990 resultados para universality class


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The pair contact process - PCP is a nonequilibrium stochastic model which, like the basic contact process - CP, exhibits a phase transition to an absorbing state. While the absorbing state CP corresponds to a unique configuration (empty lattice), the PCP process infinitely many. Numerical and theoretical studies, nevertheless, indicate that the PCP belongs to the same universality class as the CP (direct percolation class), but with anomalies in the critical spreading dynamics. An infinite number of absorbing configurations arise in the PCP because all process (creation and annihilation) require a nearest-neighbor pair of particles. The diffusive pair contact process - PCPD) was proposed by Grassberger in 1982. But the interest in the problem follows its rediscovery by the Langevin description. On the basis of numerical results and renormalization group arguments, Carlon, Henkel and Schollwöck (2001), suggested that certain critical exponents in the PCPD had values similar to those of the party-conserving - PC class. On the other hand, Hinrichsen (2001), reported simulation results inconsistent with the PC class, and proposed that the PCPD belongs to a new universality class. The controversy regarding the universality of the PCPD remains unresolved. In the PCPD, a nearest-neighbor pair of particles is necessary for the process of creation and annihilation, but the particles to diffuse individually. In this work we study the PCPD with diffusion of pair, in which isolated particles cannot move; a nearest-neighbor pair diffuses as a unit. Using quasistationary simulation, we determined with good precision the critical point and critical exponents for three values of the diffusive probability: D=0.5 and D=0.1. For D=0.5: PC=0.89007(3), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.573(1), =1.10(2), m=1.1758(24). For D=0.1: PC=0.9172(1), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.579(11), =1.11(4), m=1.173(4)


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The complex behavior of a wide variety of phenomena that are of interest to physicists, chemists, and engineers has been quantitatively characterized by using the ideas of fractal and multifractal distributions, which correspond in a unique way to the geometrical shape and dynamical properties of the systems under study. In this thesis we present the Space of Fractals and the methods of Hausdorff-Besicovitch, box-counting and Scaling to calculate the fractal dimension of a set. In this Thesis we investigate also percolation phenomena in multifractal objects that are built in a simple way. The central object of our analysis is a multifractal object that we call Qmf . In these objects the multifractality comes directly from the geometric tiling. We identify some differences between percolation in the proposed multifractals and in a regular lattice. There are basically two sources of these differences. The first is related to the coordination number, c, which changes along the multifractal. The second comes from the way the weight of each cell in the multifractal affects the percolation cluster. We use many samples of finite size lattices and draw the histogram of percolating lattices against site occupation probability p. Depending on a parameter, ρ, characterizing the multifractal and the lattice size, L, the histogram can have two peaks. We observe that the probability of occupation at the percolation threshold, pc, for the multifractal is lower than that for the square lattice. We compute the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponent β. Despite the topological differences, we find that the percolation in a multifractal support is in the same universality class as standard percolation. The area and the number of neighbors of the blocks of Qmf show a non-trivial behavior. A general view of the object Qmf shows an anisotropy. The value of pc is a function of ρ which is related to its anisotropy. We investigate the relation between pc and the average number of neighbors of the blocks as well as the anisotropy of Qmf. In this Thesis we study likewise the distribution of shortest paths in percolation systems at the percolation threshold in two dimensions (2D). We study paths from one given point to multiple other points


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The usual Ashkin-Teller (AT) model is obtained as a superposition of two Ising models coupled through a four-spin interaction term. In two dimension the AT model displays a line of fixed points along which the exponents vary continuously. On this line the model becomes soluble via a mapping onto the Baxter model. Such richness of multicritical behavior led Grest and Widom to introduce the N-color Ashkin-Teller model (N-AT). Those authors made an extensive analysis of the model thus introduced both in the isotropic as well as in the anisotropic cases by several analytical and computational methods. In the present work we define a more general version of the 3-color Ashkin-Teller model by introducing a 6-spin interaction term. We investigate the corresponding symmetry structure presented by our model in conjunction with an analysis of possible phase diagrams obtained by real space renormalization group techniques. The phase diagram are obtained at finite temperature in the region where the ferromagnetic behavior is predominant. Through the use of the transmissivities concepts we obtain the recursion relations in some periodical as well as aperiodic hierarchical lattices. In a first analysis we initially consider the two-color Ashkin-Teller model in order to obtain some results with could be used as a guide to our main purpose. In the anisotropic case the model was previously studied on the Wheatstone bridge by Claudionor Bezerra in his Master Degree dissertation. By using more appropriated computational resources we obtained isomorphic critical surfaces described in Bezerra's work but not properly identified. Besides, we also analyzed the isotropic version in an aperiodic hierarchical lattice, and we showed how the geometric fluctuations are affected by such aperiodicity and its consequences in the corresponding critical behavior. Those analysis were carried out by the use of appropriated definitions of transmissivities. Finally, we considered the modified 3-AT model with a 6-spin couplings. With the inclusion of such term the model becomes more attractive from the symmetry point of view. For some hierarchical lattices we derived general recursion relations in the anisotropic version of the model (3-AAT), from which case we can obtain the corresponding equations for the isotropic version (3-IAT). The 3-IAT was studied extensively in the whole region where the ferromagnetic couplings are dominant. The fixed points and the respective critical exponents were determined. By analyzing the attraction basins of such fixed points we were able to find the three-parameter phase diagram (temperature £ 4-spin coupling £ 6-spin coupling). We could identify fixed points corresponding to the universality class of Ising and 4- and 8-state Potts model. We also obtained a fixed point which seems to be a sort of reminiscence of a 6-state Potts fixed point as well as a possible indication of the existence of a Baxter line. Some unstable fixed points which do not belong to any aforementioned q-state Potts universality class was also found


