156 resultados para virtualization


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Many software applications extend their functionality by dynamically loading executable components into their allocated address space. Such components, exemplified by browser plugins and other software add-ons, not only enable reusability, but also promote programming simplicity, as they reside in the same address space as their host application, supporting easy sharing of complex data structures and pointers. However, such components are also often of unknown provenance and quality and may be riddled with accidental bugs or, in some cases, deliberately malicious code. Statistics show that such component failures account for a high percentage of software crashes and vulnerabilities. Enabling isolation of such fine-grained components is therefore necessary to increase the stability, security and resilience of computer programs. This thesis addresses this issue by showing how host applications can create isolation domains for individual components, while preserving the benefits of a single address space, via a new architecture for software isolation called LibVM. Towards this end, we define a specification which outlines the functional requirements for LibVM, identify the conditions under which these functional requirements can be met, define an abstract Application Programming Interface (API) that encompasses the general problem of isolating shared libraries, thus separating policy from mechanism, and prove its practicality with two concrete implementations based on hardware virtualization and system call interpositioning, respectively. The results demonstrate that hardware isolation minimises the difficulties encountered with software based approaches, while also reducing the size of the trusted computing base, thus increasing confidence in the solution’s correctness. This thesis concludes that, not only is it feasible to create such isolation domains for individual components, but that it should also be a fundamental operating system supported abstraction, which would lead to more stable and secure applications.


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Electricity cost has become a major expense for running data centers and server consolidation using virtualization technology has been used as an important technology to improve the energy efficiency of data centers. In this research, a genetic algorithm and a simulation-annealing algorithm are proposed for the static virtual machine placement problem that considers the energy consumption in both the servers and the communication network, and a trading algorithm is proposed for dynamic virtual machine placement. Experimental results have shown that the proposed methods are more energy efficient than existing solutions.


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Server consolidation using virtualization technology has become an important technology to improve the energy efficiency of data centers. Virtual machine placement is the key in the server consolidation technology. In the past few years, many approaches to the virtual machine placement have been proposed. However, existing virtual machine placement approaches consider the energy consumption by physical machines only, but do not consider the energy consumption in communication network, in a data center. However, the energy consumption in the communication network in a data center is not trivial, and therefore should be considered in the virtual machine placement. In our preliminary research, we have proposed a genetic algorithm for a new virtual machine placement problem that considers the energy consumption in both physical machines and the communication network in a data center. Aiming at improving the performance and efficiency of the genetic algorithm, this paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm for the energy-efficient virtual machine placement problem. Experimental results show that the hybrid genetic algorithm significantly outperforms the original genetic algorithm, and that the hybrid genetic algorithm is scalable.


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For several decades now, Sweden has been successful in the worldwide popular music arena. This article explores how Sweden, as an integral part of the global music industry, has been able to cope with the changed market conditions brought about by regulatory changes and digital technologies. The article reflects on the virtualization of music distribution, the decline of the long‐play album and the ageing popular music audience.


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Network topology and routing are two important factors in determining the communication costs of big data applications at large scale. As for a given Cluster, Cloud, or Grid system, the network topology is fixed and static or dynamic routing protocols are preinstalled to direct the network traffic. Users cannot change them once the system is deployed. Hence, it is hard for application developers to identify the optimal network topology and routing algorithm for their applications with distinct communication patterns. In this study, we design a CCG virtual system (CCGVS), which first uses container-based virtualization to allow users to create a farm of lightweight virtual machines on a single host. Then, it uses software-defined networking (SDN) technique to control the network traffic among these virtual machines. Users can change the network topology and control the network traffic programmingly, thereby enabling application developers to evaluate their applications on the same system with different network topologies and routing algorithms. The preliminary experimental results through both synthetic big data programs and NPB benchmarks have shown that CCGVS can represent application performance variations caused by network topology and routing algorithm.


