823 resultados para trail transport


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Air transport has become a vital component of the global economy. However, greenhouse-gas emissions from this sector have a significant impact on global climate, being responsible for over 3.5% of all anthropogenic radiative forcing. Also, the accrued visibility of aircraft emissions greatly affects the public image of the industry. In this context, incentive-based regulations, in the form of price or quantity controls, can be envisaged as alternatives to mitigate these emissions. The use of environmental charges in air transport, and the inclusion of the sector in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), are considered under a range of scenarios. The impacts of these measures on demand are estimated, and results suggest that they are likely to be minimal-mainly due to the high willingness to pay for air transport. In particular, in the EU ETS scenario currently favoured by the EU, demand reductions are less than 2%. This may not be true in the longer run, for short trips, or if future caps become more stringent. Furthermore, given current estimates of the social Cost Of CO2 as well as typical EU ETS prices, supply-side abatement would be too costly to be encouraged by these policies in the short term. The magnitude of aviation CO2 emissions in the EU is estimated, both in physical and monetary terms; the results are consistent with Eurocontrol estimates and, for the EU-25, the total social cost of these emissions represents only 0.03% of the region`s GDP. It is concluded that the use of multisector policies, such as the EU ETS, is unsuitable for curbing emissions from air transport, and that stringent emission charges or an isolated ETS would be better instruments. However, the inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS has advantages under target-oriented post-2012 scenarios, such as policy-costs dilution, certainty in reductions, and flexibility in abatement allocation. This solution is also attractive to airlines, as it would improve their public image but require virtually no reduction of their own emissions, as they would be fully capable of passing on policy costs to their customers.


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We report on the detection of the transport Barkhausen-like noise (TBN) in polycrystalline samples of Bi(1.65)Pb(0.35)Sr(2)Ca(2) Cu(3)O(10+delta) (Bi-2223) which were subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. The transport Barkhausen-like noise was measured when the sample was subjected to an ac triangular-shape magnetic field (f similar to 1 Hz) with maximum amplitude B(max) approximate to 5.5 mT, in order to avoid the flux penetration within the superconducting grains. Analysis of the TBN signal, measured for several values of excitation current density, indicated that the applied magnetic field in which the noise signal first appears, B(a)(t(i)), is closely related to the magnetic-flux pinning capability of the material. The combined results are consistent with the existence of three different superconducting levels within the samples: (i) the superconducting grains; (ii) the superconducting clusters; and (iii) the weak-links. We finally argue that TBN measurements constitute a powerful tool for probing features of the intergranular transport properties in polycrystalline samples of high-T(c) superconductors. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experimental and theoretical studies on the magnetic field dependence of the electrical resistance R(B(a)) and the transport noise (TN) in polycrystalline high-T(c) superconductors subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures were conducted. X-ray diffraction rocking curves were performed in different surfaces of the samples in order to investigated the degree of texture The results indicated an improvement of the degree of texture with increasing the uniaxial compacting pressure In theoretical simulations of the data, the polycrystalline superconductors were described as a series-parallel array of Josephson devices The intergranular magnetic field is described within the framework of the intragranular flux-trapping model and the distribution of the grain-boundary angles is assumed to follow the Rayleigh statistical function The proposed model describes well the experimental magnetoresistance R(B(a)) data We have found that the behavior of the R(B(a)) curves changes appreciably when different uniaxially compacting pressures are applied to the sample and such a changes are reproduced by the model when different grain-boundary angles distributions are used In addition, changes in the R(B(a)) dependence have their counterparts in the experimental transport noise signals (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Fruit-set in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) depends on gibberellins and auxins (GAs). Here, we show, using the cv MicroTom, that application of N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA; an inhibitor of auxin transport) to unpollinated ovaries induced parthenocarpic fruit-set, associated with an increase of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content, and that this effect was negated by paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis). NPA-induced ovaries contained higher content of GA(1) (an active GA) and transcripts of GA biosynthetic genes (SlCPS, SlGA20ox1, and -2). Interestingly, application of NPA to pollinated ovaries prevented their growth, potentially due to supraoptimal IAA accumulation. Plant decapitation and inhibition of auxin transport by NPA from the apical shoot also induced parthenocarpic fruit growth of unpollinated ovaries. Application of IAA to the severed stump negated the plant decapitation effect, indicating that the apical shoot prevents unpollinated ovary growth through IAA transport. Parthenocarpic fruit growth induced by plant decapitation was associated with high levels of GA(1) and was counteracted by paclobutrazol treatment. Plant decapitation also produced changes in transcript levels of genes encoding enzymes of GA biosynthesis (SlCPS and SlGA20ox1) in the ovary, quite similar to those found in NPA-induced fruits. All these results suggest that auxin can have opposing effects on fruit-set, either inducing (when accumulated in the ovary) or repressing (when transported from the apical shoot) that process, and that GAs act as mediators in both cases. The effect of NPA application and decapitation on fruit-set induction was also observed in MicroTom lines bearing introgressed DWARF and SELF-PRUNING wild-type alleles.


