961 resultados para urine specific gravity
La proteinuria è un marker di danno renale nel cane. L’obiettivo dello studio è di valutare la capacità del dipstick urinario e dell’UPC di diagnosticare precocemente l’albuminuria nel cane. Sono stati raccolti 868 campioni di urina, con sedimento spento e assenza di ematuria, nell’Ospedale Didattico Veterinario della Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria di Bologna. Per 550 campioni è stata effettuata l’analisi delle urine, la misurazione dell’UPC e dell’UAC, mentre UPC e UAC sono stati misurati in tutti gli 868 campioni. I campioni di urina sono stati analizzati con il metodo dipstick mediante lettura automatizzata. Utilizzando come valore di riferimento l’UAC è stata valutata l’accuratezza diagnostica del dipstick urinario e dell’UPC. L’intervallo di riferimento dell’UAC (0-0,024) è stato determinato utilizzando 60 cani sani. I dati raccolti sono stati classificati utilizzando differenti cut-off per il peso specifico urinario (1012 o 1030), per la proteinuria al dipstick (30 o 100 mg/dl), per l’UPC (0,2) e per l’UAC (0,024). Sono stati valutati l’agreement diagnostico e la correlazione di Spearman tra dipstick, UPC e UAC. E’ stata stimata l’accuratezza diagnostica misurando l’area al di sotto della curva di ROC nell’analisi dell’UAC. Il livello di significatività è stato definito per p < 0,05. Indipendentemente dal peso specifico urinario, l’agreement diagnostico tra dipstick, UPC e UAC è risultato forte (k=0,62 e k=0,61, rispettivamente; p<0,001) con valori di dipstick ≥30 mg/dl, debole (k=0,27 e k=0,26, rispettivamente; p<0,001) con valori di dipstick ≥100 mg/dl. L’accuratezza diagnostica del dipstick messa a confronto con UPC e con UAC è molto buona (AUC 0,84 e 0,84, rispettivamente; p<0,001) e i risultati negativi al dipstick presentano il 100% di sensitività. UPC e UAC sono fortemente correlate (r=0,90; p<0,001). Mettendo a confronto UPC e UAC, l’accuratezza diagnostica è risultata eccellente (AUC 0,94; p<0,001), con massima sensitività e specificità per UPC≥0.3.
Context: Accurately determining hydration status is a preventative measure for exertional heat illnesses (EHI). Objective: To determine the validity of various field measures of urine specific gravity (Usg) compared to laboratory instruments. Design: Observational research design to compare measures of hydration status: urine reagent strips (URS) and a urine color (Ucol) chart to a refractometer. Setting: We utilized the athletic training room of a Division I-A collegiate American football team. Participants: Trial 1 involved urine samples of 69 veteran football players (age=20.1+1.2yr; body mass=229.7+44.4lb; height=72.2+2.1in). Trial 2 involved samples from 5 football players (age=20.4+0.5yr; body mass=261.4+39.2lb; height=72.3+2.3in). Interventions: We administered the Heat Illness Index Score (HIIS) Risk Assessment, to identify athletes at-risk for EHI (Trial 1). For individuals “at-risk” (Trial 2), we collected urine samples before and after 15 days of pre-season “two-a-day” practices in a hot, humid environment(mean on-field WBGT=28.84+2.36oC). Main Outcome Measures: Urine samples were immediately analyzed for Usg using a refractometer, Diascreen 7® (URS1), Multistix® (URS2), and Chemstrip10® (URS3). Ucol was measured using Ucol chart. We calculated descriptive statistics for all main measures; Pearson correlations to assess relationships between the refractometer, each URS, and Ucol, and transformed Ucol data to Z-scores for comparison to the refractometer. Results: In Trial 1, we found a moderate relationship (r=0.491, p<.01) between URS1 (1.020+0.006μg) and the refractometer (1.026+0.010μg). In Trial 2, we found marked relationships for Ucol (5.6+1.6shades, r=0.619, p<0.01), URS2 (1.019+0.008μg, r=0.712, p<0.01), and URS3 (1.022+0.007μg, r=0.689, p<0.01) compared to the refractometer (1.028+0.008μg). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that URS were inconsistent between manufacturers, suggesting practitioners use the clinical refractometer to accurately determine Usg and monitor hydration status.
