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In present work, a systematic study has been carried out to understand the influence of source concentration on structural and optical properties of the SnO2 nanoparticles. SnO2 nanoparticles have been prepared by using chemical precipitation method at room temperature with aqueous ammonia as a stabilizing agent. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that SnO2 nanoparticles exhibit tetragonal structure and the particle size is in range of 4.9-7.6 nm. High resolution transmission electron microscopic image shows that all the particles are nearly spherical in nature and particle size lies in range of 4.6-7 nm. Compositional analysis indicates the presence of Sn and O in samples. Blue shift has been observed in optical absorption spectra due to quantum confinement and the bandgap is in range of 4-4.16 eV. The origin of photoluminescence in SnO2 is found to be due to recombination of electrons in singly occupied oxygen vacancies with photo-excited holes in valance band.


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The proportion of chemical elements passing through vegetation prior to being exported in a stream was quantified for a forested tropical watershed(Mule Hole, South India) using an extensive hydrological and geochemical monitoring at several scales. First, a solute annual mass balance was established at the scale of the soil-plant profile for assessing the contribution of canopy interaction and litter decay to the solute fluxes of soil inputs (overland flow) and soil outputs (pore water flow as seepages). Second, based on the respective contributions of overland flow and seepages to the stream flow as estimated by a hydrological lumped model, we assigned the proportion of chemical elements in the stream that transited through the vegetation at both flood event (End Member Mixing Analysis) and seasonal scales. At the scale of the 1D soil-plant profile, leaching from the canopy constituted the main source of K above the ground surface. Litter decay was the main source of Si, whereas alkalinity, Ca and Mg originated in the same proportions from both sources. The contribution of vegetation was negligible for Na. Within the soil, all elements but Na were removed from the pore water in proportions varying from 20% for Cl to 95% for K: The soil output fluxes corresponded to a residual fraction of the infiltration fluxes. The behavior of K, Cl, Ca and Mg in the soil-plant profile can be explained by internal cycling, as their soil output fluxes were similar to the atmospheric inputs. Na was released from soils as a result of Na-plagioclase weathering and accompanied by additional release of Si. Concentration of soil pore water by evapotranspiration might limit the chemical weathering in the soil. Overall, the solute K, Ca, Mg, alkalinity and Si fluxes associated with the vegetation turnover within the small experimental watershed represented 10-15 times the solute fluxes exported by the stream, of which 83-97% transited through the vegetation. One important finding is that alkalinity and Si fluxes at the outlet were not linked to the ``current weathering'' of silicates in this watershed. These results highlight the dual effect of the vegetation cover on the solute fluxes exported from the watershed: On one hand the runoff was limited by evapotranspiration and represented only 10% of the annual rainfall, while on the other hand, 80-90% of the overall solute flux exported by the stream transited through the vegetation. The approach combining geochemical monitoring and accurate knowledge of the watershed hydrological budget provided detailed understanding of several effects of vegetation on stream fluxes: (1) evapotranspiration (limiting), (2) vertical transfer through vegetation from vadose zone to ground surface (enhancing) and (3) redistribution by throughfalls and litter decay. It provides a good basis for calibrating geochemical models and more precisely assessing the role of vegetation on soil processes. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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One of the most important roles of proteins in cellular milieu is recognition of other biomolecules including other proteins. Protein protein complexes are involved in many essential cellular processes. Interfaces of protein protein complexes are traditionally known to be conserved in evolution and less flexible than other solvent interacting tertiary structural surface. But many examples are emerging where these features do not hold good. An understanding of inter-play between flexibility and sequence conservation is emerging, providing a fresh dimension to the paradigm of sequence structure function relationship. The functional manifestation of the inter-relation between sequence conservation and flexibility of interface is exemplified in this review using proteinase inhibitor protein complexes. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we have reported the synthesis of dahlia flower-like ZnO nanostructures consisting of human finger-like nanorods by the hydrothermal method at 120 degrees C and without using any capping agent. Optical properties of the samples, including UV-vis absorption and photoluminescence (PL) emission characteristics are determined by dispersing the samples in water as well as in ethanol media. The quenching of PL emission intensity along-with the red shifting of the PL emission peak are observed when the samples are dispersed in water in comparison to those obtained after dispersing the samples in ethanol. It has been found that PL emission characteristic, particularly the spectral nature of PL emission, of the samples remains almost unaltered (except some improvement in UV PL emission) even after thermally annealing it for 2 h at the temperature of 300 degrees C. Also the synthesized powder samples, kept in a plastic container, showed a very stable PL emission even after 15 months of synthesis. Therefore, the synthesized samples might be useful for their applications in future optoelectronics devices. