274 resultados para trawling


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Results of trawl fishing experiments conducted in Hirakud reservoir are discussed. Trawling has been found to be efficient than conventional gear in removing predators and trash fishes especially of the bottom. This method can be of much help in controlling the proliferation of such fishes in many Indian reservoirs.


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Investigation on the comparative fishing trials to study the effect of bridles for a 10.5 m four equal panelled one-boat midwater trawl are described. Three bridle lengths of 20, 30 and 40 m were tested for relative efficiency evaluation. 30m bridles are found to be more suitable for the particular design and arbitrary selection of bridle lengths would be detrimental to the efficiency of nets.


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Results of the comparative efficiency studies with 10.5 m equal panelled and 10.3 m unequal panelled midwater trawls operated from 10.9 m wooden trawler are presented. Out of the two nets, the latter proved to be relatively good for the capture of off bottom and column fishes like pomfrets, seer, lactarius, catfish, silver bar, ribbon fish and an increase of 84.4% in total catch was observed.


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V shaped all steel boards, with their inherent stability to tide over obstacles and mud, interchangeability of starboard and portside boards are found to be superior to conventional flat rectangular boards for bottom trawling. These are cheaper in construction, offer less resistance and give longer service. Comparative trials with the two types of boards showed significant difference in tension between the boards but not in catch or horizontal opening.


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Results of comprehensive efficiency tests of three tested designs of 15m bulged belly, 15.8m six seam and 29.26m longwing type trawls in combination with 114x57cm both rectangular flat and horizontal curved wooden otter boards are reported. Of the possible six combinations, the bulged-belly trawl with flat rectangular otter boards has performed better in landing prawns. Further this study has indicated the selective action of the different designs.


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The paper deals with the economic aspects of operation of gill netting and two boat midwater trawling conducted off Cochin. The data collected on two boat midwater trawling and gill netting during 1979 and 1980-81 are presented. Gill netting was profitable at the range of 17.5 and 25.2% while two midwater trawling was profitable at the rate of 18.5 %.


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Trawling experiments carried out by the United Nations Development Programme Project and the Uganda Department of Fisheries, strongly suggest that the trawling method of fishing, if introduced on Lake Victoria, would bring about a tremendous increase in fish production from the lake. It is recognised, however, that before trawling is introduced, its economic, social, technical, biological and manpower implications must be carefully analysed. I now propose to discuss the training aspects of a trawl fishery on Lake Victoria.


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1. The introduction of trawlers to Lake Victoria to harvest fish will have far reaching effects on the men (and women) presently engaged in the fishery, on the diet of the nation as a whole. 2. However, the whole concept of trawling is so different to present techniques and the scale of operation so great, that disruption to the socio-economy of many people is possible. 3. The sociological studies outlined below will assist the governments in the formulatlon of policies aimed at minimising disruptive effects on the lives of many individuals.


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Species composition for Lake Victoria can be divided into two major groups. Haplochromis includes at least four genera, the largest consisting of 120 major species, while the remaining species together number about eighteen. The fish species of this lake have been grouped into two for obvious reasons-Haplochromis forms at least 80 per cent, by weight, of the yield of the lake. When carrying out the survey, the lake was divided into thirteen sampling areas and, although there were variations, all the species were encountered throughout most of the sampling units, except that there were definite trends as one species moved as one from shallow water towards the centre of the lake. It was noted that there was a numerical decrease of species the nearer one got to the centre of the lake, and the catch rates of the species in deeper waters also tended to decrease. The species that were found most consistently throughout the whole lake included Haplochromis complex and Bagrus, and the species found to be confined almost entirely to the shallow waters was Tilapia, in particular Tilapia nilotica.


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Work which has been carried out by exploratory and stock assessment scientists indicates that some 200,000 metric tons of freshwater fish could be harvested annually from Lake Victoria. Haplochromis forms approximately 83 per cent of the total stocks


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The results are reported of commercial small craft pair trawling trials conducted on Lake Chilwa from May to August 1971. Type of vessels and equipment used and the fishing method and operation employed are described and design data given for the different trawls used. The effects on catching efficiency of varying amounts of small mesh netting trawls are dealt with and recommendations made for trawls design modifications.


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