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate associations between sugar intake and overweight using dietary biomarkers in the Norfolk cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Norfolk). Design: Prospective cohort study Setting: European Prospective Investigation into Cancer in Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) in the UK, recruitment between 1993 and 1997. Subjects: 1734 participants (39 – 77 years). Sucrose intake was assessed using 7-day diaries. Baseline spot urine samples were analysed for sucrose by GC-MS. Sucrose concentration adjusted by specific gravity was used as biomarker for intake. Regression analyses were used to investigate associations between sucrose intake and risk of BMI > 25 kg/m2 after three years of follow-up. Results: After three years of follow-up, mean BMI was 26.8 kg/m2. Self-reported sucrose intake was significantly positively associated with biomarker. Associations between biomarker and BMI were positive (β=0.25; 95% CI: 0.08; 0.43), while they were inverse when using self-reported dietary data (β=-1.40; 95% CI: -1.81; -0.99). Age- and sex-adjusted OR for BMI > 25 kg/m2 in participants in the fifth vs. first quintile was 1.54 (95% CI: 1.12; 2.12; pTrend=0.003,) when using biomarker and 0.56 (95% CI: 0.40; 0.77; pTrend<0.001) with self-reported dietary data. Conclusions: Our results suggest that sucrose measured by objective biomarker but not self-reported sucrose intake is positively associated with body mass index. Future studies should consider use of objective biomarkers of sucrose intake.
Para testar a eficiência de vários tratamentos de intoxicação por amônia em bovinos, foram utilizados 25 garrotes que receberam cloreto de amônio por infusão intravenosa (iv) até o surgimento de quadro convulsivo. em seguida, os animais foram alocados em um dos cinco grupos experimentais e tratados da seguinte forma: 1) controle: infusão (iv) de 300mL de solução salina isotônica (SSI), no decorrer de 4h; 2) infusão (iv) de 30mL kg-1 PV de SSI no decorrer de 4h e administração de 4L de água intraruminal por meio de sonda esofágica (ASE); 3) mesmo tratamento do grupo 2 e dose única (iv) de furosemida (2mg kg-1 PV) (F); 4) injeção (iv) de 5mL kg-1 PV de solução salina hipertônica (SSH) 7,2% nos primeiros 30min, seguida de 20mL kg-1 PV de SSI e 4L de ASE; 5) mesmo tratamento do grupo 4 e dose única de F. No decorrer de 4h após a convulsão, foram determinados os teores plasmáticos de amônia e glicose, ureia, creatinina, potássio e sódio séricos, volume e gravidade específica da urina, e excreção urinária de amônio e ureia. No momento da convulsão, os teores de amônia plasmáticos foram muito altos e idênticos em todos os tratamentos, mas no 120°min, nos grupos tratados com associação de SSH+SSI+ASE (grupos 4 e 5), houve diminuição desse metabólito. O uso de furosemida (grupos 3 e 5) não aumentou a excreção total de urina. A terapia com associação de SSH+SSI+ASE aumentou ainda o volume urinário e a excreção percentual urinária de ureia e amônia durante o período crítico da 1ª hora de tratamento, mas o uso de SSI+ASE (grupos 2 e 3) teve resultados intermediários. A eficiência do tratamento com SSH+SSI+ASE ou SSI+ASE foi superior ao grupo controle. Embora com efeito menor que o observado com SSH+SSI+ASE, a SSI+ASE promoveu melhora no quadro clínico geral e, ao término do experimento, promoveu também uma adequada desintoxicação da amônia.