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, thin films of cobalt oxide (Co3O4) have been grown by the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technique on stainless steel substrate at two preferred temperatures (450 degrees C and 500 degrees C), using cobalt acetylacetonate dihydrate as precursor. Spherical as well as columnar microstructures of Co3O4 have been observed under controlled growth conditions. Further investigations reveal these films are phase-pure, well crystallized and carbon-free. High-resolution TEM analysis confirms that each columnar structure is a continuous stack of minute crystals. Comparative study between these Co3O4 films grown at 450 degrees C and 500 degrees C has been carried out for their application as negative electrodes in Li-ion batteries. Our method of electrode fabrication leads to a coating of active material directly on current collector without any use of external additives. A high specific capacity of 1168 micro Ah cm(-2) mu m(-1) has been measured reproducibly for the film deposited at 500 degrees C with columnar morphology. Further, high rate capability is observed when cycled at different current densities. The Co3O4 electrode with columnar structure has a specific capacity 38% higher than the electrode with spherical microstructure (grown at 450 degrees C). Impedance measurements on the Co3O4 electrode grown at 500 degrees C also carried out to study the kinetics of the electrode process. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Graphene layers have been transferred directly on to paper without any intermediate layers to yield G-paper. Resistive gas sensors have been fabricated using strips of G-paper. These sensors achieved a remarkable lower limit of detection of similar to 300 parts per trillion (ppt) for NO2, which is comparable to or better than those from other paper-based sensors. Ultraviolet exposure was found to dramatically reduce the recovery time and improve response times. G-paper sensors are also found to be robust against minor strain, which was also found to increase sensitivity. G-paper is expected to enable a simple and inexpensive low-cost flexible graphene platform


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Two hydroxycinnamic acids viz., p-coumaric, and caffeic acids have been extracted and purified from Parthenium hysterophorus, subsequently characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, NMR, single crystal X-ray crystallography. The optimized structures of these acids were calculated in terms of density functional theory by Gaussian 09. The validation of experimental and theoretically obtained data for structural parameters such as bond lengths and bond angles has have been carried out to analyze the statistical significance by curve fitting analysis and the values of correlation coefficient found to be 0.985, 0.992, and 0.984, 0.975 in p-coumaric, and caffeic acids, respectively. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies show the eventual charge transfer interaction within the molecule. Thermal studies were also carried out by thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermogravimetric analysis (DTA), and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Longitudinal relaxation due to cross-correlation between dipolar ((HN-1H alpha)-H-1) and amide-proton chemical shift anisotropy (H-1(N) CSA) has been measured in a model tripeptide Piv-(L)Pro-(L)Pro-(L)Phe-OMe. The peptide bond across diproline segment is known to undergo cis/trans isomerization and only in the cis form does the lone Phe amide-proton become involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The strength of the cross correlated relaxation interference is found to be significantly different between cis and trans forms, and this difference is shown as an influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the amide-proton CSA. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Current paper reports synthesis of chemical free graphene by unzipping of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using high strain rate deformation at 150K. A specially designed cryomill operating at 150 K was used for the experiments. The mechanism of unzipping was further explored using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Both experimental and simulation results reveal two modes of unzipping through radial and shear loading. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study we have investigated a new class of cationic lipids - ``bolaamphiphiles'' or ``bolas'' - for their ability to efficiently deliver small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to cancer cells. The bolas of this study consist of a hydrophobic chain with one or more positively charged head groups at each end. Recently, we reported that micelles of the bolas GLH-19 and GLH-20 (derived from vernonia oil) efficiently deliver siRNAs, while having relatively low toxicities in vitro and in vivo. Our previous studies validated that; bolaamphiphiles can be designed to vary the magnitude of siRNA shielding, its delivery, and its subsequent release. To further understand the structural features of bolas critical for siRNAs delivery, new structurally related bolas (GLH-58 and GLH-60) were designed and synthesized from jojoba oil. Both bolas have similar hydrophobic domains and contain either one, in GLH-58, or two, in GLH-60 positively charged head groups at each end of the hydrophobic core. We have computationally predicted and experimentally validated that GLH-58 formed more stable nano sized micelles than GLH-60 and performed significantly better in comparison to GLH-60 for siRNA delivery. GLH-58/siRNA complexes demonstrated better efficiency in silencing the expression of the GFP gene in human breast cancer cells at concentrations of 5 mu g/mL, well below the toxic dose. Moreover, delivery of multiple different siRNAs targeting the HIV genome demonstrated further inhibition of virus production. