956 resultados para virus transmission


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Potential human immunodeficiency virus transmission makes prompt disclosure of child sexual abuse in Africa critical. The pattern of disclosure of 133 children presenting to the largest hospital in Malawi were analyzed. Eighty percent presented early enough for effective use of HIV postexposure prophylaxis. Seventy-five percent of children made a disclosure of child sexual abuse; 29% spontaneously and 47% after prompting. Disclosures were most commonly made to a parent, and age did not affect the pattern of disclosure. The number of children reporting child sexual abuse is increasing, possibly because of increasing awareness, availability of services, and fear of HIV. Although prompt disclosure rates were relatively high, facilitating easier disclosure of child sexual abuse by a free telephone help-line and better training of teachers may be helpful. 


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Grapevine leafroll disease (GLRD) is one of the most important virus diseases of grapevines worldwide, causing major economical impact. The disease has a complex aetiology and currently eleven phloem-limited viruses, termed in general Grapevine leafroll-associated virus (GLRaVs), have been identified. Two of the GLRaVs, GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3, are included in the European certification scheme of propagation material. However, the flawed notion that GLRaV-3 is more frequent than GLRaV-1 and that all other GLRaVs are possibly not as relevant for GLRD, has until now precluded the development of specific serological and molecular detection assays and limited the scope of molecular characterization of the viruses known to be associated with the disease. Hence, few studies have addressed the phylodynamics of GLRaVs or even characterized the genetic structure of their natural populations. This generalized lack of molecular information, in turn underlie the deficient capacity to detect the viruses. The phylogenetic analyses were conducted on the basis of the heat shock protein 70 homologue (HSP70h) and the coat protein (CP) genes for GLRaV-1 and the HSP70h, the heat shock protein 90 homologue (HSP90h) and the CP genes for GLRaV-5. The data obtained for GLRaV-1 contributed 83 new CP sequences. This information was combined with previous analysis by other authors and used for the production of new polyclonal IgG, capable of detecting CP variants from all the phylogroups observed. Successful testing of this new tool included tissue print immunoblotting (TPIB) and in situ immunoassay (ISIA). The data obtained for GLRaV-5, contributed 61 new CP and 28 new HSP90h gene sequences. Eight phylogenetic groups were identified on the basis of the CP. Characterization of the genetic structure of the isolates revealed a higher diversity than previously reported and allowed the identification of dominant virus variants. For both GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-5, the effect of vegetative propagation on the virus transmission dynamics was addressed.


