960 resultados para voice activity detection


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The research has included the efforts in designing, assembling and structurally and functionally characterizing supramolecular biofunctional architectures for optical biosensing applications. In the first part of the study, a class of interfaces based on the biotin-NeutrAvidin binding matrix for the quantitative control of enzyme surface coverage and activity was developed. Genetically modified ß-lactamase was chosen as a model enzyme and attached to five different types of NeutrAvidin-functionalized chip surfaces through a biotinylated spacer. All matrices are suitable for achieving a controlled enzyme surface density. Data obtained by SPR are in excellent agreement with those derived from optical waveguide measurements. Among the various protein-binding strategies investigated in this study, it was found that stiffness and order between alkanethiol-based SAMs and PEGylated surfaces are very important. Matrix D based on a Nb2O5 coating showed a satisfactory regeneration possibility. The surface-immobilized enzymes were found to be stable and sufficiently active enough for a catalytic activity assay. Many factors, such as the steric crowding effect of surface-attached enzymes, the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged substrate (Nitrocefin) and the polycationic PLL-g-PEG/PEG-Biotin polymer, mass transport effect, and enzyme orientation, are shown to influence the kinetic parameters of catalytic analysis. Furthermore, a home-built Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer of SPR and a commercial miniature Fiber Optic Absorbance Spectrometer (FOAS), served as a combination set-up for affinity and catalytic biosensor, respectively. The parallel measurements offer the opportunity of on-line activity detection of surface attached enzymes. The immobilized enzyme does not have to be in contact with the catalytic biosensor. The SPR chip can easily be cleaned and used for recycling. Additionally, with regard to the application of FOAS, the integrated SPR technique allows for the quantitative control of the surface density of the enzyme, which is highly relevant for the enzymatic activity. Finally, the miniaturized portable FOAS devices can easily be combined as an add-on device with many other in situ interfacial detection techniques, such as optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measurements, or impedance spectroscopy (IS). Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) allows for an absolute determination of intrinsic rate constants describing the true parameters that control interfacial hybridization. Thus it also allows for a study of the difference of the surface coupling influences between OMCVD gold particles and planar metal films presented in the second part. The multilayer growth process was found to proceed similarly to the way it occurs on planar metal substrates. In contrast to planar bulk metal surfaces, metal colloids exhibit a narrow UV-vis absorption band. This absorption band is observed if the incident photon frequency is resonant with the collective oscillation of the conduction electrons and is known as the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). LSPR excitation results in extremely large molar extinction coefficients, which are due to a combination of both absorption and scattering. When considering metal-enhanced fluorescence we expect the absorption to cause quenching and the scattering to cause enhancement. Our further study will focus on the developing of a detection platform with larger gold particles, which will display a dominant scattering component and enhance the fluorescence signal. Furthermore, the results of sequence-specific detection of DNA hybridization based on OMCVD gold particles provide an excellent application potential for this kind of cheap, simple, and mild preparation protocol applied in this gold fabrication method. In the final chapter, SPFS was used for the in-depth characterizations of the conformational changes of commercial carboxymethyl dextran (CMD) substrate induced by pH and ionic strength variations were studied using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The pH response of CMD is due to the changes in the electrostatics of the system between its protonated and deprotonated forms, while the ionic strength response is attributed from the charge screening effect of the cations that shield the charge of the carboxyl groups and prevent an efficient electrostatic repulsion. Additional studies were performed using SPFS with the aim of fluorophore labeling the carboxymethyl groups. CMD matrices showed typical pH and ionic strength responses, such as high pH and low ionic strength swelling. Furthermore, the effects of the surface charge and the crosslink density of the CMD matrix on the extent of stimuli responses were investigated. The swelling/collapse ratio decreased with decreasing surface concentration of the carboxyl groups and increasing crosslink density. The study of the CMD responses to external and internal variables will provide valuable background information for practical applications.


