91 resultados para thylakoid
本研究首次揭示了七种苏铁类植物叶绿体的超微结构。即苏铁科(Cycadaceae)的攀枝花苏铁(C. panzhihuaensis).苏铁(C. revoluta)、叉叶苏铁(C.micholitzii)、 刺叶苏铁(C.rumphii和多歧苏铁(C.multipinnata),蕨铁科(Stangeriaceae)的蕨铁(Stangeria eriopus)和泽米科(Zamiaceae)的米德尔堡大苏铁(Encephalortos middelburgensis).根据它们叶绿体内膜结构的不同将其大体分为两种类型:1、阴生型叶绿体:多歧苏铁和刺叶苏铁为此类型,它们的叶绿体类囊体垛叠程度高,基粒垛较宽,单个基粒中类囊体的数量很多,有的甚至上百;2、阳生型叶绿体:攀枝花苏铁、米德尔堡大苏铁、苏铁、蕨铁和刺叶苏铁以及外类群的凤尾蕨(Pteris vittata)的叶绿体均有阳生型叶绿体的特征:类囊体膜垛叠程度低,基粒较小。根据它们叶绿体的结构特征,又将其分为两组: ( 1)攀枝花苏铁,米德尔堡大苏铁和叉叶苏铁叶绿体中均有类囊体膜膨大的现象: (2)苏铁和蕨铁在苏铁类中是比较原始的种类,它们的叶绿体与在系统进化上较苏铁类低等的凤尾蕨的叶绿体中都有几个基粒聚集成簇的现象,说明苏铁类在进化的同时一些较原始的性状仍保留了下来。这些苏铁都在温室相同的条件下生长了两年多,但它们的叶绿体结构仍然能够反应原产地生境特点,说明在长期进化中,叶绿体对环境的适应方式已在基因水平上稳定下来,苏铁类植物不同叶绿体结构的形成有其遗传基础。 多歧苏铁,攀枝花苏铁,叉叶苏铁的叶绿体膜垛叠程度依次降低,与此相应,它们的chla/b和F730/F684依次升高,反应了结构与功能的一致性。 选用具有阳生型叶绿体的攀枝花苏铁和有阴生型叶绿体的多歧苏铁用不同的C02浓度(350 umol mol-l和700umol mol-l)处理后观察其叶绿体结构的变化,结果发现C02浓度倍增对它们的叶绿体影响甚微,而作为对照的无论是C3植物小麦(Triticum italica)还是C4植物谷子(Setaria italica)在C02倍增的条件下叶绿体内均有大量淀粉粒积累,并有膜结构改变。这说明苏铁的叶绿体结构有保守性,这有可能是苏铁类能历经亿万年的沧桑而生存下来的结构基础之一。
发菜(Nostoc flagelliforme Born. et Flah.)的细胞壁由纤维素、半纤维素、糖脂和蛋白质组成。未经破碎的细胞难以进行各种光合特性的研究。由于纯度较高的发菜类囊体膜制备比较困难,对它的光合机理的研究一直是停留在整体水平上进行。我们采用French Press低温下高压破碎细胞,建立了一种快速简便的制备方法。在提取液中加入一定浓度的Ca2+ (Ca2+既有助于维持类囊体膜的放氧活性又可以使类囊体膜在较低的离心速度下使类囊体膜得到凝集沉淀),从而在较短时间内、在高速离心的情况下得到了纯度较高并具有较高放氧活性的发菜类囊体膜。在此基础上,我们采用改进的Allen(1991)的温和绿胶系统,首次对陆生蓝藻发菜类囊体膜色素蛋白复合体进行了分离,共分离出了11条绿色的色素蛋白复合物条带和两条浅黄色的条带。7条绿色的色素蛋白复合物条带属于PSI组分,4条绿色的蛋白复合物条带属于PSII组分,其中一条浅黄色条带系未被报道过的新的色素蛋白复合物条带,经其光谱性质的分析初步鉴定为类胡萝卜素蛋白复合物,此复合物的分离有助于解释发菜独特的适应荒漠、半荒漠地带高光辐射的特性。 本文还对干燥状态、复水30分钟后和复水生长24小时后的野生发菜及人工培养的发菜藻丝体膜脂及其脂肪酸组成进行了分析。发菜的膜脂由MGDG、MGDG、SQDG和PG组成,其酯酰基部位连接有16:0、16:1、18:0、18:1、18:2和18:3六种脂肪酸。野生发菜中具有高含量的不饱和脂肪酸,其含量可达总脂的73%,其中16:1和18:3分别达到28.9mol%和34.3mol%,远远高于已报道的其它蓝藻,所以我们推测发菜具有极强的抗逆性和其膜脂不饱和程度密切相关。分析不同处理的发菜的膜脂和脂肪酸组成表明,复水对野生发菜的膜脂及其脂肪酸组成没有显著影响,说明发菜的膜脂和脂肪酸组成在干燥状态下能保持很高的稳定性。从野生发菜分离出的藻丝体在25 ℃条件下培养,其膜脂脂肪酸组成发生了显著变化,主要表现为脂肪酸的不饱和程度的大幅度降低,18:3从34.9mol%降低到8.6mol%,16:1从28.9mol%降低到13.9mol%。上述结果表明了发菜具有极强的通过改变其膜脂的脂肪酸组成而适应生存环境的能力。
