug category (difference in incidence comparing to aspirin lone) showed new oral anticoagulants (-0.1974, [-0.284, -0.111]) and PAR-1 antagonists (-0.1239, [-0.215, -0.033]) to besuperior to warfarin (-0.1004, [-0.166, -0.035]) in the occurrences of MAE whereas PAR-1 antagonists (0.4292, [0.2123, 0.6476]) afforded better outcomes in major bleeding events against warfarin (0.5742, [0.3889, 0.7619]) and new oral anticoagulants (1.169, [0.8667, 1.485]).
Conclusion: Based on the study results, we cannot recommend the routine administration of new oral anticoagulant as add-on treatment for patients after ACS. However, for ACS patients comorbid with atrial fibrillation, new oral anticoagulant might be superior to warfarin in both efficacy and safety outcomes.


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Uma das complicações cirúrgicas que mais afeta o resultado do transplante pulmonar é a complicação da anastomose brônquica. Esta pode apresentar-se com um espectro que vai desde a isquemia transitória da anastomose sem outras alterações até a deiscência total com mediastinite e sépsis. Embora a sua ocorrência tenha diminuído nos últimos anos, continua sendo uma das complicações mais frequentes no pós-operatório. Em nosso trabalho, foi analisada a ocorrência de complicações de anastomose brônquica que necessitaram algum tipo de intervenção cirúrgica na população de pacientes transplantados de pulmão durante um período de dez anos (1989-1999). Este grupo representa a quase totalidade dos transplantes pulmonares realizados no Brasil neste período. Pacientes e Métodos: Foram avaliados todos os transplantes de pulmão realizados em um período de 10 anos (1989-1999) no Pavilhão Pereira Filho, Santa Casa de Misericórdia, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, para a ocorrência de complicação da anastomose brônquica e possíveis fatores de risco. Resultados: Em um total de 76 pacientes e 81 anastomoses com o risco de complicação, ocorreram 12 complicações (15,79%). Entre os fatores analisados para risco possivelmente associado à complicação, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa para o tempo de isquemia superior ou inferior a quatro horas (Teste de Fischer com p=1,00), entre um ou mais de um episódio de rejeição (Teste de Fischer com p=0,756), um ou mais de um pulsos de metilprednisolona (p=0,58), a ocorrência de infecção por citomegalovírus ou não ( teste de Fischer com p=0,169), e nem houve maior número de complicações brônquicas nos pacientes que tiveram maior número de episódios de infecção. Houve diferença estatisticamente entre a técnica de anastomose brônquica término-terminal e a telescopagem brônquica, sendo a ocorrência de complicações bem menor no segundo grupo (teste de Fischer com p=0,005), e também ocorreu diferença estatisticamente significativa entre dois períodos de transplante, de 1989 a 1993 e de 1994 a 1999, sendo a ocorrência menor no segundo grupo (teste exato de Fischer com p=0,037). Conclusões: A técnica de telescopagem brônquica apresentou menor número de complicações da anastomose brônquica, e a maior experiência da equipe de transplantes também contribuiu para a redução das complicações da anastomose.


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Embora já se tenha passado muito tempo, ainda hoje me recordo de minha avó dizendo com orgulho que em nossa família não havia “flamenguistas”, e nem “lacerdistas”. Símbolo de uma época em que a política tinha quase o mesmo poder de identificação do futebol, Carlos Lacerda teve como contraponto na acirrada política carioca dos anos 60 a figura de Leonel Brizola. Se o Fla-Flu enchia o Maracanã e inflamava as torcidas, não menos inflamado era o discurso que então alimentava a rivalidade entre lacerdistas e brizolistas na antiga capital federal. O objetivo do artigo é analisar a maneira pela qual Carlos Lacerda e Leonel Brizola se constituíram como lideranças carismáticas no Rio de Janeiro, procurando relacionar esse processo com a cultura política de uma cidade que por mais de um século fora capital do país.