Objective: This research was performed with the objective of investigating the renal effects on premature newborn infants of fortifying banked donor human milk. Methods: Clinical intervention trial, of the before-and-after type, involving 28 premature newborn infants split into two groups by postconceptional age at the start of the study: GI < 34 weeks (n = 14) and GII ≥ 34 weeks (n = 14), and assessed at three sample points: S1, on unfortified donor human milk, S2, after 3 days, and S3, after 10-13 days on fortified donor human milk. Nutrient intake, weight gain, fractional sodium excretion, urinary osmolality and specific density were compared with two-way ANOVA for repeated measures. Results: Fluids, energy and sodium intakes were similar for both groups, and weight gain was satisfactory. Among the preterms with < 34 weeks postconceptional age, serum sodium was lower at the end of the study and the fractional sodium excretion was elevated at the start and at the end of the study (S1 = 2.11±1.05; S2 = 1.25±0.64; S3 = 1.62±0.88), with a significant difference in relation to GII (S1 = 1.34±0.94; S2 = 0.90±0.54; S3 = 0.91±0.82). Osmolality and urinary specific density were normal, with no differences between groups or collection dates. Conclusions: No adverse effects on the renal function of these preterms were detected as a result of being fed fortified donor human milk. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Background: Recombinant allergens are preferred over natural allergen extracts in measuring antibodies. We tested the use of recombinant variants of the major mouse allergen Mus m 1 in detection of mouse-specific antibodies in sera of laboratory animal workers and children. Methods: Six recombinant major urinary proteins (MUPs) were produced and antibody-binding capacity was compared to natural Mus m 1 and to mouse urine extract. In a specific subset, cross-reactivity of MUP with Mus m 1 and between the different recombinant MUPs was determined. Results: For IgE antibodies, MUP8 showed high cross-reactivity with Mus m 1. MUP8-specific IgE was found in 55% of the mouse urine IgE-positive sera. Specific IgG and IgG4 antibodies against natural Mus m 1 correlated strongly with antibodies against recombinant MUP8 and were cross-reactive. IgG4 levels against MUP8 and mouse urine extract correlated, but detection of mouse urine-specific IgG4 in the absence of MUP-specific IgG4 was not uncommon. Cross-reactivity of IgG antibodies between MUP8 and Mus m 1 as well as between the different MUPs was high and inhibition varied between 54 and 99%. Conclusion: The mouse allergen Mus m 1 can be replaced in antibody testing by recombinant MUP8. Other MUPs, except MUP4, are interchangeable with MUP8. However, mouse urine extract showed better detection of both mouse-specific IgE and IgG4 levels. Other components in the mouse urine, like mouse albumin and other yet unidentified components, also induce IgE and IgG(4) antibodies.
Shortages in supply of nutrients and freshwater for a growing human population are critical global issues. Traditional centralized sewage treatment can prevent eutrophication and provide sanitation, but is neither efficient nor sustainable in terms of water and resources. Source separation of household wastes, combined with decentralized resource recovery, presents a novel approach to solve these issues. Urine contains within 1 % of household waste water up to 80 % of the nitrogen (N) and 50 % of the phosphorus (P). Since microalgae are efficient at nutrient uptake, growing these organisms in urine might be a promising technology to concomitantly clean urine and produce valuable biomass containing the major plant nutrients. While state-of-the-art suspension systems for algal cultivation have mayor shortcomings in their application, immobilized cultivation on Porous Substrate Photobioreactors (PSBRs) might be a feasible alternative. The aim of this study was to develop a robust process for nutrient recovery from minimally diluted human urine using microalgae on PSBRs. The green alga Desmodesmus abundans strain CCAC 3496 was chosen for its good growth, after screening 96 algal strains derived from urine-specific isolations and culture collections. Treatment of urine, 1:1 diluted with tap water and without addition of nutrients, was performed at a light intensity of 600 μmol photons m-2 s-1 with 2.5 % CO2 and at pH 6.5. A growth rate of 7.2 g dry weight m-² day-1 and removal efficiencies for N and P of 13.1 % and 94.1 %, respectively, were determined. Pre-treatment of urine with activated carbon was found to eliminate possible detrimental effects of pharmaceuticals. These results provide a basis for further development of the technology at pilot-scale. If found to be safe in terms human and environmental health, the biomass produced from three persons could provide the P for annual production of 31 kg wheat grain and 16 kg soybean, covering the caloric demand in food for almost one month of the year for such a household. In combination with other technologies, PSBRs could thus be applied in a decentralized resource recovery system, contributing to locally close the link between sanitation and food production.
