366 resultados para unification


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We show that in an SU(2)circle timesU(1) model with a Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-like invisible axion it is possible to obtain (i) the convergence of the three gauge coupling constants at an energy scale near the Peccei-Quinn scale; (ii) the correct value for sin(2)theta<^>(W)(M-Z); (iii) the stabilization of the proton by the cyclic Z(13)circle timesZ(3) symmetries which also stabilize the axion as a solution to the strong CP problem. Concerning the convergence of the three coupling constants and the prediction of the weak mixing angle at the Z peak, this model is as good as the minimal supersymmetric standard model with mu(SUSY)=M-Z. We also consider the standard model with six and seven Higgs doublets. The main calculations were done in the 1-loop approximation but we briefly consider the 2-loop contributions.


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We propose an SU(5) grand unified model with an invisible axion and the unification of the three coupling constants which is in agreement with the values, at M(Z), of alpha, alpha(s), and sin(2)theta(W). A discrete, anomalous, Z(13) symmetry implies that the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is an automatic symmetry of the classical Lagrangian protecting, at the same time, the invisible axion against possible semiclassical gravity effects. Although the unification scale is of the order of the Peccei-Quinn scale the proton is stabilized by the fact that in this model the standard model fields form the SU(5) multiplets completed by new exotic fields and, also, because it is protected by the Z(13) symmetry.


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Two models with SU(3)C ⊗ SU(3)L U(1)N gauge symmetry are considered. We show that the masslessness of the photon does not prevent the neutrinos from acquiring Majorana masses. That is, there is no relation between the VEVs of Higgs fields and the electromagnetic gauge invariance contrary to what has been claimed recently. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reform is a word that, one might easily say, characterizes more than any other the history and development of Buddhism. Yet, it must also be said that reform movements in East Asian Buddhism have often taken on another goal—harmony or unification; that is, a desire not only to reconstruct a more worthy form of Buddhism, but to simultaneously bring together all existing forms under a single banner, in theory if not in practice. This paper explores some of the tensions between the desire for reform and the quest for harmony in modern Japanese Buddhism thought, by comparing two developments: the late 19th century movement towards ‘New Buddhism’ (shin Bukkyō) as exemplified by Murakami Senshō 村上専精 (1851–1929), and the late 20th century movement known as ‘Critical Buddhism’ (hihan Bukkyō), as found in the works of Matsumoto Shirō 松本史朗 and Hakamaya Noriaki 袴谷憲昭. In all that has been written about Critical Buddhism, in both Japanese and English, very little attention has been paid to the place of the movement within the larger traditions of Japanese Buddhist reform. Here I reconsider Critical Buddhism in relation to the concerns of the previous, much larger trends towards Buddhist reform that emerged almost exactly 100 years previous—the so-called shin Bukkyō or New Buddhism of the late-Meiji era. Shin Bukkyō is a catch-all term that includes the various writings and activities of Inoue Enryō, Shaku Sōen, and Kiyozawa Manshi, as well as the so-called Daijō-hibussetsuron, a broad term used (often critically) to describe Buddhist writers who suggested that Mahāyāna Buddhism is not, in fact, the Buddhism taught by the ‘historical’ Buddha Śākyamuni. Of these, I will make a few general remarks about Daijō-hibusseturon, before turning attention more specifically to the work of Murakami Senshō, in order to flesh out some of the similarities and differences between his attempt to construct a ‘unified Buddhism’ and the work of his late-20th century avatars, the Critical Buddhists. Though a number of their aims and ideas overlap, I argue that there remain fundamental differences with respect to the ultimate purposes of Buddhist reform. This issue hinges on the implications of key terms such as ‘unity’ and ‘harmony’ as well as the way doctrinal history is categorized and understood, but it also relates to issues of ideology and the use and abuse of Buddhist doctrines in 20th-century politics.


