995 resultados para tissue processing


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The genomes of many positive stranded RNA viruses and of all retroviruses are translated as large polyproteins which are proteolytically processed by cellular and viral proteases. Viral proteases are structurally related to two families of cellular proteases, the pepsin-like and trypsin-like proteases. This thesis describes the proteolytic processing of several nonstructural proteins of dengue 2 virus, a representative member of the Flaviviridae, and describes methods for transcribing full-length genomic RNA of dengue 2 virus. Chapter 1 describes the in vitro processing of the nonstructural proteins NS2A, NS2B and NS3. Chapter 2 describes a system that allows identification of residues within the protease that are directly or indirectly involved with substrate recognition. Chapter 3 describes methods to produce genome length dengue 2 RNA from cDNA templates.

The nonstructural protein NS3 is structurally related to viral trypsinlike proteases from the alpha-, picorna-, poty-, and pestiviruses. The hypothesis that the flavivirus nonstructural protein NS3 is a viral proteinase that generates the termini of several nonstructural proteins was tested using an efficient in vitro expression system and antisera specific for the nonstructural proteins NS2B and NS3. A series of cDNA constructs was transcribed using T7 RNA polymerase and the RNA translated in reticulocyte lysates. Proteolytic processing occurred in vitro to generate NS2B and NS3. The amino termini of NS2B and NS3 produced in vitro were found to be the same as the termini of NS2B and NS3 isolated from infected cells. Deletion analysis of cDNA constructs localized the protease domain necessary and sufficient for correct cleavage to the first 184 amino acids of NS3. Kinetic analysis of processing events in vitro and experiments to examine the sensitivity of processing to dilution suggested that an intramolecular cleavage between NS2A and NS2B preceded an intramolecular cleavage between NS2B and NS3. The data from these expression experiments confirm that NS3 is the viral proteinase responsible for cleavage events generating the amino termini of NS2B and NS3 and presumably for cleavages generating the termini of NS4A and NS5 as well.

Biochemical and genetic experiments using viral proteinases have defined the sequence requirements for cleavage site recognition, but have not identified residues within proteinases that interact with substrates. A biochemical assay was developed that could identify residues which were important for substrate recognition. Chimeric proteases between yellow fever and dengue 2 were constructed that allowed mapping of regions involved in substrate recognition, and site directed mutagenesis was used to modulate processing efficiency.

Expression in vitro revealed that the dengue protease domain efficiently processes the yellow fever polyprotein between NS2A and NS2B and between NS2B and NS3, but that the reciprocal construct is inactive. The dengue protease processes yellow fever cleavage sites more efficiently than dengue cleavage sites, suggesting that suboptimal cleavage efficiency may be used to increase levels of processing intermediates in vivo. By mutagenizing the putative substrate binding pocket it was possible to change the substrate specificity of the yellow fever protease; changing a minimum of three amino acids in the yellow fever protease enabled it to recognize dengue cleavage sites. This system allows identification of residues which are directly or indirectly involved with enzyme-substrate interaction, does not require a crystal structure, and can define the substrate preferences of individual members of a viral proteinase family.

Full-length cDNA clones, from which infectious RNA can be transcribed, have been developed for a number of positive strand RNA viruses, including the flavivirus type virus, yellow fever. The technology necessary to transcribe genomic RNA of dengue 2 virus was developed in order to better understand the molecular biology of the dengue subgroup. A 5' structural region clone was engineered to transcribe authentic dengue RNA that contains an additional 1 or 2 residues at the 5' end. A 3' nonstructural region clone was engineered to allow production of run off transcripts, and to allow directional ligation with the 5' structural region clone. In vitro ligation and transcription produces full-length genomic RNA which is noninfectious when transfected into mammalian tissue culture cells. Alternative methods for constructing cDNA clones and recovering live dengue virus are discussed.