The early warning based on real-time prediction of rain-induced instability of natural residual slopes helps to minimise human casualties due to such slope failures. Slope instability prediction is complicated, as it is influenced by many factors, including soil properties, soil behaviour, slope geometry, and the location and size of deep cracks in the slope. These deep cracks can facilitate rainwater infiltration into the deep soil layers and reduce the unsaturated shear strength of residual soil. Subsequently, it can form a slip surface, triggering a landslide even in partially saturated soil slopes. Although past research has shown the effects of surface-cracks on soil stability, research examining the influence of deep-cracks on soil stability is very limited. This study aimed to develop methodologies for predicting the real-time rain-induced instability of natural residual soil slopes with deep cracks. The results can be used to warn against potential rain-induced slope failures. The literature review conducted on rain induced slope instability of unsaturated residual soil associated with soil crack, reveals that only limited studies have been done in the following areas related to this topic: - Methods for detecting deep cracks in residual soil slopes. - Practical application of unsaturated soil theory in slope stability analysis. - Mechanistic methods for real-time prediction of rain induced residual soil slope instability in critical slopes with deep cracks. Two natural residual soil slopes at Jombok Village, Ngantang City, Indonesia, which are located near a residential area, were investigated to obtain the parameters required for the stability analysis of the slope. A survey first identified all related field geometrical information including slope, roads, rivers, buildings, and boundaries of the slope. Second, the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method was used on the slope to identify the location and geometrical characteristics of deep cracks. The two ERT array models employed in this research are: Dipole-dipole and Azimuthal. Next, bore-hole tests were conducted at different locations in the slope to identify soil layers and to collect undisturbed soil samples for laboratory measurement of the soil parameters required for the stability analysis. At the same bore hole locations, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was undertaken. Undisturbed soil samples taken from the bore-holes were tested in a laboratory to determine the variation of the following soil properties with the depth: - Classification and physical properties such as grain size distribution, atterberg limits, water content, dry density and specific gravity. - Saturated and unsaturated shear strength properties using direct shear apparatus. - Soil water characteristic curves (SWCC) using filter paper method. - Saturated hydraulic conductivity. The following three methods were used to detect and simulate the location and orientation of cracks in the investigated slope: (1) The electrical resistivity distribution of sub-soil obtained from ERT. (2) The profile of classification and physical properties of the soil, based on laboratory testing of soil samples collected from bore-holes and visual observations of the cracks on the slope surface. (3) The results of stress distribution obtained from 2D dynamic analysis of the slope using QUAKE/W software, together with the laboratory measured soil parameters and earthquake records of the area. It was assumed that the deep crack in the slope under investigation was generated by earthquakes. A good agreement was obtained when comparing the location and the orientation of the cracks detected by Method-1 and Method-2. However, the simulated cracks in Method-3 were not in good agreement with the output of Method-1 and Method-2. This may have been due to the material properties used and the assumptions made, for the analysis. From Method-1 and Method-2, it can be concluded that the ERT method can be used to detect the location and orientation of a crack in a soil slope, when the ERT is conducted in very dry or very wet soil conditions. In this study, the cracks detected by the ERT were used for stability analysis of the slope. The stability of the slope was determined using the factor of safety (FOS) of a critical slip surface obtained by SLOPE/W using the limit equilibrium method. Pore-water pressure values for the stability analysis were obtained by coupling the transient seepage analysis of the slope using finite element based software, called SEEP/W. A parametric study conducted on the stability of an investigated slope revealed that the existence of deep cracks and their location in the soil slope are critical for its stability. The following two steps are proposed to predict the rain-induced instability of a residual soil slope with cracks. (a) Step-1: The transient stability analysis of the slope is conducted from the date of the investigation (initial conditions are based on the investigation) to the preferred date (current date), using measured rainfall data. Then, the stability analyses are continued for the next 12 months using the predicted annual rainfall that will be based on the previous five years rainfall data for the area. (b) Step-2: The stability of the slope is calculated in real-time using real-time measured rainfall. In this calculation, rainfall is predicted for the next hour or 24 hours and the stability of the slope is calculated one hour or 24 hours in advance using real time rainfall data. If Step-1 analysis shows critical stability for the forthcoming year, it is recommended that Step-2 be used for more accurate warning against the future failure of the slope. In this research, the results of the application of the Step-1 on an investigated slope (Slope-1) showed that its stability was not approaching a critical value for year 2012 (until 31st December 2012) and therefore, the application of Step-2 was not necessary for the year 2012. A case study (Slope-2) was used to verify the applicability of the complete proposed predictive method. A landslide event at Slope-2 occurred on 31st October 2010. The transient seepage and stability analyses of the slope using data obtained from field tests such as Bore-hole, SPT, ERT and Laboratory tests, were conducted on 12th June 2010 following the Step-1 and found that the slope in critical condition on that current date. It was then showing that the application of the Step-2 could have predicted this failure by giving sufficient warning time.
