978 resultados para variational cumulant expansion method


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In underdense plasmas, the transverse ponderomotive force of an intense laser beam with Gaussian transverse profile expels electrons radially, and it can lead to an electron cavitation. An improved cavitation model with charge conservation constraint is applied to the determination of the width of the electron cavity. The envelope equation for laser spot size derived by using source-dependent expansion method is extended to including the electron cavity. The condition for self-guiding is given and illuminated by an effective potential for the laser spot size. The effects of the laser power, plasma density and energy dissipation on the self-guiding condition are discussed.


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An exact solution to the monoenergetic Boltzmann equation is obtained for the case of a plane isotropic burst of neutrons introduced at the interface separating two adjacent, dissimilar, semi-infinite media. The method of solution used is to remove the time dependence by a Laplace transformation, solve the transformed equation by the normal mode expansion method, and then invert to recover the time dependence.

The general result is expressed as a sum of definite, multiple integrals, one of which contains the uncollided wave of neutrons originating at the source plane. It is possible to obtain a simplified form for the solution at the interface, and certain numerical calculations are made there.

The interface flux in two adjacent moderators is calculated and plotted as a function of time for several moderator materials. For each case it is found that the flux decay curve has an asymptotic slope given accurately by diffusion theory. Furthermore, the interface current is observed to change directions when the scattering and absorption cross sections of the two moderator materials are related in a certain manner. More specifically, the reflection process in two adjacent moderators appears to depend initially on the scattering properties and for long times on the absorption properties of the media.

This analysis contains both the single infinite and semi-infinite medium problems as special cases. The results in these two special cases provide a check on the accuracy of the general solution since they agree with solutions of these problems obtained by separate analyses.


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The use of transmission matrices and lumped parameter models for describing continuous systems is the subject of this study. Non-uniform continuous systems which play important roles in practical vibration problems, e.g., torsional oscillations in bars, transverse bending vibrations of beams, etc., are of primary importance.

A new approach for deriving closed form transmission matrices is applied to several classes of non-uniform continuous segments of one dimensional and beam systems. A power series expansion method is presented for determining approximate transmission matrices of any order for segments of non-uniform systems whose solutions cannot be found in closed form. This direct series method is shown to give results comparable to those of the improved lumped parameter models for one dimensional systems.

Four types of lumped parameter models are evaluated on the basis of the uniform continuous one dimensional system by comparing the behavior of the frequency root errors. The lumped parameter models which are based upon a close fit to the low frequency approximation of the exact transmission matrix, at the segment level, are shown to be superior. On this basis an improved lumped parameter model is recommended for approximating non-uniform segments. This new model is compared to a uniform segment approximation and error curves are presented for systems whose areas very quadratically and linearly. The effect of varying segment lengths is investigated for one dimensional systems and results indicate very little improvement in comparison to the use of equal length segments. For purposes of completeness, a brief summary of various lumped parameter models and other techniques which have previously been used to approximate the uniform Bernoulli-Euler beam is a given.


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An approximate analytical description for fundamental-mode fields of graded-index fibers is explicitly presented by use of the power-series expansion method, the maximum-value condition at the fiber axis, the decay properties of fundamental-mode fields at large distance from the fiber axis, and the approximate modal parameters U obtained from the Gaussian approximation. This analytical description is much more accurate than the Gaussian approximation and at the same time keep the simplicity of the latter. As two special examples, we present the approximate analytical formulas for the fundamental-mode fields of a step profile fiber and a Gaussian profile fiber, and we find that they are both highly accurate in the single-mode range by comparing them with the corresponding exact solutions.


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In this paper we theoretically study the left-handed behaviors in a two-dimensional triangular photonic crystal made of elliptical rods in air. An absolute left-handed region is found in the second photonic band by using the plane wave expansion method to analyze the photonic band structure and equifrequency contours. Typical left-handed behaviors such as negative refraction, flat superlensing and plano-concave lensing are demonstrated by the finite-difference time-domain simulations. These behaviors are also compared with the quasi-negative refraction and the resulted focusing effects in a square-lattice two-dimensional photonic crystal. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America


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We systematically investigate the square-lattice dielectric photonic crystals that have been used to demonstrate flat slab imaging experimentally. A right-handed Bloch mode is found in the left-handed frequency region by using the plane wave expansion method to analyze the photonic band structure and equifrequency contours. Using the multiple scattering theory, numerical simulations demonstrate that the left-handed mode and the right-handed mode are excited simultaneously by a point source and result in two kinds of transmitted waves. Impacted by the evanescent waves, superposition of these transmitted waves brings on complicated near field distributions such as the so-called imaging and its disappearance.


