951 resultados para volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient


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Experiments on drying of moist particles by ambient air were carried out to measure the mass transfer coefficient in a bubbling fluidized bed. Fine glass beads of mean diameter 125?µm were used as the bed material. Throughout the drying process, the dynamic material distribution was recorded by electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) and the exit air condition was recorded by a temperature/humidity probe. The ECT data were used to obtain qualitative and quantitative information on the bubble characteristics. The exit air moisture content was used to determine the water content in the bed. The measured overall mass transfer coefficient was in the range of 0.0145–0.021?m/s. A simple model based on the available correlations for bubble-cloud and cloud-dense interchange (two-region model) was used to predict the overall mass transfer coefficient. Comparison between the measured and predicted mass transfer coefficient have shown reasonable agreement. The results were also used to determine the relative importance of the two transfer regions.


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The effect of Reynolds number variation in a vertical double pipe counterflow heat exchanger due to the changes in viscosity can cause the change in flow regime, for instance, when heats up and cools down, it can convert from turbulent to laminar or inversely, that can have significant effect on heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. Mainly, the range of transition phase has been studied in this study with the investigation of silica nanofluid dispersed in water in three different concentrations. The results have been compared with distilled water sample and showed a remarkable raise in heat transfer coefficient while pressure drop has been increased respectively, as well. Although pumping power has to go up at the same time and it is a drawback, heat transfer efficiency grows for diluted samples. On the other hand, for the most concentrated sample, effect of pressure drop dominates which leads to decline in the overall efficiency.


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This paper deals with the design considerations of surface aeration tanks on two basic issues of oxygen transfer coefficient and power requirements for the surface aeration system. Earlier developed simulation equations for simulating the oxygen transfer coefficient with theoretical power per unit volume have been verified by conducting experiments in geometrically similar but differently shaped and sized square tanks, rectangular tanks of length to width ratio (L/W) of 1.5 and 2 as well as circular tanks. Based on the experimental investigations, new simulation criteria to simulate actual power per unit volume have been proposed. Based on such design considerations, it has been demonstrated that it is economical (in terms of energy saving) to use smaller tanks rather than using a bigger tank to aerate the same volume of water for any shape of tanks. Among the various shapes studied, it has been found that circular tanks are more energy efficient than any other shape.


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An aeration process in ail activated sludge plant is a continuous-flow system. In this system, there is a steady input flow (flow from the primary clarifier or settling tank with some part from the secondary clarifier or secondary settling tank) and output flow connection to the secondary clarifier or settling tank. The experimental and numerical results obtained through batch systems can not be relied on and applied for the designing of a continuous aeration tank. In order to scale up laboratory results for field application, it is imperative to know the geometric parameters of a continuous system. Geometric parameters have a greater influence on the mass transfer process of surface aeration systems. The present work establishes the optimal geometric configuration of a continuous-flow surface aeration system. It is found that the maintenance of these optimal geometric parameters systems result in maximum aeration efficiency. By maintaining the obtained optimal geometric parameters, further experiments are conducted in continuous-flow surface aerators with three different sizes in order to develop design curves correlating the oxygen transfer coefficient and power number with the rotor speed. The design methodology to implement the presently developed optimal geometric parameters and correlation equations for field application is discussed.


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Aeration experiments were conducted in different sized baffled and unbaffled circular surface aeration tanks to study their relative performance on oxygen transfer process while aerating the same volume of water. Experiments were carried out with the objective of ascertaining the effect of baffle on oxygen transfer coefficient k. Simulation equations govern the oxygen transfer coefficient with the theoretical power per unit volume, X and actual power per unit volume, P-V. It has been found that, for any given X, circular tanks with baffle produce higher values of k than unbaffled circular tanks, but in terms of actual power consumption unbaffled tanks consume less power when compared to baffled circular tanks to achieve the same value of k. It has been found that in terms of energy consumption, epsilon, baffled tanks consume more energy than unbaffled tanks at any value of X. This suggests that the unbaffled circular tank gives a better performance as far as energy consumption is concerned and hence better economy. An example illustrating the energy conservation to aerate the same volume of water in both types of aerators is given. (c) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Experiments were conducted on the oxygen transfer coefficient, k(L)a(20), through surface aeration in geometrically similar square tanks, with a rotor of diameter D fitted with six flat blades. An optimal geometric similarity of various linear dimensions, which produced maximum k(L)a(20) for any rotational speed of rotor N by an earlier study, was maintained. A simulation equation uniquely correlating k = k(L)a(20)(nu/g(2))(1/3) (nu and g are kinematic viscosity of water and gravitational constant, respectively), and a parameter governing the theoretical power per unit volume, X = (ND2)-D-3/(g(4/3)nu(1/3)), is developed. Such a simulation equation can be used to predict maximum k for any N in any size of such geometrically similar square tanks. An example illustrating the application of results is presented. Also, it has been established that neither the Reynolds criterion nor the Froude criterion is singularly valid to simulate either k or K = k(L)a(20)/N, simultaneously in all the sizes of tanks, even through they are geometrically similar. Occurrence of "scale effects" due to the Reynolds and the Froude laws of similitude on both k and K are also evaluated.


