136 resultados para varnish


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A dissertação foi realizada em ambiente industrial, mais precisamente na empresa Monteiro, Ribas – Embalagens Flexíveis, S.A.. Esta empresa dedica-se à impressão e laminagem de filmes, assim como à confeção de sacos. Os seus produtos são direcionados na sua maioria para a indústria alimentar, exportando mais de 50% da sua produção, e dizem respeito a complexos (dois ou mais filmes unidos pela presença de um adesivo) que podem possuir impressão ou não. Estes complexos podem ser enviados para o cliente em bobina ou já em saco. Os objetivos propostos pela empresa diziam respeito a estudos relacionados com a força de laminagem dos complexos, com o coeficiente de atrito dos mesmos e com a identificação dos espetros dos componentes dos adesivos, assim como o estudo do processo de reticulação dos mesmos por espetrofotometria de Infravermelho. Relativamente aos resultados obtidos verificou-se que tanto a tinta como os metalizados influenciam negativamente a força de laminagem. Por sua vez o coeficiente de atrito é afetado por vários fatores. Através dos ensaios experimentais verificou-se que o adesivo, a tinta e o verniz mate favorecem o aumento do valor do COF. Além disso, nos complexos em que se utilizaram filmes de polietileno de maior espessura obtiveram-se valores de COF mais baixos, e no que diz respeito à temperatura e à tensão de enrolamento, verificou-se que valores mais elevados e muito baixos da primeira traduzem-se num aumento do valor do COF e uma tensão de enrolamento maior também tem o mesmo efeito. Relativamente ao tipo de filme impresso, substratos com maior energia superficial atraem mais o agente de deslizamento (slip). Por último, não se conseguiu perceber qual o tipo de adesivo (com ou sem solvente) que tem maior impacto no COF uma vez que em 55% dos casos o valor do COF é superior nas amostras que foram complexadas com adesivo sem solvente e em 45% o COF era superior nas amostras complexadas com adesivo base solvente. No que diz respeito aos espetros obtidos verificou-se que a reticulação dos adesivos é identificada pela diminuição da extensão do pico correspondente à ligação N=C=O.


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The purpose of this multiple case study was 1) to explore the effectiveness of an emotions recognition program for preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and 2) to investigate one parent's perception of the emotions program. To address these objectives, the emotion unit scores of 7 preschoolers with ASD aged 3 to 5 years old (1 female, 6 males) were graphed and analyzed using visual inspection. In addition, the mother of 1 participant was interviewed to explore her perceptions of the emotions program and emotional learning. Overall, results revealed that participants' emotion recognition scores increased over the course of the emotions unit. The parent reported improvements in her son's expression and understanding of emotion, but noted that he continued to have difficulty with regulation of emotion. Implications for theory, education, and future research are discussed.


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CASCO (Canada Starch Company) began operations in 1982 and was officially opened in May of 1983. Premier William Davis was in attendance. CASCO is a company whose roots can be traced back to 1858 when it was founded by W.T. Benson in Cardinal, Ontario. The company grew as corn uses were developed. Corn derived products now include: corn oil, liquid sweetener and feed for dairy and cattle. Starch is used as a finish for fine papers, a component in dry cell batteries, pharmaceuticals, wallpaper, film, tires, surgical dressings, plastics and plywood. Corn syrup is used in beverages, canned fruit, frozen seafood, licorice, ice cream and baking products. Corn solubles are used in animal feed, rubber substitutes, soap, paint and varnish. There are more than 250 industrial and food uses for corn


