956 resultados para working capital


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This research had for objective to fammi1iarize the user of accounting information to an efficient instrument in the modern financiaI ana1izes of eva1uation of entities: the Statement of Sources and App1ication of Resources. This statement goes on, ti11 today, to be 1ess used by the financiaI ana1ists because it is not understood concerning its objectives, concepts of Resources and shares of to bui1d and disc10sure the statement. During the period of time between 1980 and 1985 the Brazi1's economy spent of a situation of recession to another of prosperity and growth. In the first four years of the historiaI series, the country had a recession period and it was kept unti1 the end of 1983: the national private company increased its debt degree and decreased its 1iquidity. After 1984 the economy began to grow and that was pushed by the export entities: the entities decreased its debt degree and increased its 1iquidity. The Statement of Sources and Uses of Resources has been bui1t and pub1ished in United States since the 1ast 50 years of nineteenth century, and it has been known as Statement of Funds. In Brazi1 it has just introducted after the Security Exchange Law in 1976 that put 1imits for obrigatority to disc10sure by the companies. This 1aw described, summari1y, the objective, cQII1position and manner to disc1osure. The ma in objective of the statement is to show the financiaI position of the entity. This objective envolves aspects relationed to the long-term's strategy of the company because it disclosure the policy of application of resources in long-term assets, the policy of dividends that has been used, and the structure of resources provided by long-t:erm financing, the resources of the operations, and so on. There are several means of Resources. The concept more used in Brazil is Working Capital, till for orientation of the law. Concepts as Cash and Equivalent-Cash and Net Realizable Assets can be more informatives to the users because they show informations with better complexity, including informations concerning to the short-term. Concerning to the building methods, there are three that are known: the Transations Analizing method, the T-Account method and the Work-Sheet method. AlI of them are efficient, but it's recomendable that the method used can be in accordance with the disclosured formato The statement, despite of others statements, fell \


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Considering the relevance of researches concerning credit risk, model diversity and the existent indicators, this thesis aimed at verifying if the Fleuriet Model contributes in discriminating Brazilian open capital companies in the analysis of credit concession. We specifically intended to i) identify the economic-financial indicators used in credit risk models; ii) identify which economic-financial indicators best discriminate companies in the analysis of credit concession; iii) assess which techniques used (discriminant analysis, logistic regression and neural networks) present the best accuracy to predict company bankruptcy. To do this, the theoretical background approached the concepts of financial analysis, which introduced themes relative to the company evaluation process; considerations on credit, risk and analysis; Fleuriet Model and its indicators, and, finally, presented the techniques for credit analysis based on discriminant analysis, logistic regression and artificial neural networks. Methodologically, the research was defined as quantitative, regarding its nature, and explanatory, regarding its type. It was developed using data derived from bibliographic and document analysis. The financial demonstrations were collected by means of the Economática ® and the BM$FBOVESPA website. The sample was comprised of 121 companies, being those 70 solvents and 51 insolvents from various sectors. In the analyses, we used 22 indicators of the Traditional Model and 13 of the Fleuriet Model, totalizing 35 indicators. The economic-financial indicators which were a part of, at least, one of the three final models were: X1 (Working Capital over Assets), X3 (NCG over Assets), X4 (NCG over Net Revenue), X8 (Type of Financial Structure), X9 (Net Thermometer), X16 (Net Equity divided by the total demandable), X17 (Asset Turnover), X20 (Net Equity Profitability), X25 (Net Margin), X28 (Debt Composition) and X31 (Net Equity over Asset). The final models presented setting values of: 90.9% (discriminant analysis); 90.9% (logistic regression) and 97.8% (neural networks). The modeling in neural networks presented higher accuracy, which was confirmed by the ROC curve. In conclusion, the indicators of the Fleuriet Model presented relevant results for the research of credit risk, especially if modeled by neural networks.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La ricerca si propone un duplice obbiettivo: 1. provare, attraverso l’applicazione di un metodo teorico tradizionale di analisi economico-finanziaria, il livello ottimale di equilibrio finanziario fra accesso al credito esterno e capitale proprio; 2. mostrare l’utilità di alcuni strumenti finanziari partecipativi per la ricapitalizzazione dell’impresa cooperativa. Oggetto di studio è l’impresa cooperativa che si occupa di una o più fasi del processo di lavorazione, trasformazione e prima commercializzazione del prodotto agricolo conferito dai soci, confrontata con le imprese di capitali che svolgono la medesima attività. La società cooperativa e quella capitalistica saranno, pertanto analizzate in termini di liquidità generata, redditività prodotta e grado di indebitamento, attraverso il calcolo e l’analisi di una serie di indici, tratti dai rispettivi bilanci d’esercizio. È opportuno sottolineare che nella seguente trattazione sarà riservato uno spazio al tema della ricerca del valore nell’impresa cooperativa inteso come espressione della ricchezza creata dai processi aziendali in un determinato periodo di tempo tentando di definire, se esiste, una struttura finanziaria ottimale , ossia uno specifico rapporto tra indebitamento finanziario e mezzi propri, che massimizzi il valore dell’impresa. L’attenzione verso la struttura finanziaria, pertanto, non sarà solo rivolta al costo esplicito del debito o dell’equity, ma si estenderà anche alle implicazioni delle scelte di finanziamento sulle modalità di governo dell’impresa. Infatti molti studi di economia aziendale, e in particolar modo di gestione d’impresa e finanza aziendale, hanno trattato il tema dell’attività di governo dell’impresa, quale elemento in grado di contribuire alla creazione di valore non solo attraverso la selezione dei progetti d’investimento ma anche attraverso la composizione della struttura finanziaria.


