950 resultados para transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)


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Smoking cue-provoked craving is an intricate behavior associated with strong changes in neural networks. Craving is one of the main reasons subjects continue to smoke; therefore interventions that can modify activity in neural networks associated with craving can be useful tools in future research investigating novel treatments for smoking cessation. The goal of this study was to use a neuromodulatory technique associated with a powerful effect on spontaneous neuronal firing - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) - to modify cue-provoked smoking craving. Based on preliminary data showing that craving can be modified after a single tDCS session, here we investigated the effects of repeated tDCS sessions on craving behavior. Twenty-seven subjects were randomized to receive sham or active tDCS (anodal tDCS of the left DLPFC). Our results show a significant cumulative effect of tDCS on modifying smoking cue-provoked craving. In fact, in the group of active stimulation, smoking cues had an opposite effect on craving after stimulation - it decreased craving - as compared to sham stimulation in which there was a small decrease or increase on craving. In addition, during these 5 days of stimulation there was a small but significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked in the active as compared to sham tDCS group. Our findings extend the results of our previous study as they confirm the notion that tDCS has a specific effect on craving behavior and that the effects of several sessions can increase the magnitude of its effect. These results open avenues for the exploration of this method as a therapeutic alternative for smoking cessation and also as a mean to change stimulus-induced behavior. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The neural control of the cardiovascular system is a complex process that involves many structures at different levels of nervous system. Several cortical areas are involved in the control of systemic blood pressure, such as the sensorimotor cortex, the medial prefrontal cortex and the insular cortex. Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques - repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) - induce sustained and prolonged functional changes of the human cerebral cortex. rTMS and tDCS has led to positive results in the treatment of some neurological and psychiatric disorders. Because experiments in animals show that cortical modulation can be an effective method to regulate the cardiovascular system, non-invasive brain stimulation might be a novel tool in the therapeutics of human arterial hypertension. We here review the experimental evidence that non-invasive brain stimulation can influence the autonomic nervous system and discuss the hypothesis that focal modulation of cortical excitability by rTMS or tDCS can influence sympathetic outflow and, eventually, blood pressure, thus providing a novel therapeutic tool for human arterial hypertension. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Major depressive disorder (MDD) trials - investigating either non-pharmacological or pharmacological interventions - have shown mixed results. Many reasons explain this heterogeneity, but one that stands out is the trial design due to specific challenges in the field. We aimed therefore to review the methodology of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) trials and provide a framework to improve clinical trial design. We performed a systematic review for randomized, controlled MDD trials whose intervention was transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in MEDLINE and other databases from April 2002 to April 2008. We created an unstructured checklist based on CONSORT guidelines to extract items such as power analysis, sham method, blinding assessment, allocation concealment, operational criteria used for MDD, definition of refractory depression and primary study hypotheses. Thirty-one studies were included. We found that the main methodological issues can be divided in to three groups: (1) issues related to phase II/small trials, (2) issues related to MDD trials and, (3) specific issues of NIBS studies. Taken together, they can threaten study validity and lead to inconclusive results. Feasible solutions include: estimating the sample size a priori; measuring the degree of refractoriness of the subjects; specifying the primary hypothesis and statistical tests; controlling predictor variables through stratification randomization methods or using strict eligibility criteria; adjusting the study design to the target population; using adaptive designs and exploring NIBS efficacy employing biological markers. In conclusion, our study summarizes the main methodological issues of NIBS trials and proposes a number of alternatives to manage them. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Recent studies suggest that lucid dreaming (awareness of dreaming while dreaming) might be associated with increased brain activity over frontal regions during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. By applying transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), we aimed to manipulate the activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) during REM sleep to induce lucid dreaming. Nineteen participants spent three consecutive nights in a sleep laboratory. On the second and third nights they randomly received either 1 mA tDCS for 10 min or sham stimulation during each REM period starting with the second one. According to the participants' self-ratings, tDCS over the DLPFC during REM sleep increased lucidity in dreams. The effects, however, were not strong and found only in frequent lucid dreamers. While this indicates some preliminary support for the involvement of the DLPFC in lucid dreaming, further research, controlling for indirect effects of stimulation and including other brain regions, is needed.


