992 resultados para urban morphology


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Whereas many good examples can be found of the study of urban morphology informing the design of new residential areas in Europe, it is much more difficult to find examples relating to other land uses and outside of Europe. This paper addresses a particular issue, the control and coordination of large and complex development schemes within cities, and, in doing so, considers commercial and mixed-use schemes outside of Europe. It is argued that urban morphology has much to offer for both the design of such development and its implementation over time. Firstly, lessons are drawn from the work of Krier and Rossi in Berlin, the form-based guidance developed in Chelmsford, UK, and the redesign and coordination of the Melrose Arch project in Johannesburg, SA. A recent development at Boggo Road in Brisbane, Australia, is then subjected to a more detailed examination. It is argued that the scheme has been unsatisfactory in terms of both design and implementation. An alternative framework based on historical morphological studies is proposed that would overcome these deficiencies. It is proposed that this points the way to a general approach that could be incorporated within the planning process internationally.


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This thesis is a morphological study of the settlement patterns of the diverse hill groups in Chittagong Hill Tracts – a mountainous borderland of Bangladesh in South Asia. It examines the settlement morphology of a hill town, using a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods, and explains the recurrent neighbourhood types of the highland groups in relation to their urbanisation. The research findings related to the settlements of diverse cultural groups in a cross-border region of the Asian uplands are also relevant to similar contexts and enquiries. Furthermore, the developed methodological framework that facilitated the data collection process in CHT's culturally diverse regions is also applicable to the investigation of geographic areas with similar socio-cultural complexities. Finally, this research specifically contributes to the literature of cross-cultural studies of highland towns and vernacular settlements in the Asian context.


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When a new form is inserted in an existing townscape, its consonance within the urban fabric is dependent on the level of attention paid to the evaluation and management of its architectural elements. However, despite the established principles and methods of urban morphology that enable the systematic analysis of the built environment, a formula for ensuring that new development relates to its context so as to achieve congruent outcomes is still lacking. This paper proposes a new method of evaluating and measuring architectural elements within evolving urban forms, with particular emphasis on a three-dimensional study of buildings. In a case study, detailed mapping of both current and past forms provides the basis for evincing predominant characteristics that have changed over time. Using this method, it is possible to demonstrate objectively how the townscape has been affected through changes in its architectural configuration.


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Estíbaliz Ortiz de Urbina (ed.)


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Ce mémoire présente l’étude de cas de la ville de St George, ancienne capitale du protectorat britannique des Bermudes. Sa situation géographique particulière et la présence d’un ensemble architectural colonial britannique et d’ouvrages militaires lui ont récemment valu le titre de Site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, ce qui constitue une reconnaissance de la valeur exceptionnelle universelle de cet ensemble urbain. Cette inscription survient au moment où les autorités locales souhaitaient diversifier l’économie de l’archipel en misant davantage sur le tourisme culturel et patrimonial. L’hypothèse centrale de ce mémoire est que la ville St George se révèle, au sens où l’entendent G.J. Ashworth et J.E. Tunbridge dans leur ouvrage The tourist-historic city, un « joyau du patrimoine », ce dernier étant défini comme une petite collectivité territoriale recelant des ressources historiques exceptionnelles qui en définissent de manière notable la morphologie urbaine et l’identité paysagère et orientent les politiques municipales. La recherche, suite à la présentation d’un cadre théorique sur le patrimoine mondial et le tourisme patrimonial, a par ailleurs permis de montrer que le concept de « cité historico-touristique » développé par les mêmes auteurs s’applique aux Bermudes à la condition qu’un transfert d’échelle soit opéré. En effet, nous ne sommes pas en présence d’un espace touristique constitué de deux secteurs d’une même ville qui contribuent, chacun à sa façon, à la définition de l’attractivité touristique, mais plutôt de deux petites villes voisines – St-George et Hamilton, la capitale – qui constituent le substrat d’une cité historico-touristique éclatée.


