859 resultados para year two


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A leishmaniose é uma doença infecciosa não contagiosa de evolução crônica com altos índices de mortalidade, sendo que o Brasil notifica cerca de 90% dos casos do continente Americano. Sua importância no contexto da saúda publica tem aumentado em função do crescente número de casos que vem ocorrendo não só na zona rural como também na periferia de grandes centros urbanos. A epidemiologia do LV no Brasil é baseada na ocorrência de casos clínicos. Neste sentido o presente estudo propôs-se a estudar o comportamento da enzootia como sua importância e de outros fatores para a infecção humana. Pois pouco se conhece sobre os determinantes de infecção e sua importância na manutenção da doença. Para isso foi definido de uma localidade município de Barcarena, onde a população é estável, ocorrendo a doença de forma endêmica. O estudo acompanhou durante um ano duas coortes, sendo uma para caninos, com 172 cães, e uma para humanos, com 1064 pessoas das quais apenas 1012 participaram da coleta de material, pois 52 pessoas estavam fora da faixa de idade compatível para a realização dos procedimentos. A realização do teste sorológico de Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI), teve como finalidade a determinação de prevalência inicial de infecção e as incidências em dois momentos do estudo, tanto da população humana quanto canina. Também foi realizado na população humana a Intradermo Reação de Montenegro (IDRM) com a mesma finalidade, aferir a prevalência e incidência de infecção através deste método. Outros fatores também foram analisados e podem estar associados ao risco para a infecção. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada com auxilio dos programas EPI INFO versão 6.04 e BIOESTAT versão 3.0 e os testes aplicados foram o Qui - Quadrado e o cálculo de prevalência e incidência. No inquérito sorológico canino foi observado uma prevalência de infecção canina de 37,2% e, a incidência seis meses após, foi de 29,2%. No intervalo da segunda para a terceira coleta foi realizada a eutanásia dos cães sorologicamente positivos, num total de 70 cães, pois 15 haviam morrido antes da intervenção. A incidência calculada após a intervenção mostrou uma taxa de 14,6%, o que caracteriza uma redução de cerca de 50%. Quanto à titulação, em todas as etapas foram observados títulos considerados elevados. Vale ressaltar que dos 54 animais que não apresentavam sinais clínicos, 30 estavam infectados (55,5%). Quando realizado o inquérito sorológico humano, foi observada uma prevalência de infecção humana de 5,25%, e a incidência seis meses após foi de 1,8% e na ultima avaliação 7,0%, com aumento de cerca de 300%. Em relação às características da população foi observado que entre os infectados não houve predomínio de nenhuma faixa etária. A variável sexo não foi significativa para a ocorrência de infecção. Sobre os infectados tanto pela RIFI, quanto a IDRM, destaca-se a significância estatística da variável ocupação, e neste contexto, a categoria agricultor foi a que se apresentou com maior proporção. As variáveis tempo residência no local, proximidade de residência com a mata, destino do lixo e dejetos também mostraram- se significativas. Quanto a variável faixa etária, a distribuição dos infectados pela RIFI não foi predominante em nenhuma faixa; na IDRM, observou-se que à medida que aumenta a idade aumenta também a proporção de infectados. Outros resultados foram observados de grande relevância para a associação ao risco de infecção, mas a observação quanto a infectados pela RIFI e IDRM foi a que mereceu destaque em função da significância estatística. O estudo mostrou-se adequado para o conhecimento da prevalência e incidência de infecção canina e humana na localidade, assim como o comportamento de alguns fatores que associados podem constituir-se em risco para infecção.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a perennial grass holding great promise as a biofuel resource. While Michigan’s Upper Peninsula has an appropriate land base and climatic conditions, there is little research exploring the possibilities of switchgrass production. The overall objectives of this research were to investigate switchgrass establishment in the northern edge of its distribution through: investigating the effects of competition on the germination and establishment of switchgrass through the developmental and competitive characteristics of Cave-in-Rock switchgrass and large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis L.) in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula; and, determining the optimum planting depths and timing for switchgrass in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. For the competition study, a randomized complete block design was installed June 2009 at two locations in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Four treatments (0, 1, 4, and 8 plants/m2) of crabgrass were planted with one switchgrass plant. There was a significant difference between switchgrass biomass produced in year one, as a function of crabgrass weed pressure. There was no significant difference between the switchgrass biomass produced in year two versus previous crabgrass weed pressure. There is a significant difference between switchgrass biomass produced in year one and two. For the depth and timing study, a completely randomized design was installed at two locations in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on seven planting dates (three fall 2009, and four spring 2010); 25 seeds were planted 2 cm apart along 0.5 m rows at depths of: 0.6 cm, 1.3 cm, and 1.9 cm. Emergence and biomass yields were compared by planting date, and depths. A greenhouse seeding experiment was established using the same planting depths and parameters as the field study. The number of seedlings was tallied daily for 30 days. There was a significant difference in survivorship between the fall and spring planting dates, with the spring being more successful. Of the four spring planting dates, there was a significant difference between May and June in emergence and biomass yield. June planting dates had the most percent emergence and total survivorship. There is no significant difference between planting switchgrass at depths of 0.6 cm, 1.3 cm, and 1.9 cm. In conclusion, switchgrass showed no signs of a legacy effect of competition from year one, on biomass production. Overall, an antagonistic effect on switchgrass biomass yield during the establishment period has been observed as a result of increasing competing weed pressure. When planting switchgrass in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, it should be done in the spring, within the first two weeks of June, at any depth ranging from 0.6 cm to 1.9 cm.