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Un modèle pharmacocinétique à base physiologique (PBPK) d’exposition par inhalation à l’éthanol a antérieurement été développé en se basant sur des données provenant d’une étude chez des volontaires exposés par inhalation à plus de 5000 ppm. Cependant, une incertitude persiste sur la capacité du modèle PBPK à prédire les niveaux d’éthanolémie pour des expositions à de faibles concentrations. Ces niveaux sont fréquemment rencontrés par une large partie de la population et des travailleurs suite à l’utilisation de produits tels que les vernis et les solutions hydroalcooliques (SHA). Il est ainsi nécessaire de vérifier la validité du modèle existant et de déterminer l’exposition interne à l’éthanol dans de telles conditions. Les objectifs du mémoire sont donc 1) de documenter les niveaux d’éthanolémie résultant de l’exposition par inhalation à de faibles concentrations d’éthanol (i.e., ≤ 1000 ppm) et de valider/raffiner le modèle PBPK existant pour ces concentrations ; et 2) de déterminer les concentrations d’éthanol atmosphérique provenant d’utilisation de SHA et de vernis et de prédire les niveaux d’éthanolémie découlant de leur utilisation. Les données toxicocinétiques récoltées chez des volontaires nous suggèrent qu’il est insuffisant de limiter au foie la clairance métabolique de l’éthanol lors d’exposition à de faibles niveaux d’éthanol, contrairement aux expositions à de plus forts niveaux. De plus, il a clairement été démontré qu’un effort physique léger (50 W) influençait à la hausse (2-3 fois) l’éthanolémie des volontaires exposés à 750 ppm. L’ajout au modèle PBPK d’une clairance métabolique de haute affinité et de faible capacité associée aux tissus richement perfusés a permis de simuler plus adéquatement la cinétique de l’éthanolémie pour des expositions à des concentrations inférieures à 1000 ppm. Des mesures de concentrations d’éthanol dans l’air inhalé générées lors d’utilisation de SHA et de vernis ont permis de simuler des expositions lors de l’utilisation de ces produits. Pour l’utilisation de 1,5 g et 3 g de SHA dans un local peu ventilé, des concentrations sanguines maximales (Cmax) de 0.383 et 0.366 mg.L-1 ont été respectivement simulées. Dans un local bien ventilé, les Cmax simulées étaient de 0.264 et 0.414 mg.L-1. Selon les simulations, une application de vernis résulterait en une Cmax respectivement de 0.719 mg.L-1 et de 0.729 mg.L-1, chez les hommes et femmes. Les Cmax sanguines d’éthanol estimées suites aux différentes simulations sont inférieures à la concentration toxique pour les humains (100 mg.L-1). Ainsi, de telles expositions ne semblent pas être un danger pour la santé. Les résultats de cette étude ont permis de mieux décrire et comprendre les processus d’élimination de l’éthanol à faibles doses et permettront de raffiner l’évaluation du risque associé à l’inhalation chronique de faibles niveaux d’éthanol pour la population, particulièrement chez les travailleurs.


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This project has been made in cooperation with Stora Enso Research Centre Falun (Research). Thebackground of the project is that Research has customers who demand a method to measure the quantityof varnish online in offset printing. The aim with the project is to investigate if any test method correlateswith the quantity of varnish and to improve the understanding of the variables in the varnishingunit. The goal with the project is to develop a functional method. Two printing trials have beenperformed. The aim with the first trial was to investigate how different factors in the printer influencedthe quantity of varnish using reduced factoranalysis. The aim of the second trial was to analyse onlya reduced numbers of factors in the varnishing unit. The methods that were used to measure the varnishingquantity are weighing, IR-analysis, gloss, whiteness and brightness. Results from the projectshow that the weighing method does not work in this study due to basis weight variations of the sheets.The results from weighing did not agree with the results from the other methods. On the other handthere is a strong correation between the IR- and the glossmethods.


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Through interviews, a questionnaire survey and an in­depth analysis of the Swedish magazines Veckorevyn and Magazine Café has a number of parameters been made visible. It was difficult to obtain an unambiguous result when the journal's target audience is crucial for the cover design. Nevertheless, we can generally say that the transparent varnish of covers, PMS colors and enclosing the journal in plastic do not increase the attention value, as this occurs in many magazines. Due to today's tough competition among journals, we believe that they will need to niche themselves much harder to survive. We also believe that the new, big trend is that more covers will become more plain and stylistically pure, with one big communicating image and fewer coverlines, as many covers were designed during the 1940s.


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Bokomslaget är ofta läsarens första möte med en bok och det är därför viktigt att bokomslaget tilltalar och sänder ut rätt signaler till konsumenten. Målgruppen unga vuxna, individer mellan 16 och 27 år, är enligt bokbranschen en grupp som är svår att nå. Svårigheten kan ligga i att det finns en viss okunskap i vad unga vuxna tilltalas av på bokomslag. Det är även en bred målgrupp med många olika sorters individer. Målet med denna studie är att ge en bild av vad målgruppen unga vuxna tilltalas av i ett bokomslag. Vi ville ta reda på hur viktigt bokomslaget är för val av bok, samt hur målgruppen ser på omslagets specifika designfaktorer färg, typografi, illustration, fotografi och efterbehandling. För att ge oss en bild av dagens kunskapsläge har litteraturstudier och intervjuer med formgivare av bokomslag genomförts. Genom en omfattande enkätundersökning och utförda fokusgrupper fick vi fram målgruppens syn och tankar kring bokomslag. Fokusgrupper utfördes för att ge oss en djupare förståelse rörande hur målgruppen ser på bokomslag samt ge oss ett djupare resonemang kring de olika bokomslagen. Resultatet visar att unga vuxna lägger stor vikt vid identitet och ett bokomslag bör således sända tydliga signaler som kan bekräfta läsarens identitet. Typografin ska vara lättläst. Målgruppen ser helst fotografiska bilder på bokomslaget och omslaget ska förmedla en känsla av bokens innehåll. Färger i en dovare färgskala tilltalar unga vuxna, rött och svart tycks vara de populäraste färgerna överlag. Efterbehandlingen (t.ex. lackering och foliering) på ett bokomslag bör vara sparsam och användning av färgen rosa lika så.


