930 resultados para yellow fever vaccine
Bibliography: p. [68]-91.
Cover title.
Mode of access: Internet.
Pages [39]-40 contain: "Extract from a short dissertation on the sourse [sic] of epidemic and pestilential diseases. By Dr. Charles Maclean, of Calcutta."
Shaw & Shoemaker
Mode of access: Internet.
On spine: Flowers from the garden of Laurie Todd.
Juvenile hormone (JH) is the central hormonal regulator of life-history trade-offs in many insects. In Aedes aegypti, JH regulates reproductive development after emergence. Little is known about JH's physiological functions after reproductive development is complete or JH's role in mediating life-history trade-offs. By examining the effect of hormones, nutrition, and mating on ovarian physiology during the previtellogenic resting stage, critical roles were determined for these factors in mediating life-history trade-offs and reproductive output. The extent of follicular resorption during the previtellogenic resting stage is dependent on nutritional quality. Feeding females a low quality diet during the resting stage causes the rate of follicular resorption to increase and reproductive output to decrease. Conversely, feeding females a high quality diet causes resorption to remain low. The extent of resorption can be increased by separating the ovaries from a source of JH or decreased by exogenous application of methoprene. Active caspases were localized to resorbing follicles indicating that an apoptosis-like mechanism participates in follicular resorption. Accumulations of neutral lipids and the accumulation of mRNA's integral to endocytosis and oocyte development such as the vitellogenin receptor (AaVgR), lipophorin receptor (AaLpRov), heavy-chain clathrin (AaCHC), and ribosomal protein L32 (rpL32) were also examined under various nutritional and hormonal conditions. The abundance of mRNA's and neutral lipid content increased within the previtellogenic ovary as mosquitoes were offered increasing sucrose concentrations or were treated with methoprene. These same nutritional and hormonal manipulations altered the extent of resorption after a blood meal indicating that the fate of follicles and overall fecundity depends, in part, on nutritional and hormonal status during the previtellogenic resting stage. Mating female mosquitoes also altered follicle quality and resorption similarly to nutrition or hormonal application and demonstrates that male accessory gland substances such as JH III passed to the female during copulation have a strong effect on ovarian physiology during the previtellogenic resting stage and can influence reproductive output. Taken together these results demonstrate that the previtellogenic resting stage is not an inactive period but is instead a period marked by extensive life-history and fitness trade-offs in response to nutrition, hormones and mating stimuli.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
A historical chronology of smallpox vaccination in Brazil is presented, with emphasis on the State of Sao Paulo. We also present the scientific and philosophical concepts that influenced the regulation and practice of vaccination in Sao Paulo based on the historiographic bibliography, legislation about vaccination, and the debates in the state legislative body. Discovered by Jenner in 1796, the vaccine reached in Brazil in 1804 and was only used in the colonial capital, the city of Rio de Janeiro. In the 1890 decade, smallpox, side by side with yellow fever, typhoid fever and other pestilential diseases, was the major health problem in the State of Sao Paulo. There was also the fear that the vaccine might transmit syphilis, an Unfounded attitude since the product used in Sao Paulo (the 'animal vaccine') was elaborated from bovine serum. The immediate necessity to fight a highly lethal disease that threatened the State population and the coffee-growing business led to the abandonment of the fears and of the liberal principles in favor of the sanitary needs. The vaccine became compulsory in 1891 in the State of Sao Paulo and its application met no resistance on the part of the population, in contrast to the so-called 'Vaccine Revolt' that would occur in Rio de Janeiro in 1904.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste artigo, situado no campo da comunicação em saúde, é analisar os sentidos atribuídos discursivamente à febre amarela silvestre durante a cobertura jornalística da epizootia da doença, ocorrida no Brasil no verão 2007-2008. Utilizando o referencial teórico das práticas discursivas e da produção de sentidos no cotidiano e as hipóteses de agendamento (agenda-setting) e enquadramento (framing) da notícia, foram analisadas todas as matérias sobre febre amarela veiculadas pelo jornal Folha de S. Paulo, no período de 21 de dezembro de 2007 a 29 de fevereiro de 2008, e todos os documentos oficiais sobre a epizootia emitidos pela autoridade brasileira de saúde pública entre 3 de janeiro e 28 de fevereiro de 2008. Os achados indicam que as estratégias discursivas da cobertura jornalística relativizaram o discurso da autoridade de saúde pública; priorizaram a divulgação do número de casos; enfatizaram a vacinação como o limite entre a vida e a morte, omitindo riscos do uso indiscriminado do imunobiológico; e propagaram a iminência de uma epidemia de febre amarela de grandes proporções. Essas estratégias deram novos sentidos à doença, deslocando o evento de sua forma silvestre, espacialmente restrita e de gravidade limitada, para a urbana, de caráter epidêmico e potencialmente mais grave. Secundariamente, o estudo permitiu identificar os impactos desse discurso midiático sobre o sistema nacional de imunização e os riscos a que a população foi exposta em função dos sentidos produzidos: em 2008, foram registrados 8 casos de reação grave à vacina, dos quais 6 foram a óbito.