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An 11-year-old neutered female domestic shorthair indoor cat was presented to our hospital for treatment of a left-sided rostro-temporal basal meningioma. Focal seizures in the facial muscles had been observed sporadically for 1 year. Two weeks prior to presentation the cat had developed generalised seizures and was treated with symptomatic anticonvulsive treatment. Focal facial seizures, especially on the right side, persisted after medical therapy. From the computed tomography scan, a basal meningioma was suspected by the treating veterinarian. A left-sided suprazygomatical temporobasal approach to the zygomatic arch was chosen because it causes less soft tissue damage. After craniotomy, durotomy and gentle dorsal retraction of the left piriform lobe, the meningioma was removed. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging confirmed complete excision of the tumour. One day after surgery the cat was alert and a left-sided facial nerve palsy was noticed. Otherwise the neurological examination was normal. Anticonvulsive and eye moistening therapy was continued for 3 months. Six months after surgery the cat was clinically normal without any recurrence of seizures.


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The effect on meat quality of integrating pasturing systems into cattle finishing programs was observed over a two-year period. Year one consisted of 84 fall born calves and 28 spring born calves and year two consisted of 116 fall born calves. The effect of using Rumensinâ for cattle on bromegrass pasture was incorporated into year one. In year two cattle on pasture received bromegrass pasture, and one treatment group received switchgrass during the warm season. In both years there was a control group of calves that went directly to the feedlot with the remaining calves going to pasture for varying periods of time before being finished in drylot. At the conclusion of the feeding trial, cattle were processed into beef, and a ribeye steak was removed from each carcass for sensory evaluation. In year one cattle that were on pasture the longest had the lowest (P<0.05) average quality grades. In year two this trend was reversed, and cattle placed directly into drylot had the lowest (P<0.05) average quality grades. In both years cattle carcasses in all treatments averaged yield grade 2. Warner Bratzler shear force values were not affected by treatments. Sensory panel evaluations indicated tenderness was unaffected by treatments, and in year two flavor and flavor intensity were unaffected by treatments. In year one flavor intensity was lowest (P<0.05) for steaks derived from cattle that were on pasture the longest and received Rumensinâ. Inclusion of Rumensinâ for cattle on pasture did not influence yield and quality grades or affect tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. Results of this study indicate that steer calves placed on cool and warm season pastures prior to being finished in drylot, can produce carcasses with acceptable yield and quality grades and that the meat eating qualities will be largely unaffected by the inclusion of pasture.