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Membranproteine spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei physiologischen Prozessen wie Signalweiterleitung oder Immunreaktion. Deshalb stehen sie im Fokus der pharmakologischen Wirkstoffentwicklung und es besteht großes Interesse, Membranproteinbasierte Biosensoren zu entwickeln, die sich z.B. als Screening-Plattformen eignen. Allerdings stellt die Handhabung von Membranproteinen wegen ihrer amphiphilen Struktur eine große Herausforderung dar. Membranproteine werden meist in Zellkultur oder in bakteriellen Expressionssystemen synthetisiert. Diese Verfahren liefern aber oft nur eine geringe Ausbeute und erlauben wenig Kontrolle über die Expressionsbedingungen. Als alternativer Ansatz bietet sich stattdessen die in vitro Synthese von Proteinen an, die in einer zellfreien Umgebung stattfindet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Etablierung eines miniaturisierten Analysesystems, das Aktivitätsmessungen an in vitro synthetisierten Ionenkanälen erlaubt. Dafür wurde ein Labon- Chip entwickelt, der elektrochemische und optische Nachweismethoden in parallelen Anätzen ermöglicht. Als amphiphile Umgebung für die Inkorporation von Membranproteinen wurden vier verschieden biomimetische Membranaufbauten hinsichtlich ihrer Dichtigkeit und ihrer Reproduzierbarkeit untersucht. Als Methode fanden insbesondere die Impedanzspektroskpie und die Oberflächenplasmonen-Resonanzspektroskopie Anwendung. Die peptide cushioned Bilyer Lipid Membranes (pcBLM) eignete sich dabei am besten für Untersuchungen an Membranproteinen. Zur Detektion der Ionenkanalaktivität wurde eine neue Messmethode etabliert, die auf der Messung der Impedanz bei fester Frequenz basiert und u.a. eine Aussage über die Änderung des Membranwiderstandes bei Aktivierung erlaubt. Am Beispiel des nicotinischen Acetylcholinrezeptors (nAchR) konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die Aktivität von Ionenkanälen mit dem entwickelten Chip-System nachweisen ließ. Die Spezifität der Methode konnte durch verschiedene Kontrollen wie die Zugabe eines nicht-aktivierenden Liganden oder Inhibition des Rezeptors nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin konnte die in vitro Synthese des Ionenkanals a7 nAchR durch Radioaktivmarkierung nachgewiesen werden. Die Inkorporation des Rezeptors in die biomimetischen Membranen wurde mit Immunodetektion und elektrochemischen Methoden untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass die funktionelle Inkorporation des a7 nAchR davon abhing, welcher biomimetische Membranaufbau verwendet wurde.


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La revisione qui riportata valuta tutte le modalità di identificazione di task motori e posturali attraverso l'uso di sensori indossabili, principalmente accelerometri. Essa ha lo scopo di illustrare i sensori e gli algoritmi utilizzati in 23 articoli scelti in base alla loro qualità secondo una metodologia personalizzata di ricerca per fare il punto degli studi in questo campo, fino a questo momento. I dati estratti vengono utilizzati per individuare gli aspetti chiave riportati negli articoli, specialmente riguardanti l'algoritmo, focus della nostra revisione. Secondo questo criterio vengono selezionati 13 articoli, i quali si soffermano maggiormente sui modelli di approccio utilizzati, al fine di ottenere la più elevata accuratezza nell'identificazione. Questa in generale varia tra l'80-90% per i task motori più conosciuti(camminata, corsa e altri) mentre rimane limitata, intorno al 60-70% quando vengono analizzati i movimenti specifici degli arti superiori o inferiori.


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A planar-spiral antenna to be used in an ultrawideband (UWB) radar system for heart activity monitoring is presented. The antenna, named “twin,” is constituted by two spiral dipoles in a compact structure. The reflection coefficient at the feed point of the dipoles is lower than −8 dB over the 3–12 GHz band, while the two-dipoles coupling is about −20 dB. The radiated beam is perpendicular to the plane of the spiral, so the antenna is wearable and it may be an optimal radiator for a medical UWB radar for heart rate detection. The designed antenna has been also used to check some hypotheses about the UWB radar heart activity detection mechanism. The radiation impedance variation, caused by the thorax vibrations associated with heart activity, seems to be the most likely explanation of the UWB radar operation.


