983 resultados para walking speed


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The constant bearing angle (CBA) strategy is a prospective strategy that permits the interception of moving objects. The purpose of the present study is to test this strategy. Participants were asked to walk through a virtual environment and to change, if necessary, their walking speed so as to intercept approaching targets. The targets followed either a rectilinear or a curvilinear trajectory and target size was manipulated both within trials (target size was gradually changed during the trial in order to bias expansion) and between trials (targets of different sizes were used). The curvature manipulation had a large effect on the kinematics of walking, which is in agreement with the CBA strategy. The target size manipulations also affected the kinematics of walking. Although these effects of target size are not predicted by the CBA strategy, quantitative comparisons of observed kinematics and the kinematics predicted by the CBA strategy showed good fits. Furthermore, predictions based on the CBA strategy were deemed superior to predictions based on a required velocity (V-REQ) model. The role of target size and expansion in the prospective control of walking is discussed.


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The concurrent validity of a 1 minute walk test at a child's maximum walking speed was assessed in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy (BSCP). The distance covered during the 1 minute walk test was compared with the children's gross motor function as assessed by the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Twenty-four male and 10 female children with CP (mean age 11y, range 4 to 16y) participated in the study. Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels were; level I (n=3), level II (n=17), level III (n=10), and level IV (n=4). Participants had clinical diagnoses of symmetrical diplegia (n=19), asymmetrical diplegia (n=14), and quadriplegia (n=1). Results showed a significant correlation between GMFM score and the distance covered during the 1 minute walk (r=0.92; p<0.001). There was also a significant decrease in the distance walked with increasing GMFCS level (p<0.001). We concluded that the 1 minute walk test is a valid measure for assessing functional ability in children with ambulatory BSCP. Its cost-effectiveness and user friendliness make it a potentially useful tool in the clinical setting. Further study needs to address its reliability and ability to detect change over time.


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L'évolution des soins médicaux auprès de la population ayant une lésion médullaire (LM) s'est traduite par une amélioration du profil fonctionnel des personnes atteintes. Ainsi une proportion importante retrouve une capacité à se tenir debout et à marcher qu'il convient d'évaluer adéquatement. Si quelques outils spécifiques à la population lésée médullaire existent pour évaluer leur ambulation, aucune évaluation de l'équilibre debout n'a été validée auprès de cette clientèle. L'échelle de Berg est un outil recommandé auprès de diverses populations, entre autres celles possédant des pathologies d'origine neurologique; et le score obtenu semble lié au niveau d'autonomie à la marche ainsi qu'aux aides techniques utilisées. L'objectif de ce projet de recherche était donc d'établir la validité concomitante de l'échelle de Berg auprès de la population LM et d'explorer les liens entre le score Berg et l'aide technique utilisée. Pour ce faire, trente-deux sujets BM ASIA D ont été recrutés parmi la clientèle hospitalisée de l'Institut de réadaptation Gingras-Lindsay de Montréal. L'évaluation de l'équilibre debout a été réalisée à l'aide de l'échelle de Berg ainsi que des tests statiques, dynamiques et des limites de stabilité du Balance Master. Le Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI), le Spinal Cord Injury Functional Ambulation Inventory (SCI-FAI), la vitesse de marche sur 10m et le Timed up and go ont été utilisés pour évaluer l'ambulation. Des analyses descriptives et corrélatives ont été effectuées sur les données obtenues. Une corrélation forte (0.714


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Introduction : Les accéléromètres sont actuellement les appareils les plus utilisés pour mesurer le niveau d’activité physique, et ce, parce qu'ils évaluent les niveaux d'activité physique de façon objective. Toutefois, les mouvements humains sont difficiles à mesurer, et de nombreuses limitations doivent être prises en considération pour la bonne utilisation des accéléromètres. Les études présentées s’intéressent donc à la validité de la fonction podomètre des accéléromètres ainsi qu’à la validation de la composante accéléromètre d’un nouvel appareil multicapteur (SenseDoc). Méthode : Les sujets ayant participé à la première étude, qui consistait en la validation de la fonction podomètre des accéléromètres, ont marché sur un tapis roulant à trois vitesses différentes (2,5 km/h, 3,5 km/h et 4,8 km/h) pendant 5 minutes par palier. Un accéléromètre (ActiGraph GT3X) porté à la ceinture a enregistré le nombre de pas tandis qu'une caméra a enregistré la marche des participants. Pour la seconde étude, les participants portaient un accéléromètre Actigraph et un SenseDoc à la hanche. Les données brutes des accéléromètres et la mesure de la consommation d’oxygène par calorimétrie indirecte ont été mesurées lors de 14 activités réalisées en laboratoire allant de sédentaires à vigoureuses. Résultats : La première étude indique que les accéléromètres ont détecté seulement 53 % des pas à 2,5 km/h, 82 % à 3,5 km/h et 91 % à 4,8 km/h pour les personnes non obèses. Pour les personnes obèses, l'accéléromètre a détecté 47 % des pas à 2.5 km/h, 67 % à 3.5 km/h et 100 % à 4.8 km/h, des résultats significativement différents des personnes non obèses. La seconde étude confirme pour sa part que le SenseDoc est un outil valide de mesure du niveau d’activité physique. Les accéléromètres possèdent une bonne capacité prédictive de la dépense énergétique avec des valeurs de R carré de 0,84 et 0,80 respectivement pour l'Actigraph et le SenseDoc. Conclusion : À vitesse de marche lente, les accéléromètres sous-estiment le nombre de pas, et ce, dans une plus large mesure chez les personnes obèses que chez les personnes non obèses. Également, une méthode valide et transparente de transformation de données brutes d’accélérométrie a été divulguée dans l’étude avec le SenseDoc. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire visent à améliorer l’utilisation en milieu clinique et en recherche des accéléromètres et ouvrent la voie à une plus grande uniformité entre les études utilisant différents types d’accéléromètres.


