905 resultados para translation process, machine translation post-editing, translation memory, time effectiveness, perceived difficulty


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The measurement of patient satisfaction can provide information about the success of the care provider in reaching the values and meeting the expectations of the patient. The purpose of this study was to translate into the Portuguese language and to culturally customize to the Brazilian population the instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy elaborated by Goldstein et al. The study sample was made up of 279 patients who were undergoing physical therapy treatment at 39 different private clinics in a middle-sized town in northeastern Brazil. For the translation of the survey instrument, the back-translation technique was employed, in association with the bilingual method. The reliability and validity of the Brazilian version of the instrument were both assessed. Reliability analysis, carried out with the computation of Cronbach alpha coefficients, showed that the measures obtained with the instrument have a high degree of internal consistency. The aspects dealing with the patient therapist relationship are the most important predictors of satisfaction, followed by those dealing with courtesy, privacy, and practical aspects such as efficiency of the facility in the patient admissions process, setting up of appointments, and waiting time in waiting room. Items dealing with aspects such as location of the facility and availability of parking facilities may underestimate the reliability of the instrument. This study translated, culturally customized, and validated an instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy originally developed in English. By so doing, this study has made this instrument available to the Brazilian society, and it has rendered it a useful parameter that can be utilized in our country in the field of physical therapy


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Giorgio Bassani in his book Una lapide in via Mazzin seeks to show to the readers all the sufferings passed by Italians during the Second World War and emphasized those persists until today. Aiming to make an unprecedented translation of this tale, it is expected that the text provides us great experiences in the language and we could see the actual difficulties and differences with the Portuguese language, despite being considered these languages closed ones. The objective of this work is to produce a translation that allows us to transmit all anxieties and reflections suffered by the main character of the tale. After the war, the survivor of the concentration camp can go back to your city. He appears exactly at the moment is being placed a headstone on the synagogue wall in homage to Jews deported and killed in the camps. Given the gaunt figure of the man with his striped pajamas, the population is driven to rethink their own indifference and , in a way, its share of blame. Thus, the return should be celebrated is rejected and the figure of the survivor becomes a nuisance. The function of the headstone is actually and literally put a stone on the story. To achieve the proposed objective for this work, we analyzed all the chapters of the story Una lapide in via Mazzini and tried to find equivalents in Portuguese. However, we not ignored the traces of meaning that Giorgio Bassani invested in his work. Therefore, it was necessary to use both printed and virtual dictionaries. With the advancement of the translation work, we realized the difficulty of finding appropriate solutions to achieve the desired effect . The fidelity proposed by the author became increasingly difficult as our work progressed. In the course of all the discussions, it was concluded that , in fact , when it comes to translation, maintaining fidelity to the original text in a foreign language is a difficult and laborious process


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The main purpose of this thesis is to promote the Slovak culture in Italy through the adaptation of Pásli ovce valasi (The shepherd grazed the sheep), a TV series for children by director Ladislav Čapek. The series, which was released in Czechoslovakia in 1973, is divided into thirteen episodes and tells the story of Matko and Kubko, two shepherds who live in the mountains in central Slovakia. Pásli ovce valasi represented an interesting choice from the adaptation point of view, due to its deep cultural value and the peculiarities of the language used by the characters. The constraints of audiovisual translation were combined to the difficulty of rendering Slovak cultural-specific elements into Italian, together with the limits imposed by having children as a primary recipient. The importance of their role as a target has constrained not only our translation choices, but also the adaptation mode. For this reason, it was decided to realise subtitles in order to make the audiovisual product immediately available, together with an adaptation for dubbing, more suitable for a young audience. The opportunity to present two different forms of adaptation is closely linked to the specific characteristics of the cartoon language. The present study consists of four chapters. The first one provides a brief introduction to the series, its language and setting. The second chapter outlines the main characteristics of audiovisual translation, focusing on dubbing and subtitling in particular. It also presents an analysis of the role of children as a target and the consequent decision to realise an adaptation for dubbing. The two adaptation modes, together with the transcription of the original dialogues, are provided in the third chapter. The fourth and last chapter consists of a description and analysis of the translation process, focusing on morphosyntactic, lexical, rethorical, historical and cultural aspects. The last part of the chapter analyses the differences between the subtitles and the adaptation for dubbing.