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The ability to determine what activity of daily living a person performs is of interest in many application domains. It is possible to determine the physical and cognitive capabilities of the elderly by inferring what activities they perform in their houses. Our primary aim was to establish a proof of concept that a wireless sensor system can monitor and record physical activity and these data can be modeled to predict activities of daily living. The secondary aim was to determine the optimal placement of the sensor boxes for detecting activities in a room. A wireless sensor system was set up in a laboratory kitchen. The ten healthy participants were requested to make tea following a defined sequence of tasks. Data were collected from the eight wireless sensor boxes placed in specific places in the test kitchen and analyzed to detect the sequences of tasks performed by the participants. These sequence of tasks were trained and tested using the Markov Model. Data analysis focused on the reliability of the system and the integrity of the collected data. The sequence of tasks were successfully recognized for all subjects and the averaged data pattern of tasks sequences between the subjects had a high correlation. Analysis of the data collected indicates that sensors placed in different locations are capable of recognizing activities, with the movement detection sensor contributing the most to detection of tasks. The central top of the room with no obstruction of view was considered to be the best location to record data for activity detection. Wireless sensor systems show much promise as easily deployable to monitor and recognize activities of daily living.


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BioMet®Phon is a software application developed for the characterization of voice in voice quality evaluation. Initially it was conceived as plain research code to estimate the glottal source from voice and obtain the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds from the spectral density of the estimate. This code grew to what is now the Glottex®Engine package (G®E). Further demands from users in laryngology and speech therapy fields instantiated the development of a specific Graphic User Interface (GUI’s) to encapsulate user interaction with the G®E. This gave place to BioMet®Phon, an application which extracts the glottal source from voice and offers a complete parameterization of this signal, including distortion, cepstral, spectral, biomechanical, time domain, contact and tremor parameters. The semantic capabilities of biomechanical parameters are discussed. Study cases from its application to the field of laryngology and speech therapy are given and discussed. Validation results in voice pathology detection are also presented. Applications to laryngology, speech therapy, and monitoring neurological deterioration in the elder are proposed.