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Cette thèse questionne l’apport de la conservation du patrimoine urbain à l’urbanisme. Il y est avancé que l’association entre la conservation du patrimoine urbain et l'urbanisme, dans leur cadre conceptuel actuel, plutôt que d’être le catalyseur du renouvellement de l’urbanisme, a perpétué une appréhension fragmentée et une atomisation de l'établissement, consacrant ainsi le paradigme fonctionnaliste, qui conditionne encore largement les pratiques urbanistiques contemporaines, au Québec notamment. En effet, bien que depuis les années 1960 la conservation du patrimoine soit présentée comme le fil rouge dans le redéploiement de la compétence d’édifier, plusieurs études soulignent les résultats mitigés de nombreuses expériences de conservation ainsi qu’une contribution limitée relativement à la formulation des projets urbains. Plus particulièrement, malgré la reconnaissance de l’intérêt de la patrimonialisation et de la fécondité potentielle de l’idée de patrimoine en général, l’urbanisme n’est pas parvenu à en définir les termes de la contribution, tant au plan conceptuel que processuel, en regard de sa propre projectualité. De ce fait, il ne réussit pas à affranchir la réflexion patrimoniale du registre de la conservation afin de se l’approprier véritablement. Cette thèse explique les causes de cette incapacité à partir d’une analyse des conditions de l’appropriation de la notion de patrimoine urbain mises de l’avant par l’approche giovannonienne. Celle-ci, fondamentalement urbanistique, propose une conception du patrimoine urbain qui s’émancipe du monument historique et du registre de la conservation. Indissociable d’une projectualité urbanistique, l’intérêt pour le patrimoine urbain de Giovannoni relève d’une reconnaissance du déjà là qui fonde des modalités de prises en charge de l’existant. Celles-ci posent les bases d’un renouvellement de la manière de penser l’urbanisme. La notion giovannonienne de patrimoine urbain, qui réfère à l’ensemble urbain patrimonial, devient l’élément de base d’une analyse morphologique urbanistique qui permet de conceptualiser l’agglomération contemporaine comme ensemble marqué par les ruptures et les discontinuités. Prenant appui sur une démarche dialogique, l’approche giovannonienne relève d’une mise en tension des singularités et d’une appréhension conjointe des différentes registres, ceux des formes et des forces, de l’existant et du souhaité, du penser et du faire. Giovannoni dépasse ainsi l’opposition entre continuité et rupture portée par les pratiques afin de penser l’articulation du nouveau à l’ancien. La confrontation de l’approche giovannonienne aux différentes perspectives qui ont marqué l’urbanisme moderne, montre que ces modalités de prise en charge de l’existant sont conditionnelles à l’accomplissement des promesses de la considération du patrimoine urbain. Autrement, l’association de la conservation du patrimoine urbain et de l’urbanisme culmine dans une double assimilation : l’assimilation du patrimoine urbain au monument historique d’architecture conduit à confondre projet d’urbanisme et projet de conservation.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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This article analyses the spatial organization of Montebelluna's industrial district (Italy) as an exemple of the dinamics of urbanization phenomenon in small urban areas. The study is divided in two parts: in the first one I present the social organisation's model of production named «industrial district» and its relation with the space, which is characterizeded by the rising of diffused urbanization settlements; in the second part I try to verify some explanatory factors pointed out by different autors in this specific area with an historical analysis of processes point of view. The diffused organisation of economic and housing activity show a change in the urban morphology


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This doctoral thesis offers a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the changes in the urban shape and landscape of the Girona Counties between 1979 and 2006. The theoretical part of the research lies within the framework of the dispersed city phenomenon, and is based on the hypothesis of convergence towards a global urban model. The empirical part demonstrates this proposition with a study of 522 zone development plans in the Girona Counties. The results point to the consolidation of the dispersed city phenomenon, as shown by the sudden increase in built-up space, the spread of urban development throughout the territory, and the emergence of a new, increasingly generic landscape comprising three major morphological types: urban extensions, low density residential estates and industrial zones. This reveals shortcomings of planning for urban growth, weakening of the city as a public project, and a certain degradation of the Mediterranean city model.


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A cidade ...Todos a conhecem. Amada por uns e odiada por outros. Lugar de encontros e de desencontros; de memórias e de história; do conhecimento e de divertimento; de escolhas e de trocas. Palco de transformações e interacções.Gosto da cidade, sobretudo de a observar. Ela transforma-se, cria-se e recria-se a cada dia. Em cada esquina há uma descoberta, uma forma, uma memória, um “olhar” indiscreto, uma história de vida. Enfim, na cidade há vidas, de ontem e de hoje, que se cruzam e misturam, acabando por se renovar e recriar.A cidade é um teatro com múltiplos actores e espectadores.Enquanto espectadora da cidade observo-a incessantemente para a conhecer e interpretar. Procuro compreender as suas formas, os seus lugares, os seus espaços. Comparo-a com o seu passado e com o seu semelhante. Analiso-a para actuar.O estudo que aqui se apresenta é sobre a cidade do Funchal, os seus lugares e espaços, os seus actores, os cantos e recantos onde se escondem e guardam as memórias e os testemunhos da “cidade do açúcar”, da “cidade do vinho” e de todas as que lhes sucederam e que se transformaram na actual Cidade do Funchal. (...)