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L’épidémie du VIH-1 dure maintenant depuis plus de 25 ans. La grande diversité génétique de ce virus est un obstacle majeur en vue de l’éradication de cette pandémie. Au cours des années, le VIH-1 a évolué en plus de cinquante sous-types ou formes recombinantes. Cette diversité génétique est influencée par diverses pressions de sélection, incluant les pressions du système immunitaire de l’hôte et les agents antirétroviraux (ARV). En effet, bien que les ARV aient considérablement réduit les taux de morbidité et de mortalité, en plus d’améliorer la qualité et l’espérance de vie des personnes atteintes du VIH-1, ces traitements sont complexes, dispendieux et amènent leur lot de toxicité pouvant mener à des concentrations plasmatiques sous-optimales pour contrôler la réplication virale. Ceci va permettre l’émergence de variantes virales portant des mutations de résistance aux ARV. Ce phénomène est encore plus complexe lorsque l’on prend en considération l’immense diversité génétique des différents sous-types. De plus, le virus du VIH est capable de persister sous forme latente dans diverses populations cellulaires, rendant ainsi son éradication extrêmement difficile. Des stratégies pouvant restreindre la diversité virale ont donc été préconisées dans le but de favoriser les réponses immunes de l’hôte pour le contrôle de l’infection et d’identifier des variantes virales offrant une meilleure cible pour des stratégies vaccinales ou immunothérapeutiques. Dans cet esprit, nous avons donc étudié, chez des sujets infectés récemment par le VIH-1, l’effet du traitement ARV précoce sur la diversité virale de la région C2V5 du gène enveloppe ainsi que sur la taille des réservoirs. En deuxième lieu, nous avons caractérisé la pression de sélection des ARV sur des souches virales de sous types variés non-B, chez des patients du Mali et du Burkina Faso afin d’évaluer les voies d’échappement viral dans un fond génétique différent du sous-type B largement prévalent en Amérique du Nord. Notre étude a démontré la présence d’une population virale très homogène et peu diversifiée dans les premières semaines suivant l’infection, qui évolue pour atteindre une diversification de +0,23% à la fin de la première année. Cette diversification est plus importante chez les sujets n’ayant pas initié de traitement. De plus, ceci s’accompagne d’un plus grand nombre de particules virales infectieuses dans les réservoirs viraux des cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique (PBMC) chez ces sujets. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’initiation précoce du traitement pourrait avoir un effet bénéfique en retardant l’évolution virale ainsi que la taille des réservoirs, ce qui pourrait supporter une réponse immune mieux ciblée et potentiellement des stratégies immunothérapeutiques permettant d’éradiquer le virus. Nous avons également suivi 801 sujets infectés par des sous-types non-B sur le point de débuter un traitement antirétroviral. Bien que la majorité des sujets ait été à un stade avancé de la maladie, plus de 75% des individus ont obtenu une charge virale indétectable après 6 mois d’ARV, témoignant de l’efficacité comparable des ARV sur les sous-types non-B et B. Toutefois, contrairement aux virus de sous-type B, nous avons observé différentes voies moléculaires de résistance chez les sous type non-B, particulièrement chez les sous-types AGK/AK/K pour lesquels les voies de résistances étaient associées de façon prédominante aux TAM2. De plus, bien que la divergence entre les virus retrouvés chez les patients d’une même région soit faible, nos analyses phylogénétiques ont permis de conclure que ces mutations de résistance se sont produites de novo et non à partir d’un ancêtre commun porteur de résistance. Cependant, notre dernière étude au Mali nous a permis d’évaluer la résistance primaire à près de 10% et des études phylogénétiques seront effectuées afin d’évaluer la circulation de ces souches résistantes dans la population. Ces études suggèrent qu’un contrôle de la réplication virale par les ARV peut freiner la diversité du VIH et ainsi ouvrir la voie à un contrôle immunologique ciblé, utilisant de nouvelles stratégies vaccinales ou immunothérapeutiques. Toutefois, une thérapie antirétrovirale sous-optimale (adhérence, toxicité) peut conduire à l’échappement virologique en favorisant l’émergence et la dissémination de souches résistantes.


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Introducción: La Peste Porcina Clásica es una enfermedad de declaración obligatoria de la OIE que limita el comercio internacional. El Tolima tiene restringida la comercialización de animales con el 48% del país por no tener el mismo estatus de Zona Libre; la inclusión del departamento dentro de la zona en proceso de declaración mejoraría la condición sanitaria y permitiría la admisibilidad comercial a los productores. Metodología: Es un estudio descriptivo con dos componentes; el primero incluye la caracterización y evaluación cualitativa de las condiciones sanitarias relacionadas con PPC y el segundo la caracterización virológica mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple para determinar circulación viral. Resultados: se encontró que la atención de las notificaciones se realiza en ≤ 1 día, mientras que entre la atención y resultados existen demoras en el 84% de los casos; las coberturas vacunales son ≥90% que evidencian inmunidad poblacional prolongada y sostenida; en el departamento no se presentan focos desde hace mas de 8 años, no han tenido importaciones de animales con riesgo sanitario, no cuenta barreras geográficas en los limites con la Zona Control que permitan aislamiento y en el muestreo todos los resultados fueron negativos a PPC por RT PCR, con un VPN de 0.99. Discusión: El Tolima cumple con las condiciones sanitarias para incluirse en la próxima zona en proceso de declaración, sin embargo es necesario mejorar las rutas cítricas para la atención de sospechas de PPC e instaurar puestos de control para aislar el departamento y controlar las movilizaciones de porcinos.


