996 resultados para unconditional service guarantee


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As a common reference for many in-development standards and execution frameworks, special attention is being paid to Service-Oriented Architectures. SOAs modeling, however, is an area in which a consensus has not being achieved. Currently, standardization organizations are defining proposals to offer a solution to this problem. Nevertheless, until very recently, non-functional aspects of services have not been considered for standardization processes. In particular, there exists a lack of a design solution that permits an independent development of the functional and non-functional concerns of SOAs, allowing that each concern be addressed in a convenient manner in early stages of the development, in a way that could guarantee the quality of this type of systems. This paper, leveraging on previous work, presents an approach to integrate security-related non-functional aspects (such as confidentiality, integrity, and access control) in the development of services.


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Telecommunications networks have been always expanding and thanks to it, new services have appeared. The old mechanisms for carrying packets have become obsolete due to the new service requirements, which have begun working in real time. Real time traffic requires strict service guarantees. When this traffic is sent through the network, enough resources must be given in order to avoid delays and information losses. When browsing through the Internet and requesting web pages, data must be sent from a server to the user. If during the transmission there is any packet drop, the packet is sent again. For the end user, it does not matter if the webpage loads in one or two seconds more. But if the user is maintaining a conversation with a VoIP program, such as Skype, one or two seconds of delay in the conversation may be catastrophic, and none of them can understand the other. In order to provide support for this new services, the networks have to evolve. For this purpose MPLS and QoS were developed. MPLS is a packet carrying mechanism used in high performance telecommunication networks which directs and carries data using pre-established paths. Now, packets are forwarded on the basis of labels, making this process faster than routing the packets with the IP addresses. MPLS also supports Traffic Engineering (TE). This refers to the process of selecting the best paths for data traffic in order to balance the traffic load between the different links. In a network with multiple paths, routing algorithms calculate the shortest one, and most of the times all traffic is directed through it, causing overload and packet drops, without distributing the packets in the other paths that the network offers and do not have any traffic. But this is not enough in order to provide the real time traffic the guarantees it needs. In fact, those mechanisms improve the network, but they do not make changes in how the traffic is treated. That is why Quality of Service (QoS) was developed. Quality of service is the ability to provide different priority to different applications, users, or data flows, or to guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow. Traffic is distributed into different classes and each of them is treated differently, according to its Service Level Agreement (SLA). Traffic with the highest priority will have the preference over lower classes, but this does not mean it will monopolize all the resources. In order to achieve this goal, a set policies are defined to control and alter how the traffic flows. Possibilities are endless, and it depends in how the network must be structured. By using those mechanisms it is possible to provide the necessary guarantees to the real-time traffic, distributing it between categories inside the network and offering the best service for both real time data and non real time data. Las Redes de Telecomunicaciones siempre han estado en expansión y han propiciado la aparición de nuevos servicios. Los viejos mecanismos para transportar paquetes se han quedado obsoletos debido a las exigencias de los nuevos servicios, que han comenzado a operar en tiempo real. El tráfico en tiempo real requiere de unas estrictas garantías de servicio. Cuando este tráfico se envía a través de la red, necesita disponer de suficientes recursos para evitar retrasos y pérdidas de información. Cuando se navega por la red y se solicitan páginas web, los datos viajan desde un servidor hasta el usuario. Si durante la transmisión se pierde algún paquete, éste se vuelve a mandar de nuevo. Para el usuario final, no importa si la página tarda uno o dos segundos más en cargar. Ahora bien, si el usuario está manteniendo una conversación usando algún programa de VoIP (como por ejemplo Skype) uno o dos segundos de retardo en la conversación podrían ser catastróficos, y ninguno de los interlocutores sería capaz de entender al otro. Para poder dar soporte a estos nuevos servicios, las redes deben evolucionar. Para este propósito se han concebido MPLS y QoS MPLS es un mecanismo de transporte de paquetes que se usa en redes de telecomunicaciones de alto rendimiento que dirige y transporta los datos de acuerdo a caminos preestablecidos. Ahora los paquetes se encaminan en función de unas etiquetas, lo cual hace que sea mucho más rápido que encaminar los paquetes usando las direcciones IP. MPLS también soporta Ingeniería de Tráfico (TE). Consiste en seleccionar los mejores caminos para el tráfico de datos con el objetivo de balancear la carga entre los diferentes enlaces. En una red con múltiples caminos, los algoritmos de enrutamiento actuales calculan el camino más corto, y muchas veces el tráfico se dirige sólo por éste, saturando el canal, mientras que otras rutas se quedan completamente desocupadas. Ahora bien, esto no es suficiente para ofrecer al tráfico en tiempo real las garantías que necesita. De hecho, estos mecanismos mejoran la red, pero no realizan cambios a la hora de tratar el tráfico. Por esto es por lo que se ha desarrollado el concepto de Calidad de Servicio (QoS). La calidad de servicio es la capacidad para ofrecer diferentes prioridades a las diferentes aplicaciones, usuarios o flujos de datos, y para garantizar un cierto nivel de rendimiento en un flujo de datos. El tráfico se distribuye en diferentes clases y cada una de ellas se trata de forma diferente, de acuerdo a las especificaciones que se indiquen en su Contrato de Tráfico (SLA). EL tráfico con mayor prioridad tendrá preferencia sobre el resto, pero esto no significa que acapare la totalidad de los recursos. Para poder alcanzar estos objetivos se definen una serie de políticas para controlar y alterar el comportamiento del tráfico. Las posibilidades son inmensas dependiendo de cómo se quiera estructurar la red. Usando estos mecanismos se pueden proporcionar las garantías necesarias al tráfico en tiempo real, distribuyéndolo en categorías dentro de la red y ofreciendo el mejor servicio posible tanto a los datos en tiempo real como a los que no lo son.