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A eficiência do reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos depende das condições hidrodinâmicas que influem na transferência de oxigênio ao biofilme. Este trabalho investigou a influência da relação entre diâmetros dos tubos e da concentração de meio suporte (areia), sobre o coeficiente global de transferência de oxigênio (K La). Os ensaios - em reatores de 2,6 m de altura, com diâmetro externo de 250 mm e internos de 100, 125, 150 e 200 mm - empregaram vazões de ar até 2.500 L.h-1 e concentrações de até 150 g.L-1 de areia. O K La aumentou ligeiramente com 30 g.L-1 e diminuiu para concentrações maiores, confirmando relatos da literatura em condições semelhantes. Um modelo para K La em meio bifásico foi ajustado para as diversas relações ensaiadas entre a área externa e a interna, postulando-se uma redução na razão entre a transferência na fase líquida e o diâmetro da bolha com o aumento da vazão de ar.


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Aerobic internal-loop reactors use active biomass attached in a supporting media (biofilm) with the advantage of retaining a big biomass concentration in a small physical space, removing carbonaceous matter and nitrogen in only one reactor. Liquid circulation occurs due to hydrostatic pressure difference produced by air injection in the riser. In biphasic conditions liquid circulation velocities, gas holdup and oxygen transfer coefficient in four different reactor configurations were studied. For the three-phase conditions, the same parameters in just one of those configurations were evaluated. Also, there were three granular supporting media characterized. On the other hand, the relationship between internal and external tube areas and supporting media concentrations influence the liquid velocity, gas holdup and oxygen mass transfer values and some important supporting media characteristics were observed and compared.


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Estudou-se o processo de absorção e dessorção de CO2 em solução aquosa da mistura de metildietanolamina (MDEA) e piperazina (PZ). Os ensaios de absorção foram realizados numa coluna de parede molhada com promotor de película, e, os ensaios de dessorção num sistema de semibatelada, ambos em escala de laboratório. Os testes experimentais de absorção foram realizados a 298 K e pressão atmosférica, com vazão de gás (CO2 e ar atmosférico) de 2,2.10-4 m3 s-1 e as seguintes vazões de líquido: 1,0.10-6; 1,3.10-6 e 1,7.10-6 m3 s-1. O sistema de absorção foi caracterizado através da determinação da área interfacial, a, o coeficiente volumétrico de transferência de massa, kGa, e o coeficiente volumétrico global médio de transferência de massa, KGa. No caso dos ensaios de dessorção, estes foram realizados nas temperaturas de 353, 363 e 368 K, onde empregou-se uma solução carbonatada de 10% PZ-20% MDEA e uma corrente de ar atmosférico nas vazões de 1,1.10-5 m3 s-1 e 2,7.10-5 m3 s-1. Este sistema foi caracterizado através da determinação do coeficiente volumétrico global de transferência de massa, KLa. Os resultados experimentais da área interfacial mostram que este é função da vazão do líquido, sugerindo uma maior área de irrigação como o aumento desta, onde teve-se uma maior área de transferência de massa. O resultado do parâmetro, KGa, indica uma dependência da vazão de líquido, a qual está associada à variação da área interfacial e à dependência do parâmetro KG com o perfil das concentrações da MDEA e PZ ao longo da coluna. A partir da teoria do duplo filme e pelo conhecimento dos parâmetros KGa, a e kGa, estimou-se um parâmetro cinético-difusivo associado à fase líquida, (( ) ) . Os resultados experimentais mostram que esse parâmetro varia pouco com a vazão de líquido, indicando tratar-se de um processo independente da hidrodinâmica do líquido, característico de sistemas com reação rápida. A concentração das aminas e carbamatos, nos ensaios de absorção e dessorção, foi determinada através dos modelos de calibração obtidas pela técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho. Nos ensaios de absorção, foram observados que a concentração de PZ teve uma variação considerável (4 a 5% massa massa-1), entanto que a de MDEA variou pouco (0,3 a 0,5% massa massa-1), sugerindo que o processo de absorção de CO2 na mistura MDEA-PZ é controlado principalmente pela PZ, e supõe-se que a MDEA tem um papel de receptor de prótons procedentes da reação entre a PZ e o CO2. Nos ensaios de dessorção, observou-se que esse processo é afetado pela temperatura, sendo que, em temperaturas perto da ebulição (372 K), a taxa de dessorção de CO2 é maior do que em temperaturas menores, em certa forma é devido à dependência da velocidade de reação química com a temperatura. Os resultados do parâmetro KLa indicam que este diminui em função da concentração de carbamato de PZ (por exemplo, na temperatura de 368 K, de 7,5.10-4 a 1,0.10-4 s-1), devido a que este componente é decomposto em altas temperaturas gerando o CO2 e as aminas, sugerindo uma diminuição na velocidade de dessorção de CO2. Assim também, os resultados experimentais do parâmetro KLa indicam que este aumenta ligeiramente com a vazão do gás.