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The complex behavior of a wide variety of phenomena that are of interest to physicists, chemists, and engineers has been quantitatively characterized by using the ideas of fractal and multifractal distributions, which correspond in a unique way to the geometrical shape and dynamical properties of the systems under study. In this thesis we present the Space of Fractals and the methods of Hausdorff-Besicovitch, box-counting and Scaling to calculate the fractal dimension of a set. In this Thesis we investigate also percolation phenomena in multifractal objects that are built in a simple way. The central object of our analysis is a multifractal object that we call Qmf . In these objects the multifractality comes directly from the geometric tiling. We identify some differences between percolation in the proposed multifractals and in a regular lattice. There are basically two sources of these differences. The first is related to the coordination number, c, which changes along the multifractal. The second comes from the way the weight of each cell in the multifractal affects the percolation cluster. We use many samples of finite size lattices and draw the histogram of percolating lattices against site occupation probability p. Depending on a parameter, ρ, characterizing the multifractal and the lattice size, L, the histogram can have two peaks. We observe that the probability of occupation at the percolation threshold, pc, for the multifractal is lower than that for the square lattice. We compute the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponent β. Despite the topological differences, we find that the percolation in a multifractal support is in the same universality class as standard percolation. The area and the number of neighbors of the blocks of Qmf show a non-trivial behavior. A general view of the object Qmf shows an anisotropy. The value of pc is a function of ρ which is related to its anisotropy. We investigate the relation between pc and the average number of neighbors of the blocks as well as the anisotropy of Qmf. In this Thesis we study likewise the distribution of shortest paths in percolation systems at the percolation threshold in two dimensions (2D). We study paths from one given point to multiple other points. In oil recovery terminology, the given single point can be mapped to an injection well (injector) and the multiple other points to production wells (producers). In the previously standard case of one injection well and one production well separated by Euclidean distance r, the distribution of shortest paths l, P(l|r), shows a power-law behavior with exponent gl = 2.14 in 2D. Here we analyze the situation of one injector and an array A of producers. Symmetric arrays of producers lead to one peak in the distribution P(l|A), the probability that the shortest path between the injector and any of the producers is l, while the asymmetric configurations lead to several peaks in the distribution. We analyze configurations in which the injector is outside and inside the set of producers. The peak in P(l|A) for the symmetric arrays decays faster than for the standard case. For very long paths all the studied arrays exhibit a power-law behavior with exponent g ∼= gl.


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The new technique for automatic search of the order parameters and critical properties is applied to several well-know physical systems, testing the efficiency of such a procedure, in order to apply it for complex systems in general. The automatic-search method is combined with Monte Carlo simulations, which makes use of a given dynamical rule for the time evolution of the system. In the problems inves¬tigated, the Metropolis and Glauber dynamics produced essentially equivalent results. We present a brief introduction to critical phenomena and phase transitions. We describe the automatic-search method and discuss some previous works, where the method has been applied successfully. We apply the method for the ferromagnetic fsing model, computing the critical fron¬tiers and the magnetization exponent (3 for several geometric lattices. We also apply the method for the site-diluted ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice, computing its critical frontier, as well as the magnetization exponent f3 and the susceptibility exponent 7. We verify that the universality class of the system remains unchanged when the site dilution is introduced. We study the problem of long-range bond percolation in a diluted linear chain and discuss the non-extensivity questions inherent to long-range-interaction systems. Finally we present our conclusions and possible extensions of this work


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In this work we present the principal fractals, their caracteristics, properties abd their classification, comparing them to Euclidean Geometry Elements. We show the importance of the Fractal Geometry in the analysis of several elements of our society. We emphasize the importance of an appropriate definition of dimension to these objects, because the definition we presently know doesn t see a satisfactory one. As an instrument to obtain these dimentions we present the Method to count boxes, of Hausdorff- Besicovich and the Scale Method. We also study the Percolation Process in the square lattice, comparing it to percolation in the multifractal subject Qmf, where we observe som differences between these two process. We analize the histogram grafic of the percolating lattices versus the site occupation probability p, and other numerical simulations. And finaly, we show that we can estimate the fractal dimension of the percolation cluster and that the percolatin in a multifractal suport is in the same universality class as standard percolation. We observe that the area of the blocks of Qmf is variable, pc is a function of p which is related to the anisotropy of Qmf