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Las patologías de la voz se han transformado en los últimos tiempos en una problemática social con cierto calado. La contaminación de las ciudades, hábitos como el de fumar, el uso de aparatos de aire acondicionado, etcétera, contribuyen a ello. Esto alcanza más relevancia en profesionales que utilizan su voz de manera frecuente, como, por ejemplo, locutores, cantantes, profesores o teleoperadores. Por todo ello resultan de especial interés las técnicas de ayuda al diagnóstico que son capaces de extraer conclusiones clínicas a partir de una muestra de la voz grabada con un micrófono, frente a otras invasivas que implican la exploración utilizando laringoscopios, fibroscopios o videoendoscopios, técnicas en cualquier caso mucho más molestas para los pacientes al exigir la introducción parcial del instrumental citado por la garganta, en actuaciones consideradas de tipo quirúrgico. Dentro de aquellas técnicas se ha avanzado mucho en un período de tiempo relativamente corto. En lo que se refiere al diagnóstico de patologías, hemos pasado en los últimos quince años de trabajar principalmente con parámetros extraídos de la señal de voz –tanto en el dominio del tiempo como en el de la frecuencia– y con escalas elaboradas con valoraciones subjetivas realizadas por expertos a hacerlo también con parámetros procedentes de estimaciones de la fuente glótica. La importancia de utilizar la fuente glótica reside, a grandes rasgos, en que se trata de una señal vinculada directamente al estado de la estructura laríngea del locutor y también en que está generalmente menos influida por el tracto vocal que la señal de voz. Es conocido que el tracto vocal guarda más relación con el mensaje hablado, y su presencia dificulta el proceso de detección de patología vocal. Estas estimaciones de la fuente glótica han sido obtenidas a través de técnicas de filtrado inverso desarrolladas por nuestro grupo de investigación. Hemos conseguido, además, profundizar en la naturaleza de la señal glótica: somos capaces de descomponerla y relacionarla con parámetros biomecánicos de los propios pliegues vocales, obteniendo estimaciones de elementos como la masa, la pérdida de energía o la elasticidad del cuerpo y de la cubierta del pliegue, entre otros. De las componentes de la fuente glótica surgen también los denominados parámetros biométricos, relacionados con la forma de la señal, que constituyen por sí mismos una firma biométrica del individuo. También trabajaremos con parámetros temporales, relacionados con las diferentes etapas que se observan dentro de la señal glótica durante un ciclo de fonación. Por último, consideraremos parámetros clásicos de perturbación y energía de la señal. En definitiva, contamos ahora con una considerable cantidad de parámetros glóticos que conforman una base estadística multidimensional, destinada a ser capaz de discriminar personas con voces patológicas o disfónicas de aquellas que no presentan patología en la voz o con voces sanas o normofónicas. Esta tesis doctoral se ocupa de varias cuestiones: en primer lugar, es necesario analizar cuidadosamente estos nuevos parámetros, por lo que ofreceremos una completa descripción estadística de los mismos. También estudiaremos cuestiones como la distribución de los parámetros atendiendo a criterios como el de normalidad estadística de los mismos, ocupándonos especialmente de la diferencia entre las distribuciones que presentan sujetos sanos y sujetos con patología vocal. Para todo ello emplearemos diferentes técnicas estadísticas: generación de elementos y diagramas descriptivos, pruebas de normalidad y diversos contrastes de hipótesis, tanto paramétricos como no paramétricos, que considerarán la diferencia entre los grupos de personas sanas y los grupos de personas con alguna patología relacionada con la voz. Además, nos interesa encontrar relaciones estadísticas entre los parámetros, de cara a eliminar posibles redundancias presentes en el modelo, a reducir la dimensionalidad del problema y a establecer un criterio de importancia relativa en los parámetros en cuanto a su capacidad discriminante para el criterio patológico/sano. Para ello se aplicarán técnicas estadísticas como la Correlación Lineal Bivariada y el Análisis Factorial basado en Componentes Principales. Por último, utilizaremos la conocida técnica de clasificación Análisis Discriminante, aplicada a diferentes combinaciones de parámetros y de factores, para determinar cuáles de ellas son las que ofrecen tasas de acierto más prometedoras. Para llevar a cabo la experimentación se ha utilizado una base de datos equilibrada y robusta formada por doscientos sujetos, cien de ellos pertenecientes al género femenino y los restantes cien al género masculino, con una proporción también equilibrada entre los sujetos que presentan patología vocal y aquellos que no la presentan. Una de las aplicaciones informáticas diseñada para llevar a cabo la recogida de muestras también es presentada en esta tesis. Los distintos estudios estadísticos realizados nos permitirán identificar aquellos parámetros que tienen una mayor contribución a la hora de detectar la presencia de patología vocal. Alguno de los estudios, además, nos permitirá presentar una ordenación de los parámetros en base a su importancia para realizar la detección. Por otra parte, también concluiremos que en ocasiones es conveniente realizar una reducción de la dimensionalidad de los parámetros para mejorar las tasas de detección. Por fin, las propias tasas de detección constituyen quizá la conclusión más importante del trabajo. Todos los análisis presentes en el trabajo serán realizados para cada uno de los dos géneros, de acuerdo con diversos estudios previos que demuestran que los géneros masculino y femenino deben tratarse de forma independiente debido a las diferencias orgánicas observadas entre ambos. Sin embargo, en lo referente a la detección de patología vocal contemplaremos también la posibilidad de trabajar con la base de datos unificada, comprobando que las tasas de acierto son también elevadas. Abstract Voice pathologies have become recently in a social problem that has reached a certain concern. Pollution in cities, smoking habits, air conditioning, etc. contributes to it. This problem is more relevant for professionals who use their voice frequently: speakers, singers, teachers, actors, telemarketers, etc. Therefore techniques that are capable of drawing conclusions from a sample of the recorded voice are of particular interest for the diagnosis as opposed to other invasive ones, involving exploration by laryngoscopes, fiber scopes or video endoscopes, which are techniques much less comfortable for patients. Voice quality analysis has come a long way in a relatively short period of time. In regard to the diagnosis of diseases, we have gone in the last fifteen years from working primarily with parameters extracted from the voice signal (both in time and frequency domains) and with scales drawn from subjective assessments by experts to produce more accurate evaluations with estimates derived from the glottal source. The importance of using the glottal source resides broadly in that this signal is linked to the state of the speaker's laryngeal structure. Unlike the voice signal (phonated speech) the glottal source, if conveniently reconstructed using adaptive lattices, may be less influenced by the vocal tract. As it is well known the vocal tract is related to the articulation of the spoken message and its influence complicates the process of voice pathology detection, unlike when using the reconstructed glottal source, where vocal tract influence has been almost completely removed. The estimates of the glottal source have been obtained through inverse filtering techniques developed by our research group. We have also deepened into the nature of the glottal signal, dissecting it and relating it to the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds, obtaining several estimates of items such as mass, loss or elasticity of cover and body of the vocal fold, among others. From the components of the glottal source also arise the so-called biometric parameters, related to the shape of the signal, which are themselves a biometric signature of the individual. We will also work with temporal parameters related to the different stages that are observed in the glottal signal during a cycle of phonation. Finally, we will take into consideration classical perturbation and energy parameters. In short, we have now a considerable amount of glottal parameters in a multidimensional statistical basis, designed to be able to discriminate people with pathologic or dysphonic voices from those who do not show pathology. This thesis addresses several issues: first, a careful analysis of these new parameters is required, so we will offer a complete statistical description of them. We will also discuss issues such as distribution of the parameters, considering criteria such as their statistical normality. We will take special care in the analysis of the difference between distributions from healthy subjects and the distributions from pathological subjects. To reach these goals we will use different statistical techniques such as: generation of descriptive items and diagramas, tests for normality and hypothesis testing, both parametric and nonparametric. These latter techniques consider the difference between the groups of healthy subjects and groups of people with an illness related to voice. In addition, we are interested in finding statistical relationships between parameters. There are various reasons behind that: eliminate possible redundancies in the model, reduce the dimensionality of the problem and establish a criterion of relative importance in the parameters. The latter reason will be done in terms of discriminatory power for the criterion pathological/healthy. To this end, statistical techniques such as Bivariate Linear Correlation and Factor Analysis based on Principal Components will be applied. Finally, we will use the well-known technique of Discriminant Analysis classification applied to different combinations of parameters and factors to determine which of these combinations offers more promising success rates. To perform the experiments we have used a balanced and robust database, consisting of two hundred speakers, one hundred of them males and one hundred females. We have also used a well-balanced proportion where subjects with vocal pathology as well as subjects who don´t have a vocal pathology are equally represented. A computer application designed to carry out the collection of samples is also presented in this thesis. The different statistical analyses performed will allow us to determine which parameters contribute in a more decisive way in the detection of vocal pathology. Therefore, some of the analyses will even allow us to present a ranking of the parameters based on their importance for the detection of vocal pathology. On the other hand, we will also conclude that it is sometimes desirable to perform a dimensionality reduction in order to improve the detection rates. Finally, detection rates themselves are perhaps the most important conclusion of the work. All the analyses presented in this work have been performed for each of the two genders in agreement with previous studies showing that male and female genders should be treated independently, due to the observed functional differences between them. However, with regard to the detection of vocal pathology we will consider the possibility of working with the unified database, ensuring that the success rates obtained are also high.


