53 resultados para unsustainability


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La lectura histórica del territorio en relación con el sistema agroalimentario aporta elementos claves para reconstruir el sistema territorial, aprovechando la oportunidad que ofrece un renovado interés por la alimentación local y sostenible. El análisis histórico transdisciplinar incorpora variables espaciales, económicas, energéticas, urbanísticas, agronómicas y nutricionales y se centra en el tramo medio del valle del Duero (Castilla y León, España). Se trata de un territorio tradicionalmente agrícola, donde un producto de la tierra -el vino- es motor de innovación y ha transformado paisajes y estructuras. Aún así, se enfrenta a un desarrollo desigual e ilustra las contradicciones del mundo rural en un contexto alimentario globalizado. El análisis de la región desde 1900 permite constatar la relación entre la organización del territorio, el sistema agroalimentario, y cada una de las etapas nutricionales: a) la superación de la desnutrición está asociada a una agricultura familiar y al territorio de proximidad, que persiste en la zona hasta 1950; b) el modelo de consumo de masas y sobrealimentación, se basa en una agricultura industrializada y un territorio polarizado ligado al desarrollismo, que se extiende hasta 1985; c) finalmente, el modelo de consumo segmentado se apoya en una agricultura terciarizada y un territorio de enclaves en un contexto de globalización, que dura hasta nuestros días. En la última fase aparecen nuevos modelos alternativos de reconstrucción territorial con sistemas emergentes que reconectan campo y ciudad, consumo y producción desde sistemas de alimentación sostenible. Conviven dos tendencias: una hacia la jerarquización y el productivismo tecnificado y otra hacia la multifuncionalidad y la recampesinización que se reapropia de las innovaciones técnicas. La adaptación a las condiciones locales y aprovechar los recursos endógenos son elementos clave de sostenibilidad ambiental y social. Incorporar la alimentación en la planificación urbana y territorial desde una perspectiva agroecológica reduciría la insostenibilidad del sistema alimentario. Las propuestas de ordenación han de tener en cuenta la tipología de municipios, sus interrelaciones, las características agrológicas y productivas, la relación del muncipcon los núcleos de referencia y con las poblaciones que concentran las necesidades de alimentación. Se debe considerar asimismo la disponiblidad de infraestructuras, de equipamientos y de capital humano y relacional para fijar cadena de valor local. La ordenación urbanística cuenta ya con mecanismos como la clasificación del suelo, la regulación de usos y el diseño de redes de equipamientos que inciden sobre la autonomía de los sistema de alimentación locales y permiten fomentar la biodiversidad y las variedades locales. Son mecanismos insuficientemente aprovechados. Una adecuada utilización de los instrumentos de ordenación existentes, junto con el desarrollo de otros nuevos mejorarían de forma significativa la resiliencia de los sistemas agroalimentarios locales. ABSTRACT The historical review of the relationship between territory and agrifood system provides key lessons to help rebuild the territorial fabric, seizing the opportunity offered by a renewed interest in local and sustainable food. The historical transdisciplinary analysis spans spatial, economic, energy, agronomic and nutritional variables, focuses on the middle reaches of the Douro valley (Castilla y Leon, Spain). This a traditionally agricultural region, which has managed to turn a land product – the wine– into an engine of innovation which has transformed landscapes and structures. Even so, it faces the challenges of uneven development and illustrates the contradictions of the rural world in a globalized context. After the analysis of the evolution of the region since 1900, it can be concluded that the territory has been organized over time according to three models of food system that are in turn linked to different nutritional stages: a) the nutritional stage of overcoming malnutrition is related to family agriculture and a territory of proximity, which persists in the studied area until 1950; b) the model of mass consumption and overeating, was built on an industrialized agriculture and a polarized territory with unhindered development, which runs until 1985; c) and, finally, the model of consumer segmentation associated with terciarized agriculture and enclave territories in the context of globalization, which lasts until present time. During this last stage new alternative models of small-scale territorial reconstruction appear, linked to emerging systems that, based on sustainable food systems, reconnect city and countryside, consumption and production. Actually two trends coexist: one towards hierarchisation and tech-based productivism, and another one towards multifunctionality and peasantization that reappropriates technical innovations. The adaptation to local conditions taking advantage of local resources is a key element of environmental and social sustainability. Integrating food into urban and regional planning from an agroecological perspective would help reduce the current unsustainability of the food system. Planning proposals for municipalities need to consider their typology, agrological characteristics, productive capacity, links to other municipalities, proximity to reference nodes and population concentrations with food demands that need to be met. Availability of infrastructure, facilities, as well as human and relational capital to establish and reinforce local value chains is another aspect to consider in planning proposals. Spatial and urban planning are already equipped with mechanisms, such as land classification and the design of facilities’ networks, that affect the autonomy and stability of local food systems and can support biodiversity and adoption of local varieties. We are, however, missing opportunities. An adequate use of existing planning tools and the development of new ones could significantly improve the resilience of local agrifood systems.