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Community Water Fluoridation (CWF) is the adjustment of fluoride concentration in community drinking water to a level that confers optimal protection from dental caries (Truman et al 2002). It is supported by many authorities as the single most effective public health measure for reducing dental caries (DHS 2007). It has consistently been shown to be effective in reducing the prevalence and severity of dental caries in populations following its introduction (NHMRC 1999). The most dramatic reductions (50-60%) were demonstrated in the earlier studies although more recent research has still shown reductions of between 30 and 50% (Truman et al 2002). Despite the strong scientific evidence for its beneficial effects and safety the issue of the appropriateness of CWF is often the focus of public debate. Proponents argue that it reduces dental caries. is safe and cost effective. and that it provides significant benefits to all social classes (Slade et al 1995: Slade et a 1996: Spencer et al 1996). Opponents question its efficacy and safety and argue that its addition to community water supplies is unethical mass medication (Colquhoun 1990: Diesendorf 1986: Diesendorf et al 1997).

More recently, however, there have been important questions raised regarding the continuing benefit of CWF over and above that produced by the widespread use of other sources of fluoride (toothpaste. mouth rinses. varnish and other professionally applied fluorides). Generally, dental caries has declined steeply in the last thirty years and many have observed that dental caries has also reduced in parts of Australia and other countries where there has never been CWF or where it has ceased. It has been suggested that because of the current low population levels of dental caries and the increase in alternate sources of fluoride, CWF no longer offers the benefits it may have in the past. Given this notion, together with the concerns of a minority subgroup of the population regarding the safety of CWF, it is valuable to examine current evidence to answer the question: Is there still a role for CWF in Australia?

This paper will firstly examine the history of water fluoridation and its mechanisms of action. Secondly. trends in dental decay experience over the last three decades with particular emphasis on social and geographical inequities in Australia will be described. We also review the current state of scientific evidence for the benefits of CWF including the contribution it makes to the reduction of oral health inequalities. In light of this we will provide a response to the question posed above.


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Corrosion protection by lanthanum hydroxy cinnamate (La(4OH-cin)3) in a polyurethane based varnish coating for mild steelhas been investigated. Filiform scribe tests, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) and potentiodynamic polarisation (PP)techniques have been powerful tools to better understand the corrosion process at defects and under the coating. Filiform scribetests showed that La(4OH-cin)3, as a pigment in a coating, inhibited the initiation and propagation of both delamination and filiformcorrosion (FFC) on coated steel. The PP experiments provided an insight into the fundamental mechanism of FFC. The resultssuggest that La(4OH-cin)3 behaves as a mixed inhibitor and stifles the initiation and propagation of FFC. In this paper, the theory ofdelamination leading to FFC and the likely mechanism of inhibition by the La(4OH-cin)3 will be discussed.


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There are few reports of non-cryogenic preservation methods for marine invertebrates, so potable alcohol and acetone-based nail varnish remover (NVR) are for the first time evaluated against absolute ethanol as short-term preservatives of whole barnacles. Performance of ethanol and NVR-preserved material was comparable, but potable alcohol was significantly worse. These results are of practical importance for fieldwork in remote areas where laboratory chemicals are unattainable but potable alcohol or NVR are locally available. Of these, acetone-based NVR would be the solvent of preference.