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Complex systems have stimulated much interest in the scientific community in the last twenty years. Examples this area are the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton and Contact Process that are studied in the first chapter this tesis. We determine the critical behavior of these systems using the spontaneous-search method and short-time dynamics (STD). Ours results confirm that the DKCA e CP belong to universality class of Directed Percolation. In the second chapter, we study the particle difusion in two models of stochastic sandpiles. We characterize the difusion through diffusion constant D, definite through in the relation h(x)2i = 2Dt. The results of our simulations, using finite size scalling and STD, show that the diffusion constant can be used to study critical properties. Both models belong to universality class of Conserved Directed Percolation. We also study that the mean-square particle displacement in time, and characterize its dependence on the initial configuration and particle density. In the third chapter, we introduce a computacional model, called Geographic Percolation, to study watersheds, fractals with aplications in various areas of science. In this model, sites of a network are assigned values between 0 and 1 following a given probability distribution, we order this values, keeping always its localization, and search pk site that percolate network. Once we find this site, we remove it from the network, and search for the next that has the network to percole newly. We repeat these steps until the complete occupation of the network. We study the model in 2 and 3 dimension, and compare the bidimensional case with networks form at start real data (Alps e Himalayas)


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An integrable asymmetric exclusion process with impurities is formulated. The model displays the full spectrum of the stochastic asymmetric XXZ chain plus new levels. We derive the Bethe equations and calculate the spectral gap for the totally asymmetric diffusion at half filling. While the standard asymmetric exclusion process without impurities belongs to the KPZ universality class with an exponent 3/2, our model has a scaling exponent 5/3.


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In certain Mott-insulating dimerized antiferromagnets, triplet excitations of the paramagnetic phase display both three-particle and four-particle interactions. When such a magnet undergoes a quantum phase transition into a magnetically ordered state, the three-particle interaction becomes part of the critical theory provided that the lattice ordering wave vector is zero. One microscopic example is the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet on the square lattice, for which deviations from O(3) universality have been reported in numerical studies. Using both symmetry arguments and microscopic calculations, we show that a nontrivial cubic term arises in the relevant order-parameter quantum field theory, and we assess its consequences using a combination of analytical and numerical methods. We also present finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo data for the staggered-dimer antiferromagnet which complement recently published results. The data can be consistently interpreted in terms of critical exponents identical to that of the standard O(3) universality class, but with anomalously large corrections to scaling. We argue that the cubic interaction of critical triplons, although irrelevant in two spatial dimensions, is responsible for the leading corrections to scaling due to its small scaling dimension.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A rescale of the phase space for a family of two-dimensional, nonlinear Hamiltonian mappings was made by using the location of the first invariant Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) curve. Average properties of the phase space are shown to be scaling invariant and with different scaling times. Specific values of the control parameters are used to recover the Kepler map and the mapping that describes a particle in a wave packet for the relativistic motion. The phase space observed shows a large chaotic sea surrounding periodic islands and limited by a set of invariant KAM curves whose position of the first of them depends on the control parameters. The transition from local to global chaos is used to estimate the position of the first invariant KAM curve, leading us to confirm that the chaotic sea is scaling invariant. The different scaling times are shown to be dependent on the initial conditions. The universality classes for the Kepler map and mappings with diverging angles in the limit of vanishing action are defined. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We investigate the interface dynamics of the two-dimensional stochastic Ising model in an external field under helicoidal boundary conditions. At sufficiently low temperatures and fields, the dynamics of the interface is described by an exactly solvable high-spin asymmetric quantum Hamiltonian that is the infinitesimal generator of the zero range process. Generally, the critical dynamics of the interface fluctuations is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of critical behavior. We remark that a whole family of RSOS interface models similar to the Ising interface model investigated here can be described by exactly solvable restricted high-spin quantum XXZ-type Hamiltonians. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation of the thermodynamic properties: specific heat, magnetization, and thermal expansion in the vicinity of the field-induced quantum critical point (QCP) around the lower critical field H-c1 approximate to 2 T in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)(2). A T-3/2 behavior in the specific heat and magnetization is observed at very low temperatures at H = H-c1, which is consistent with the universality class of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons. The temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient at H-c1 shows minor deviations from the expected T-1/2 behavior. Our experimental study is complemented by analytical calculations and quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which reproduce nicely the measured quantities. We analyze the thermal and the magnetic Gruneisen parameters, which are ideal quantities to identify QCPs. Both parameters diverge at H-c1 with the expected T-1 power law. By using the Ehrenfest relations at the second-order phase transition, we are able to estimate the pressure dependencies of the characteristic temperature and field scales.


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We consider the Shannon mutual information of subsystems of critical quantum chains in their ground states. Our results indicate a universal leading behavior for large subsystem sizes. Moreover, as happens with the entanglement entropy, its finite-size behavior yields the conformal anomaly c of the underlying conformal field theory governing the long-distance physics of the quantum chain. We study analytically a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators and numerically the Q-state Potts models (Q = 2, 3, and 4), the XXZ quantum chain, and the spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikov model. The Shannon mutual information is a quantity easily computed, and our results indicate that for relatively small lattice sizes, its finite-size behavior already detects the universality class of quantum critical behavior.