Trade flows of commodities are generally affected by the principles of comparative advantage in a free trade. However, trade flows might be enhanced or distorted not only by various government interventions, but also by exchange rate fluctuations among others. This study applies a commodity-specific gravity model to selected vegetable trade flows among Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries to determine the effects of exchange rate uncertainty on the trade flows. Using the data from 1996 to 2002, the results show that, while the exchange rate uncertainty significantly reduces trade in the majority of commodity flows, there is evidence that both short- and long-term volatility have positive effect on trade flows of specific commodities. This study also tests the regional preferential trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the EU, and their different effects on commodities.
The primary aim of this thesis was the evaluation of the perfusion of normal organs in cats using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), to serve as a reference for later clinical studies. Little is known of the use of CEUS in cats, especially regarding its safety and the effects of anesthesia on the procedure, thus, secondary aims here were to validate the quantitative analyzing method, to investigate the biological effects of CEUS on feline kidneys, and to assess the effect of anesthesia on splenic perfusion in cats undergoing CEUS. -- The studies were conducted on healthy, young, purpose-bred cats. CEUS of the liver, left kidney, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, and mesenteric lymph nodes was performed to characterize the normal perfusion of these organs on ten anesthetized, male cats. To validate the quantification method, the effects of placement and size of the region of interest (ROI) on perfusion parameters were investigated using CEUS: Three separate sets of ROIs were placed in the kidney cortex, varying in location, size, or depth. The biological effects of CEUS on feline kidneys were estimated by measuring urinary enzymatic activities, analyzing urinary specific gravity, pH, protein, creatinine, albumin, and sediment, and measuring plasma urea and creatinine concentrations before and after CEUS. Finally, the impact of anesthesia on contrast enhancement of the spleen was investigated by imaging cats with CEUS first awake and later under anesthesia on separate days. -- Typical perfusion patterns were found for each of the studied organs. The liver had a gradual and more heterogeneous perfusion pattern due to its dual blood flow and close proximity to the diaphragm. An obvious and statistically significant difference emerged in the perfusion between the kidney cortex and medulla. Enhancement in the spleen was very heterogeneous at the beginning of imaging, indicating focal dissimilarities in perfusion. No significant differences emerged in the perfusion parameters between the pancreas, small intestine, and mesenteric lymph nodes. -- The ROI placement and size were found to have an influence on the quantitative measurements of CEUS. Increasing the depth or the size of the ROI decreased the peak intensity value significantly, suggesting that where and how the ROI is placed does matter in quantitative analyses. --- A significant increase occurred in the urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) to creatinine ratio after CEUS. No changes were noted in the serum biochemistry profile after CEUS, with the exception of a small decrease in blood urea concentration. The magnitude of the rise in the NAG/creatinine ratio was, however, less than the circadian variation reported earlier in healthy cats. Thus, the changes observed in the laboratory values after CEUS of the left kidney did not indicate any detrimental effects in kidneys. Heterogeneity of the spleen was observed to be less and time of first contrast appearance earlier in nonanesthetized cats than in anesthetized ones, suggesting that anesthesia increases heterogeneity of the feline spleen in CEUS. ---- In conclusion, the results suggest that CEUS can be used also in feline veterinary patients as an additional diagnostics aid. The perfusion patterns found in the imaged organs were typical and similar to those seen earlier in other species, with the exception of the heterogeneous perfusion pattern in the cat spleen. Differences in the perfusion between organs corresponded with physiology. Based on the results, estimation of focal perfusion defects of the spleen in cats should be performed with caution and after the disappearance of the initial heterogeneity, especially in anesthetized or sedated cats. Finally, these results indicate that CEUS can be used safely to analyze kidney perfusion also in cats. Future clinical studies are needed to evaluate the full potential of CEUS in feline medicine as a tool for diagnosing lesions in various organ systems.