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Objective: In this paper we evaluated the effect of two fluoridated agents and Nd:YAG irradiation separately and in combination on dentine resistance to erosion. Background Data: The morphological changes in dentin induced by laser treatment may reduce the progression of erosive lesions. Due to the possibility of a synergistic effect of laser with fluoride, this study was conducted. Materials and Methods: Eighty bovine dentine samples (4 x 4 mm) were randomly divided into eight groups, according to the following treatments: G1: untreated (control); G2: acidic phosphate fluoride gel (APF 1.23%) for 4 min; G3: fluoride varnish (NaF 2.26%) for 6 h; G4: 0.5 W Nd: YAG laser (250 mu sec pulse, 10 Hz, 35 J/cm(2), 30 sec); G5: 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser (52.5 J/cm(2)); G6: 1.0 W Nd: YAG laser (70 J/cm(2)); G7: APF + 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser; and G8: NaF + 0.75 W Nd: YAG laser. After the treatments, half of each dentine surface was protected with nail varnish. The samples were stored in artificial saliva (30 mL/sample) for 24 h and submitted to four erosive 1-min cycles. Between the erosive attacks, the blocks were maintained in artificial saliva for 59 min. The erosive wear was evaluated by profilometry. Results: The mean wear (+/- SD, mu m) was: G1: 1.20 +/- 0.20; G2: 0.47 +/- 0.06; G3: 0.81 +/- 0.11; G4: 1.47 +/- 0.32; G5: 1.52 +/- 0.24; G6: 1.49 +/- 0.30; G7: 0.49 +/- 0.11; and G8: 1.06 +/- 0.31 (Tukey's test, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Laser irradiation was not able to reduce dentine erosion. However, fluoride application was able to increase the dentine's resistance to erosion, and APF showed better results than fluoride varnish.


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Objectives: The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the effects of saliva substitutes (modified with respect to calcium, phosphates, and fluorides) in combination with a high-concentrated fluoride toothpaste on demineralised dentin.Methods: Before and after demineralisation of bovine dentin specimens (subsurface lesions; 37 degrees C, pH 5.0, 5 d), one-quarter of each specimen's surface was covered with nail varnish (control of sound/demineralised tissue). Subsequently, specimens were exposed to original Saliva natura (saturation with respect to octacalciumphosphate [S(OCP)]: 0.03; SN 0), or to three lab-produced Saliva natura modifications (S(OCP): 1, 2, and 3; SN 1-3) for 2 and 5 weeks (37 degrees C). An aqueous solution (S(OCP): 2.5) served as positive control (PC). Two times daily (2 min each), Duraphat toothpaste (5000 ppm F(-); Colgate)/saliva substitute slurry (ratio 1:3) was applied gently. Differences in mineral losses (Delta Delta Z) and lesion depths (Delta LD) between values before and after exposure were microradiographically evaluated.Results: After both treatment periods specimens immersed in SN 0 revealed significantly higher mineral losses (lower Delta Delta Z values) and lesion depths (lower Delta LD) compared to PC (p < 0.05; ANOVA). After 5 weeks, specimens stored in SN 1 and 2 showed significantly higher mineral losses compared to PC (p < 0.05), while those stored in SN 3 showed similar results (p > 0.05). No differences in mineral loss could be observed between SN 2 and 3 (p > 0.05).Conclusions: Under the conditions of this limited protocol, the combination of Saliva natura solutions slightly saturated with respect to OCP in combination with a high-concentrated fluoride toothpaste enabled remineralisation of dentin in vitro. Crown Copyright (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: Control of microleakage represents a challenge for posterior composite restorations. The technique for composite placement may reduce microleakage. The null hypothesis of this in vitro study was that centripetal incremental insertion of composite resin would result in less microleakage than that obtained with the oblique incremental technique or bulk technique. Method and Materials: Standardized Class 2 preparations were made in 60 caries-free extracted third molars and randomly assigned to 3 groups ( n = 20): ( 1) oblique incremental insertion technique ( control), ( 2) centripetal incremental insertion technique, and ( 3) bulk insertion. The teeth were restored with a total-etch adhesive and micro-hybrid composite resin. The specimens were isolated with nail varnish except for a 2-mm-wide area around the restoration and then thermocycled ( 1,000 thermal cycles, 5 degrees C/ 55 degrees C; 30-second dwell time). The specimens were immersed in an aqueous solution of 50% silver nitrate for 24 hours, followed by 8 hours of immersion in a photo-developing solution and subsequently evaluated for leakage. The microleakage scores ( 0 to 4) obtained from the occlusal and cervical walls were analyzed with median nonparametric tests ( P <.05). Results: The null hypothesis was rejected. All techniques attained statistically similar dentin microleakage scores ( P =.15). The centripetal insertion technique displayed significantly less microleakage than the oblique technique at the enamel margins ( P =.04). Conclusion: None of the techniques eliminated marginal microleakage in Class 2 preparations. However, in occlusal areas, the centripetal technique performed significantly better than the other techniques.