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Bidirectional transport studies were conducted using Caco-2, MDCK, and MDCK-MDR1 to determine P-gp influences in lamivudine and zidovudine permeability and evaluate if zidovudine permeability changes with the increase of zidovudine concentration and/or by association of lamivudine. Transport of lamivudine and zidovudine separated and coadministrated across monolayers based on these cells were quantified using LC-MS-MS. Drug efflux by P-gp was inhibited using GG918. Bidirectional transport of lamivudine and zidovudine was performed across MDCK-MDR1 and Caco-2 cells. Statistically significant transport decrease in B -> A direction was observed using MDCK-MDR1 for zidovudine and MDCK-MDR1 and Caco-2 for lamivudine. Results show increased transport in B -> A and A -> B directions as concentration increases but data from P(app) increase in both directions for both drugs in Caco-2, decrease in MDCK, and does not change significantly in MDCK-MDR1. Zidovudine transport in A -> B direction increases when coadministrated with increasing lamivudine concentration but does not change significantly in B -> A direction. Zidovudine and lamivudine are P-gp substrates, but results assume that P-gp does not affect significantly lamivudine and zidovudine. Their transport in monolayers based on Caco-2 cells increase proportionally to concentration (in both directions) and zidovudine transport in Caco-2 cell monolayer does not show significant changes with lamivudine increasing concentrations. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:4413-4419, 2009


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Phthalocyanines have been used as systemic photosensitizers because of their high affinity towards tumour tissue, and the high rates of reactive oxygen species produced when they are irradiated during photodynamic therapy. However, the topical administration of these compounds is limited by their large size, poor hydrosolubility and ionic character. This study aimed to investigate the iontophoretic delivery of charged zinc phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid (ZnPcS(4)) from a hydrophilic gel to different skin layers by means of in-vitro and in-vivo studies. Six hours of passive administration was insufficient for ZnPcS(4) to cross the stratum corneum (SC) and to reach the epidermis and dermis. No positive effect was reached when anodal iontophoresis was performed, showing that the drug-electrode attraction effect was higher than the electro-osmosis contribution at a pH of 5.5. Cathodal iontophoresis, however, was able to transport significant amounts of the drug to the viable epidermis. In addition, the absence of NaCl in the formulation significantly increased (by five-fold) the amount of ZnPcS(4) that crossed the SC and accumulated in the epidermis and dermis. It was possible to visualize the drug accumulation in the follicle openings and in the epidermis, even after SC removal. In-vivo experiments in rat skin showed that these results were maintained in an in-vivo model, even with only 15 min of iontophoresis. In addition, confocal analysis of the treated skin showed a homogeneous distribution of ZnPcS(4) in the viable epidermis after this short period of cathodal iontophoresis. Anti-Cancer Drugs 22:783-793 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Simple techniques are presented for rearrangement of an infinite series in a systematic way such that the convergence of the resulting expression is accelerated. These procedures also allow calculation of required boundary derivatives. Several examples of conduction and diffusion-reaction problems illustrate the methods.


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Flexible transport services (FTS) have been of increasing interest in developed countries as a bridge between the use of personal car travel and fixed route transit services. This paper reports on findings from a recent study in Queensland Australia, which identified lessons from an international review and implications for Australia. Potential strategic directions, including a vision, mission, key result areas, strategies, and identified means of measuring performance are described. Evaluation criteria for assessing flexible transport proposals were developed, and approaches to identifying and assessing needs and demands outlined. The use of emerging technologies is also a key element of successful flexible transport services.


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The conventional analysis for the estimation of the tortuosity factor for transport in porous media is modified here to account for the effect of pore aspect ratio. Structural models of the porous medium are also constructed for calculating the aspect ratio as a function of porosity. Comparison of the model predictions with the extensive data of Currie (1960) for the effective diffusivity of hydrogen in packed beds shows good agreement with a network model of randomly oriented intersecting pores for porosities upto about 50 percent, which is the region of practical interest. The predictions based on this network model are also found to be in better agreement with the data of Currie than earlier expressions developed for unconsolidated and grainy media.