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Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) causes human epidemics across Eurasia. Clinical manifestations range from inapparent infections and fevers to fatal encephalitis but the factors that determine disease severity are currently undefined. TBEV is characteristically a hemagglutinating (HA) virus; the ability to agglutinate erythrocytes tentatively reflects virion receptor/fusion activity. However, for the past few years many atypical HA-deficient strains have been isolated from patients and also from the natural European host tick, Ixodes persulcatus. By analysing the sequences of HA-deficient strains we have identified 3 unique amino acid substitutions (D67G, E122G or D277A) in the envelope protein, each of which increases the net charge and hydrophobicity of the virion surface. Therefore, we genetically engineered virus mutants each containing one of these 3 substitutions; they all exhibited HA-deficiency. Unexpectedly, each genetically modified non-HA virus demonstrated increased TBEV reproduction in feeding Ixodes ricinus, not the recognised tick host for these strains. Moreover, virus transmission efficiency between infected and uninfected ticks co-feeding on mice was also intensified by each substitution. Retrospectively, the mutation D67G was identified in viruses isolated from patients with encephalitis. We propose that the emergence of atypical Siberian HA-deficient TBEV strains in Europe is linked to their molecular adaptation to local ticks. This process appears to be driven by the selection of single mutations that change the virion surface thus enhancing receptor/fusion function essential for TBEV entry into the unfamiliar tick species. As the consequence of this adaptive mutagenesis, some of these mutations also appear to enhance the ability of TBEV to cross the human blood-brain barrier, a likely explanation for fatal encephalitis. Future research will reveal if these emerging Siberian TBEV strains continue to disperse westwards across Europe by adaptation to the indigenous tick species and if they are associated with severe forms of TBE.


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TMV was tried to recover from a variety of branded cigarettes and cigars. Tobacco from six different brands of cigarettes and cigar were processed and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction was employed for the detection of TMV. RTPCR confirmed the presence of TMV in tobacco from one brand of cigarette and one brand of cigar. Bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) were inoculated manually with tobacco sap of cigarettes resulting in the production of localized disease lesions. Together, these results showed that tobacco used to make cigarettes and cigars can function as an effective disease vector, potentially aiding the movement of infectious TMV between countries. This is an important finding prompting a need to test smoking tobacco for other virus particles that infect tobacco plants and survive processing as well as considering biosecurity measures to limit virus transmission


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In Latin America, rabies cases related to frugivorous bats have been reported since 1930's. Recently, two viruses isolated from Artibeus lituratus were proved to be vampire bat variants by monoclonal antibodies panels [2], but their genetic information is not well known. In this report, four rabies viruses were isolated from frugivorous bats (Artibeus spp.) in Brazil and their nucleoprotein gene sequences were determined. These isolates were found to be genotype 1 of lyssavirus and showed the maximum nucleotide sequence homology of 97.6-99.4% with vampire bat-related viruses in Brazil [6]. These results indicate that the Brazilian frugivorous bat rabies viruses in this study are closely related to vampire bat-related viruses that play a main role in rabies virus transmission to livestock in Brazil.


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Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are epitheliotropic viruses, that induce benign and malignant lesions on several body sites. It's a small circular DNA virus, non-enveloped and 75 types have been identified. Frequently HPV 6, 11 (benign lesions) and 16, 18 (malignant lesions) are occurred on mucosa. The infection takes place at the basal layer cells with microlesions, when the virus enters into the cells and looses the capsid. The benign HPV types is associated to cell's genome in epissomal way. In malignant lesions, it integrates into the cell's DNA. HPV viruses are sexually transmitted and responsable for malignant cell transformation. Thus this viruses have an extremely epidemiologic importance. This paper reports a HPV review study about: epidemiology, diagnostic methods and treatment to papillomavirus infection.