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The real-time refinement calculus is an extension of the standard refinement calculus in which programs are developed from a precondition plus post-condition style of specification. In addition to adapting standard refinement rules to be valid in the real-time context, specific rules are required for the timing constructs such as delays and deadlines. Because many real-time programs may be nonterminating, a further extension is to allow nonterminating repetitions. A real-time specification constrains not only what values should be output, but when they should be output. Hence for a program to implement such a specification, it must guarantee to output values by the specified times. With standard programming languages such guarantees cannot be made without taking into account the timing characteristics of the implementation of the program on a particular machine. To avoid having to consider such details during the refinement process, we have extended our real-time programming language with a deadline command. The deadline command takes no time to execute and always guarantees to meet the specified time; if the deadline has already passed the deadline command is infeasible (miraculous in Dijkstra's terminology). When such a realtime program is compiled for a particular machine, one needs to ensure that all execution paths leading to a deadline are guaranteed to reach it by the specified time. We consider this checking as part of an extended compilation phase. The addition of the deadline command restores for the real-time language the advantage of machine independence enjoyed by non-real-time programming languages.


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What if the architectural process of making could incorporate time? All designers who impact the physical environment- consciously and unconsciously are gatekeepers of the past, commentators of the present, and speculators of the future. This project proposes the creation of architecture and adaptive public space that looks to historical memories, foster present day cultural formation, and new alternative visions for the city of the future. The thesis asks what it means to design for stasis and change in a variety of scales- urban, architectural, and detail and arrives at a speculated new neighborhood, institutional buildings, and landscape. Central to this project is the idea of the architect as archeologist, anthropologist, and artist. The project focuses on a rapidly changing part of the city of Fort Worth, Texas and assigns a multipurpose institutional buildings and public space as a method of investigation. The thesis hopes to further architectural discourse about into the role of architecture in the preservation of memory, adaptive potential of public spaces, and the role of time in architecture.


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Process modeling grammars are used to create models of business processes. In this paper, we discuss how different routing symbol designs affect an individual's ability to comprehend process models. We conduct an experiment with 154 students to ascertain which visual design principles influence process model comprehension. Our findings suggest that design principles related to perceptual discriminability and pop out improve comprehension accuracy. Furthermore, semantic transparency and aesthetic design of symbols lower the perceived difficulty of comprehension. Our results inform important principles about notational design of process modeling grammars and the effective use of process modeling in practice.


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This PhD practice-led research inquiry sets out to examine and describe how the fluid interactions between memory and time can be rendered via the remediation of my painting and the construction of a digital image archive. My abstract digital art and handcrafted practice is informed by Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomics of becoming. I aim to show that the technological mobility of my creative strategies produce new conditions of artistic possibility through the mobile principles of rhizomic interconnection, multiplicity and diversity. Subsequently through the ongoing modification of past painting I map how emergent forms and ideas open up new and incisive engagements with the experience of a ‘continual present’. The deployment of new media and cross media processes in my art also deterritorialises the modernist notion of painting as a static and two dimensional spatial object. Instead, it shows painting in a postmodern field of dynamic and transformative intermediality through digital formats of still and moving images that re-imagines the relationship between memory, time and creative practice.