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We conducted a pilot study on 10 patients undergoing general surgery to test the feasibility of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in the visible wavelength range as a noninvasive monitoring tool for blood loss during surgery. Ratios of raw diffuse reflectance at wavelength pairs were tested as a first-pass for estimating hemoglobin concentration. Ratios can be calculated easily and rapidly with limited post-processing, and so this can be considered a near real-time monitoring device. We found the best hemoglobin correlations were when ratios at isosbestic points of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin were used, specifically 529/500 nm. Baseline subtraction improved correlations, specifically at 520/509 nm. These results demonstrate proof-of-concept for the ability of this noninvasive device to monitor hemoglobin concentration changes due to surgical blood loss. The 529/500 nm ratio also appears to account for variations in probe pressure, as determined from measurements on two volunteers.


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Knowing the timing, level, cellular localization, and cell type that a gene is expressed in contributes to our understanding of the function of the gene. Each of these features can be accomplished with in situ hybridization to mRNAs within cells. Here we present a radioactive in situ hybridization method modified from Clayton et al. (1988)(1) that has been working successfully in our lab for many years, especially for adult vertebrate brains(2-5). The long complementary RNA (cRNA) probes to the target sequence allows for detection of low abundance transcripts(6,7). Incorporation of radioactive nucleotides into the cRNA probes allows for further detection sensitivity of low abundance transcripts and quantitative analyses, either by light sensitive x-ray film or emulsion coated over the tissue. These detection methods provide a long-term record of target gene expression. Compared with non-radioactive probe methods, such as DIG-labeling, the radioactive probe hybridization method does not require multiple amplification steps using HRP-antibodies and/or TSA kit to detect low abundance transcripts. Therefore, this method provides a linear relation between signal intensity and targeted mRNA amounts for quantitative analysis. It allows processing 100-200 slides simultaneously. It works well for different developmental stages of embryos. Most developmental studies of gene expression use whole embryos and non-radioactive approaches(8,9), in part because embryonic tissue is more fragile than adult tissue, with less cohesion between cells, making it difficult to see boundaries between cell populations with tissue sections. In contrast, our radioactive approach, due to the larger range of sensitivity, is able to obtain higher contrast in resolution of gene expression between tissue regions, making it easier to see boundaries between populations. Using this method, researchers could reveal the possible significance of a newly identified gene, and further predict the function of the gene of interest.


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Quantitative examination of prostate histology offers clues in the diagnostic classification of lesions and in the prediction of response to treatment and prognosis. To facilitate the collection of quantitative data, the development of machine vision systems is necessary. This study explored the use of imaging for identifying tissue abnormalities in prostate histology. Medium-power histological scenes were recorded from whole-mount radical prostatectomy sections at × 40 objective magnification and assessed by a pathologist as exhibiting stroma, normal tissue (nonneoplastic epithelial component), or prostatic carcinoma (PCa). A machine vision system was developed that divided the scenes into subregions of 100 × 100 pixels and subjected each to image-processing techniques. Analysis of morphological characteristics allowed the identification of normal tissue. Analysis of image texture demonstrated that Haralick feature 4 was the most suitable for discriminating stroma from PCa. Using these morphological and texture measurements, it was possible to define a classification scheme for each subregion. The machine vision system is designed to integrate these classification rules and generate digital maps of tissue composition from the classification of subregions; 79.3% of subregions were correctly classified. Established classification rates have demonstrated the validity of the methodology on small scenes; a logical extension was to apply the methodology to whole slide images via scanning technology. The machine vision system is capable of classifying these images. The machine vision system developed in this project facilitates the exploration of morphological and texture characteristics in quantifying tissue composition. It also illustrates the potential of quantitative methods to provide highly discriminatory information in the automated identification of prostatic lesions using computer vision.