摘要 "发状念珠藻(Nostoc flagelliforme Born. Et Flah.),俗名发菜,是生长于干旱、半干旱土壤表面的陆生蓝藻,具有极强的抗旱能力。发菜光合作用方面的研究大多处于整体细胞水平,且研究手段非常有限。本实验对发菜光合特征进行深入研究,并探讨了发菜在干湿交替过程中能量传递的变化情况。 叶绿素和藻胆素是发菜细胞中两种主要的光合色素。发菜复水后光合活性完全恢复时,在室温(20℃)或低温(77K)下,其绝大部分的荧光是由于藻胆素被激发而产生。在室温下,大部分荧光来自藻胆体;当叶绿素被激发后,产生的荧光非常微弱。在低温下,藻胆素被激发后,荧光发射光谱中可分辨出藻胆蛋白、光系统Ⅰ和光系统Ⅱ的发射峰;叶绿素被激发后,荧光发射光谱包括光系统Ⅰ和光系统Ⅱ的荧光。相比之下,室温荧光发射光谱不适于用做发菜细胞光合作用方面的研究。 我们设计了一种新方法,从野生发菜细胞中分离得到类囊体膜及细胞质膜,并对其性质进行分析。发菜细胞外复杂的胶质结构使得现有破碎其它蓝藻细胞的方法无法破碎发菜细胞。通过实验发现,联合使用细胞破碎仪和毛地黄皂甙(0.3%)可有效破碎发菜细胞;并且毛地黄皂甙在低浓度下(≦0.5%),对色素与蛋白的结合不会造成破坏作用。随后,通过蔗糖密度梯度离心可将细胞质膜与类囊体膜分离。发菜类囊体膜的光谱性质与其它蓝藻相似。细胞质膜除结合有类胡萝卜素外,还结合有少量叶绿素前体。类囊体膜和细胞质膜膜脂及脂肪酸组成相似。其中,十六碳烯酸[16:1(9)]和亚麻酸[18:3(9,12,15)]是含量最高的两种脂肪酸,分别占总脂肪酸含量的三分之一左右。高含量的多不饱和脂肪酸可能和发菜极强的抗旱能力有关。 我们首次对发菜捕光色素蛋白复合物-藻胆体的组成和结构进行分析。发菜藻胆体为“3核+6杆”的半圆盘结构。组成藻胆体的藻胆蛋白包括藻蓝蛋白和别藻蓝蛋白。两个藻蓝蛋白六聚体通过连接肽组成藻胆体的“杆”结构。在“杆”结构中等量分布着两条连接肽(分子量分别为29kDa和34kDa)为杆连接肽和核杆连接肽。而“核”结构中核膜连接肽的分子量为103kDa。 发菜在无霜期,几乎每天经历一次复水-干燥过程:夜间的结露使发菜在黑暗中复水,而清晨太阳升起后,在光照下迅速失水进入休眠状态。我们研究了发菜在黑暗中的复水过程及在光照下失水过程中藻胆体与光系统能量传递的变化情况。发菜在黑暗中复水后,光系统Ⅱ活性无法恢复。藻胆体内及藻胆体与光系统Ⅰ的能量传递在5分钟内恢复;而藻胆体与光系统Ⅱ的能量传递只能部分恢复。我们设想,发菜在复水过程中通过双扳机-水和光-控制光合活性的恢复,以及在黑暗中部分恢复藻胆体与光系统Ⅱ的能量传递,将减少不必要的能量消耗与通过光合作用储备尽可能多的化学能-这两个生存策略有机的结合起来。发菜在光照下的失水过程中,光合活性在含水量降至90%前基本保持稳定,随后迅速下降。而在含水量达到150%后,藻胆体内的能量传递便开始受到抑制,并且随着含水量的降低,该抑制现象逐步加剧。这样,发菜在干燥过程中,通过抑制藻胆体内的能量传递,减少了传递到光系统Ⅱ反应中心的能量,从而避免了在光合活性下降过程中过剩光能对光系统Ⅱ产生的破坏作用。"
茉莉酸(JA)是由脂肪酸衍生而来的环戊酮化合物,广泛存在于自然界中,在植物逆境胁迫响应和生长发育调节过程中起重要作用。因此,JA被认为是一种新型植物激素。植物JA生物合成的最初底物是三烯脂肪酸(含有三个双键的十八碳和十六碳脂肪酸,18:3和16:3),这些脂肪酸经过脂氧合酶(LOX)、丙二烯氧化物合酶(AOS)和丙二烯氧化物环化酶(AOC)等一系列酶促反应,最终生成JA。JA生物合成所需要的三烯脂肪酸来自叶绿体膜脂。高等植物叶绿体类囊体膜含有四种极性甘油脂,它们是:单半乳糖甘油二酯(MGDG)、双半乳糖甘油二酯(DGDG)、硫代异鼠李糖甘油二酯(SQDG)和磷脂酰甘油(PG)。但是人们尚不清楚JA生物合成所需要的三烯脂肪酸主要来自哪一种膜脂。 最近,我们利用RNA干扰技术获得了烟草MGDG部分缺失的突变体。