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Here, we review the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the rehabilitation of neglect. We found 12 studies including 172 patients (10 TMS studies and 2 tDCS studies) fulfilling our search criteria. Activity of daily living measures such as the Barthel Index or, more specifically for neglect, the Catherine Bergego Scale were the outcome measure in three studies. Five studies were randomized controlled trials with a follow-up time after intervention of up to 6 weeks. One TMS study fulfilled criteria for Class I and one for Class III evidence. The studies are heterogeneous concerning their methodology, outcome measures, and stimulation parameters making firm comparisons and conclusions difficult. Overall, there are however promising results for theta-burst stimulation, suggesting that TMS is a powerful add-on therapy in the rehabilitation of neglect patients.


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BACKGROUND "The feeling of being there" is one possible way to describe the phenomenon of feeling present in a virtual environment and to act as if this environment is real. One brain area, which is hypothesized to be critically involved in modulating this feeling (also called presence) is the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), an area also associated with the control of impulsive behavior. METHODS In our experiment we applied transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to the right dlPFC in order to modulate the experience of presence while watching a virtual roller coaster ride. During the ride we also registered electro-dermal activity. Subjects also performed a test measuring impulsiveness and answered a questionnaire about their presence feeling while they were exposed to the virtual roller coaster scenario. RESULTS Application of cathodal tDCS to the right dlPFC while subjects were exposed to a virtual roller coaster scenario modulates the electrodermal response to the virtual reality stimulus. In addition, measures reflecting impulsiveness were also modulated by application of cathodal tDCS to the right dlPFC. CONCLUSION Modulating the activation with the right dlPFC results in substantial changes in responses of the vegetative nervous system and changed impulsiveness. The effects can be explained by theories discussing the top-down influence of the right dlPFC on the "impulsive system".


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Brain lesions in the visual associative cortex are known to impair visual perception, i.e., the capacity to correctly perceive different aspects of the visual world, such as motion, color, or shapes. Visual perception can be influenced by non-invasive brain stimulation such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In a recently developed technique called high definition (HD) tDCS, small HD-electrodes are used instead of the sponge electrodes in the conventional approach. This is believed to achieve high focality and precision over the target area. In this paper we tested the effects of cathodal and anodal HD-tDCS over the right V5 on motion and shape perception in a single blind, within-subject, sham controlled, cross-over trial. The purpose of the study was to prove the high focality of the stimulation only over the target area. Twenty one healthy volunteers received 20 min of 2 mA cathodal, anodal and sham stimulation over the right V5 and their performance on a visual test was recorded. The results showed significant improvement in motion perception in the left hemifield after cathodal HD-tDCS, but not in shape perception. Sham and anodal HD-tDCS did not affect performance. The specific effect of influencing performance of visual tasks by modulating the excitability of the neurons in the visual cortex might be explained by the complexity of perceptual information needed for the tasks. This provokes a "noisy" activation state of the encoding neuronal patterns. We speculate that in this case cathodal HD-tDCS may focus the correct perception by decreasing global excitation and thus diminishing the "noise" below threshold.


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Research is being conducted on the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for therapeutic effects, and also on the mechanisms through which such therapeutic effects are mediated. A bottleneck in the progress of the research has been the large size of the existing tDCS systems which prevents subjects from performing their daily activities. To help research into the principles, mechanisms, and benefits of tDCS, reduction of size and weight, improvement in simplicity and user friendliness, portability, and programmability of tDCS systems are vital. This paper presents a design for a low-cost, light-weight, programmable, and portable tDCS device. The device is head-mountable and can be concealed in a hat and worn on the head by the subject while receiving the stimulation. The strength of the direct current stimulation can be selected through a simple user interface. The device is constructed and its performance evaluated through bench and in vivo tests. The tests validated the operation of the device in inducing neuromodulatory changes in primary motor cortex, M1, through measuring excitability of dominant M1 of resting right first dorsal interosseus muscle by transcranial magnetic stimulation induced motor evoked potentials. It was observed that the tDCS device induced comparable neuromodulatory effects in M1 as the existing bulky tDCS systems.


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Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a method of non-invasive brain stimulation widely used to modulate cognitive functions. Recent studies, however, suggests that effects are unreliable, small and often non-significant at least when stimulation is applied in a single session to healthy individuals. We examined the effects of frontal and temporal lobe anodal tDCS on naming and reading tasks and considered possible interactions with linguistic activation and selection mechanisms as well possible interactions with item difficulty and participant individual variability. Across four separate experiments (N, Exp 1A = 18; 1B = 20; 1C = 18; 2 = 17), we failed to find any difference between real and sham stimulation. Moreover, we found no evidence of significant effects limited to particular conditions (i.e., those requiring suppression of semantic interference), to a subset of participants or to longer RTs. Our findings sound a cautionary note on using tDCS as a means to modulate cognitive performance. Consistent effects of tDCS may be difficult to demonstrate in healthy participants in reading and naming tasks, and be limited to cases of pathological neurophysiology and/or to the use of learning paradigms.