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El habla es la principal herramienta de comunicación de la que dispone el ser humano que, no sólo le permite expresar su pensamiento y sus sentimientos sino que le distingue como individuo. El análisis de la señal de voz es fundamental para múltiples aplicaciones como pueden ser: síntesis y reconocimiento de habla, codificación, detección de patologías, identificación y reconocimiento de locutor… En el mercado se pueden encontrar herramientas comerciales o de libre distribución para realizar esta tarea. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Grado es reunir varios algoritmos de análisis de la señal de voz en una única herramienta que se manejará a través de un entorno gráfico. Los algoritmos están siendo utilizados en el Grupo de investigación en Aplicaciones MultiMedia y Acústica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid para llevar a cabo su tarea investigadora y para ofertar talleres formativos a los alumnos de grado de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación. Actualmente se ha encontrado alguna dificultad para poder aplicar los algoritmos ya que se han ido desarrollando a lo largo de varios años, por distintas personas y en distintos entornos de programación. Se han adaptado los programas existentes para generar una única herramienta en MATLAB que permite: . Detección de voz . Detección sordo/sonoro . Extracción y revisión manual de frecuencia fundamental de los sonidos sonoros . Extracción y revisión manual de formantes de los sonidos sonoros En todos los casos el usuario puede ajustar los parámetros de análisis y se ha mantenido y, en algunos casos, ampliado la funcionalidad de los algoritmos existentes. Los resultados del análisis se pueden manejar directamente en la aplicación o guardarse en un fichero. Por último se ha escrito el manual de usuario de la aplicación y se ha generado una aplicación independiente que puede instalarse y ejecutarse aunque no se disponga del software o de la versión adecuada de MATLAB. ABSTRACT. The speech is the main communication tool which has the human that as well as allowing to express his thoughts and feelings distinguishes him as an individual. The analysis of speech signal is essential for multiple applications such as: synthesis and recognition of speech, coding, detection of pathologies, identification and speaker recognition… In the market you can find commercial or open source tools to perform this task. The aim of this Final Degree Project is collect several algorithms of speech signal analysis in a single tool which will be managed through a graphical environment. These algorithms are being used in the research group Aplicaciones MultiMedia y Acústica at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid to carry out its research work and to offer training workshops for students at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación. Currently some difficulty has been found to be able to apply the algorithms as they have been developing over several years, by different people and in different programming environments. Existing programs have been adapted to generate a single tool in MATLAB that allows: . Voice Detection . Voice/Unvoice Detection . Extraction and manual review of fundamental frequency of voiced sounds . Extraction and manual review formant voiced sounds In all cases the user can adjust the scan settings, we have maintained and in some cases expanded the functionality of existing algorithms. The analysis results can be managed directly in the application or saved to a file. Finally we have written the application user’s manual and it has generated a standalone application that can be installed and run although the user does not have MATLAB software or the appropriate version.