Single crystals (up to 1 cm size) of K, Rb and Cs periodates have been grown in silica gel. In general, good quality crystals were obtained in gel of specific gravity 1.04 and pH 4. The metal/iodine ratios were determined and compared with calculated values. Morphological studies were carried out using a bicircle optical goniometer. Other characterization methods include X-ray diffraction, optical absorption, differential scanning calorimetry and optical microscopy. Microscopic examination of CsIO4 crystals in particular has revealed the existence of ferroelastic domains in the crystal. The structural basis for the occurence of ferroelasticity in this crystal is discussed and the high temperature space group is predicted.
Geopolymers are an alternative binder to portland cement in the manufacture of mortars and concrete, as its three-dimensional aluminosilicate network imparts excellent mechanical properties. Use of geopolymers in place of ordinary portland cement is favored owing to the possible energy and carbon dioxide savings. River sand is another construction industry material that needs development of a sustainable alternate in India. Geopolymerization of fly ash amorphous silica mixtures is employed to produce fine aggregates as a possible replacement to river sand. Geopolymerization of fly ash amorphous silica mixtures in 10M NaOH solution at 100 degrees C for 7days produced fine aggregates termed fly ash geopolymer sand (FAPS)] that had comparable grain size distribution, specific gravity, and improved frictional resistance with river sand. The FAPS particles exhibited more alkaline pH (12.5) and higher total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration (TDS=747 mg/L) in comparison to the river sand specimen (pH=7.9 and TDS=32.5 mg/L). However, when used as fine aggregate in mortar, FAPS-mortar specimens develop similar pH, lower TDS, similar compressive strength, and modulus in relation to river sand-mortar specimens. The experimental results suggest that FAPS particles have the potential to replace river sand in the manufacture of mortar and concrete.