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Value Stream Mapping di un flusso di produzione in un reparto di lavorazioni meccaniche. Riduzione del Working Capital tramite livelellamento della produzione per la riduzione del lotto medio. Analisi e razionalizzazione dei magazzini interoperazionali.


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“Quien contamina, paga“, con esta premisa surgió la idea de este Trabajo Fin de Máster, en adelante TFM, cuyo objetivo era identificar medidas alternativas reales para una optimización del proceso actual de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos ante una sociedad cada vez más superpoblada y con mayores ratios de consumo. Cada español genera anualmente un volumen de 485 Kg de residuos, de los cuales únicamente el 33 % son reciclados y pueden volver a un flujo normal de uso, especialmente preocupante durante los últimos años es el auge de los productos envasados, tanto de bebidas como de alimentos , cuya utilización se ha duplicado en la última década. La motivación de este trabajo Fin de Máster ha sido la de poner de manifiesto que la sostenibilidad con el medioambiente puede ir de la mano de la rentabilidad y del progreso. Durante este TFM se ha estudiado y analizado la viabilidad económica de implantación de un nuevo modelo de depósito, devolución y retorno en el mercado retail español y como con la adopción de este nuevo sistema se pueden lograr beneficios tanto para el propio minorista, como para el medio ambiente con ratios de reciclado superiores al 98%. La preocupación por el medio ambiente empieza a ser una constante entre los consumidores españoles y dicha preocupación comienza a ser influenciadora en las decisiones de compra (productos eco, sostenibilidad…). Nuestra propuesta consiste en dotar a los principales distribuidores del sector retail español de un sistema de depósito, devolución y retorno para envases de bebidas capaz de generar diferenciación, innovación y rentabilidad frente a la competencia. Dicho sistema consiste en pagar un depósito por cada envase de bebida que se adquiera y su correspondiente devolución en la siguiente compra, una vez que se devuelva vacío al establecimiento. Para ello se ha analizado el sector de la distribución en España, especialmente la distribución de bebidas. Se trata de un sector muy competitivo, que presenta varios formatos en función del tamaño del establecimiento (Hipermercados, Supermercados, tiendas tradicionales). Las principales empresas distribuidoras (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) se encuentran en procesos de cambios estratégicos para lograr atraer a más consumidores hacia sus tiendas, por lo que nuestra propuesta podrá añadir valor a la hora de influenciar en la decisión del lugar de compra. En nuestro caso, nos dirigiremos principalmente a las grandes empresas distribuidoras, Hipermercados de más de 2.500 m2 ,que cuentan con más de 500 puntos de venta y distribución donde existe la posibilidad real de implantar un SDDR. Además se ha realizado un estudio de mercado sobre la influencia de dicho sistema en el consumidor final, donde se ha detectado dos segmentos principales cuya decisión de compra se vería muy influenciada por la implantación de un SDDR, un segmento Sénior, entre 45-54 años, preocupados por el medio ambiente y con poder adquisitivo suficiente como para que el pago del depósito no sea bloqueante, y un segmento Junior, entre 18-24 años, también muy concienciado el medio ambiente, de capacidad económica menor pero qué influye en la decisión de compra de sus progenitores. Para llevar a cabo este plan de negocio será necesario una inversión inicial de 57.000 €, con unas expectativas de recuperación de dicha inversión en el primer año y una TIR del 56%, presentando un VAN de 127.961 € para los 7 años de vida del proyecto. Para dar a conocer a los clientes del Hipermercado los beneficios de utilizar un sistema SDDR, se realizarán campañas de marketing a través de diferentes canales, promociones de apertura, acciones de marketing exteriores y planes de fidelización. La organización e implantación en el Hipermercado será muy sencilla con roles claramente diferenciados, únicamente involucraría a unos 9 recursos definidos y en aproximadamente 3 meses desde el inicio del proyecto ya se podría ofertar dicho servicio a los clientes del Hipermercado. Además se han analizado los principales riesgos a los que se enfrentaría el negocio, ponderándose en una matriz impacto-probabilidad. Se han establecido medidas correctoras en el caso que dicho riesgo aflore. Habrá que tener especialmente precaución con la pérdida de ventas durante el arranque del negocio en el caso que esto ocurra, por lo que se deberá controlar el gasto, fomentar la captación de clientes y mantener un fondo de maniobra lo suficientemente elevado como para absorber dicho riesgo.