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Although there is considerable published research on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), individual biases persist because of lack of information regarding HIV virus transmission. As a result, both infected patients and health care professionals suffer. The objective of this study was to determine if there is prejudice among university professors at the School of Dentistry at Aracatuba's Sao Paulo State University (FOA-UNESP) concerning HIV-positive patients or HIV-positive health care professionals. Out of the seventy-seven professors who responded to the questionnaire, 62.3 percent (forty-eight) stated that they advise their students not to refuse to treat a patient with HIV. Although 96.2 percent (fifty-two) of the fifty-four professors who treat patients have reported that they treat patients who are HIV-positive, only 65.3 percent of them were aware of infection control precautions, and only 32.7 percent reported that they would treat an HIV-positive patient like any other patient. There is also prejudice regarding HIV-positive professionals because only 48.1 percent (thirty-seven) of the professors responded that they would be willing to be treated by an infected professional. It can be concluded that there is prejudice among some of the FOA-UNESP university professors regarding individuals who are HIV-positive.


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Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) became a critical health issue with the emergence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the 1980s. Four clinical-epidemiological forms of KS have been described: classical KS, endemic KS,iatrogenic KS, and AIDS-associated KS. In 1994, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus type 8 was identified by Chang and colleagues, and has been detected worldwide at frequencies ranging from 80 to 100%. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the frequency of KSHV infection in KS lesions from HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients in Brazil, as well as to review the current knowledge about KS transmission and detection. For these purposes, DNA from 51 cases of KS was assessed by PCR: 20 (39.2%) cases of classical KS, 29 (56.9%) of AIDS-associated KS and 2 (3.9%) of iatrogenic KS. Most patients were males (7.5:1, M/F), and mean age was 47.9 years (SD = ± 18.7 years). As expected, HIV-positive KS patients were younger than patients with classical KS. On the other hand, patients with AIDS-associated KS have early lesions (patch and plaque) compared to classical KS patients (predominantly nodular lesions). This is assumed to be the result of the early diagnose of KS in the HIV-positive setting. KSHV infection was detected by PCR in almost all cases (48/51; 94.1%), irrespectively of the clinical-epidemiological form of KS. These results show that KSHV is associated with all forms of KS in Brazilian patients, a fact that supports the role of this virus in KS pathogenesis. © 2006 Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O estudo do perfil dos doadores de sangue com sorologia positiva para o HIV é essencial para rever os métodos que têm sido empregados na triagem clínica, para que o cumprimento rigoroso das normas estabelecidas para a exclusão de candidatos à doação seja possível. A avaliação desse perfil foi realizada através de um estudo, no qual, doadores de sangue confirmadamente positivos para o HIV-1 (n=96) foram comparados com um grupo controle de doadores com resultados falso-positivos no teste de triagem para o HIV (n=224). Esta pesquisa, realizada com foco na segurança transfusional e na redução do risco residual de transmissão do virus por transfusão, foi feita no período de 01 de janeiro de 2006 a 31 de março de 2008. Os dados demográficos e os potenciais fatores de risco para a infecção pelo HIV foram avaliados em entrevistas pós-doação. A omissão de fatores de risco na triagem clínica - que deveriam ter gerado recusa dos doadores - foi relatada em 74,69% dos entrevistados. Na análise multivariada os fatores de risco para a infecção pelo HIV foram: doadores homens que mantiveram relação sexual com outros homens, doadores que tiveram quatro ou mais parceiros sexuais nos últimos 12 meses, doadores usuários de drogas ilícitas, doadores que fizeram uso inconsistente de preservativo nas relações sexuais, todos com significância estatística (p<0,0001) e chance de risco maior que 1,0 (OR>1,0). Conclui-se que estes fatores elencados acima são importantes na transmissão de HIV por transfusão de sangue e que os HSH continuam sendo os maiores preditores da infecção pelo HIV na população estudada.


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Pós-graduação em Biometria - IBB