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In a three year study, wintering systems utilizing the grazing of stockpiled perennial hay crop forages or corn crop residues were compared to maintaining cows in a drylot. In the summer of 1992, two cuttings of hay were harvested (June 22 and August 2) from three 10-acre fields containing “Johnstone” endophyte-free tall fescue and “Spreador II” alfalfa, and one cutting of hay was harvested from three 10- acre fields of smooth brome grass. “Arlington” red clover was frost-seeded into the smooth bromegrass fields in 1993 and into tall fescue-alfalfa and smooth bromegrass fields into 1994. Two cuttings of hay were harvested from all fields in subsequent years, and three-year average hay yields for tall fescue-alfalfa and smooth bromegrass-red clover were 4,336 and 3,481 pounds per acre, respectively. Regrowth of the forage following the August hay harvest of each year was accumulated for winter grazing. Following a killing frost in each year, two fields of each stockpiled forage were stocked with cows in midgestation at two acres per cow. Two 10-acre fields of corn crop residues were also stocked at two acres per cow, following the grain harvest. Mean dry matter forage yields at the initiation of grazing were 1,853, 2,173 and 5,797 pounds per acre for fields containing tall fescue-alfalfa, smooth bromegrass-red clover, and cornstalks, respectively. A drylot was stocked with 18 cows in 1992 and 1993 and 10 cows in 1994. All cows were fed hay as necessary to maintain a body condition score of five. During grazing, mean losses of organic matter were -6.4, -7.6, and -10.7 pounds per acre per cow from tall fescue-alfalfa, smooth bromegrass-red clover, and cornstalk fields. Average organic matter loss rates from stockpiled forages due to weathering alone were equal to only 30% of the weathering losses of the corn crop residues. In vitro digestibility of both stockpiled forages and cornstalks decreased at equal rates during grazing each year, with respective annual loss rates of .14, .08, and .06% per day. Cows grazing corn crop residues required an average of 1,321 pounds per cow less hay than cows maintained in the drylot to maintain equivalent body condition during the grazing season. Cows grazing tall fescue-alfalfa or smooth bromegrass-red clover had body weight gains and condition score changes equal to cows maintained in a drylot but required 64% and 62% less harvested hay than cows in the drylot during the grazing season. Over the entire stored forage cows grazing tall fescue-alfalfa and smooth bromegrass-red clover required an average of 2,390 and 2,337 pounds per cow less than those maintained in the drylot. Because less hay was needed to maintain cows grazing stockpiled forages, average annual excesses of 5,629 and 3,868 pounds of hay dry matter per cow remained in the stockpiled tall fescue-alfalfa and smooth bromegrass-red clover systems.


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Con el objeto de aportar al conocimiento de las desigualdades sociales en la Argentina contemporánea, este artículo analiza la manera en que la reconversión de la vitivinicultura mendocina se tradujo en la recomposición de las distintas categorías socio-laborales que componen esta actividad. La rapidez y profundidad de estas transformaciones en un espacio relativamente acotado y en una actividad económica que es juzgada como un caso exitoso de inserción en el mercado internacional hacen de la vitivinicultura mendocina un observatorio privilegiado para analizar el modo en que se constituyen y vinculan distintas categorías socio-económicas en la transnacionalización de los agronegocios


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Con el objeto de aportar al conocimiento de las desigualdades sociales en la Argentina contemporánea, este artículo analiza la manera en que la reconversión de la vitivinicultura mendocina se tradujo en la recomposición de las distintas categorías socio-laborales que componen esta actividad. La rapidez y profundidad de estas transformaciones en un espacio relativamente acotado y en una actividad económica que es juzgada como un caso exitoso de inserción en el mercado internacional hacen de la vitivinicultura mendocina un observatorio privilegiado para analizar el modo en que se constituyen y vinculan distintas categorías socio-económicas en la transnacionalización de los agronegocios


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Con el objeto de aportar al conocimiento de las desigualdades sociales en la Argentina contemporánea, este artículo analiza la manera en que la reconversión de la vitivinicultura mendocina se tradujo en la recomposición de las distintas categorías socio-laborales que componen esta actividad. La rapidez y profundidad de estas transformaciones en un espacio relativamente acotado y en una actividad económica que es juzgada como un caso exitoso de inserción en el mercado internacional hacen de la vitivinicultura mendocina un observatorio privilegiado para analizar el modo en que se constituyen y vinculan distintas categorías socio-económicas en la transnacionalización de los agronegocios


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Introduction. The energy sector, especially with regard to the gas trade, is one of the key areas of co-operation between the EU and Russia. However, the form this co-operation has taken has been giving rise to some concern, both in Brussels and in the EU member states. Questions arise as to whether the EU has not become excessively dependent on Russia for energy, and whether the presence of the Russian gas monopoly in the EU does not enable Russian interference with the development of EU energy policy. The objective of this series of OSW reports (for the previous edition,see Gazprom’s expansion in the EU: co-operation or domination? April 2008 – pdf 1.2 MB) is to provide facts which will permit an accurat answer to these questions to be formulated. Over the course of last year, two new factors strongly affected Gazprom’s capability to operate on the EU market. One was the ongoing global economic crisis, which has depressed demand for gas both in Russia and in Europe. Gazprom has cut both its own production and the quantities of gas it purchases from the Central Asian states, and the decrease in export revenues has forced the company to modify some of its current investment plans. Less demand for gas and the need to reduce production are also having a positive impact – the Russian company is likely to avoid the difficulties in meeting all of its export commitments which, only a year or so ago, it was expected to experience. The other factor affecting Gazprom’s expansion in Europe is the observed radicalisation of the rhetoric and actions of both the company itself and of the Russian authorities with regard to the gas sector as broadly understood. The gas crisis between Russia and Ukraine in January 2009, which resulted in a two-week interruption of gas supplies from Russia to Europe via Ukraine, was the most prominent example of this radicalisation. The hardening of rhetoric in the ongoing energy talks with the EU and other actors, and increased political and business activities designed to promote Russian gas interests in Europe, in particular the lobbying for the Nord Stream and South Stream projects, are further signs of this shift in tone. These issues raise the question of whether, and to what extent, the current condition of Gazprom’s finance will permit the company to implement the infrastructural projects it has been endorsing and its other investment plans in Europe. Another important question is whether the currently observed changes in how Gazprom operates will take on a more permanent character, and what consequences this will have for the European Union. The first part of this report discusses Gazprom’s production and export potential. The second comprehensively presents the scope and nature of Gazprom’s economic presence in the EU member states. Finally, the third part presents the Russian company’s methods of operation on foreign markets. The data presented in the report come mainly from the statistics of the International Energy Agency, the European Commission and Gazprom, as well as the Central Bank of Russia and the Russian Statistical Office. The figures presented here also include proprietary calculations by the OSW based on figures disclosed by energy companies and reports by professional press and news agencies.


