993 resultados para total station


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In the current work are presented the results about the study of digital mapping of analogs referents the fluvial oil reservoirs in the Açu Formation. With the regional recognizing in the south corner of Potiguar Basin was selected a area of 150 Km square in the west of Assu city. In this area was chosen the outcrops for the digital mapping and from the data fields and remote sensors were done the depositional architectural for the fluvial deposits, which it was named coarse meandering fluvial systems. In the deposits were individualized 3 (three) fluvial cycles, which they was separated by bounding surface of fifth order. Such cycles are preferentially sandy, with fining-upward sequence finished in flood plain deposits. Inner of the sandy levels of the filling channels were characterized least cycles, normaly incomplete, constituted by braided sandy bodies and bounding surfaces of fourth order. In the mapped area was chosen a outcrop with great exposition, where it was possible to see tipical deposits of filling channel and was in this outcrop that was done the digital mapping. In this outcrop was used diverse technics and tools, which they integrated sedimentological, altimetric (GPS, Total Station), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), digital photomosaic of high resolution and of the inner geometries (Ground Penetration Radar) data sets. For the integrating, interpretation and visualization of data was used software GoCAD®. The final product of the outcrop digital mapping was the photorealistic model of part of the cliff (or slope) because the observed reflectors in the radargrams were absents. A part of bar oblique accretion was modeled according to GPR gride of 200x200 meters in the alluvial Assu river probable recent analog. With the data of inner geometries was developed the three-dimentional sedimentary architectural, where it was possible characterize sand sheet deposits and many hierarchy of braided channels. At last, simulations of sedimentary geometries and architectures of the Potiguar Basin Fluvial Reservoirs were done with PetBool software, in order to understand the capacity of this program in simulations with a lot of numbers of conditioning wells. In total, 45 simulations was acquired, where the time and the channel numbers increase in relation of the conditioning wells quantity. The deformation of the meanders was detected from the change of simulated dominion dimensions. The presence of this problem was because the relationship between the simulated dominion and the width of the meander


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Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a influência do tempo de coleta de dados com receptores GPS nas determinações altimétricas. O levantamento altimétrico é realizado através do método de posicionamento relativo estático, utilizando dois receptores GPS de uma freqüência, em diferentes tempos de ocupação (30, 15, 10 e 5 minutos) com uma taxa de gravação de dois segundos. As altitudes obtidas com receptores GPS são comparadas com as altitudes determinadas por nivelamento trigonométrico com Estação Total. Os resultados mostraram que os tempos de ocupação menores que 30 minutos (15, 10 e 5 minutos) também são adequados para a obtenção de diferenças centimétricas nas altitudes analisadas. Mesmo considerando a precisão dos métodos topográficos convencionais, este estudo demonstra a possibilidade da utilização do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) de forma precisa nos levantamentos altimétricos, desde que se efetue a modelagem da ondulação geoidal.


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The aim of this present work was to compare planialtimetric charts obtained from different risings using two different theodolite types, a total station, and a precision level, used as control. Using a total station, an area was marked with clear variations of relief, following a grid, with a distance of 20 meters among stakes. After that, the stakes were read by the total station and two theodolites of different precisions. The geometric leveling was done by a precision level. The data were input in the DataGeosis software and the numerical modelling of the land was made with mesh of maximum rigidity, generating planialtimetric representation for each rising. It was verified, through comparison of the four representations that little variations occur in relation to the control. The closest representation of the control was the planialtimetry based on the data from the total station, in which the representations obtained from the theodolites were identical among themselves. It was concluded that in the process of obtaining detailed planialtimetry of small areas, submitted to the grid, it was not necessary to use composed geometric leveling, reducing work to the exclusive use of a total station or conventional theodolite.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This research was developed with the goal of creating a Digital Terrain Model(DTM),through a topo-bathymetric data gathering that allows the monitoring of the fluvial dynamics of part of Guaratinguetá’s creek, where preliminary evaluations identified, in a short period of time, intense changes on its riverbed. Modern topography technics and tools were used for the data gathering, such as the use of geodesic GPS and Total Station. The DTM was primal for the project e execution of the desilting works of the researched part of the creek, being used to estimate the amount of soil to be moved. The comparison between the digital terrain models generated before and after the desilting has showed the efficiency and aplicability of this technique in the monitoring of the fluvial dynamics changes of Guaratinguetá’s creek