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The urban microclimate plays an important role in building energy consumption and thermal comfort in outdoor spaces. Nowadays, cities need to increase energy efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions and mitigate the evident lack of sustainability. In light of this, attention has focused on the bioclimatic concepts use in the urban development. However, the speculative unsustainability of the growth model highlights the need to redirect the construction sector towards urban renovation using a bioclimatic approach. The public space plays a key role in improving the quality of today’s cities, especially in terms of providing places for citizens to meet and socialize in adequate thermal conditions. Thermal comfort affects perception of the environment, so microclimate conditions can be decisive for the success or failure of outdoor urban spaces and the activities held in them. For these reasons, the main focus of this work is on the definition of bioclimatic strategies for existing urban spaces, based on morpho-typological components, urban microclimate conditions and comfort requirements for all kinds of citizens. Two case studies were selected in Madrid, in a social housing neighbourhood constructed in the 1970s based on Rational Architecture style. Several renovation scenarios were performed using a computer simulation process based in ENVI-met and diverse microclimate conditions were compared. In addition, thermal comfort evaluation was carried out using the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) in order to investigate the relationship between microclimate conditions and thermal comfort perception. This paper introduces the microclimate computer simulation process as a valuable support for decision-making for neighbourhood renovation projects in order to provide new and better solutions according to the thermal quality of public spaces and reducing energy consumption by creating and selecting better microclimate areas.


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The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) has undergone profound changes since its establishment in the 1930s with a primary goal of feeding undernourished school children. Today, the program is under scrutiny for its negative impact on student health and environmental unsustainability. This project investigates the origins of the NSLP, the current status of the program, and opportunities for reform. In view of the program's deficiencies, much can be learned by studying other relevant models for school lunch, such as those used in Italy and France. While recognizing the political realities and budgetary constraints public schools currently confront, the Business Plan applies these lessons in its proposals for rethinking the school lunch program at one Denver public school.


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This report explores the concept of state (un)sustainability in Israel and Palestine. The starting point sees conflict resolution as an independent variable for any change and progress in the area, in terms of a political, just and credible agreement between the two parties, which will then play a decisive role in the development of the Mediterranean region. These developments and prospects for a solution are then evaluated on the basis of state (un)sustainability, a broad notion that refers to the possibilities for long-term development at the political, social and economic levels. The very nature of Israel’s democracy and its relations with its Arab minority, the challenges related to the establishment of a viable and sustainable Palestinian state, and the regional dimension of all the actors involved are considered in order to evaluate future scenarios in this context. Three scenarios are tested: sustainability, which corresponds to the end of the conflict and the establishment of two viable and independent states with a tangible improvement in political and economic indicators; unsustainability, which refers to the perpetuation of the political status quo and the progressive deterioration of all political, economic and social indicators; and finally, weak stability, which entails the achievement of a sterile political stability, able to sustain the present status quo but unable to confront the main challenges for the future of the country(ies).


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Hosni Mubarak’s regime and its power system enjoyed remarkable stability for over 30 years. On 11 February 2011, after 18 days of mass protests, the Egyptian president was forced to step down, revealing the unsustainability of the political and economic system that had ensured his continuity for so long. While the revolution of January 25th led to a major success – the fall of Hosni Mubarak – Egypt’s political future is still opaque and exposed to a number of risks. This paper first highlights the factors underpinning the former stability of Mubarak’s regime; it then assesses the causes of its underlying unsustainability, leading to the anti-government popular mobilisation in January-February 2011 and the removal of Mubarak; finally the paper evaluates the prospects for a genuine democratic transition in Egypt, by looking at the main political and socio-economic challenges facing the country.


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For 23 years, a combination of harsh repression and impressive socio-economic development in Tunisia ensured a certain level of stability of Ben Ali’s regime. However, on 14 January 2011, after several weeks of anti-government protests, the President fled the country, revealing the fallacy of the ‘Tunisian model’. While the departure of Ben Ali is an important step towards Tunisia’s political change, the fate of its democratic transition remains uncertain. In light of these changes and challenges, this paper first assesses the factors underpinning the former stability of Ben Ali’s regime; it then investigates the causes of its underlying unsustainability, culminating in the anti-government popular uprising in December 2010-January 2011 and the removal of Ben Ali; finally the paper evaluates the prospects for a real democratic transition in Tunisia, by highlighting the main political and socio-economic challenges that confront the country


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Political instability in the southern Mediterranean countries have highlighted the unsustainability of their economic models. Widespread economic discontent, and in particular very high youth unemployment, underpinned the Arab Spring uprisings. As the refugee crisis shows, this is also Europe’s problem and Euro-Mediterranean economic cooperation needs to be reviewed. Energy is a key part of the cooperation framework.