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Many software applications extend their functionality by dynamically loading libraries into their allocated address space. However, shared libraries are also often of unknown provenance and quality and may contain accidental bugs or, in some cases, deliberately malicious code. Most sandboxing techniques which address these issues require recompilation of the libraries using custom tool chains, require significant modifications to the libraries, do not retain the benefits of single address-space programming, do not completely isolate guest code, or incur substantial performance overheads. In this paper we present LibVM, a sandboxing architecture for isolating libraries within a host application without requiring any modifications to the shared libraries themselves, while still retaining the benefits of a single address space and also introducing a system call inter-positioning layer that allows complete arbitration over a shared library’s functionality. We show how to utilize contemporary hardware virtualization support towards this end with reasonable performance overheads and, in the absence of such hardware support, our model can also be implemented using a software-based mechanism. We ensure that our implementation conforms as closely as possible to existing shared library manipulation functions, minimizing the amount of effort needed to apply such isolation to existing programs. Our experimental results show that it is easy to gain immediate benefits in scenarios where the goal is to guard the host application against unintentional programming errors when using shared libraries, as well as in more complex scenarios, where a shared library is suspected of being actively hostile. In both cases, no changes are required to the shared libraries themselves.


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This thesis explores the relationship between humans and ICTs (information and communication technologies). As ICTs are increasingly penetrating all spheres of social life, their role as mediators – between people, between people and information, and even between people and the natural world – is expanding, and they are increasingly shaping social life. Yet, we still know little of how our life is affected by their growing role. Our understanding of the actors and forces driving the accelerating adoption of new ICTs in all areas of life is also fairly limited. This thesis addresses these problems by interpretively exploring the link between ICTs and the shaping of society at home, in the office, and in the community. The thesis builds on empirical material gathered in three research projects, presented in four separate essays. The first project explores computerized office work through a case study. The second is a regional development project aiming at increasing ICT knowledge and use in 50 small-town families. In the third, the second project is compared to three other longitudinal development projects funded by the European Union. Using theories that consider the human-ICT relationship as intertwined, the thesis provides a multifaceted description of life with ICTs in contemporary information society. By oscillating between empirical and theoretical investigations and balancing between determinist and constructivist conceptualisations of the human-ICT relationship, I construct a dialectical theoretical framework that can be used for studying socio-technical contexts in society. This framework helps us see how societal change stems from the complex social processes that surround routine everyday actions. For example, interacting with and through ICTs may change individuals’ perceptions of time and space, social roles, and the proper ways to communicate – changes which at some point in time result in societal change in terms of, for example, new ways of acting and knowing things.


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The prevalent virtualization technologies provide QoS support within the software layers of the virtual machine monitor(VMM) or the operating system of the virtual machine(VM). The QoS features are mostly provided as extensions to the existing software used for accessing the I/O device because of which the applications sharing the I/O device experience loss of performance due to crosstalk effects or usable bandwidth. In this paper we examine the NIC sharing effects across VMs on a Xen virtualized server and present an alternate paradigm that improves the shared bandwidth and reduces the crosstalk effect on the VMs. We implement the proposed hardwaresoftware changes in a layered queuing network (LQN) model and use simulation techniques to evaluate the architecture. We find that simple changes in the device architecture and associated system software lead to application throughput improvement of up to 60%. The architecture also enables finer QoS controls at device level and increases the scalability of device sharing across multiple virtual machines. We find that the performance improvement derived using LQN model is comparable to that reported by similar but real implementations.


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Realization of cloud computing has been possible due to availability of virtualization technologies on commodity platforms. Measuring resource usage on the virtualized servers is difficult because of the fact that the performance counters used for resource accounting are not virtualized. Hence, many of the prevalent virtualization technologies like Xen, VMware, KVM etc., use host specific CPU usage monitoring, which is coarse grained. In this paper, we present a performance monitoring tool for KVM based virtualized machines, which measures the CPU overhead incurred by the hypervisor on behalf of the virtual machine along-with the CPU usage of virtual machine itself. This fine-grained resource usage information, provided by the above tool, can be used for diverse situations like resource provisioning to support performance associated QoS requirements, identification of bottlenecks during VM placements, resource profiling of applications in cloud environments, etc. We demonstrate a use case of this tool by measuring the performance of web-servers hosted on a KVM based virtualized server.