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Os dados recentes, mostram que a tendência do crescimento no arquipélago, está direcionada para centros urbanos, como decorre da nova lei das cidades1. Para construção da qualidade do ambiente no território, indubitavelmente, deve optar pelo planeamento, incluindo medidas concretas que definem áreas para espaços verdes de utilização coletiva. Deve insistentemente procurar linhas estratégicas que garantem os citadinos acesso aos bens essenciais e primários: este por si só justificaria a dissertação. O Resultado de ocupação verificado com uma sobre-exploração do solo, esquecendo espaços verdes de utilização coletiva/equipamentos de lazer, deu origem a uma situação preocupante, impõe que se planeia um novo centro urbano, pensando nas medidas de recuperação ambiental, reintrodução dos espaços verdes coletivos, que são hoje muito insuficiente para a estabilidade e integração social dos Somadenses. Assim a investigação visa propor um modelo de organização territorial, põe um conjunto de parâmetros e dimensionamento urbano que protege, valorize e conserve o ambiente no território em Assomada.


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A presente dissertação tem como principal objectivo a análise morfológica do centro histórico de Torres Vedras. Após um rigoroso estudo do seu plano estratégico de reabilitação urbana, verifica-se a ausência de um documento complementar que permita conhecer sua identidade. A informação existente é bastante planimétrica, pouco esclarecedora da qualidade espacial do Lugar. Devido à escassa cartografia existente, julgou-se essencial desenvolver a reconstituição urbanística da cidade, permitindo dissipar algumas memórias artificiais, fomentadas pelo ‘neo-romantismo’ do Estado Novo, mas que ainda hoje se fazem sentir na memória colectiva dos torrienses. O estudo da génese fundacional do Lugar e do seu enquadramento histórico é fundamental para o entendimento do valor patrimonial enquanto conceito subjacente às políticas de reabilitação dos centros históricos. O estudo da evolução urbana de Torrres Vedras desde a vila medieval, até à cidade do séc. XXI, dando a conhecer os pólos de atracção do crescimento periurbano, e a sua relação com o centro histórico, permitiu um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre os elementos essenciais que caracterizam a sua Identidade. Verifica-se que a matriz urbana fundacional, ainda hoje perceptível, provém da ocupação romana, materializada pelos dois principais eixos reguladores: cardus e decumanus. A leitura do passado, alicerçada sobre a historiografia e arqueologia, pretende apenas mostrar que os núcleos urbanos antigos foram sempre elementos dinâmicos, capazes de se adaptarem às circunstâncias de cada época, garantindo a sua permanência e importância até ao início do séc. XX. A abordagem feita ao centro histórico pretende demonstrar a sua potencialidade para se tornar num elemento activo da cidade de Torres Vedras, capaz de se adaptar às necessidades da sociedade do séc. XXI, sem perder a sua identidade.


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The narrow alleys and the small neighbourhood squares are the most recognisable urban configuration forms that highlight the fabrics of Old Cairo. Parts of Old Cairo are currently going through major conservation projects. The extent of the success of some of these projects in preserving the identity of the Cairene context is currently under scrutiny and has created a debate among local residents, professionals, and politicians. Preliminary investigation has been conducted to assess the rehabilitation strategy of the selected case of el-Darb el-Asfar in relation to its context. Daylight is an essential contextual ingredient that characterises particular places from its counterparts. The rehabilitation project, using new finishing materials, has led to changes in daylight levels and reflections in the space and hence modify the visual perception and the identity of the place itself. This paper aims to assess the impact of the proposed intervention on the visual perception and the identity of the selected built heritage. Daylight variables in open spaces, a combination of sunlight, skylight and the reflected light from the facades and the ground, are identified. Using TOWNSCOPE, daylight's components are calculated pre and after the implementation of the project. The performance of reflected component is traced by simulating the impact of the original and recently used materials. The paper concludes by suggesting a set of measures to achieve an appropriate daylight performance to achieve a sustainable development in the area and maintain the identity of the old city.


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Daylight is an essential contextual ingredient of place making. Research in daylighting has recently received major attention for its valuable contribution to the sustainability of the built environment. Previous research has investigated the role of daylighting in energy efficiency, its regional qualities in relation to the façade configuration, and its contribution to the sense of visual comfort. This paper argues that appropriate use of daylighting will ensure not only visual and thermal comfort in an urban setting, but also contributes to the place identity and hence sustainability of urban regeneration projects. The paper identifies the daylight variables that affect the success of the regeneration of heritage sites in Eastern Mediterranean. Daylight variables in public open spaces include a combination of sunlight, skylight and the reflected light from the facades and the ground. The Solar altitude, the geometry of sectional profiles, the reflectance of the opposing facades, the width of the street and the density of the urban built environment are examined to simulate the daylight performance in the selected heritage sites. Located in the historical Darb al-Ahmar district, Aslam Square is selected as part of one of the rehabilitation project in Cairo. This paper examines the photometric and morphological properties of the existing configuration using daylight simulation software. Various spherical projections were developed to represent full 3D visual environment. The paper calculates and analyses the direct radiation energy, the sky diffused energy and the reflected energy in the case study.