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There have been more and more words about climate change and global warming in the last few decades. But what do we really understand them? Is it logic that the climate change derived by human behaviour or is it an independent process of nature that occurs no matter how we try to stop it? Is the climate change a global warming or global cooling method? We know for sure that something is changing around us and we heard a million times that if we exhaust the resources of the Earth than we will cause permanent and irreversible damage. In the first part of this chapter we will see the facts. There will be a few different perspectives from a few different institutions publication about the methodology of measurement on climate change. In the second part of the chapter we shall distinguish how big part of the changes may be the results of the human activities, or is it even possible to distinguish what causes the climate change. In the last part of this chapter the IPCC’s scenario will be explained on the case if the process of the climate change can not be stopped, or if human kind does not do anything for mitigation.


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In the 20th century nature of the world economy has started to change significantly, and the former state-centric constellation disappeared. Several development factors that induced the change are still active and nowadays we live in a much different world. The world economy consists of transnational networks; these complicated systems have a great impact on the world of states. The transnational actors’ (multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations etc) influence became very essential as they are able to mobilize the society, have high expertise (think tanks), but it is also important to note their financial strength and moral effects (norm entrepreneurs).


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The study provides an overview of the application possibilities of game theory to climate change. The characteristics of games are adapted to the topics of climate and carbon. The importance of uncertainty, probability, marginal value of adaptation, common pool resources, etc. are tailored to the context of international relations and the challenge of global warming.


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Global warming16 has already begun. Climate change has become a self-propelling and self-reinforcing process as a result of the externality associated with greenhouse- gas (GHG) emissions. Although it is an externality related to humankind, according to a number of unique features we should distinguish it from other externalities. Climate change is a global phenomenon in its causes and consequences. The long-term and persistent impacts of climate change will likely continue over centuries without further anthropogenic mechanism. The preindustrial (equilibrium) level of GHG concentration in the atmosphere cannot be restored since it is irreversible, but if we do not stabilise the actual level of atmospheric concentration, the situation will become much worse than it is now. Assessing the impacts of climate change requires careful considerations because of the pervasive uncertainties and risks associated with it.


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Climate change produces significant social and economic impacts in most parts of the world, thus global action is needed to address climate change. In this chapter, the different possibilities of mitigation are explored from different points of view, and analyse the possibilities of adaptation to climate change. First, substantial reduction of GHG emission is needed, on the other hand adaptation action must deal with the inevitable impacts. According to the assessment of the chapter, it is essential that coordinated actions be taken at an EU level. In our argumentation, a macroeconomic model is used for the cost- benefit analysis of GHG gas emissions reduction. The GHG emission structure is analysed on European and global level. Even in the case of a successful mitigation strategy there rest the long-term effects of climate change which will need a coherent adaptation strategy to be dealt with. Although certain adaptation measures already have been taken, these initiatives are still very modest, and insufficient to deal with the economic effects of climate change properly.


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Carbon pricing policy is a fundamental humanly devised theoretical and practical cornerstone in the fight against climate change. It involves short term and long term policies, theoretical and practical considerations. A quantitative global stabilisation target range for the stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is needed, because it is an important and useful foundation in the shaping of a comprehensive climate pricing policy. A global stabilisation target range is obviously a long term policy to control climate change and events ensuing excessive increase in temperature. Setting long term objectives in the fight against climate change are substantial in avoiding catastrophic consequences therefore short term policies, which aim advances in emission reductions, have to be consistent with the pre-defined long term stabilisation goals. Short term policy reaction means using price-driven instruments like taxes and tradable quotas. These instruments allow broad flexibility in the parameters of emission reduction, and provide opportunities and incentives wherewith the cost of mitigation and abatement can be kept down. Taxes and tradable quotas give the flexibility in how, where and when emission reduction can be accomplished thereby reaching agreements between states and companies may result an appropriate and environment-conscious emission scheme, that can fit into the long term objectives.


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Floods, droughts and monsoons have always disturbed human settlements, but there are more settlements now and more people in the world. Therefore, if a natural disaster happens, more will suffer than ever before. Moreover, climate in the past several decades has been greatly degraded by anthropogenic activity. In some cases, the chain of causality of human influence on the climate is direct and unambiguous (e.g. the effects of irrigation on local humidity), though there are instances where it is less clear. Presently, the scientific consensus (IPCC, 2007) on climate change is that human activity is very likely the cause for the rapid increase of global average temperatures, more generally known as global warming.


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Community networks are IP-based computer networks that are operated by a community as a common good. In Europe, the most well-known community networks are Guifi in Catalonia, Freifunk in Berlin, Ninux in Italy, Funkfeuer in Vienna and the Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network in Greece. This paper deals with community networks as alternative forms of Internet access and alternative infrastructures and asks: What does sustainability and unsustainability mean in the context of community networks? What advantages do such networks have over conventional forms of Internet access and infrastructure provided by large telecommunications corporations? In addition what disadvantages do they face at the same time? This article provides a framework for thinking dialectically about the un/sustainability of community networks. It provides a framework of practical questions that can be asked when assessing power structures in the context of Internet infrastructures and access. It presents an overview of environmental, economic, political and cultural contradictions that community networks may face as well as a typology of questions that can be asked in order to identify such contradictions.