---ABSTRACT---“Polluters pay”, with this premise this TFM aimed at identifying real alternative measures for optimization of the current process of solid waste management in a crowded society and with greater consumption ratios. Spaniards generates an annual volume of 485 kg of waste; only 33 % are recycled and can return to a normal flow. Specially concern is the increased of packaged product in recent years, mainly drink and food, their use has been duplicated in the last decade. The motivation for this Thesis was to highlight that sustainability, profitability and progress can go together. During this TFM has been studied and analyzed the economic feasibility of implementing a new model of deposit , refund and return in the Spanish retail market and as with the adoption of this new system can achieve benefits for the retailer itself therefore to the environment with ratios above 98% recycled. Concern for the environment is becoming a constant among Spanish consumers , and this concern is becoming influencer in purchasing decisions ( eco, sustainability ... ) . Our proposal is to provide the main distributors of the Spanish retail sector a system of deposit, refund and return for beverage containers capable of generating differentiation, innovation and profitability over the competition. This system is to pay a deposit for each beverage container they purchase and their corresponding return in the next purchase, once they return empty to the establishment. For this we have analyzed the distribution sector in Spain, especially the distribution of beverages. This is a highly competitive industry, which features various formats depending on the size of establishments (hypermarkets, supermarkets, traditional shops). The main distribution companies (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) are in the process of strategic changes in order to attract more consumers to their stores, so that our approach can add value in influencing the decision of place shopping. In our case, we will go mainly to large distributors, Hypermarkets of over 2,500 m2, which have more than 500 outlets and distribution where there is a real possibility of implementing a SDDR. It has also conducted a market study on the influence of that system on the final consumer, which has detected two main segments whose purchasing decisions would be greatly influenced by the introduction of a SDDR, a Senior segment, 45-54 years concerned about the environment and purchasing power enough that the deposit is not blocking, and a Junior Segment, aged 18-24, also concern with environment, lower economic capacity but what influences the decision purchase of their parents). To carry out this business plan will require an initial investment of 57,000 €, with expectations of recovery of such investment in the first year and an IRR of 56%, with an NPV of € 127,961 for the 7 years of the project . To publicize hypermarket customers the benefits of using a SDDR system, marketing campaigns conducted through different channels, opening promotions, marketing activities and external loyalty schemes. The organization and implementation in the Hypermarket is easy with distinct roles, involve only about 9 resourced and in about 3 months from the start of the project and could offer this service to customers in the hypermarket. We have also analyzed the main risks and established corrective measures to surface that risk . We should take caution with lost sales during startup of the business, such as control spending, customer retention and maintaining enough working capital.


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The following activities are considered ineligible. 1. Construction of buildings, or portions thereof, used predominantly for general conduct of government (e.g. city halls, courthouses, jails, police stations, etc.) 2. General government expenses. 3. Costs of operating and maintaining public facilities and services (e.g. mowing parks and replacing street light bulbs). 4. Servicing or refinancing existing debt.