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This Policy Brief discusses a few simple measures to improve both the commercial and investment banking landscapes, with or without formal separation. Covering deposits with quality collateral would make them safer and would help create an easier guarantee and resolution mechanism at the larger eurozone level. Strong central counterparties and transparency requirements would improve market mechanisms and market discipline in capital markets and investment banking. Specific governance measures would also help improve the financial sector. Finally, a better control of bank solvency, together with improved capital market transparency and accessibility, should encourage the progressive deleveraging of commercial banks, and enhance the long term funding of the economy by capital markets.


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Quality of services (QoS) support is critical for dedicated short range communications (DSRC) vehicle networks based collaborative road safety applications. In this paper we propose an adaptive power and message rate control method for DSRC vehicle networks at road intersections. The design objective is to provide high availability and low latency channels for high priority emergency safety applications while maximizing channel utilization for low priority routine safety applications. In this method an offline simulation based approach is used to find out the best possible configurations of transmit power and message rate for given numbers of vehicles in the network. The identified best configurations are then used online by roadside access points (AP) according to estimated number of vehicles. Simulation results show that this adaptive method significantly outperforms a fixed control method. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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In this paper, we study the management and control of service differentiation and guarantee based on enhanced distributed function coordination (EDCF) in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs. Backoff-based priority schemes are the major mechanism for Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in EDCF. However, control and management of the backoff-based priority scheme are still challenging problems. We have analysed the impacts of backoff and Inter-frame Space (IFS) parameters of EDCF on saturation throughput and service differentiation. A centralised QoS management and control scheme is proposed. The configuration of backoff parameters and admission control are studied in the management scheme. The special role of access point (AP) and the impact of traffic load are also considered in the scheme. The backoff parameters are adaptively re-configured to increase the levels of bandwidth guarantee and fairness on sharing bandwidth. The proposed management scheme is evaluated by OPNET. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the analytical model based admission control scheme. ©2005 IEEE.


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From a Service-Dominant Logic (S-DL) perspective, employees constitute operant resources that firms can draw to enhance the outcomes of innovation efforts. While research acknowledges that frontline employees (FLEs) constitute, through service encounters, a key interface for the transfer of valuable external knowledge into the firm, the range of potential benefits derived from FLE-driven innovation deserves more investigation. Using a sample of knowledge intensive business services firms (KIBS), this study examines how the collaboration with FLEs along the new service development (NSD) process, namely FLE co-creation, impacts on service innovation performance following two routes of different effects. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) results indicate that FLE co-creation benefits the NS success among FLEs and firm’s customers, the constituents of the resources route. FLE co-creation also has a positive effect on the NSD speed, which in turn enhances the NS quality. NSD speed and NS quality integrate the operational route, which proves to be the most effective path to impact the NS market performance. Accordingly, KIBS managers must value their FLEs as essential partners to achieve successful innovation from an internal and external perspective, and develop the appropriate mechanisms to guarantee their effective involvement along the NSD process.


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Risk management in healthcare represents a group of various complex actions, implemented to improve the quality of healthcare services and guarantee the patients safety. Risks cannot be eliminated, but it can be controlled with different risk assessment methods derived from industrial applications and among these the Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is a largely used methodology. The main purpose of this work is the analysis of failure modes of the Home Care (HC) service provided by local healthcare unit of Naples (ASL NA1) to focus attention on human and non human factors according to the organization framework selected by WHO. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.


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The purpose of this study was to explain how exemplary service providers in luxury hotels provide consistently excellent service. Using a case study framework, the study investigated the service provider's strategies and concepts of service delivery, the importance and implementation of organizational and individual controls, and the role of training and learning. The study identified barriers to service provision and characteristics of the exemplary individuals that affect their ability to deliver luxury service. This study sought to better understand how exemplary service providers learn, think about, and do their work. The sample population of three Five-Diamond-Award winning resorts was selected for their potential for learning about the phenomenon of interest. The results demonstrate that exemplary service providers possess individual characteristics that are enhanced by the organizations for which they work. Exemplary service providers are often exemplary communicators who are emotionally generous and genuinely enjoy helping and serving others. Exemplary service organizations treat their employees as they treat their customers, as suggested by the Service-Profit Chain (Heskett, Sasser & Schlesinger, 1997). Further, they have systems and standards to guarantee satisfactory service experiences for every guest. They also encourage their service providers to personalize their service delivery and to seek opportunities to delight their guests, using a combination of controls, traditions and cultural values. Several customer service theories are discussed in relationship to whether they were or were not supported by the data. The study concluded that the delivery of exemplary service is a complex phenomenon that requires successful interactions between guests, service providers and the organization. A Model of Exemplary Service Delivery is presented and discussed that demonstrates the components of service quality as shown in the data. The model can be used by practitioners seeking to create, enhance, or evaluate their service quality, and by researchers seeking insights into the complex concepts in service quality research. Implications for future research are discussed.


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This paper discusses a framework in which catalog service communities are built, linked for interaction, and constantly monitored and adapted over time. A catalog service community (represented as a peer node in a peer-to-peer network) in our system can be viewed as domain specific data integration mediators representing the domain knowledge and the registry information. The query routing among communities is performed to identify a set of data sources that are relevant to answering a given query. The system monitors the interactions between the communities to discover patterns that may lead to restructuring of the network (e.g., irrelevant peers removed, new relationships created, etc.).