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To test preschoolers’ development of cognitive flexibility--an ability to solve a problem in one way and to then switch solution strategies, and the mechanism involved in the development, 3-5-year-olds are asked to perform switching tasks in which the experimenter manipulates the way the stimuli are presented: consecutive or simultaneous; the way the switching happens: between dimensions or within a dimension; the conceptual domains involved: shape, color, number and direction; the specific labels used. The main results of this work are presented below: (1) 3-5-year-olds’ cognitive flexibility develops with age, yet its development is not of the same speed in extra-dimensional switch tasks and inter-dimensional reversal tasks. 3-year-olds manifest some cognitive flexibility, but their performance is significantly worse than that of 4- and 5-year-olds. For the 3-year-olds, in reversal tasks, although 80% of the children passed the post-switch phrase in color task; less then 60% children passed the post-switch phrase in shape, number and direction tasks. In extra-dimensional tasks, 3-year-olds performance is worse than that in the reversal tasks. Less than 50% of the children passed the tasks. Children’s cognitive flexibility develops fast from 3-year-olds to 4-year-olds. Both 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds demonstrate high flexibility without significant difference between them. (2) Children’s flexibility in the conceptual domains of shape, color, number and direction follows different developing patterns. In inter-dimensional reversal tasks, 3-year-olds’ performance is not the same in the 4 conceptual domains, but the difference among the domains is insignificant in 4-and-5-year-olds. In extra-dimensional switching tasks, children’s performance on the 4 domain tasks is significantly different from one another in 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. (3) The way the stimuli are presented affects children’s development of cognitive flexibility. In inter-dimensional reversal tasks, 3-year-olds’ performance in consecutive presentation is significantly better than that in simultaneous presentation. 4- and 5-year-olds’ performance in the 2 presentations is not significantly different from each other. In extra-dimensional switch tasks, 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds’ performance in the consecutive presentation is not significantly better than that in the simultaneous presentation (4) 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds’ self-issued labeling aids their performance on the switching tasks. Children’ performance in the labeling condition is significantly better than that of no labeling. (5) 3-5-year-olds’ cognitive flexibility is highly correlated with their working memory and inhibition. Children’ development of cognitive flexibility is a process that involves activation of working memory and inhibition, in which the complexity of the task also plays a role.


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É objetivo geral deste trabalho perceber o modo como as empresas gerem as terminologias e as línguas de especialidade em contextos de comunicação multilingues, especialmente quando mediada por tradução. Com base num suporte teórico da Terminologia aplicada à tradução e, sempre que necessário, dado o teor interdisciplinar do tema, em pressupostos da Gestão e da Tradução especializada, desenvolvemos a pesquisa no âmbito de um quadro metodológico descritivo, sustentado em vários métodos qualitativos e quantitativos de recolha primária e secundária de dados. Temos, por pano de fundo, um cenário aparentemente paradoxal. Por um lado, para os clientes (empresas e consumidores), a língua é vista como um ativo e um recurso funcional e de apoio: serve como meio para atingir um objetivo, não é o objetivo em si. Do outro lado, da indústria da língua, a língua é matéria-prima e o bem final, ou seja, é o objetivo, o seu produto final, pelo que a preocupação com a qualidade linguística é muito maior. A investigação foi desenvolvida em dois ciclos de pesquisa. No primeiro, o trabalho centra-se na língua portuguesa, como língua de chegada, no mercado global da tradução especializada da CPLP, do qual apresentamos um contorno possível. No segundo ciclo, descrevemos a forma como as línguas são geridas nas empresas internacionalizadas, com destaque para a prática de tradução empresarial ad hoc – e discutimos o status quo da gestão terminológica na generalidade das empresas. Mais do que apontar falhas, apesar de termos identificado a terminologia como um dos fatores críticos do processo, tentamos perceber a causa do ciclo do satisfatório mantido nas empresas, que os melhores argumentos e estudos dos agentes da indústria da língua, nomeadamente da terminologia, não têm conseguido mudar. Numa abordagem, sempre que possível, abrangente e integradora à questão, tentamos desmistificar a clivagem entre fornecedores e clientes e a ideia tout court de más-práticas das empresas, vendo-as à luz das políticas linguísticas da Comunidade Europeia, mas também das caraterísticas da sociedade global do conhecimento. Aí identificamos algumas oportunidades, que exigem não só o investimento da cultura empresarial, mas também uma atitude mais pró-ativa dos agentes da Terminologia, de forma a agilizar o processo de mudança baseado na educação para a qualidade. Deste modo, pensamos ser mais fácil criar uma “cultura favorável” à gestão de terminologia, e à qualidade da língua de especialidade em geral, baseada na confiança e na competência, com atitudes e comportamentos cooperantes ao nível de todas as partes interessadas.