Proceedings fo the Seventeenth Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, 4-8 March 1997, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
The 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium was held at the Delta Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida U.S.A. from March 4-8, 1997. The symposium was hosted by Florida Atlantic University, Mote Marine Laboratory, University of Central Florida, University of Florida, Florida Atlantic University and the Comité Nacional para la Conservación y Protección de las Totugas Marinas. The 17th was the largest symposium to date. A total of 720 participants registered, including sea turtle biologists, students, regulatory personnel, managers, and volunteers representing 38 countries. In addition to the United States, participants represented Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Bonaire, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, Guatemala, Greece, Honduras, India, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Seychelles, Scotland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In addition to the 79 oral, 2 video, and 120 poster presentations, 3 workshops were offered: Selina Heppell (Duke University Marine Laboratory) provided “Population Modeling,” Mike Walsh and Sam Dover (Sea World-Orlando) conducted “Marine Turtle Veterinary Medicine” and “Conservation on Nesting Beaches” was offered by Blair Witherington and David Arnold (Florida Department of Environmental Protection). On the first evening, P.C.H. Pritchard delivered a thoughtful retrospect on Archie Carr that showed many sides of a complex man who studied and wrote about sea turtles. It was a presentation that none of us will forget. The members considered a number of resolutions at the Thursday business meeting and passed six. Five of these resolutions are presented in the Commentaries and Reviews section of Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(3):442-444 (1997). The symposium was fortunate to have many fine presentations competing for the Archie Carr Best Student Presentations awards. The best oral presentation award went to Amanda Southwood (University of British Columbia) for “Heart rates and dive behavior of the leatherback sea turtle during the internesting interval.” The two runners-up were Richard Reina (Australian National University) for “Regulation of salt gland activity in Chelonia mydas” and Singo Minamikawa (Kyoto University) for “The influence that artificial specific gravity change gives to diving behavior of loggerhead turtles”. The winner of this year’s best poster competition was Mark Roberts (University of South Florida) for his poster entitled “Global population structure of green sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) using microsatellite analysis of male mediated gene flow.” The two runners-up were Larisa Avens (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) for “Equilibrium responses to rotational displacements by hatchling sea turtles: maintaining a migratory heading in a turbulent ocean” and Annette Broderick (University of Glasgow) for “Female size, not length, is a correlate of reproductive output.” The symposium was very fortunate to receive a matching monetary and subscription gift from Anders J. G. Rhodin of the Chelonian Research Foundation. These enabled us to more adequately reward the fine work of students. The winners of the best paper and best poster awards received $400 plus a subscription to Chelonian Conservation and Biology. Each runner up received $100. The symposium owes a great debt to countless volunteers who helped make the meeting a success. Those volunteers include: Jamie Serino, Alan Bolton, and Karen Bjorndal, along with the UF students provided audio visual help, John Keinath chaired the student awards committee, Mike Salmon chaired the Program Commiteee, Sheryan Epperly and Joanne Braun compiled the Proceedings, Edwin Drane served as treasurer and provided much logistical help, Jane Provancha coordinated volunteers, Thelma Richardson conducted registration, Vicki Wiese coordinated food and beverage services, Jamie Serino and Erik Marin coordinated entertainment, Kenneth Dodd oversaw student travel awards, Traci Guynup, Tina Brown, Jerris Foote, Dan Hamilton, Richie Moretti, and Vicki Wiese served on the time and place committee, Blair Witherington created the trivia quiz, Tom McFarland donated the symposium logo, Deborah Crouse chaired the resolutions committee, Pamela Plotkin chaired the nominations committee, Sally Krebs, Susan Schenk, and Larry Wood conducted the silent auction, and Beverly and Tom McFarland coordinated all 26 vendors. Many individuals from outside the United States were able to attend the 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium thanks to the tireless work of Karen Eckert, Marydele Donnelly, and Jack Frazier in soliciting travel assistance for a number of international participants. We are indebted to those donating money to the internationals’ housing fund (Flo Vetter Memorial Fund, Marinelife Center of Juno Beach, Roger Mellgren, and Jane Provancha). We raise much of our money for international travel from the auction; thanks go to auctioneer Bob Shoop, who kept our auction fastpaced and entertaining, and made sure the bidding was high. The Annual Sea Turtle Symposium is unequaled in its emphasis on international participation. Through international participation we all learn a great deal more about the biology of sea turtles and the conservation issues that sea turtles face in distant waters. Additionally, those attending the symposium come away with a tremendous wealth of knowledge, professional contacts, and new friendships. The Annual Sea Turtle Symposium is a meeting in which pretenses are dropped, good science is presented, and friendly, open communication is the rule. The camaraderie that typifies these meetings ultimately translates into understanding and cooperation. These aspects, combined, have gone and will go a long way toward helping to protect marine turtles and toward aiding their recovery on a global scale. (PDF contains 342 pages)
