282 resultados para toolkit


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Recurso para los educadores que necesitan ayudar a los estudiantes con problemas en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Está dirigido principalmente a profesores de primaria, que no tienen documentación especializada en matemáticas o en necesidades especiales. El autor organiza estas actividades y juegos en cuatro secciones: los primeros trabajos con números hasta el diez; cálculo básico con números superiores a diez; valores ordinales ; la multiplicación y división. Incluye Un CD-ROM que contiene todos los recursos que se describen en el texto, una versión imprimible de la guía y una lista de actividades para los padres.


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En este trabajo se ha integrado la librería IDELabMapstraction como un nuevo módulo para GWT, denominado IDELabMapstractionGWT, en el que también se han diseñado distintos controles genéricos que se pueden asociar al mapa para que los usuarios puedan interactuar con él de forma intuitiva. Como resultado de esta integración se ha creado el visor MirameDuero, un completo visor web realizado en colaboración con la Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero


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Runoff generation processes and pathways vary widely between catchments. Credible simulations of solute and pollutant transport in surface waters are dependent on models which facilitate appropriate, catchment-specific representations of perceptual models of the runoff generation process. Here, we present a flexible, semi-distributed landscape-scale rainfall-runoff modelling toolkit suitable for simulating a broad range of user-specified perceptual models of runoff generation and stream flow occurring in different climatic regions and landscape types. PERSiST (the Precipitation, Evapotranspiration and Runoff Simulator for Solute Transport) is designed for simulating present-day hydrology; projecting possible future effects of climate or land use change on runoff and catchment water storage; and generating hydrologic inputs for the Integrated Catchments (INCA) family of models. PERSiST has limited data requirements and is calibrated using observed time series of precipitation, air temperature and runoff at one or more points in a river network. Here, we apply PERSiST to the river Thames in the UK and describe a Monte Carlo tool for model calibration, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis


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TESSA is a toolkit for experimenting with sensory augmentation. It includes hardware and software to facilitate rapid prototyping of interfaces that can enhance one sense using information gathered from another sense. The toolkit contains a range of sensors (e.g. ultrasonics, temperature sensors) and actuators (e.g. tactors or stereo sound), designed modularly so that inputs and outputs can be easily swapped in and out and customized using TESSA’s graphical user interface (GUI), with “real time” feedback. The system runs on a Raspberry Pi with a built-in touchscreen, providing a compact and portable form that is amenable for field trials. At CHI Interactivity, the audience will have the opportunity to experience sensory augmentation effects using this system, and design their own sensory augmentation interfaces.


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Port authorities increasingly need to communicate with a variety of external stakeholders in order to maintain and strengthen the societal acceptance of seaport activities. The availability of socio-economic impact studies on port authority and regional development agency websites has often made this information accessible to the public at large. However, the differences in methodologies adopted, in terms of selecting, defining and measuring various types of socio-economic impacts, sometimes lead to misconceptions as well as misleading comparisons across ports within and between regions. In this paper, we suggest guidelines for the design and application of a potential best practice from an interregional perspective (UK, France and Belgium), based on research in the framework of a European Commission co-funded project, ‘IMPACTE’. The paper also aims to develop guidelines for comparing the socio-economic impacts of ports across regional and national borders and discusses the development of a European port economic impact measurement toolkit. We analyse a sample of 33 recent socio-economic impact assessment reports in terms of methodologies adopted and types of impacts measured. The review shows a great diversity among these studies, leading to important differences between the impacts of port activity communicated to stakeholders.