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine the elements of the main process of pilgrimage tourism (PT), occurring between pilgrims, hikers and tourists along a trail towards a holy site. PT is defined as a process consisting of three sub-processes over time and across contexts: pre-process, main process and post-process. Design/methodology/approach – Explores the core reasons for PT through active participation and observation. Findings – This study reveals different layers, levels, views, approaches and perspectives involved in people-based processes. The study attempts to conceptualize the elements involved between people committed and dedicated to PT. Research limitations/implications – The introduced model of PT stresses the processes and interfaces involved over time and across contexts between people, with the same or different sequences. There is, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no previous research that explores and describes the processes and interaction between pilgrims, hikers and tourists. Practical implications – The ultimate experience at an individual level differs, depending upon the outcome of the PT-elements of the model of PT (i.e. processes, interfaces, people and sequences). Social implications – From a social science perspective, the research examines the motives of different traveller types and looks at their different perspectives of being involved with the same physical activity of travel. The study emphasises that we can be involved in the same physical activity, but embrace it with different levels of personal and emotional engagement. Originality/value – A conceptualized model of PT containing four elements (process, interface, people and sequence) – all of which offer a foundation for structuring and assessing empirical research, and provide additional insights and knowledge into the dynamics and complexity involved specifically in a people-based process consisting of interfaces and sequences when travelling.


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We share the idea of Lane et al. that successful psychotherapy exerts its effects through memory reconsolidation. To support it, we add further evidence that a behavioral interference may trigger memory update during reconsolidation. Furthermore, we propose that – in addition to replacing maladaptive emotions – new emotions experienced in the therapeutic process catalyze reconsolidation of the updated memory structure.


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Los principios de confianza y seguridad (entendida como control del riesgo) aparecen como dos elementos constitutivos de la lógica de las relaciones en el estado providencia, con claras articulaciones con el tema del empleo. El presente trabajo se propone indagar, en la crisis del Estado de Bienestar, qué papel cumple el proceso de radicalización de la modernidad, que conocemos como posmodernidad en la elaboración de la noción de riesgo y consecuentemente de la de seguridad y cómo pueden afectar los institutos que la representan orgánicamente. Se observa la pérdida de certidumbre como una característica de las sociedades actuales, signadas por la complejidad y el consecuente traslado de la confianza a los sistemas expertos con la consecuencia de la despersonalización de las relaciones y el creciente poder de los operadores del sistema.


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There is strong converging evidence that the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale of the chick brain is a memory store for information acquired through the learning process of imprinting. Neurons in this memory system come, through imprinting, to respond selectively to the imprinting stimulus (IS) neurons and so possess the properties of a memory trace. Therefore, the responses of the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale neurons to a visual imprinting stimulus were determined before, during, and after training. Of the total recorded population, the proportions of IS neurons shortly after each of two 1-h training sessions were significantly higher (approximately 2 times) than the pretraining proportion. However, ≈4.5 h later this proportion had fallen significantly and did not differ significantly from the pretraining proportion. Nevertheless, ≈21.5 h after the end of training, the proportion of IS neurons was at its highest (approximately 3 times the pretraining level). No significant fluctuations occurred in the proportions of neurons responding to the alternative stimulus. In addition, nonmonotonic changes were found commonly in the activity of 230 of the neurons tracked individually from before training to shortly after the end of training. Thus the pattern of change in responsiveness both at the population level and at the level of individual neurons was highly nonmonotonic. Such a pattern of change is not consistent with simple models of memory based on synaptic strengthening to asymptote. A model is proposed that accounts for the changes in the population responses to the imprinting stimulus in terms of changes in the responses of individual neurons.