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The following activities are considered ineligible. 1. Construction of buildings, or portions thereof, used predominantly for general conduct of government (e.g. city halls, courthouses, jails, police stations, etc.) 2. General government expenses. 3. Costs of operating and maintaining public facilities and services (e.g. mowing parks and replacing street light bulbs). 4. Servicing or refinancing existing debt.


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Bankruptcy prediction has been a fruitful area of research. Univariate analysis and discriminant analysis were the first methodologies used. While they perform relatively well at correctly classifying bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms, their predictive ability has come into question over time. Univariate analysis lacks the big picture that financial distress entails. Multivariate discriminant analysis requires stringent assumptions that are violated when dealing with accounting ratios and market variables. This has led to the use of more complex models such as neural networks. While the accuracy of the predictions has improved with the use of more technical models, there is still an important point missing. Accounting ratios are the usual discriminating variables used in bankruptcy prediction. However, accounting ratios are backward-looking variables. At best, they are a current snapshot of the firm. Market variables are forward-looking variables. They are determined by discounting future outcomes. Microstructure variables, such as the bid-ask spread, also contain important information. Insiders are privy to more information that the retail investor, so if any financial distress is looming, the insiders should know before the general public. Therefore, any model in bankruptcy prediction should include market and microstructure variables. That is the focus of this dissertation. The traditional models and the newer, more technical models were tested and compared to the previous literature by employing accounting ratios, market variables, and microstructure variables. Our findings suggest that the more technical models are preferable, and that a mix of accounting and market variables are best at correctly classifying and predicting bankrupt firms. Multi-layer perceptron appears to be the most accurate model following the results. The set of best discriminating variables includes price, standard deviation of price, the bid-ask spread, net income to sale, working capital to total assets, and current liabilities to total assets.


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Työn tavoite on selvittää erilaisia käyttöpääoman ennustusmalleja, jotka pohjautuvat kysyntäennusteeseen. Tavoitteena on esittää malleja niin pitkän kuin lyhyenkin aikavälin ennustamiseen. Pitkällä aikavälillä mallien on tarkoitus ennustaa yrityksissä sitoutuvan käyttöpääoman kokonaistarvetta, kun taas lyhyen aikavälin malleilla pureudutaan käyttöpääomaerien (lopputuotevarasto ja myyntisaamiset) ennustamiseen tuotekohtaisesti. Työssä pyritään myös vastaamaan, miksi käyttöpääomaa kannattaa ennustaa ja miten sen hallintaa voidaan tehostaa. Työ on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena, mitä on elävöitetty laskuesimerkein. Laskuesimerkkien tarkoitus on antaa lukijalle kuva käyttöpääoman ennustamisen todellisista mahdollisuuksista, jotta työ ei jäisi pelkäksi sanahelinäksi. Työssä esitetyt ennustusmallit on valittu matemaattisen yksinkertaisuutensa ehdolla, jotta niiden käyttäminen yritysmaailmassa olisi mahdollista. Käyttöpääomatarpeen ennustamisen suurimpana haasteena voidaan pitää kysyntäennusteen luotettavuutta. Vuositasolla käyttöpääomatarpeen keskimääräinen osuus suhteessa liikevaihtoon on helpohko ennustaa liiketoiminnan pysyessä melko vakiona. Tarve voi kuitenkin vaihdella hyvin paljon kysynnän vaihdellessa kuukausi-, viikko- ja päivätasolla. Jos kysyntäennustetta saadaan tarkennettua, lopputuotevaraston kokoa ja siihen sitoutuvaa käyttöpääomaa on mahdollista pienentää, koska varmuusvaraston määrittelyssä käytettävä hajonta pienenee. Myyntisaamisten osalta lähitulevaisuudessa sitoutuvaan käyttöpääomaan vaikuttaa eniten asiakaskohtainen maksukäyttäytyminen, koska myyntisaamisiin vaikuttava kysyntä on suurimmalta osaltaan jo toteutunut.