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Editorial from Frontiers in Human Neuroscience publication The Safety and Efficacy of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Development and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The editorial introduces the promise and the challenges that researchers and clinicians face when applying NIBS techniques to study typical development, developmental pathophysiology, and the potential nonpharmacological, brainbased treatments for neurodevelopmental disorders.


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Estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) sobre áreas corticais pré-selecionadas, tem aumentado o desempenho físico de diferentes populações. Porém, lacunas persistem no tocante aos mecanismos subjacentes à estes efeitos. Assim, a presente tese objetivou: a) investigar os efeitos da ETCC anódica (aETCC) e placebo (Sham) no córtex motor (CM) de indivíduos saudáveis sobre o desempenho de força máxima; b) comparar os efeitos da ETCC sobre a produção de força máxima e estabilidadade da força durante exercícios máximo e submáximo em sujeitos hemiparéticos e saudáveis; c) investigar o efeito da ETCC sobre a conectividade funcional inter-hemisférica (coerência eletroencefalográfica cEEG) do córtex pré-frontal (CPF), desempenho aeróbio e dispêndio energético (EE) durante e após exercício máximo e submáximo. No 1 estudo, 14 adultos saudáveis executaram 2 sessões de exercício máximo de força (EMF) dos músculos flexores e extensores do joelho dominante (3 séries de 10 rep máximas), precedidos por aETCC ou Sham (2mA; 20 mim). aETCC não foi capaz de aumentar o trabalho total e pico de torque (PT), resistência à fadiga ou atividade eletromiográfica durante o EMF. No 2 estudo, 10 hemiparéticos e 9 sujeitos saudáveis receberam aETCC e Sham no CM. O PT e a estabilidade da força (coeficiente de variação - CV) foram avaliados durante protocolo máximo e submáximo de extensão e flexão unilateral do joelho (1 série de 3 reps a 100% do PT e 2 séries de 10 reps a 50% do PT). Nenhuma diferença no PT foi observada nos dois grupos. Diminuições no CV foram obervadas durante a extensão (~25-35%, P<0.001) e flexão de joelho (~22-33%, P<0.001) após a aETCC comparada com Sham nos hemiparéticos, entretanto, somente o CV na extensão de joelhos diminuiu (~13-27%, P<0.001) nos saudáveis, o que sugere que aETCC pode melhorar o CV, mas não o PT em sujeitos hemiparéticos. No 3 estudo, 9 adultos saudáveis realizaram 2 testes incrementais máximos precedidos por aETCC ou Sham sobre o CPF com as respostas cardiorrespiratórias, percepção de esforço (PSE) e cEEG do CPF sendo monitoradas. O VO2 de pico (42.64.2 vs. 38.23.3 mL.kg.min-1; P=0,02), potência total (252.776.5 vs. 23773.3 W; P=0,05) e tempo de exaustão (531.1140 vs. 486.7115.3 seg; P=0,04) foram maiores após aETCC do que a Sham. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada para FC e PSE em função da carga de trabalho (P>0,05). A cEEG do CPF aumentou após aETCC vs. repouso (0.700.40 vs. 0.380.05; P=0,001), mas não após Sham vs. repouso (0.360.49 vs. 0.330.50; P=0,06), sugerindo que a aETCC pode retardar a fadiga aumentando a conectividade funcional entre os hemisférios do CPF e desempenho aeróbio durante exercício exaustivo. No 4 estudo, o VO2 e EE foram avaliados em 11 adultos saudáveis antes, durante a aETCC ou Sham no CPF e 30 min após exercício aeróbio submáximo isocalórico (~200kcal). Diferenças não foram observadas no VO2 vs. repouso durante aETCC e Sham (P=0.95 e P=0.85). Porém, a associação entre exercício e aETCC aumentou em ~19% o EE após ao menos, 30 min de recuperação após exercício quando comparada a Sham (P<0,05).