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Lucas (1987) has shown a surprising result in business-cycle research: the welfare cost of business cycles are very small. Our paper has several original contributions. First, in computing welfare costs, we propose a novel setup that separates the effects of uncertainty stemming from business-cycle fluctuations and economic-growth variation. Second, we extend the sample from which to compute the moments of consumption: the whole of the literature chose primarily to work with post-WWII data. For this period, actual consumption is already a result of counter-cyclical policies, and is potentially smoother than what it otherwise have been in their absence. So, we employ also pre-WWII data. Third, we take an econometric approach and compute explicitly the asymptotic standard deviation of welfare costs using the Delta Method. Estimates of welfare costs show major differences for the pre-WWII and the post-WWII era. They can reach up to 15 times for reasonable parameter values -β=0.985, and ∅=5. For example, in the pre-WWII period (1901-1941), welfare cost estimates are 0.31% of consumption if we consider only permanent shocks and 0.61% of consumption if we consider only transitory shocks. In comparison, the post-WWII era is much quieter: welfare costs of economic growth are 0.11% and welfare costs of business cycles are 0.037% - the latter being very close to the estimate in Lucas (0.040%). Estimates of marginal welfare costs are roughly twice the size of the total welfare costs. For the pre-WWII era, marginal welfare costs of economic-growth and business- cycle fluctuations are respectively 0.63% and 1.17% of per-capita consumption. The same figures for the post-WWII era are, respectively, 0.21% and 0.07% of per-capita consumption.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo levantar a visão de futuro da Criminalistiea brasileira conforme as pereepçõcs autonómieas de peritos oficiais empregando como parad igma os efeitos da Lei 12.03012009, que atribuiu a autonomia técnica, científica ti funcional " estes profissionais. Para isso, rea lizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica c de campo. O univcrso da pesquisa foi os Peritos Oficiai , . /\ amo,tra foi fommda por 39 peritos Criminais, um grupo principal COl1lpo~to por 31 peritos de carreira incluindo gestores locais de Instituições Federais (Polícia FctJeral, Polícia do Distrito Federal) e c.s tadoaiS (Polícia Civil e Secretaria de Scgurança Pública) c um grupo complcnlenlar composto por Gestores (04) c Lideranças (04) Nacionai~ destes órgãos. Ao grupo principal foi aplicado um testc de evocação com as palavras "Autonomia" e "Pcricia". como fase preparatória às entrevistas semi cSlrutura037/09. Para todos entrevistados a Lei 12.030/09 apenas legitimou oma situaçlo de fato.


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Atualmente a ciência do esporte requer abordagens que combinem o estudo de aspectos biomecânicos e fisiológicos para o correto entendimento dos fenômenos relacionados ao desempenho humano. Desta forma, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar as relações e as diferenças entre os formatos de curva de força x tempo e as respostas fisiológicas e biomecânicas de remadores. Quinze remadores (24,47±5,21 anos, 83,51±7,19 kg, 185,50±6,53 cm e 13,68±1,65 % de gordura), foram submetidos a um teste cardiopulmonar de exercício em remoergômetro. Foram medidas as respostas de VO2, VCO2, VE, RER, MET, lactato, FC, força, potência e impulso, tanto no estágio de limiar de lactato quanto no estágio máximo alcançado pelos remadores. O Tratamento estatístico foi composto por Teste t-Student para amostras independentes, Correlação Linear de Pearson, Teste Qui-Quadrado de McNemar e ANOVA one-way. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Os remadores foram classificados em dois grupos: stroke (pico de força na primeira metade da curva de força x tempo) e bow (pico de força na segunda metade da curva de força x tempo). No estágio de limiar de lactato foram identificados três remadores com perfil stroke e 12 com perfil bow, não havendo diferenças significativas nos parâmetros fisiológicos e biomecânicos entre os dois grupos, bem como não havendo correlações significativas entre o formato de curva de força e as respostas fisiológicas e biomecânicas. No estágio máximo alcançado pelos remadores foi possível classificar oito remadores como stroke e sete bow, sendo que estes últimos apresentaram menores valores de lactato, embora sem significância estatística (p=0,067), e maiores níveis de produções de potência (p=0,037) Foram encontradas correlações regulares negativas entre o lactato sangüíneo e: a) o tempo para o pico de força(r= -0,556 e p=0,031); b) o tempo de curva (r= -0,593 e p=0,020); c) a metade da curva de força (r= -0,562 e p=0,029). Dos 12 remadores bow no limiar de lactato, 41,7% transitaram para um padrão stroke, enquanto que 58,3% mantiveram o perfil original no estágio máximo, os quais apresentaram maiores valores de VE, potência e tempo para o pico de força máxima e maiores valores VCO2 no limiar de lactato. O panorama criado por este conjunto de resultados permite sugerir que treinadores e atletas, interessados em prolongar o tempo de exercício, devem buscar um perfil de pico de força bow.


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Lucas(1987) has shown a surprising result in business-cycle research: the welfare cost of business cycles are very small. Our paper has several original contributions. First, in computing welfare costs, we propose a novel setup that separates the effects of uncertainty stemming from business-cycle uctuations and economic-growth variation. Second, we extend the sample from which to compute the moments of consumption: the whole of the literature chose primarily to work with post-WWII data. For this period, actual consumption is already a result of counter-cyclical policies, and is potentially smoother than what it otherwise have been in their absence. So, we employ also pre-WWII data. Third, we take an econometric approach and compute explicitly the asymptotic standard deviation of welfare costs using the Delta Method. Estimates of welfare costs show major diferences for the pre-WWII and the post-WWII era. They can reach up to 15 times for reasonable parameter values = 0:985, and = 5. For example, in the pre-WWII period (1901-1941), welfare cost estimates are 0.31% of consumption if we consider only permanent shocks and 0.61% of consumption if we consider only transitory shocks. In comparison, the post-WWII era is much quieter: welfare costs of economic growth are 0.11% and welfare costs of business cycles are 0.037% the latter being very close to the estimate in Lucas (0.040%). Estimates of marginal welfare costs are roughly twice the size of the total welfare costs. For the pre-WWII era, marginal welfare costs of economic-growth and business-cycle uctuations are respectively 0.63% and 1.17% of per-capita consumption. The same gures for the post-WWII era are, respectively, 0.21% and 0.07% of per-capita consumption.