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Replication of the ~30-kb plus-strand RNA genome of coronaviruses and synthesis of an extensive set of subgenome-length RNAs are mediated by the replicase-transcriptase, a membrane-bound protein complex containing several cellular proteins and up to 16 viral nonstructural proteins (nsps) with multiple enzymatic activities, including protease, polymerase, helicase, methyltransferase, and RNase activities. To get further insight into the replicase gene-encoded functions, we characterized the coronavirus X domain, which is part of nsp3 and has been predicted to be an ADP-ribose-1"-monophosphate (Appr-1"-p) processing enzyme. Bacterially expressed forms of human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) and severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus X domains were shown to dephosphorylate Appr-1"-p, a side product of cellular tRNA splicing, to ADP-ribose in a highly specific manner. The enzyme had no detectable activity on several other nucleoside phosphates. Guided by the crystal structure of AF1521, an X domain homolog from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, potential active-site residues of the HCoV-229E X domain were targeted by site-directed mutagenesis. The data suggest that the HCoV-229E replicase polyprotein residues, Asn 1302, Asn 1305, His 1310, Gly 1312, and Gly 1313, are part of the enzyme's active site. Characterization of an Appr-1"-pase-deficient HCoV-229E mutant revealed no significant effects on viral RNA synthesis and virus titer, and no reversion to the wild-type sequence was observed when the mutant virus was passaged in cell culture. The apparent dispensability of the conserved X domain activity in vitro indicates that coronavirus replicase polyproteins have evolved to include nonessential functions. The biological significance of the novel enzymatic activity in vivo remains to be investigated.


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Background: Tissue MicroArrays (TMAs) represent a potential high-throughput platform for the analysis and discovery of tissue biomarkers. As TMA slides are produced manually and subject to processing and sectioning artefacts, the layout of TMA cores on the final slide and subsequent digital scan (TMA digital slide) is often disturbed making it difficult to associate cores with their original position in the planned TMA map. Additionally, the individual cores can be greatly altered and contain numerous irregularities such as missing cores, grid rotation and stretching. These factors demand the development of a robust method for de-arraying TMAs which identifies each TMA core, and assigns them to their appropriate coordinates on the constructed TMA slide.

Methodology: This study presents a robust TMA de-arraying method consisting of three functional phases: TMA core segmentation, gridding and mapping. The segmentation of TMA cores uses a set of morphological operations to identify each TMA core. Gridding then utilises a Delaunay Triangulation based method to find the row and column indices of each TMA core. Finally, mapping correlates each TMA core from a high resolution TMA whole slide image with its name within a TMAMap.

Conclusion: This study describes a genuine robust TMA de-arraying algorithm for the rapid identification of TMA cores from digital slides. The result of this de-arraying algorithm allows the easy partition of each TMA core for further processing. Based on a test group of 19 TMA slides (3129 cores), 99.84% of cores were segmented successfully, 99.81% of cores were gridded correctly and 99.96% of cores were mapped with their correct names via TMAMaps. The gridding of TMA cores were also extensively tested using a set of 113 pseudo slide (13,536 cores) with a variety of irregular grid layouts including missing cores, rotation and stretching. 100% of the cores were gridded correctly.


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Opisthorchis viverrini is an important helminth pathogen of humans that is endemic in Thailand and Laos. Adult flukes reside within host bile ducts and feed on epithelial tissue and blood cells. Chronic opisthorchiasis is associated with severe hepatobiliary diseases such as cholangiocarcinoma. Here we report that adult O. viverrini secrete two major cysteine proteases: cathepsin F (Ov-CF-1) and cathepsin B1 (Ov-CB-1). Ov-CF-1 is secreted as an inactive zymogen that autocatalytically processes and activates to a mature enzyme at pH 4.5 via an intermolecular cleavage at the prosegment-mature domain junction. Ov-CB-1 is also secreted as a zymogen but, in contrast to Ov-CF-1, is fully active against peptide and macromolecular substrates despite retaining the N-terminal prosegment. The active Ov-CB-1 zymogen was capable of trans-activating Ov-CF-1 by proteolytic removal of its prosegment at pH 5.5, a pH at which the Ov-CF-1 zymogen cannot autocatalytically activate. Both cathepsins hydrolyse human haemoglobin but their combined action more efficiently degrades haemoglobin to smaller peptides than each enzyme alone. Ov-CF-1 degraded extracellular matrix proteins more effectively than Ov-CB-1 at physiological pH. We propose that Ov-CB-1 regulates Ov-CF-1 activity and that both enzymes work together to degrade host tissue contributing to the development of liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma.


