513 resultados para válvula de Eustáquio


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Es conocida la importancia del agua como factor clave en el Desarrollo Humano. El agua debe ser suficiente para cubrir las necesidades básicas de las personas (de 50 a 100 litros/persona/día) y con unas condiciones mínimas de calidad (3 litros/persona/día de agua potable). Los problemas principales relacionados con el agua son el acceso, la cantidad y calidad de la misma, y el coste. La falta de calidad da lugar a enfermedades, que en muchos casos son mortales al complicarse con problemas relacionados con una deficiente alimentación y/o con otras enfermedades, falta de medicamentos o de asistencia médica. En otros casos, está relacionada con el acceso incorrecto al saneamiento y la falta higiene. Y en todos los casos, la población afectada es la más pobre. Sin embargo, a pesar que los agentes implicados en las labores de cooperación como ONGs, agencias donantes de ayuda al desarrollo, etc. adoptan el “Modelo de Respuesta a la Demanda”, estudios existentes sobre los puntos de agua (un punto de agua es la parte de la instalación de abastecimiento de agua por donde se accede al agua) y su relación con la tecnología utilizada en los proyectos de instalación de sistemas de abastecimiento de agua, ponen de manifiesto que en los primeros cinco años de funcionamiento, aproximadamente un 30% de los puntos de agua se convierten en no funcionales. En el presente proyecto se estudian las causas del abandono de los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua, presentando una solución de bajo coste a uno de sus problemas técnicos más frecuentes, como es el diseño de la válvula de apertura y cierre de la instalación de abastecimiento de agua, o grifo.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação das propriedades dinâmicas da válvula borboleta eletrônica do sistema de admissão de ar de um motor a combustão interna. O objetivo é utilizar um modelo matemático da válvula borboleta com todos os seus parâmetros identificados para efetuar o controle da válvula e aplica-lo em ambiente real. Tendo o modelo e os parâmetros identificados, compara-se o comportamento real de uma válvula borboleta com o comportamento simulado, utilizando os mesmos sinais de entrada, de tal forma a validar o modelo desenvolvido. Utilizando o controle Proporcional Integral, foi possível mostrar a aplicabilidade da metodologia que pode ser estendida para projetos de controle mais complexos. Com o controle PI, o modelo matemático é validado e pode ser utilizado como base para projetos de controle mais complexos. O modelo aqui desenvolvido representa satisfatoriamente a dinâmica da válvula borboleta, sendo possível utilizá-lo em outros tipos de válvula borboleta.


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Household refrigerators are equipments that represent a significant portion on the eletricity consumption of Brazilian homes. The use of these devices with low energy efficiency contributes to increase the energy consumption. The energy efficiency of a refrigerator is a function of the interaction between the coolant fluid and the components of the thermodynamic cycle. Changes in load and/or nature of the coolant may modify the condensing and/or evaporation pressures. The volumetric capacity of the compressor, the mass flow of coolant and the compression power are dependent parameters of the condensation and evaporation pressures. Thus, the expansion devices exert an importante role in the balance of these pressures, being fundamental for the better performance of the refrigeration cycle. This experimental research aims to investigate the sensitivity of the performance parameters of a household refrigerator operating with R134a and at different evaporation pressures. Therefore, a small refrigerator was instrumented with temperature, pressure sensors and other variables of interest, installed along the cooling circuit, in order to allow the thermal mapping and the evaluation of the equipment performance parameters. The variation of pressure loss in the coolant fluid resulting from the operation of the expansion valve with micrometric adjustment that modifies the evaporation temperature, influencing significantly the performance parameters of the thermodynamic refrigeration cycle.


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In the Oil industry, oil and gas pipelines are commonly utilized to perform the transportation of production fluids to longer distances. The maintenance of the pipelines passes through the analysis of several tools, in which the most currently used are the pipelines inspection cells, popularly knowing as PIG. Among the variants existing in the market, the instrumented PIG has a significant relevance; acknowledging that through the numerous sensors existing in the equipment, it can detect faults or potential failure along the inspected line. Despite its versatility, the instrumented PIG suffers from speed variations, impairing the reading of sensors embedded in it. Considering that PIG moves depending on the speed of the production fluid, a way to control his speed is to control the flow of the fluid through the pressure control, reducing the flow rate of the produced flow, resulting in reduction of overall production the fluid in the ducts own or with the use of a restrictive element (valve) installed on it. The characteristic of the flow rate/pressure drop from restrictive elements of the orifice plate is deducted usually from the ideal energy equation (Bernoulli’s equation) and later, the losses are corrected normally through experimental tests. Thus, with the objective of controlling the fluids flow passing through the PIG, a valve shutter actuated by solenoid has been developed. This configuration allows an ease control and stabilization of the flow adjustment, with a consequent response in the pressure drops between upstream and downstream of the restriction. It was assembled a test bench for better definition of flow coefficients; composed by a duct with intern diameter of four inches, one set of shutters arranged in a plate and pressure gauges for checking the pressure drop in the test. The line was pressurized and based on the pressure drop it was possible to draw a curve able to characterize the flow coefficient of the control valve prototype and simulate in mockup the functioning, resulting in PIG speed reduction of approximately 68%.