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Gas discharge plasmas used for thinfilm deposition by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) must be devoid of contaminants, like dust or active species which disturb the intended chemical reaction. In atmospheric pressure plasma systems employing an inert gas, the main source of such contamination is the residual air inside the system. To enable the construction of an atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) system with minimal contamination, we have carried out fluid dynamic simulation of the APP chamber into which an inert gas is injected at different mass flow rates. On the basis of the simulation results, we have designed and built a simple, scaled APP system, which is capable of holding a 100 mm substrate wafer, so that the presence of air (contamination) in the APP chamber is minimized with as low a flow rate of argon as possible. This is examined systematically by examining optical emission from the plasma as a function of inert gas flow rate. It is found that optical emission from the plasma shows the presence of atmospheric air, if the inlet argon flow rate is lowered below 300 sccm. That there is minimal contamination of the APP reactor built here, was verified by conducting an atmospheric pressure PECVD process under acetylene flow, combined with argon flow at 100 sccm and 500 sccm. The deposition of a polymer coating is confirmed by infrared spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that the polymer coating contains only 5% of oxygen, which is comparable to the oxygen content in polymer deposits obtained in low-pressure PECVD systems. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Biomolecular recognition underlying drug-target interactions is determined by both binding affinity and specificity. Whilst, quantification of binding efficacy is possible, determining specificity remains a challenge, as it requires affinity data for multiple targets with the same ligand dataset. Thus, understanding the interaction space by mapping the target space to model its complementary chemical space through computational techniques are desirable. In this study, active site architecture of FabD drug target in two apicomplexan parasites viz. Plasmodium falciparum (PfFabD) and Toxoplasma gondii (TgFabD) is explored, followed by consensus docking calculations and identification of fifteen best hit compounds, most of which are found to be derivatives of natural products. Subsequently, machine learning techniques were applied on molecular descriptors of six FabD homologs and sixty ligands to induce distinct multivariate partial-least square models. The biological space of FabD mapped by the various chemical entities explain their interaction space in general. It also highlights the selective variations in FabD of apicomplexan parasites with that of the host. Furthermore, chemometric models revealed the principal chemical scaffolds in PfFabD and TgFabD as pyrrolidines and imidazoles, respectively, which render target specificity and improve binding affinity in combination with other functional descriptors conducive for the design and optimization of the leads.


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We re-assess experimental soft X-ray absorption spectra of the oxygen K-shell which we recorded operando from iron oxide during photoelectrochemical water splitting in KOH electrolyte. In particular, we refer to recently reported transitional electron hole states which originate within the charge carrier depletion layer of the iron oxide and on the iron oxide surface. For the latter we find that an intermediate oxy-peroxo species is formed on the iron oxide with increasing bias potential, which disappears upon further polarization of the electrode, concomitantly with the evolution and disappearance of the aforementioned surface state. The oxygen spectra contain also the spectroscopic signatures of the electrolyte water, the position of which changes with increasing bias potential towards lower X-ray energies, revealing the breaking and formation of hydrogen bonds in the water during the experiment. Combined with potential dependent impedance spectroscopy data we are able to sketch the molecular structure of chemical intermediates and their charge carrier dynamics. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Undoped and Cr (3% and 5%) doped CdS nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical co-precipitation method. The synthesized nanocrystalline particles are characterized by energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), photoluminescence (PL), Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and Raman spectroscopy. XRD studies indicate that Cr doping in host CdS result a structural change from Cubic phase to mixed (cubic + hexagonal) phase. Due to quantum confinement effect, widening of the band gap is observed for undoped and Cr doped CdS nanoparticles compared to bulk CdS. The average particle size calculated from band gap values is in good agreement with the TEM study calculation and it is around 4-5 nm. A strong violet emission band consisting of two emission peaks is observed for undoped CdS nanoparticles, whereas for CdS:Cr nanoparticles, a broad emission band ranging from 420 nm to 730 nm with a maximum at similar to 587 nm is observed. The broad emission band is due to the overlapped emissions from variety of defects. EPR spectra of CdS:Cr samples reveal resonance signal at g = 2.143 corresponding to interacting Cr3+ ions. VSM studies indicate that the diamagnetic CdS nanoparticles are transform to ferromagnetic for 3% Cr3+ doping and the ferromagnetic nature is diminished with increasing the doping concentration to 5%. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Formic acid, the simplest carboxylic acid, is found in nature or can be easily synthesized in the laboratory (major by-product of some second generation biorefinery processes); it is also an important chemical due to its myriad applications in pharmaceuticals and industry. In recent years, formic acid has been used as an important fuel either without reformation (in direct formic acid fuel cells, DFAFCs) or with reformation (as a potential chemical hydrogen storage material). Owing to the better efficiency of DFAFCs compared to several other PEMFCs and reversible hydrogen storage systems, formic acid could serve as one of the better fuels for portable devices, vehicles and other energy-related applications in the future. This perspective is focused on recent developments in the use of formic acid as a reversible source for hydrogen storage. Recent developments in this direction will likely give access to a variety of low-cost and highly efficient rechargeable hydrogen fuel cells within the next few years by the use of suitable homogeneous metal complex/heterogeneous metal nanoparticle-based catalysts under ambient reaction conditions. The production of formic acid from atmospheric CO2 (a greenhouse gas) will decrease the CO2 content and may be helpful in reducing global warming.