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Segregation of mRNAs in the cytoplasm of polar cells has been demonstrated for proteins involved in Xenopus and Drosophila oogenesis, and for some proteins in somatic cells. It is assumed that vectorial transport of the messages is generally responsible for this localization. The mRNA encoding the basic protein of central nervous system myelin is selectively transported to the distal ends of the processes of oligodendrocytes, where it is anchored to the myelin membrane and translated. This transport is dependent on a 21-nucleotide cis-acting segment of the 3'-untranslated region (RTS). Proteins that bind to this cis-acting segment have now been isolated from extracts of rat brain. A group of six 35-42-kDa proteins bind to a 35-base oligoribonucleotide incorporating the RTS, but not to several oligoribonucleotides with the same composition but randomized sequences, thus establishing specificity for the base sequence in the RTS. The most abundant of these proteins has been identified, by Edman sequencing of tryptic peptides and mass spectroscopy, as heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, a 36-kDa member of a family of proteins that are primarily, but not solely, intranuclear. This protein was most abundant in samples from rat brain and testis, with lower amounts in other tissues. It was separated from the other polypeptides by using reverse-phase HPLC and shown to retain preferential association with the RTS. In cultured oligodendrocytes, hnRNP A2 was demonstrated by confocal microscopy to be distributed throughout the nucleus, cell soma, and processes.


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Xylem sap from woody species in the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia was analyzed for N compounds. At the peak of the dry season, arginine was the main N compound in sap of most species of woodlands and deciduous monsoon forest. In the wet season, a marked change occurred with amides becoming the main sap N constituents of most species. Species from an evergreen monsoon forest, with a permanent water source, transported amides in the dry season. In the dry season, nitrate accounted for 7 and 12% of total xylem sap N in species of deciduous and evergreen monsoon forests, respectively In the wet season, the proportion of N present as nitrate increased to 22% in deciduous monsoon forest species. These results suggest that N is taken up and assimilated mainly in the wet season and that this newly assimilated N is mostly transported as amide-N (woodland species, monsoon forest species) and nitrate (monsoon forest species). Arginine is the form in which stored N is remobilized and transported by woodland and deciduous monsoon forest species in the dry season. Several proteins, which may represent bark storage proteins, were detected in inner bark tissue from a range of trees in the dry season, indicating that, although N uptake appears to be limited in the dry season, the many tree and shrub species that produce flowers, fruit or leaves in the dry season use stored N to support growth. Nitrogen characteristics of the studied species are discussed in relation to the tropical environment.


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Purpose, An in vitro study was carried out to determine the iontophoretic permeability of local anesthetics through human epidermis. The relationship between physicochemical structure and the permeability of these solutes was then examined using an ionic mobility-pore model developed to define quantitative relationships. Methods. The iontophoretic permeability of both ester-type anesthetics (procaine, butacaine, tetracaine) and amide-type anesthetics (prilocaine, mepivacaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine, etidocaine, cinchocaine) were determined through excised human epidermis over 2 hrs using a constant d.c. current and Ag/AgCl electrodes. Individual ion mobilities were determined from conductivity measurements in aqueous solutions. Multiple stepwise regression was applied to interrelate the iontophoretic permeability of the solutes with their physical properties to examine the appropriateness of the ionic mobility-pore model and to determine the best predictor of iontophoretic permeability of the local anesthetics. Results. The logarithm of the iontophoretic permeability coefficient (log PCj,iont) for local anesthetics was directly related to the log ionic mobility and MW for the free volume form of the model when other conditions are held constant. Multiple linear regressions confirmed that log PCj,iont was best defined by ionic mobility (and its determinants: conductivity, pK(a) and MW) and MW. Conclusions. Our results suggest that of the properties studied, the best predictors of iontophoretic transport of local anesthetics are ionic mobility (or pK(a)) and molecular size. These predictions are consistent with the ionic mobility pore model determined by the mobility of ions in the aqueous solution, the total current, epidermal permselectivity and other factors as defined by the model.


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The effect of incoherent interlayer transport on the interlayer resistance of a layered metal is considered. We find that for both quasi-one-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional Fermi liquids the angular dependence of the magnetoresistance is essentially the same for coherent and incoherent transport. Consequently, the existence of a three-dimensional Fermi surface is not necessary to explain the oscillations in the magnetoresistance that are seen in many organic conductors as the field direction is varied. [S0031-9007(98)07660-1].