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Background: Popular approaches in human tissue-based biomarker discovery include tissue microarrays (TMAs) and DNA Microarrays (DMAs) for protein and gene expression profiling respectively. The data generated by these analytic platforms, together with associated image, clinical and pathological data currently reside on widely different information platforms, making searching and cross-platform analysis difficult. Consequently, there is a strong need to develop a single coherent database capable of correlating all available data types.

Method: This study presents TMAX, a database system to facilitate biomarker discovery tasks. TMAX organises a variety of biomarker discovery-related data into the database. Both TMA and DMA experimental data are integrated in TMAX and connected through common DNA/protein biomarkers. Patient clinical data (including tissue pathological data), computer assisted tissue image and associated analytic data are also included in TMAX to enable the truly high throughput processing of ultra-large digital slides for both TMAs and whole slide tissue digital slides. A comprehensive web front-end was built with embedded XML parser software and predefined SQL queries to enable rapid data exchange in the form of standard XML files.

Results & Conclusion: TMAX represents one of the first attempts to integrate TMA data with public gene expression experiment data. Experiments suggest that TMAX is robust in managing large quantities of data from different sources (clinical, TMA, DMA and image analysis). Its web front-end is user friendly, easy to use, and most importantly allows the rapid and easy data exchange of biomarker discovery related data. In conclusion, TMAX is a robust biomarker discovery data repository and research tool, which opens up the opportunities for biomarker discovery and further integromics research.


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S-(2-Succinyl)cysteine (2SC) has been identified as a chemical modification in plasma proteins, in the non-mercaptalbumin fraction of human plasma albumin, in human skin collagen, and in rat skeletal muscle proteins and urine. 2SC increases in human skin collagen with age and is increased in muscle protein of diabetic vs. control rats. The concentration of 2SC in skin collagen and muscle protein correlated strongly with that of the advanced glycation/lipoxidation end-product (AGE/ALE), N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML). 2SC is formed by a Michael addition reaction of cysteine sulfhydryl groups with fumarate at physiological pH. Fumarate, but not succinate, inactivates the sulfhydryl enzyme, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in vitro, in concert with formation of 2SC. 2SC is the first example of spontaneous chemical modification of protein by a metabolic intermediate in the Krebs cycle. These observations identify fumarate as an endogenous electrophile and suggest a role for fumarate in regulation of metabolism.


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Digital pathology and the adoption of image analysis have grown rapidly in the last few years. This is largely due to the implementation of whole slide scanning, advances in software and computer processing capacity and the increasing importance of tissue-based research for biomarker discovery and stratified medicine. This review sets out the key application areas for digital pathology and image analysis, with a particular focus on research and biomarker discovery. A variety of image analysis applications are reviewed including nuclear morphometry and tissue architecture analysis, but with emphasis on immunohistochemistry and fluorescence analysis of tissue biomarkers. Digital pathology and image analysis have important roles across the drug/companion diagnostic development pipeline including biobanking, molecular pathology, tissue microarray analysis, molecular profiling of tissue and these important developments are reviewed. Underpinning all of these important developments is the need for high quality tissue samples and the impact of pre-analytical variables on tissue research is discussed. This requirement is combined with practical advice on setting up and running a digital pathology laboratory. Finally, we discuss the need to integrate digital image analysis data with epidemiological, clinical and genomic data in order to fully understand the relationship between genotype and phenotype and to drive discovery and the delivery of personalized medicine.