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In this work it was developed mathematical resolutions taking as parameter maximum intensity values for the interference analysis of electric and magnetic fields and was given two virtual computer system that supports families of CDMA and WCDMA technologies. The first family were developed computational resources to solve electric and magnetic field calculations and power densities in Radio Base stations , with the use of CDMA technology in the 800 MHz band , taking into account the permissible values referenced by the Commission International Protection on non-Ionizing Radiation . The first family is divided into two segments of calculation carried out in virtual operation. In the first segment to compute the interference field radiated by the base station with input information such as radio channel power; Gain antenna; Radio channel number; Operating frequency; Losses in the cable; Attenuation of direction; Minimum Distance; Reflections. Said computing system allows to quickly and without the need of implementing instruments for measurements, meet the following calculated values: Effective Radiated Power; Sector Power Density; Electric field in the sector; Magnetic field in the sector; Magnetic flux density; point of maximum permissible exposure of electric field and power density. The results are shown in charts for clarity of view of power density in the industry, as well as the coverage area definition. The computer module also includes folders specifications antennas, cables and towers used in cellular telephony, the following manufacturers: RFS World, Andrew, Karthein and BRASILSAT. Many are presented "links" network access "Internet" to supplement the cable specifications, antennas, etc. . In the second segment of the first family work with more variables , seeking to perform calculations quickly and safely assisting in obtaining results of radio signal loss produced by ERB . This module displays screens representing propagation systems denominated "A" and "B". By propagating "A" are obtained radio signal attenuation calculations in areas of urban models , dense urban , suburban , and rural open . In reflection calculations are present the reflection coefficients , the standing wave ratio , return loss , the reflected power ratio , as well as the loss of the signal by mismatch impedance. With the spread " B" seek radio signal losses in the survey line and not targeted , the effective area , the power density , the received power , the coverage radius , the conversion levels and the gain conversion systems radiant . The second family of virtual computing system consists of 7 modules of which 5 are geared towards the design of WCDMA and 2 technology for calculation of telephone traffic serving CDMA and WCDMA . It includes a portfolio of radiant systems used on the site. In the virtual operation of the module 1 is compute-: distance frequency reuse, channel capacity with noise and without noise, Doppler frequency, modulation rate and channel efficiency; Module 2 includes computes the cell area, thermal noise, noise power (dB), noise figure, signal to noise ratio, bit of power (dBm); with the module 3 reaches the calculation: breakpoint, processing gain (dB) loss in the space of BTS, noise power (w), chip period and frequency reuse factor. Module 4 scales effective radiated power, sectorization gain, voice activity and load effect. The module 5 performs the calculation processing gain (Hz / bps) bit time, bit energy (Ws). Module 6 deals with the telephone traffic and scales 1: traffic volume, occupancy intensity, average time of occupancy, traffic intensity, calls completed, congestion. Module 7 deals with two telephone traffic and allows calculating call completion and not completed in HMM. Tests were performed on the mobile network performance field for the calculation of data relating to: CINP , CPI , RSRP , RSRQ , EARFCN , Drop Call , Block Call , Pilot , Data Bler , RSCP , Short Call, Long Call and Data Call ; ECIO - Short Call and Long Call , Data Call Troughput . As survey were conducted surveys of electric and magnetic field in an ERB , trying to observe the degree of exposure to non-ionizing radiation they are exposed to the general public and occupational element. The results were compared to permissible values for health endorsed by the ICNIRP and the CENELEC .