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The crescent increasing demand of the electric power in Brazil has stimulated the implantation of Small Central Hydroelectric Power (SCHP) in several regions of the country. However, the silting up of the reservoirs is one of the main problems faced by hydroelectric power plants and SCHP. In this context, this research aimed evaluate the phenomenology and propose the enforcement of appropriate bioengineering techniques to control the intense erosive process of the hydrographical basin of the “Alto Rio Sucuriú,” that cause silting up of the reservoirs of the SCHP Costa Rica, located in the municipal district of Costa Rica (MS). In order to identify the phenomenology of the main falling in of this basin, a diagnosis of the conditions of the physical environment of the region (climate, geology, pedology, hydrology, and use of the ground) was realized. A surveying was also realized to specify the geometric feature of the falling in using the Total Station of the Ruide brand, series RTS 860R and the geodetic GPS of the Ashtech brand and the data obtained was used on the preparation of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the falling in. Based on this diagnosis an official register of the falling in was done with identification of the different types of present erosion. Due to the advanced erosive stage of the falling in researched, the use of bioengineering techniques could be the best solution considering that the traditional engineering techniques make use of heavy material like concrete, iron and large machines that besides causing higher impact to the natural and esthetic aspects of the environment also require a higher investment of capital. This research establish a great cooperation to the knowledge of the erosive process and of the rehabilitation of the degraded areas with application of bioengineering techniques not only hydrographical basin of “Alto Rio Sucuriú” but also to other basins that show similar situation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado ha tenido como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de datos. Dichos datos son recopilados a lo largo de campañas de detección de cantos marcados con transpondedores RFID. Este sistema, encargo del Departamento de Física de la ULPGC, ha sido usado para geolocalizar de manera fiable piedras marcadas con transpondedores RFID durante campañas realizadas en una playa situada en el norte de Gran Canaria. El sistema muestra las posiciones de los cantos detectados en un mapa de Google de la zona objeto de estudio, gestiona la estación total y almacena los datos de detección en una base de datos. Dicha base de datos permite la gestión de los datos recopilados a lo largo de varias campañas en una o varias localizaciones. Desde el punto de vista hardware, el sistema se compone de un par de motas sensoriales, un lector de marcas RFID, una estación total TOPCON y un pequeño ordenador portátil con acceso a Internet.


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[EN] Playa Barca is a 370 m long beach located within the system of the Leeward beaches on the Jandía peninsula, Fuerteventura. This system of beaches represents one of the major sources of economic income to the island, both because of its natural landscape that attract a specific type of tourism, and because of its particular climate conditions that make these beaches ideal for practicing wind-water sports. Nevertheless, in the past decades, this area has suffered from a significant and worrying coastline retreat. In order to look for an explanation to this retreat, five topographic surveys were carried out in October 1999, February 2001, February 2002, February 2003 and February 2013 to track the beach behavior in the last 15 years. A total station Topcon GTS-303D was used for this purpose. Surveys were carried out during low spring tides, so that the outer limit was the furthest possible depending on wave conditions. The inner limit covered part of the dunes in the backshore. From these topographic data both coastline changes and the sedimentary balance have been obtained.


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[EN]This paper deals with sedimentary balances and how the sediments move in function of the waves in a beach with special boundary conditions. For this purpose, the topography of the beach was done with a total station and two prism. Topography data were analyzed with SIG software. Wave data were taken from deepwater buoys. Two parameters were calculated, the Dean’s parameter and Larson’s (1988) parameter, to know the type of the beach. Balances show an accretion of sand on the beach even though in some periods there were big losses of sand on the beach. The parameters calculated are not good to estimate the type of the beach due to the boundary conditions of this particular beach


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La tesi è suddivisa in due parti. La prima è dedicata alla determinazione della Deflessione della Verticale (DdV) in Medicina (BO). Vengono presentati tre metodi per la determinazione delle componenti della DdV. Il primo utilizza la livellazione geometrica ed il sistema GNSS, il secondo, eseguito dal dott. Serantoni, utilizza il sistema QDaedalus, messo a punto all' ETH di Zurigo ed il terzo approccio utilizza il programma ConvER, messo a disposizione dalla regione Emilia-Romagna. Nella seconda parte viene presentato un metodo per la determinazione del Coefficiente di Rifrazione Atmosferico (CRA). La procedura di calcolo è di tipo iterativo ed utilizza, oltre agli angoli zenitali, anche le distanze misurate. Il metodo è stato testato in due aree di studio. La prima nella città di Limassol (Cipro) in ambiente urbano nell' autunno 2013. La seconda in Venezia nella laguna durante l'estate 2014.