A integridade de dutos ganha importância à medida em que o desenvolvimento da indústria expande a malha para transportar líquidos e gases num contexto de aumento das exigências ambientais. Um importante aliado para manutenção da integridade de dutos são reparos de materiais compósitos. Estes materiais apresentam baixa densidade, capacidade de direcionar resistência de acordo com as direções das solicitações, execução de reparo a frio sem necessidade de interromper produção ou grande maquinário. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e implementar um algoritmo de elementos finitos que permita avaliar os esforços e a resistência das paredes de um tubos fabricados ou reparados com laminados de material compósito carregados com pressão interna. Entre as vantagens de desenvolver um programa tem-se: agilidade de avaliação, menor custo com licença, menores exigências computacionais, possibilidade de desenvolver o programa e o melhor entendimento da modelagem dos fenômenos. Utiliza-se como entrada do programa o diâmetro do duto, pressão interna e parâmetros do laminado. A modelagem em elementos finitos é realizada a partir da teoria clássica de laminados. Aplicando o carregamento resultante da pressão interna, determina-se os deslocamentos e são calculadas as tensões e aplicado o critério de falha de Tsai-Hill em cada camada. Estudos experimentais e numéricos encontrados na literatura foram simulados com o programa gerado e os resultados para propriedades do laminado, tensões nos dutos e pressão de ruptura apresentam concordância com os resultados da literatura.O programa ainda tem sua estrutura modificada para encontrar a pressão de falha a partir dos dados do laminado. O programa implementado permite uma avaliação rápida de resistência do reparo e possibilita avaliar rapidamente a resposta a mudanças nos parâmetros de projeto do laminado.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um modelo empregando-se ferramentas de regressão multivariada para a previsão do teor em ésteres metílicos e, simultaneamente, de propriedades físico-químicas de misturas de óleo de soja e biodiesel de soja. O modelo foi proposto a partir da correlação das propriedades de interesse com os espectros de reflectância total atenuada no infravermelho médio das misturas. Para a determinação dos teores de ésteres metílicos foi utilizada a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC), podendo esta ser uma técnica alternativa aos método de referência que utilizam a cromatografia em fase gasosa (EN 14103 e EN 14105). As propriedades físico-químicas selecionadas foram índice de refração, massa específica e viscosidade. Para o estudo, foram preparadas 11 misturas com diferentes proporções de biodiesel de soja e de óleo de soja (0-100 % em massa de biodiesel de soja), em quintuplicata, totalizando 55 amostras. A região do infravermelho estudada foi a faixa de 3801 a 650 cm-1. Os espectros foram submetidos aos pré-tratamentos de correção de sinal multiplicativo (MSC) e, em seguida, à centralização na média (MC). As propriedades de interesse foram submetidas ao autoescalamento. Em seguida foi aplicada análise de componentes principais (PCA) com a finalidade de reduzir a dimensionalidade dos dados e detectar a presença de valores anômalos. Quando estes foram detectados, a amostra era descartada. Os dados originais foram submetidos ao algoritmo de Kennard-Stone dividindo-os em um conjunto de calibração, para a construção do modelo, e um conjunto de validação, para verificar a sua confiabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo proposto por PLS2 (Mínimos Quadrados Parciais) foi capaz de se ajustar bem os dados de índice de refração e de massa específica, podendo ser observado um comportamento aleatório dos erros, indicando a presença de homocedasticidade nos valores residuais, em outras palavras, o modelo construído apresentou uma capacidade de previsão para as propriedades de massa específica e índice de refração com 95% de confiança. A exatidão do modelo foi também avaliada através da estimativa dos parâmetros de regressão que são a inclinação e o intercepto pela Região Conjunta da Elipse de Confiança (EJCR). Os resultados confirmaram que o modelo MIR-PLS desenvolvido foi capaz de prever, simultaneamente, as propriedades índice de refração e massa específica. Para os teores de éteres metílicos determinados por HPLC, foi também desenvolvido um modelo MIR-PLS para correlacionar estes valores com os espectros de MIR, porém a qualidade do ajuste não foi tão boa. Apesar disso, foi possível mostrar que os dados podem ser modelados e correlacionados com os espectros de infravermelho utilizando calibração multivariada