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An oxygen permeable mixed ion and electron conducting membrane (OPMIECM) was used as an oxygen transfer medium as well as a catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to produce ethylene. O2- species transported through the membrane reacted with ethane to produce ethylene before it recombined to gaseous O-2, so that the deep oxidation of the products was greatly suppressed. As a result, 80% selectivity of ethylene at 84% ethane conversion was achieved, whereas 53.7% ethylene selectivity was obtained using a conventional fixed-bed reactor under the same reaction conditions with the same catalyst at 800 degreesC. A 100 h continuous operation of this process was carried out and the result indicates the feasibility for practical applications.


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The reduction of oxygen was studied over a range of temperatures (298-318 K) in n-hexyltriethylammonium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [N-6,N-2,N-2,N-2][NTf2], and 1-butyl-2,3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, [C(4)dmim][NTf2] on both gold and platinum microdisk electrodes, and the mechanism and electrode kinetics of the reaction investigated. Three different models were used to simulate the CVs, based on a simple electron transfer ('E'), an electron transfer coupled with a reversible homogeneous chemical step ('ECrev') and an electron transfer followed by adsorption of the reduction product ('EC(ads)'), and where appropriate, best fit parameters deduced, including the heterogeneous rate constant, formal electrode potential, transfer coefficient, and homogeneous rate constants for the ECrev mechanism, and adsorption/desorption rate constants for the EC(ads) mechanism. It was concluded from the good simulation fits on gold that a simple E process operates for the reduction of oxygen in [N-6,N-2,N-2,N-2][NTf2], and an ECrev process for [C(4)dmim][NTf2], with the chemical step involving the reversible formation of the O-2(center dot-)center dot center dot center dot [C(4)dmim](+) ion-pair. The E mechanism was found to loosely describe the reduction of oxygen in [N-6,N-2,N-2,N-2][NTf2] on platinum as the simulation fits were reasonable although not perfect, especially for the reverse wave. The electrochemical kinetics are slower on Pt, and observed broadening of the oxidation peak is likely due to the adsorption of superoxide on the electrode surface in a process more complex than simple Langmuirian. In [C(4)dmim][NTf2] the O-2(center dot-) predominantly ion-pairs with the solvent rather than adsorbs on the surface, and an ECrev quantitatively describes the reduction of oxygen on Pt also.


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The industrial production of antibiotics with filamentous fungi is usually carried out in conventional aerated and agitated tank fermentors. Highly viscous non-Newtonian broths are produced and a compromise must be found between convenient shear stress and adequate oxygen transfer. In this work, cephalosporin C production by bioparticles of immobilized cells of Cephalosporium acremonium ATCC 48272 was studied in a repeated batch tower bioreactor as an alternative to the conventional process. Also, gas-liquid oxygen transfer volumetric coefficients, k(L)a, were determined at various air flow-rates and alumina contents in the bioparticle. The bioparticles were composed of calcium alginate (2.0% w/w), alumina (<44 micra), cells, and water. A model describing the cell growth, cephalosporin C production, oxygen, glucose, and sucrose consumption was proposed. To describe the radial variation of oxygen concentration within the pellet, the reaction-diffusion model forecasting a dead core bioparticle was adopted. The k(L)a measurements with gel beads prepared with 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% alumina showed that a higher k(L)a value is attained with 1.5 and 2.0%. An expression relating this coefficient to particle density, liquid density, and air velocity was obtained and further utilized in the simulation of the proposed model. Batch, followed by repeated batch experiments, were accomplished by draining the spent medium, washing with saline solution, and pouring fresh medium into the bioreactor. Results showed that glucose is consumed very quickly, within 24 h, followed by sucrose consumption and cephalosporin C production. Higher productivities were attained during the second batch, as cell concentration was already high, resulting in rapid glucose consumption and an early derepression of cephalosporin C synthesizing enzymes. The model incorporated this improvement predicting higher cephalosporin C productivity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.