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Studies of diagnostic accuracy require more sophisticated methods for their meta-analysis than studies of therapeutic interventions. A number of different, and apparently divergent, methods for meta-analysis of diagnostic studies have been proposed, including two alternative approaches that are statistically rigorous and allow for between-study variability: the hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic (ROC) model (Rutter and Gatsonis, 2001) and bivariate random-effects meta-analysis (van Houwelingen and others, 1993), (van Houwelingen and others, 2002), (Reitsma and others, 2005). We show that these two models are very closely related, and define the circumstances in which they are identical. We discuss the different forms of summary model output suggested by the two approaches, including summary ROC curves, summary points, confidence regions, and prediction regions.


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A new hierarchy of "exact" unification types is introduced, motivated by the study of admissible rules for equational classes and non-classical logics. In this setting, unifiers of identities in an equational class are preordered, not by instantiation, but rather by inclusion over the corresponding sets of unified identities. Minimal complete sets of unifiers under this new preordering always have a smaller or equal cardinality than those provided by the standard instantiation preordering, and in significant cases a dramatic reduction may be observed. In particular, the classes of distributive lattices, idempotent semigroups, and MV-algebras, which all have nullary unification type, have unitary or finitary exact type. These results are obtained via an algebraic interpretation of exact unification, inspired by Ghilardi's algebraic approach to equational unification.


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The installment of a new government has augmented the prospect for implementing disinflation and exchange rate unification in Myanmar. A close look at the state budget shows that the reform of the budget system for state economic enterprises (SEEs) is essential. Reforms need to hold the replacement of controlled prices including the official exchange rate with market prices in SEE operations, and the separation of the SEEs from the state budget. But separating the SEEs from the state budget will necessitate careful planning to cope with SEE bankruptcies which would imposes another fiscal burden on the government. Therefore, economic viability must be a criterion for the continuation of their operations.


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I investigate the issue of whether the various subclasses of radio-loud galaxies are intrinsically the same but have been classified differently mainly due to their being viewed from different directions. Evidence for the two key elements of this popular version of the "unified scheme (US)," relativistic jets and nuclear tori, is updated. The case for the torus opening angle increasing with the radio luminosity of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) is freshly argued. Radio-loud AGN are particularly suited for testing the US, since their structures and polarization properties on different scales, as well as their overall radio sizes, provide useful statistical indicators of the relative orientations of their various subclasses. I summarize recent attempts to bring under a single conceptual framework the USs developed for radio-moderate [Fanaroff-Riley type I (FRI)] and radio-powerful (FRII) AGN. By focusing on FRII radio sources, I critically examine the recent claims of conflict with the US, based on the statistics of radio-size measurements for large, presumably orientation-independent, samples with essentially complete optical identifications. Possible ways of reconciling these results, and also the ones based on very-long-baseline radio interferometry polarimetric observations, with the US are pointed out. By incorporating a highly plausible temporal evolution of radio source properties into the US, I outline a scenario that allows the median linear size of quasars to approach, or even exceed, that of radio galaxies, as samples with decreasing radio luminosity are observed. Thus, even though a number of issues remain to be fully resolved, the scope of unified models continues to expand.


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The difficulties perceived in the orientation-based unified scheme models, when confronted with the observational data, are pointed out. It is shown that in meter-wavelength selected samples, which presumably are largely free of an orientation bias, the observed numbers of quasars versus radio galaxies are not in accordance with the expectations of the unified scheme models. The observed number ratios seem to depend heavily on the redshift, fluxdensity, or radio luminosity levels of the selected sample. This cannot be explained within the simple orientation-based unified scheme with a fixed average value of the half-opening angle (c approximately 45 degrees ) for the obscuring torus that supposedly surrounds the nuclear optical continuum and the broad-line regions. Further, the large differences seen between radio galaxies and quasars in their size distributions in the luminosity-redshift plane could not be accommodated even if I were to postulate some suitable cosmological evolution of the opening angle of the torus. Some further implications of these observational results for the recently proposed modified versions of the unified scheme model are pointed out.