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Virtualization is one of the key enabling technologies for Cloud computing. Although it facilitates improved utilization of resources, virtualization can lead to performance degradation due to the sharing of physical resources like CPU, memory, network interfaces, disk controllers, etc. Multi-tenancy can cause highly unpredictable performance for concurrent I/O applications running inside virtual machines that share local disk storage in Cloud. Disk I/O requests in a typical Cloud setup may have varied requirements in terms of latency and throughput as they arise from a range of heterogeneous applications having diverse performance goals. This necessitates providing differential performance services to different I/O applications. In this paper, we present PriDyn, a novel scheduling framework which is designed to consider I/O performance metrics of applications such as acceptable latency and convert them to an appropriate priority value for disk access based on the current system state. This framework aims to provide differentiated I/O service to various applications and ensures predictable performance for critical applications in multi-tenant Cloud environment. We demonstrate through experimental validations on real world I/O traces that this framework achieves appreciable enhancements in I/O performance, indicating that this approach is a promising step towards enabling QoS guarantees on Cloud storage.


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar a questão do descentramento do sujeito e da construção da subjetividade na (pós)modernidade a partir do objeto avatar digital e a virtualização para melhor entender de que maneira esse novo objeto se insere e se oferece como uma nova forma de sociabilidade. O mesmo se propõe abordar e desconstruir uma certa noção de indivíduo no que esta contribui para uma concepção de sujeitos como algo dotado de uma essência que enquanto tal negaria ao sujeito a sua dinamicidade e consequentemente a dimensão representacional das relações sociais tal como demonstrada por Goffman. Portanto, o intuito desse trabalho é o de tentar restituir ao objeto avatar digital a sua validade enquanto forma legítima de relação social ao compará-lo as demais formas de relações reais e/ou virtuais.


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Este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura reutilizável que permite a gerência de uma infraestrutura de suporte para aplicações Web, utilizando máquinas virtuais. O objetivo da arquitetura é garantir qualidade de serviço, atuando nos servidores físicos (hospedeiros) ou manipulando as máquinas virtuais, e avaliando o cumprimento das restrições de operação (tempo de resposta máximo). Além disso, através do uso racional dos recursos utilizados, a proposta visa à economia de energia. O trabalho também inclui uma avaliação de desempenho realizada sobre um sistema implementado com base na arquitetura. Esta avaliação mostra que a proposta é funcional e o quanto ela pode ser vantajosa do ponto de vista do uso de recursos, evitando desperdício, mantendo-se ainda a qualidade de serviço em níveis aceitáveis pela aplicação.


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O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar o desempenho de ambientes virtuais de roteamento construídos sobre máquinas x86 e dispositivos de rede existentes na Internet atual. Entre as plataformas de virtualização mais utilizadas, deseja-se identificar quem melhor atende aos requisitos de um ambiente virtual de roteamento para permitir a programação do núcleo de redes de produção. As plataformas de virtualização Xen e KVM foram instaladas em servidores x86 modernos de grande capacidade, e comparadas quanto a eficiência, flexibilidade e capacidade de isolamento entre as redes, que são os requisitos para o bom desempenho de uma rede virtual. Os resultados obtidos nos testes mostram que, apesar de ser uma plataforma de virtualização completa, o KVM possui desempenho melhor que o do Xen no encaminhamento e roteamento de pacotes, quando o VIRTIO é utilizado. Além disso, apenas o Xen apresentou problemas de isolamento entre redes virtuais. Também avaliamos o efeito da arquitetura NUMA, muito comum em servidores x86 modernos, sobre o desempenho das VMs quando muita memória e núcleos de processamento são alocados nelas. A análise dos resultados mostra que o desempenho das operações de Entrada e Saída (E/S) de rede pode ser comprometido, caso as quantidades de memória e CPU virtuais alocadas para a VM não respeitem o tamanho dos nós NUMA existentes no hardware. Por último, estudamos o OpenFlow. Ele permite que redes sejam segmentadas em roteadores, comutadores e em máquinas x86 para que ambientes virtuais de roteamento com lógicas de encaminhamento diferentes possam ser criados. Verificamos que ao ser instalado com o Xen e com o KVM, ele possibilita a migração de redes virtuais entre diferentes nós físicos, sem que ocorram interrupções nos fluxos de dados, além de permitir que o desempenho do encaminhamento de pacotes nas redes virtuais criadas seja aumentado. Assim, foi possível programar o núcleo da rede para implementar alternativas ao protocolo IP.


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