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The construction of timelines of computer activity is a part of many digital investigations. These timelines of events are composed of traces of historical activity drawn from system logs and potentially from evidence of events found in the computer file system. A potential problem with the use of such information is that some of it may be inconsistent and contradictory thus compromising its value. This work introduces a software tool (CAT Detect) for the detection of inconsistency within timelines of computer activity. We examine the impact of deliberate tampering through experiments conducted with our prototype software tool. Based on the results of these experiments, we discuss techniques which can be employed to deal with such temporal inconsistencies.


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The objective of the research was to determine the optimal location and method of attachment for accelerometer-based motion sensors, and to validate their ability to differentiate rest and increases in speed in healthy dogs moving on a treadmill. Two accelerometers were placed on a harness between the scapulae of dogs with one in a pouch and one directly attached to the harness. Two additional accelerometers were placed (pouched and not pouched) ventrally on the dog's collar. Data were recorded in 1. s epochs with dogs moving in stages lasting 3. min each on a treadmill: (1) at rest, lateral recumbency, (2) treadmill at 0% slope, 3. km/h, (3) treadmill at 0% slope, 5. km/h, (4) treadmill at 0% slope, 7. km/h, (5) treadmill at 5% slope, 5. km/h, and; (6) treadmill at 5% slope, 7. km/h. Only the harness with the accelerometer in a pouch along the dorsal midline yielded statistically significant increases (P< 0.05) in vector magnitude as walking speed of the dogs increased (5-7. km/h) while on the treadmill. Statistically significant increases in vector magnitude were detected in the dogs as the walking speed increased from 5 to 7. km/h, however, changes in vector magnitude were not detected when activity intensity was increased as a result of walking up a 5% grade. Accelerometers are a valid and objective tool able to discriminate between and monitor different levels of activity in dogs in terms of speed of movement but not in energy expenditure that occurs with movement up hill.


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This work investigates the feasibly in using a low noise “C” Band block down-converter as a Ultra High Frequency window coupler for the detection of partial discharge activity from free conducting practices and a protrusion on the high voltage conductor in Gas Insulated Switchgear. The investigated window coupler has a better sensitivity than the internal Ultra High Frequency couplers fitted to the system. The investigated window couplers however are sensitive to changes in the frequency content of the discharge signals and appear to be less sensitive to negative discharges signals produced by a protrusion than the positive discharge signals.


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A microplate assay was modified for the detection of antimicrobial activity in plant extracts. The aim was to develop an in vitro assay that could rapidly screen plant extracts to provide quantitative data on inhibition of microbial growth. A spectrophotometric assay using a microplate with serial dilutions of the plant extract and the bacteria was developed. Two bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, were used for this study. Essential oils, oregano (Origanum vulgare) and lemon myrtle (Backhousia citriodora), and three active components carvacrol, thymol and citral were evaluated. The reproducibility of the assay was high, with correlation coefficients (r aureus and E. coli between 0.9321 and 0.9816. Similarly, r and 0.9814. This assay could also be used to measure antimicrobial activity in plant extracts which vary in pH and color.


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PURPOSE To develop and test decision tree (DT) models to classify physical activity (PA) intensity from accelerometer output and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) classification level in ambulatory youth with cerebral palsy (CP); and 2) compare the classification accuracy of the new DT models to that achieved by previously published cut-points for youth with CP. METHODS Youth with CP (GMFCS Levels I - III) (N=51) completed seven activity trials with increasing PA intensity while wearing a portable metabolic system and ActiGraph GT3X accelerometers. DT models were used to identify vertical axis (VA) and vector magnitude (VM) count thresholds corresponding to sedentary (SED) (<1.5 METs), light PA (LPA) (>/=1.5 and <3 METs) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) (>/=3 METs). Models were trained and cross-validated using the 'rpart' and 'caret' packages within R. RESULTS For the VA (VA_DT) and VM decision trees (VM_DT), a single threshold differentiated LPA from SED, while the threshold for differentiating MVPA from LPA decreased as the level of impairment increased. The average cross-validation accuracy for the VC_DT was 81.1%, 76.7%, and 82.9% for GMFCS levels I, II, and III, respectively. The corresponding cross-validation accuracy for the VM_DT was 80.5%, 75.6%, and 84.2%, respectively. Within each GMFCS level, the decision tree models achieved better PA intensity recognition than previously published cut-points. The accuracy differential was greatest among GMFCS level III participants, in whom the previously published cut-points misclassified 40% of the MVPA activity trials. CONCLUSION GMFCS-specific cut-points provide more accurate assessments of MVPA levels in youth with CP across the full spectrum of ambulatory ability.