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Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoite on tarkastella suomalaisten pk-yritysten maksuvalmiuden ja käyttöpääoman hallinnan välistä yhteyttä. Tarkoitus on selvittää, voidaanko suomalaisten pk-yritysten maksuvalmiutta parantaa käyttöpääoman hallintaa tehostamalla ja onko siitä saatava hyöty toimialariippuvaista. Toimialavertailuun valittiin rakentaminen, koneiden ja laitteiden valmistus sekä jälleenmyynti. Aineisto tutkimukseen hankittiin Amadeus-tietokannasta. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään tilastollisia menetelmiä. Tilastolliset analyysit suoritetaan SAS Enterprise Guide -ohjelmistolla. Muuttujien välisiä suhteita tarkastellaan regressioanalyysin avulla, jotka suoritetaan jokaiselle toimialaluokalle ja kaikista toimialoista koostuvalle otokselle erikseen. Tutkimustulosten mukaan toimialasta riippumatta pk-yrityksen maksuvalmiutta voidaan parantaa käyttöpääoman hallintaa tehostamalla. Vaikutuksen suuruus riippuu kuitenkin toimialasta. Tutkimustulokset huomioiden pk-yritysten johdon tulisi resurssien niukkuudesta huolimatta kiinnittää huomiota käyttöpääoman hallintaan, erityisesti silloin kuin yrityksen maksuvalmius on uhattuna.


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Pretendemos com o nosso estudo demonstrar quais os efeitos de três determinantes no Investimento em Fundo de Maneio Necessário que é considerado por vários autores como vital tanto para o crescimento como para a sustentabilidade das empresas ao longo do seu Ciclo de Vida. Iremos também demonstrar que para além do comportamento e relação desses determinantes com o Investimento em Fundo de Maneio Necessário (FMN), registam-se influências provocadas pelos efeitos moderadores da Probabilidade de Insolvência e do próprio Ciclo de Vida das empresas. Através da análise dos nossos resultados mostraremos como a Rentabilidade Operacional, o Crédito Comercial Obtido e o Financiamento Bancário de Médio e Longo Prazo são os principais determinantes do Investimento em FMN e como estas relações se modificam ao longo do Ciclo de Vida das Empresas. O nosso estudo também vai permitir-nos estudar o efeito moderador da Probabilidade de Insolvência no tipo de financimento do investimento em FMN. O indicador da Probabilidade de Insolvência demonstra ter um feito moderador sobre o tipo de financiamento do FMN. Os fornecedores exibem uma percepção mais rápida e atempada do aparecimento das dificuldades financeiras dos seus clientes do que os financiadores bancários. Esta capacidade permite-lhes monitorizar o estado financeiro dos seus clientes sem restringir a concessão de crédito na sua totalidade. Os modelos estimados para amostras de duas fases do ciclo de vida das empresa fornecem-nos evidências empíricas de que a idade das empresas afecta a forma e a intensidade dos factores explicativos do Investimento em FMN. Nas empresas em fase de maturidade o Crédito Bancário de Médio e Longo Prazo apresenta-se como um substituto ao crédito comercial de fornecedores no financiamento do Ciclo de Exploração. Também demonstramos que os determinantes do Investimento em FMN são afectados pela fase do Ciclo de Vida, medido pela antiguidade da empresa.


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Resumen El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar la inserción de la economía guatemalteca al proceso del desarrollo global del sistema capitalista. El trabajo sustenta la idea de que la estructura productiva se fue configurando a partir de los procesos de ajuste estructural y que la misma tuvo un sesgo marcadamente neoliberal. Esto permitió generar una plataforma política y económica que facilito la imposición de un modelo dependiente con la instauración de un Acuerdo Comercial con Estados Unidos. Este mecanismo es la última fase de la implantación del modelo económico de acumulación, que permite una inserción del capital nacional al gran mercado capitalista mundial y reconfigura la estructura productiva agrícola del país adaptándola a las nuevas necesidades del capital global.   Abstract The Objective of this article is analyzing the insertion of the Guatemalan economy to process of world development of capitalist system. The work support the idea of the productive structure was forming to begin of structures adjustments process and had a slant markedly neoliberal. It allowed produce a politic platform and economic that made easy the imposition of a dependent model with the establishment of one trade agreement with United States. It mechanism is the last stage of the implantation of economic model of accumulation, that allow a insertion of national working capital to big world capitalist market and reforming the farming productive structure of Guatemala; adjustmenting the country to the new necessities of world working capital.