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Thèse effectuée en cotutelle (Université de Poitiers, France)


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Background and Purpose. Obstacle crossing is compromised following stroke. The purpose of this study was to quantify modifications during obstacle clearance following stroke.

Subjects. Twelve subjects with stroke and 12 subjects without stroke participated in the study.

Methods. Kinematic variables were measured while participants crossed a 4-cm-high obstacle. Subjects with stroke walked at a self-selected speed; subjects without stroke walked at a comparable speed and at a self-selected speed.

Results. Several modifications were observed following stroke with both groups walking at self-selected speeds. The affected lead limb was positioned closer to the obstacle before crossing. Affected trail-limb clearance over the obstacle was reduced. Both affected and unaffected lead and trail limbs landed closer to the obstacle after clearance. Swing time was increased in the affected lead limb after obstacle clearance. Fewer modifications were detected at matched walking speed; the trail limb still landed closer to the obstacle.

Discussion and Conclusion. Modifications during obstacle crossing following stroke may be partly related to walking speed. The findings raise issues of safety because people with stroke demonstrated reduced clearance of a 4-cm obstacle and limb placement closer to the obstacle after clearance.


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Objective: To examine the test – retest reliability, convergent and predictive validity and responsiveness of the modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile (mEFAP) in assessing gait function in stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. Subjects: Forty subacute stroke inpatients were enrolled in the validity and responsiveness study. Twenty chronic patients participated in the reliability study. Setting: Rehabilitation department of a medical centre. Design: In the validity and responsiveness study, patients were tested using the mEFAP, 10-m walking speed test, Barthel Index and Rivermead Mobility Index at admission and at discharge. For the reliability study, the patients completed the mEFAP twice one week apart. Results: The patients' performances on the mEFAP were moderately to highly correlated with results of the 10-m walking speed test and Rivermead Mobility Index (absolute correlation coefficients ≥ 0.67), indicating good convergent validity. Patients' performance on the mEFAP at admission was moderately correlated with the Barthel Index and Rivermead Mobility Index scores at discharge (Spearman's rank correlation coefficients = -0.52 and -0.78, respectively), indicating good predictive validity. The standardized response mean of the mEFAP was 1.1 (P < 0.0001), suggesting good responsiveness. The intraclass correlation coefficient ICC(3,1) for the mEFAP was 0.997, indicating excellent test – retest reliability. Conclusions: Our results provide strong evidence that the mEFAP has good reliability, validity and responsiveness for assessing stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. The mEFAP is a useful scale for measuring walking function and recovery in stroke patients.


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Background. Falls are common and disabling in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). There is a need to quantify the effects of movement rehabilitation on falls in PD. Objective. To evaluate 2 physical therapy interventions in reducing falls in PD. Methods. We randomized 210 people with PD to 3 groups: progressive resistance strength training coupled with falls prevention education, movement strategy training combined with falls prevention education, and life-skills information (control). All received 8 weeks of out-patient therapy once per week and a structured home program. The primary end point was the falls rate, recorded prospectively over a 12 month period, starting from the completion of the intervention. Secondary outcomes were walking speed, disability, and quality of life. Results. A total of 1547 falls were reported for the trial. The falls rate was higher in the control group compared with the groups that received strength training or strategy training. There were 193 falls for the progressive resistance strength training group, 441 for the movement strategy group and 913 for the control group. The strength training group had 84.9% fewer falls than controls (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 0.151, 95% CI 0.071-0.322, P < .001). The movement strategy training group had 61.5% fewer falls than controls (IRR = 0.385, 95% CI 0.184-0.808, P = .012). Disability scores improved in the intervention groups following therapy while deteriorating in the control group. Conclusions. Rehabilitation combining falls prevention education with strength training or movement strategy training reduces the rate of falls in people with mild to moderately severe PD and is feasible.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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BACKGROUND: Treadmill training with partial body weight support (BWS) has shown many benefits for patients after a stroke. But their findings are not well known when combined with biofeedback. OBJETIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immediate effects of biofeedback, visual and auditory, combined with treadmill training with BWS on on walking functions of hemiplegic subjects. METHODS: We conducted a clinical trial, randomized controlled trial with 30 subjects in the chronic stage of stroke, underwent treadmill training with BWS (control), combined with visual biofeedback, given by the monitor of the treadmill through the symbolic appearance of feet as the subject gave the step; or auditory biofeedback, using a metronome with a frequency of 115% of the cadence of the individual. The subjects were evaluated by kinematics, and the data obtained by the Motion Analysis System Qualisys. To assess differences between groups and within each group after training was applied to ANOVA 3 x 2 repeated measures. RESULTS: There were no statistical differences between groups in any variable spatio-temporal and angular motion, but within each group there was an increase in walking speed and stride length after the training. The group of visual biofeedback increased the stance period and reduced the swing period and reason of symmetry, and the group auditory biofeedback reduced the double stance period. The range of motion of the knee and ankle and the plantar flexion increased in the visual biofeedback group. CONCLUSION: There are no differences between the immediate effects of gait training on a treadmill with BWS performed with and without visual or auditory biofeedback. However, the visual biofeedback can promote changes in a larger number of variables spatiotemporal and angular gait