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Optical properties of a two-dimensional square-lattice photonic crystal are systematically investigated within the partial bandgap through anisotropic characteristics analysis and numerical simulation of field pattern. Using the plane-wave expansion method and Hellmann-Feynman theorem, the relationships between the incident and refracted angles for both phase and group velocities are calculated to analyze light propagation from air to photonic crystals. Three kinds of flat slab focusing are summarized and demonstrated by numerical simulations using the multiple scattering method. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America


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In this paper we theoretically investigate a photonic crystal with dielectric rods in a honeycomb lattice. Two left-handed frequency regions are found in the second and third photonic band by using the plane wave expansion method to analyze the photonic band structure and equifrequency contours. Subwavelength imaging by the photonic crystal flat lens are systematically studied by numerical simulations using the multiple scattering method. Different from the photonic crystals with noncircular dielectric rods in air, this structure is almost isotropic at the optimal frequency for superlensing. As a comparison, flat slab focusing is also demonstrated at other frequencies in the two left-handed regions. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we estimate nominal and standardized shrimping effort in the Gulf of Mexico for the years 1965 through 1993. We accomplish this by first developing a standardization method (model) and then an expansion method (model). The expansion model estimates nominal days fished for noninterview landings data. The standardization model converts nominal days fished to standard days fished. We then characterize the historical trends of the penaeid shrimp fishery byvessel configuration, relative fishing power, and nominal and standardized effort. Wherever possible, we provide comparison with previous estimates by the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.


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A new thermal model based on Fourier series expansion method has been presented for dynamic thermal analysis on power devices. The thermal model based on the Fourier series method has been programmed in MATLAB SIMULINK and integrated with a physics-based electrical model previously reported. The model was verified for accuracy using a two-dimensional Fourier model and a two-dimensional finite difference model for comparison. To validate this thermal model, experiments using a 600V 50A IGBT module switching an inductive load, has been completed under high frequency operation. The result of the thermal measurement shows an excellent match with the simulated temperature variations and temperature time-response within the power module. ©2008 IEEE.


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The possibility of using acoustic Bessel beams to produce an axial pulling force on porous particles is examined in an exact manner. The mathematical model utilizes the appropriate partial-wave expansion method in spherical coordinates, while Biot's model is used to describe the wave motion within the poroelastic medium. Of particular interest here is to examine the feasibility of using Bessel beams for (a) acoustic manipulation of fine porous particles and (b) suppression of particle resonances. To verify the viability of the technique, the radiation force and scattering form-function are calculated for aluminum and silica foams at various porosities. Inspection of the results has shown that acoustic manipulation of low porosity (<0.3) spheres is similar to that of solid elastic spheres, but this behavior significantly changes at higher porosities. Results have also shown a strong correlation between the backscattered form-function and the regions of negative radiation force. It has also been observed that the high-order resonances of the particle can be effectively suppressed by choosing the beam conical angle such that the acoustic contribution from that particular mode vanishes. This investigation may be helpful in the development of acoustic tweezers for manipulation of micro-porous drug delivery carrier and contrast agents.


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Ground vibration due to underground railways is a significant source of disturbance for people living or working near subways. Numerical models are commonly used to predict vibration levels; however, uncertainty inherent to these simulations must be understood to give confidence in the predictions. A semi-analytical approach is developed herein to investigate the effect of uncertainty in soil material properties on the surface vibration of layered halfspaces excited by an underground railway. The half-space is simulated using the thin-layer method coupled with the pipe-in-pipe (PiP) method for determining the load on the buried tunnel. The K-L expansion method is employed to smoothly vary the material properties throughout the soil by up to 10%. The simulation predicts a surface rms velocity variation of 5-10dB compared to a homogeneous, layered halfspace. These results suggest it may be prudent to include a 5dB error band on predicted vibration levels when simulating areas of varied material properties.


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A theoretical analysis has been performed by means of the plane-wave expansion method to examine the dispersion properties of photons at high symmetry points of an InP based two-dimensional photonic crystal with square lattice. The Q factors are compared qualitatively. The mechanism of surface-emitting is due to the photon manipulation by periodic dielectric materials in terms of Bragg diffraction. A surface-emitting photonic crystal resonator is designed based on the phenomenon of slow light. Photonic crystal slabs with different unit cells are utilized in the simulation. The results indicate that the change of the air holes can affect the polarization property of the modes. So we can find a way to improve the polarization by reducing the symmetry of the structure.


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A new broadband filter, based on the high level bandgap in 1-D photonic crystals (PCs) of the form Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si vertical bar air vertical bar Si is designed by the plane wave expansion method (PWEM) and the transfer matrix method (TMM) and fabricated by lithography. The optical response of this filter to normal-incident and oblique-incident light proves that utilizing the high-level bandgaps of PCs is an efficient method to lower the difficulties of fabricating PCs, increase the etching depth of semiconductor materials, and reduce the coupling loss at the interface between optical fibers and the PC device. (c) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.