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A doença falciforme é a enfermidade genética mais frequente do homem e mais difundida no mundo. A condição é mais comum em indivíduos da raça negra, com tendência a atingir uma parcela cada vez mais significativa da população, podendo ser observada também em pessoas da raça branca ou parda devido ao alto grau de miscigenação. Causada por uma mutação de ponto do gene da globina beta, é caracterizada por um tipo de hemoglobina anormal que, em determinadas situações, provoca distorção dos eritrócitos fazendo-os tomar uma forma de foice. Dentre os tipos de doenças falciformes possíveis a anemia falciforme é a forma mais comum e grave. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar uma proposta de intervenção para o atendimento odontológico dos cadastrados portadores de doença falciforme na UAPS Eustáquio de Queiroz do município de Pirapora-MG. Foi realizada uma busca de publicações existentes no acervo de bibliotecas de Faculdades, Universidades e bancos de dados da Internet como Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MEDLINE), Biblioteca Virtual Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) através do portal da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BSV). A anemia falciforme é uma doença crônica incurável, embora tratável, e que geralmente provoca alto grau de sofrimento aos seus portadores, que merecem atenção especial do ponto e vista médico, odontológico, genético e psicossocial. Para que o atendimento odontológico dos pacientes seja bem-sucedido, sem qualquer prejuízo à sua saúde e à segurança do profissional, algumas regras devem ser seguidas, ressaltando-se anamnese criteriosa, ênfase em procedimentos preventivos e interação com equipe médica.


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Negative-ion mode electrospray ionization, ESI(-), with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was coupled to a Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression and variable selection methods to estimate the total acid number (TAN) of Brazilian crude oil samples. Generally, ESI(-)-FT-ICR mass spectra present a power of resolution of ca. 500,000 and a mass accuracy less than 1 ppm, producing a data matrix containing over 5700 variables per sample. These variables correspond to heteroatom-containing species detected as deprotonated molecules, [M - H](-) ions, which are identified primarily as naphthenic acids, phenols and carbazole analog species. The TAN values for all samples ranged from 0.06 to 3.61 mg of KOH g(-1). To facilitate the spectral interpretation, three methods of variable selection were studied: variable importance in the projection (VIP), interval partial least squares (iPLS) and elimination of uninformative variables (UVE). The UVE method seems to be more appropriate for selecting important variables, reducing the dimension of the variables to 183 and producing a root mean square error of prediction of 0.32 mg of KOH g(-1). By reducing the size of the data, it was possible to relate the selected variables with their corresponding molecular formulas, thus identifying the main chemical species responsible for the TAN values.


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Antimony is a common catalyst in the synthesis of polyethylene terephthalate used for food-grade bottles manufacturing. However, antimony residues in final products are transferred to juices, soft drinks or water. The literature reports mentions of toxicity associated to antimony. In this work, a green, fast and direct method to quantify antimony, sulfur, iron and copper, in PET bottles by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is presented. 2.4 to 11 mg Sb kg-1 were found in 20 samples analyzed. The coupling of the multielemental technique to chemometric treatment provided also the possibility to classify PET samples between bottle-grade PET/recycled PET blends by Fe content.


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The present work aimed the development of a low cost servo-valve that answers to an electronic control signal, for variable rates liquid inputs application. A literature research to define which valve type should be used was made. A mechanically activated proportional valve with an electronically controlled servo-engine was designed and evaluated. Since developed the servo-valve, the system was submited to a number of tests .The evaluation of its behavior was obtained in terms of repeatability, hystheresis and linearity. The test was accomplished in a bench, specially developed for this aim. As a result, were obtained three curves of opening percentage as function of flow rate, describing three opening and closing increments in two different work pressures. The servo-valve presented a good repeatability, reasonable hysteresis and a typically quadratic curve. This one maintained the low cost target. These results were very satisfied because the non-linearity and the hysteresis could be easily corrected by software.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física