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A sarcopenia é o principal fator envolvido no desenvolvimento da síndrome de fragilidade. O objetivo foi investigar a relação entre força muscular de membros inferiores e as variáveis sexo, idade e critérios de fragilidade; comparar a força muscular de membros inferiores com cada critério de fragilidade e verificar seu poder de estimativa do risco para fragilidade em idosos ambulatoriais. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal no Ambulatório de Geriatria de um hospital universitário de Campinas. MÉTODO: Foi avaliada uma amostra de conveniência não-probabilística de 150 idosos de ambos os sexos em acompanhamento ambulatorial, com coleta de dados sócio-demográficos (sexo e idade) e de saúde física (critérios de fragilidade e teste de levantar e sentar da cadeira cinco vezes consecutivamente). Foram realizadas análises descritivas, de comparação e de regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos idosos (77,3%) apresentou idade igual ou superior a 70 anos, com predomínio do sexo feminino (64,0%) e baixo escore no teste de levantar e sentar da cadeira cinco vezes consecutivas (81,4% escore 0 ou 1), 55,3% dos idosos apresentaram três ou mais critérios de fragilidade. Verificou-se associação significativa entre a força muscular de membros inferiores e as variáveis idade e número de critérios de fragilidade. CONCLUSÕES: Menores níveis de força muscular de membros inferiores estão associados a idade avançada e maior presença de sinais de fragilidade. Além disso, a força muscular de membros inferiores também está associada com os critérios redução da velocidade de marcha e da força de preensão palmar.


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In tropical poultry-producing countries, poultry houses usually have little environmental control. This study investigated the effect of dietary vitamin D on the incidence of leg abnormalities of a fast-growing broiler strain reared under harsh conditions. In this study, 300 one-day-old male broilers were distributed in two treatments with three replicates of 50 birds each. One group was fed a placebo and the other group was fed 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH-D3) in a soluble form. The environmental variables were weekly recorded during until birds were 49 days old. Birds were weekly gait scored, and their walking speed and vertical force while walking were assessed. Post-mortem examination was performed and skeletal lesions were assessed. Control birds presented more leg problems than those that ingested 25-OH-D3. These results suggest that dietary vitamin D is effective in decreasing the severity of lameness by reducing tibial dyschondroplasia and other leg abnormalities.


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A dynamical systems approach to the study of locomotor intralimb coordination in those with hemiparesis led to an examination of the utility of the shank-thigh relative phase (RP) as a collective variable and the identification of potential constraints that may shape this coordination. Eighteen non-disabled individuals formed three groups matched to the age and gender of six participants with chronic right hemiparesis. The three groups differed in the constraints imposed on their walking: (1) walking at their preferred walking speed; (2) walking as slowly as those with hemiparesis; and, (3) walking slowly with a right ankle-foot orthosis (AFO). The results revealed an asymmetry in intralimb coordination between the unaffected and affected leg of those with hemiparesis localized to the latter third of the gait cycle when the limb is advanced from the end of stance to the reestablishment of a new stance. Walking slowly with or without an AFO resulted in no measureable effect in the non-disabled, but accounts for 22% of the variance in the intralimb coordination of the hemiplegic's affected limb and 16% in the unaffected limb. The AFO offered little additional contribution. These results derive from shank-thigh RP that is shown to provide more information about intralimb coordination than knee angle displacement. Implications for these results and the use of RP for rehabilitation are discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved. PsycINFO classification. 3297. 2330.


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Aim: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are regularly confronted with physical constraints during locomotion. Because abnormalities in motor control are often related to perceptual deficits, the aim of this study was to find out whether children with CP were able to walk across a road as safely as their non-handicapped peers. Method: Ten children with CP and 10 non-handicapped children aged 4-14 y were asked to cross a simulated road if they felt the situation was safe. Results: With respect to safety and accuracy of crossings, the behaviour of children with CP was comparable with that of non-handicapped children. However, a closer examination of children's individual crossing behaviour showed considerable differences within the CP group. In contrast to children with damage to the left hemisphere, children with damage to the right hemisphere made unsafe decisions and did not compensate for them by increasing walking speed.Conclusion: the differences in unsafe behaviour and in the ability to compensate for it within the group of children with CP might be related to damage to specific regions of the brain that are involved in the processing of spatial or temporal information.