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The volatile composition from four types of multifloral Portuguese (produced in Madeira Island) honeys was investigated by a suitable analytical procedure based on dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by thermal desorption gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC–qMS). The performance of five commercially available SPME fibres: 100 μm polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS; 85 μm polyacrylate, PA; 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen on polydimethylsiloxane, DVB/CAR/PDMS (StableFlex); 75 μm carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane, CAR/PDMS, and 65 μm carbowax/divinylbenzene, CW/DVB; were evaluated and compared. The highest amounts of extract, in terms of the maximum signal obtained for the total volatile composition, were obtained with a DVB/CAR/PDMS coating fibre at 60 °C during an extraction time of 40 min with a constant stirring at 750 rpm, after saturating the sample with NaCl (30%). Using this methodology more than one hundred volatile compounds, belonging to different biosynthetic pathways were identified, including monoterpenols, C13-norisoprenoids, sesquiterpenes, higher alcohols, ethyl esters and fatty acids. The main components of the HS-SPME samples of honey were in average ethanol, hotrienol, benzeneacetaldehyde, furfural, trans-linalool oxide and 1,3-dihydroxy-2-propanone.


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FERNANDES, Marcos Henrique; ROCHA, Vera Maria da; RONCALLI, Angelo Giuseppe. Fatores Associados à Prevalência de Sintomas Osteomusculares em Professores. Revista de salud pública, v. 11, n. 2, p. 256-267, 2009.


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Background: Bull fertility is extremely important for beef cattle production systems and has a multiplier impact on the economical and zootechnical indexes of the herd. Bulls raised in tropical conditions may present varied seminal characteristics due to, among other causes, different management practices and quality of pastures. Another factor that influences the semen characteristics is the age of the sire. The reproductive potential of bull evaluated through the andrological exam aims to ensure the semen quality and to improve the herd reproductive efficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main semen parameters of Brangus-Ibage bulls extensively reared in eastern Mato Grosso do Sul state and to verify the effect of age on the andrological characteristics analyzed. It was also evaluated the correlation between age, scrotal circumference, and physical and morphological sperm characteristics produced by the Brangus bulls.Materials, Methods & Results: The study took place in the month of July 2010, during the routine andrological examination of 168 synthetic Brangus-Ibage bulls (5/8 Angus x 3/8 Nelore), belonging to the same property. For data analysis the animals were divided by age groups: animals younger than 4 years (Age I), animals between 4 and 8 years of age (Age II), and animals between 8 and 15 years of age (Age III). In another analysis, the animals were grouped according to the sperm motility pattern obtained from the semen collection: sperm motility lower than 40% (Motility I), sperm motility between 40 and 70% (Motility II) and sperm motility between 70 and 90% (Motility III). The results of the present study demonstrated an effect of age (P < 0.05) on the following androgical characteristics: scrotal circumference, ejaculate volume, sperm vigor, major defects, minor defects and total defects. It was also observed that the animals with higher sperm motility presented higher (P < 0.05) scrotal circumference, and lower (P < 0.05) percentages of major and total defects. Among the andrological characteristics evaluated in the present work, it was observed positive correlations between age and scrotal circumference (R =0.299; P =0.000), age and volume of ejaculate (R =0.161; P =0.037), age and major defects (R =0.188; P =0.015), sperm motility and scrotal circumference (R =0.245; P =0.001), sperm motility and sperm vigor (R =0.483; P =0.000), and between major defects and total defects (R =0.946; P =0.000). Also, negative correlations were observed between sperm motility and total defects (R =-0.372; P =0.000), sperm vigor and major defects (R =-0.498; P =0.000), and sperm vigor and total defects (R =-0.432; P =0.000).Discussion: Based on the results of this study it was concluded that the Brangus-Ibage bulls utilized for natural breeding in eastern Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, presented satisfactory semen quality taking into account the quality of the pastures where the animals were located. In addition, the scrotal circumference, the ejaculate volume, the sperm vigor, and the percentage of morphological characteristics were influenced by the age of the bulls. Therefore, considering the production system and the environmental conditions, the animals with age between 4 and 8 years were superior regarding the sperm parameters evaluated.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)