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L’association démontrée récemment entre les commotions cérébrales dans le sport et le développement possible de maladies neurodégénératives a suggéré la possibilité que des altérations persistantes soient présentes dans le cerveau de l’athlète commotionné. En fait, des altérations neurophysiologiques ont récemment été révélées au sein du cortex moteur primaire (M1) d’athlètes ayant un historique de commotions via la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT). Plus précisément, la période silencieuse corticale (PSC), une mesure d’inhibition liée aux récepteurs GABAB, était anormalement élevée, et cette hyper-inhibition était présente jusqu’à 30 ans post-commotion. La PSC, et possiblement le GABA, pourraient donc s’avérer des marqueurs objectifs des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale. Toutefois, aucune étude à ce jour n’a directement évalué les niveaux de GABA chez l’athlète commotionné. Ainsi, les études cliniques et méthodologiques composant le présent ouvrage comportent deux objectifs principaux: (1) déterminer si l’inhibition excessive (GABA et PSC) est un marqueur des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale; (2) déterminer s’il est possible de moduler l’inhibition intracorticale de façon non-invasive dans l’optique de développer de futurs avenues de traitements. L’article 1 révèle une préservation des systèmes sensorimoteurs, somatosensoriels et de l’inhibition liée au GABAA chez un groupe d’athlètes universitaires asymptomatiques ayant subi de multiples commotions cérébrales en comparaison avec des athlètes sans historique connu de commotion cérébrale. Cependant, une atteinte spécifique des mesures liées au système inhibiteur associé aux récepteurs GABAB est révélée chez les athlètes commotionnés en moyenne 24 mois post-commotion. Dans l’article 2, aucune atteinte des mesures SMT liées au système inhibiteur n’est révélée en moyenne 41 mois après la dernière commotion cérébrale chez un groupe d’athlètes asymptomatiques ayant subi 1 à 5 commotions cérébrales. Bien qu’aucune différence entre les groupes n’est obtenue quant aux concentrations de GABA et de glutamate dans M1 via la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), des corrélations différentielles suggèrent la présence d’un déséquilibre métabolique entre le GABA et le glutamate chez les athlètes commotionnés. L’article 3 a démontré, chez des individus en bonne santé, un lien entre la PSC et la transmission glutamatergique, ainsi que le GABA et le glutamate. Ces résultats suggèrent que la PSC ne reflète pas directement les concentrations du GABA mesurées par la SRM, mais qu’un lien étroit entre la GABA et le glutamate est présent. L’article 4 a démontré la possibilité de moduler la PSC avec la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (SÉTcd) anodale chez des individus en santé, suggérant l’existence d’un potentiel thérapeutique lié à l’utilisation de cette technique. L’article 5 a illustré un protocole d’évaluation des effets métaboliques de la SÉTcd bilatérale. Dans l’article 6, aucune modulation des systèmes GABAergiques révélées par la SMT et la SRM n’est obtenue suite à l’utilisation de ce protocole auprès d’individus en santé. Cet article révèle également que la SÉTcd anodale n’engendre pas de modulation significative du GABA et du glutamate. En somme, les études incluent dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets neurophysiologiques et métaboliques des commotions cérébrales, mais également sur le mécanisme d’action des diverses méthodologies utilisées.


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The fluctuacion force has been increasingly used in studies with elderly as a good predictor of performance and functionality of the motor. However, most analyzes the fluctuation of force in one session. Thus, identifying the minimum amount of sessions needed for familiarization with the fluctuation strength in isometric exercise become relevant. Furthermore, to investigate the effects of applying transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) associated with regular exercise on rates fluctuation task force is extremely important. In the first experiment, volunteers were subjected to a protocol marked by a familiarization session to establish the parameters of VCM and eight sessions with intensity of 30% MVC in office. It was observed that two familiarization sessions are required so there is a fluctuation stabilizing force. In experiment II, subjects performed an isometric contraction before and after applying tDCS (cathode, anode and sham) applied to M1. ETCC anodic effectively contributed to reducing the fluctuation of force during isometric exercise in the elderly, while the cathodic caused the increased levels of strength fluctuation. It was concluded that there is a need to implement a familiarization protocol with at least two sessions to avoid possible misunderstandings of measurements in tests of fluctuacion force. Besides that tDCS interfered with the behavior of the oscillations of force, with cathodic promoting increased fluctuation strength and anodic contributed to greater stability, demonstrating the potential of this technique neuromodulation associated with exercise as rehabilitation tools