513 resultados para utilité récursive


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Dyspnea and chest pain are typical reasons for consultations. biomarkers (CRP, procalcitonin, NT-proBNP, troponins, D-dimers) can have an interest for the diagnosis, the prognosis and the follow-up of several pathologies. There are however numerous pitfalls and limitations between the discovery of a biomarker and the utility in clinical practice. It is essential to always estimate a pre-test probability based on an attentive history and a careful physical examination, to know the intrinsic and extrinsic qualities of a test, and to determine a threshold of care. A biomarker should be used only if it modifies the patient's care and if it brings him a benefit compared to the patient who has no biomarker.


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Introduction: L'organisation multisite des établissements hospitaliersaboutit souvent à un cloisonnement entre prises en charge psychiatriqueet somatique. Pourtant, plusieurs études ont confirmé un tauxcroissant de comorbidités somatiques chez les patients psychiatriques,ainsi qu'une mauvaise adéquation des soins somatiques quileur sont prodigués. Des initiatives ont tenté d'améliorer cette situation,en développant des consultations dédiées ou en intégrant desmédecins somaticiens au sein des établissements psychiatriques.Depuis plusieurs années, la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire (PMU)de Lausanne collabore avec l'Hôpital Psychiatrique Universitaire, enmettant à disposition un système de consultation.Méthode: Analyse rétrospective des consultations effectuées enmilieu psychiatrique, durant la période du 01.04-30.09.08. Lespatients de psychogériatrie n'étaient pas concernés. Les paramètressuivants ont été relevés: âge, sexe, motifs de consultations, catégoriesdiagnostiques CIM10, pathologies psychiatriques, éventuellescomorbidités somatiques. La pertinence de chaque consultation a étéévaluée à l'aide de trois critères de sévérité: implique une modificationou l'introduction d'un traitement, implique des investigationscomplémentaires (laboratoire, radiologie, avis spécialisé), implique untransfert aux urgences.Résultats: 207 consultations ont été réalisées (57% de femmes) avecun âge moyen de 48,7 ans (18 à 64 ans). Les pathologies psychiatriquesimpliquaient une schizophrénie ou une psychose aiguë(30,4%), un épisode dépressif (26,6%), un trouble de la personnalité(14,5%) ou un trouble bipolaire (14%). Les consultations portaientavant tout sur des pathologies cardiovasculaires (17%), digestives(15%), neurologiques (11%) ou pulmonaires (11%). Un effet secondairedu traitement médicamenteux a été suspecté chez 12% despatients. 48% des cas présentaient un des critères, avec en particulier12 transferts aux urgences. Huit patients ont bénéficié par la suited'un suivi ambulatoire à la PMU.Discussion: L'implication de somaticiens au sein des établissementspsychiatriques répond à un besoin réel. Elle permet d'améliorer laprise en charge des patients, de réduire les transferts interhospitalierset d'optimiser les investigations et les traitements somatiques. Ellejoue également un rôle en termes de transfert de compétences, deprévention des pathologies iatrogènes et de dépistage des facteursde risques cardiovasculaires.


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Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Mahtani KR, Heneghan CJ, Glasziou PP, Perera R. Reminder packaging for improving adherence to self-administered long-term medications.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Sep 7;(9):CD005025. PMID 21901694


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Autoantibodies are frequently determined in unclear clinical situations and in the context of an inflammatory syndrome. The aim of this article is not to review all autoantibodies in details, but to discuss those used in clinical practice by describing their methods of detection and interpretation. Thus we will focus on antinuclear antibodies (ANA), which are typically associated with connective tissue diseases, as well as anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), which are useful in the diagnosis of ANCA-associated vasculitides. Due to its high sensitivity indirect immunofluorescence is used as a screening test; when positive, ELISA is performed to search for antibodies more specifically associated with certain auto-immune diseases.


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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major clinical problem in terms of morbidity, mortality, and use of hospital resources. It is well recognized that a delay in making the diagnosis and instituting appropriate antibiotic treatment is associated with an increased mortality. C-reactive protein may be helpful in the management of patients with CAP. CRP is widely used in the management of CAP, including diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up. But its usefulness is not known. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the usefulness of CRP in the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of CAP.


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Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a potentially serious event, usually requiring urgent endoscopic treatment. Better stratification of the risk of complication or death could optimize management and improve patient outcomes, while ensuring adequate resource allocation. Several prognostic scores have been developed, in order to identify high risk patients, who require immediate treatment, and patients at low risk for whom endoscopy may be delayed. An ideal prognostic score should be accurate, simple, reproducible, and prospectively validated in different populations. Published scores meet these requirements only partially, and thus can only be used as part of an integrative diagnostic and therapeutic process.


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Antibiotic prophylaxis is commonly prescribed to patients with total arthroplasties before a dental intervention. This attitude is not evidence-based for several reasons: 1) the usual pathogens of prosthetic joint infections are not of oral origin; 2) even if given, systemic antibiotic do not completely suppress the occult bacteraemia occurring during dental intervention and 3) humans may have up to twelve episodes of occult bacteraemia of dental origin per day. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis should be clearly distinguished from the antibiotic treatment required in case of established oral cavity infection. A constant optimal oral and dental hygiene is more important in terms of prevention and should be routinely recommended to every patient carrying a joint arthroplasty.