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A guide to the permanent, multi-year, two-year, and single calendar year license plates and special permits in Illinois.


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Purpose – Academic writing is often considered to be a weakness in contemporary students, while good reporting and writing skills are highly valued by graduate employers. A number of universities have introduced writing centres aimed at addressing this problem; however, the evaluation of such centres is usually qualitative. The paper seeks to consider the efficacy of a writing centre by looking at the impact of attendance on two “real world” quantitative outcomes – achievement and progression. Design/methodology/approach – Data mining was used to obtain records of 806 first-year students, of whom 45 had attended the writing centre and 761 had not. Findings – A highly significant association between writing centre attendance and achievement was found. Progression to year two was also significantly associated with writing centre attendance. Originality/value – Further, quantitative evaluation of writing centres is advocated using random allocation to a comparison condition to control for potential confounds such as motivation.


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Hydrology and a history of oligotrophy unite the massive landscape comprising freshwater marsh in Everglades National Park. With restoration of water flow to the Everglades, phosphorus (P) enrichment, both from agricultural and domestic sources, may increase nutrient load to the marsh ecosystem. Previous research of P enrichment of Everglades soil, periphyton, and macrophytes revealed each of these ecosystem components responds to increased P loads with increased production and nutrient content. Interactions among these ecosystem components and how P affects the magnitude and direction of interaction are poorly understood and are the focus of my research. Here I present results of a two-year, two-factor experiment of P enrichment and manipulation in Everglades National Park. I quantified biomass, nutrient content, and production for periphyton and macrophyes and found macrophyte removal drives change in nutrient content, biomass, and production of periphyton. Periphyton removal did not appear to control macrophyte dynamics. Soil chemical and physical characteristics were explained primarily by site differences but there was an enrichment effect of soil porewater nitrite + nitrate, nitrite, and soluble reactive phosphorus. Flocculent materials production and depth were significantly affected by macrophyte removal where depth and production were significantly greater with the no macrophyte treatment. The dominant macrophyte of the marsh, Eleocharis cellulosa, increased more in the unenriched marsh than in the enriched marsh. The combination of these findings suggests that dynamics in floc and periphyton are controlled primarily by the presence of periphyton and that this relationship is significantly affected by low-level P enrichment. These results may be valuable in their application to both managers and policy makers who are involved in the Everglades restoration process. ^


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Relationships between academic achievement and type of curriculum delivery system, Montessori or traditional, in a diverse group of learners from a public school district were examined in this study. In a repeated measures, within subjects design, students from an elementary Montessori program were paired with agemates from a traditional group on the basis of similar Stanford Achievement Test Scores in reading or math during the baseline year. Two subsequent administrations of the Stanford were observed for each subject to elucidate possible differences which might emerge based on program affiliation over the three year duration of the study. ^ Mathematics scores for both groups were not observed to be significantly different, although following the initial observation, the Montessori group continued to produce higher mean scores than did the traditional students. Marginal significance between the groups suggests that the data analysis should continue in an effort to elucidate a possible trend toward significance at the .05 level. ^ Reading scores for the groups demonstrated marginally significant differences by one analytical method, and significant differences when analyzed with a second method. In the second and third years of the study, Montessori students produced means which consistently outperformed the traditional group. ^ Recommendations included tracking subsequent administrations of the Stanford Achievement Test for all pairs of subjects in order to evaluate emerging trends in both subject areas. ^


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08