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Cephalopods are utilized as an important food item in various countries because of its delicacy as raw consumed food. Mainly sepia and loligo are consumed raw by Japanese and Russians. The freshness of the products is very important when the product is consumed raw. The major species that dominate our squid catch are Loligo duvaucelii and Doryteuthis sibogae. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of both the species. The needle squid (Doryteuthis sibogae ) contributes about 35% of the total squid landing. Due to the fast deterioration , a major portion of the needle squid, which is caught during the first few hauls, is thrown back to sea. The catch in the last hauls only are taken to the landing centers. At present the needle squid is processed as blanched rings and the desired quality is not obtained if it is processed as whole, whole cleaned or as tubes. In this study an attempt is made to investigate the biochemical characteristics in both the species of squid in relation to their quality and, the process control measures to be adopted. The effect of various treatments on their quality and the changes in proteolytic and lysosomal enzymes under various processing conditions are also studied in detail.Thus this study can provide the seafood industry with relevant suggestions and solutions for effective utilization of both the species of squid with emphasis on needle squid.


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Several oral vaccination studies have been undertaken to evoke a better protection against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), amajor shrimp pathogen. Formalin-inactivated virus andWSSV envelope protein VP28 were suggested as candidate vaccine components, but their uptake mechanism upon oral delivery was not elucidated. In this study the fate of these components and of live WSSV, orally intubated to black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) was investigated by immunohistochemistry, employing antibodies specific for VP28 and haemocytes. The midgut has been identified as the most prominent site of WSSV uptake and processing. The truncated recombinant VP28 (rec-VP28), formalin-inactivated virus (IVP) and live WSSV follow an identical uptake route suggested as receptor-mediated endocytosis that starts with adherence of luminal antigens at the apical layers of gut epithelium. Processing of internalized antigens is performed in endo-lysosomal compartments leading to formation of supra-nuclear vacuoles. However, the majority of WSSV-antigens escape these compartments and are transported to the inter-cellular space via transcytosis. Accumulation of the transcytosed antigens in the connective tissue initiates aggregation and degranulation of haemocytes. Finally the antigens exiting the midgut seem to reach the haemolymph. The nearly identical uptake pattern of the different WSSV-antigens suggests that receptors on the apical membrane of shrimp enterocytes recognize rec-VP28 efficiently. Hence the truncated VP28 can be considered suitable for oral vaccination, when the digestion in the foregut can be bypassed


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A spectral angle based feature extraction method, Spectral Clustering Independent Component Analysis (SC-ICA), is proposed in this work to improve the brain tissue classification from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). SC-ICA provides equal priority to global and local features; thereby it tries to resolve the inefficiency of conventional approaches in abnormal tissue extraction. First, input multispectral MRI is divided into different clusters by a spectral distance based clustering. Then, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is applied on the clustered data, in conjunction with Support Vector Machines (SVM) for brain tissue analysis. Normal and abnormal datasets, consisting of real and synthetic T1-weighted, T2-weighted and proton density/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images, were used to evaluate the performance of the new method. Comparative analysis with ICA based SVM and other conventional classifiers established the stability and efficiency of SC-ICA based classification, especially in reproduction of small abnormalities. Clinical abnormal case analysis demonstrated it through the highest Tanimoto Index/accuracy values, 0.75/98.8%, observed against ICA based SVM results, 0.17/96.1%, for reproduced lesions. Experimental results recommend the proposed method as a promising approach in clinical and pathological studies of brain diseases


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In this paper, we propose a multispectral analysis system using wavelet based Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to improve the brain tissue classification from MRI images. Global transforms like PCA often neglects significant small abnormality details, while dealing with a massive amount of multispectral data. In order to resolve this issue, input dataset is expanded by detail coefficients from multisignal wavelet analysis. Then, PCA is applied on the new dataset to perform feature analysis. Finally, an unsupervised classification with Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm is used to measure the improvement in reproducibility and accuracy of the results. A detailed comparative analysis of classified tissues with those from conventional PCA is also carried out. Proposed method yielded good improvement in classification of small abnormalities with high sensitivity/accuracy values, 98.9/98.3, for clinical analysis. Experimental results from synthetic and clinical data recommend the new method as a promising approach in brain tissue analysis.