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This paper presents an open-source canopy height profile (CHP) toolkit designed for processing small-footprint full-waveform LiDAR data to obtain the estimates of effective leaf area index (LAIe) and CHPs. The use of the toolkit is presented with a case study of LAIe estimation in discontinuous-canopy fruit plantations. The experiments are carried out in two study areas, namely, orange and almond plantations, with different percentages of canopy cover (48% and 40%, respectively). For comparison, two commonly used discrete-point LAIe estimation methods are also tested. The LiDAR LAIe values are first computed for each of the sites and each method as a whole, providing “apparent” site-level LAIe, which disregards the discontinuity of the plantations’ canopies. Since the toolkit allows for the calculation of the study area LAIe at different spatial scales, between-tree-level clumpingcan be easily accounted for and is then used to illustrate the impact of the discontinuity of canopy cover on LAIe retrieval. The LiDAR LAIe estimates are therefore computed at smaller scales as a mean of LAIe in various grid-cell sizes, providing estimates of “actual” site-level LAIe. Subsequently, the LiDAR LAIe results are compared with theoretical models of “apparent” LAIe versus “actual” LAIe, based on known percent canopy cover in each site. The comparison of those models to LiDAR LAIe derived from the smallest grid-cell sizes against the estimates of LAIe for the whole site has shown that the LAIe estimates obtained from the CHP toolkit provided values that are closest to those of theoretical models.


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Técnicas de tolerância a falhas visam a aumentar a dependabilidade dos sistemas nos quais são empregadas. Entretanto, há necessidade de garantir a confiança na capacidade do sistema em fornecer o serviço especificado. A validação possui como objetivo propiciar essa garantia. Uma técnica de validação bastante utilizada é a injeção de falhas, que consiste na introdução controlada de falhas no sistema para observar seu comportamento. A técnica de injeção de falhas acelera a ocorrência de falhas em um sistema. Com isso, ao invés de esperar pela ocorrência espontânea das falhas, pode-se introduzi-las intencionalmente, controlando o tipo, a localização, o disparo e a duração das falhas. Injeção de falhas pode ser implementada por hardware, software ou simulação. Neste trabalho são enfocadas técnicas de injeção de falhas por software, desenvolvidas nos níveis da aplicação e do sistema operacional. O trabalho apresenta o problema da validação, através da injeção de falhas, de um protocolo de troca de pacotes. Enfoque especial é dado ao impacto resultante da inclusão de um módulo extra no protocolo, uma vez que o mesmo apresenta restrições temporais. O trabalho investiga alternativas de implementação de injetores de falhas por software que minimizem este impacto. Tais alternativas referem-se a localização do injetor de falhas no sistema, a forma de ativação das atividades do injetor de falhas e a operação de injeção de falhas em si. Um toolkit para experimentos de intrusão da injeção de falhas é apresentado. O alvo da injeção de falhas é um protocolo com característica tempo real. O toolkit desenvolvido, denominado INFIMO (INtrusiveless Fault Injector MOdule), visa a analisar, de forma experimental, a intrusão do injetor de falhas sobre o protocolo alvo. O INFIMO preocupa-se com protocolos com restrições temporais por esses constituírem um desafio sob o ponto de vista de injeção de falhas. O INFIMO suporta falhas de comunicação, as quais podem ocasionar a omissão de alguns pacotes. O INFIMO apresenta duas ferramentas de injeção de falhas: INFIMO_LIB, implementada no nível da aplicação e INFIMO_DBG implementada com auxílio de recursos do sistema operacional. Destacam-se ainda como contribuições do INFIMO a definição e a implementação do protocolo alvo para experimentos de injeção de falhas, o protocolo INFIMO_TAP. Além disso, o INFIMO apresenta métricas para avaliação da intrusão provocada pelo injetor de falhas no protocolo alvo.


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An efficient technique to cut polygonal meshes as a step in the geometric modeling of topographic and geological data has been developed. In boundary represented models of outcropping strata and faulted horizons polygonal meshes often intersect each other. TRICUT determines the line of intersection and re-triangulates the area of contact. Along this line the mesh is split in two or more parts which can be selected for removal. The user interaction takes place in the 3D-model space. The intersection, selection and removal are under graphic control. The visualization of outcropping geological structures in digital terrain models is improved by determining intersections against a slightly shifted terrain model. Thus, the outcrop line becomes a surface which overlaps the terrain in its initial position. The area of this overlapping surface changes with respect to the strike and dip of the structure, the morphology and the offset. Some applications of TRICUT on different real datasets are shown. TRICUT is implemented in C+ + using the Visualization Toolkit in conjunction with the RAPID and TRIANGLE libraries. The program runs under LINUX and UNIX using the MESA OpenGL library. This work gives an example of solving a complex 3D geometric problem by integrating available robust public domain software. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.