MGDG是质体中最重要的甘油脂,其含量高达50%,其中含有的三烯脂肪酸约占总脂中三烯脂肪酸含量的65%。本研究的目的是以烟草MGDG缺失的突变体(mgd1)为材料,通过研究MGDG缺失对茉莉酸生物合成的影响,阐明半乳糖脂与JA生物合成的关系。 首先我们对野生型烟草(WT)和mgd1的相关生物学特性进行了研究,包括甘油脂和脂肪酸组成。结果表明,mgd1烟草叶片中MGDG含量降低了57%,同时,其三烯脂肪酸相对含量也大幅度降低。其中十六碳三烯酸(16:3)降低了78%,亚麻酸(18:3)含量减少了28%。因此,由于MGDG缺失,类囊体中的三烯脂肪酸降低了27%。这一结果说明了JA生物合成的底物大幅度减少。 为了说明MGDG缺失导致的三烯脂肪酸含量的减少是否影响到JA的含量,我们利用GC-MS方法比较了WT和mgd1烟草中JA的含量。结果表明,mgd1叶片中的JA含量较WT降低了50%,说明了MGDG的缺失影响了JA的生物合成。 伤害可以诱导JA在短时间内大量合成。我们比较了机械损伤后JA在WT和mgd1叶片中积累的动态过程。伤害同时可以使WT和mgd1叶片中的JA含量增加,并且在1小时达到最大值。但是,JA在两种烟草叶片中增加的幅度不同,WT叶片受伤1小时后JA含量是未受伤时的5倍,而mgd1叶片受伤1小时后,其JA含量只增加了1倍。这些结果说明了MGDG缺失可以严重影响伤害诱导的 JA 的积累,MGDG是JA的生物合成底物的重要来源。 我们进一步研究了MGDG缺失对JA生物合成相关酶基因表达的影响。 LOX1和AOC编码JA生物合成途径中的关键酶LOX和AOC。RT-PCR分析表明mgd1叶片中这两个基因受伤害激活的程度比WT弱。进一步说明突变体中JA合成受到影响。 植物受到伤害时内源JA含量增加,并激活防御基因的表达。我们的结果显示,当植物受伤害后,mgd1叶片中与JA信号转导相关的防御基因HPL,PI-I和PI-II的表达量增加幅度明显低于WT。这说明突变体中JA信号转导途径受到了抑制。 JA在植物对昆虫侵害的防御反应中起重要作用,上述结果表明突变体对伤害响应受到削弱。昆虫饲喂实验显示,棉铃虫更趋向食用mgd1植株叶片,取食mgd1植株的棉铃虫的体重增加较多。这些结果与WT和mgd1在JA含量、防御相关基因表达方面的差异相一致。外源施加茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)能够恢复mgd1的抗虫性和防御基因的表达,说明JA是恢复mgd1抗虫性所必须的。 上述结果表明MGDG缺失使JA生物合成受到影响,尤其是JA在植物受到伤害后的生物合成。对于这一现象的可能的解释是:MGDG是JA生物合成底物的主要来源,由于mgd1中缺少大量的MGDG,当植物受到伤害时,MGDG不能释放出足够三烯脂肪酸来合成JA,导致其含量降低,破坏了JA信号途径,最终使得植株表现出抗性降低等特性。我们的研究证明了MGDG可以作为JA生物合成的底物来源在JA信号途径中起重要作用。
Background: YidC/Oxa/Alb3 family includes a group of conserved translocases that are essential for protein insertion into inner membranes of bacteria and mitochondria, and thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. Because mitochondria and chloroplasts are of b
毫秒延迟发光测定结果表明低温弱光处理黄瓜叶片导致类囊体原位 (in situ)耦联度显著降低。DCCD可以恢复低温弱光处理的黄瓜叶片的毫秒延迟发光的慢相强度和反映类囊体膜质子吸收的 9- AA(9- Aminoacridine)荧光猝灭能力 ,说明类囊体耦联度降低的原因是质子由 CF0 大量快速渗漏。进一步研究结果表明 ,活性氧和 CF1的脱落不是低温弱光引起黄瓜类囊体耦联度降低的根本原因。
与低温黑暗处理相比 ,低温弱光处理使黄瓜叶片的放氧活性显著降低 ,2℃黑暗处理 6.5h后黄瓜叶片的放氧活性降低到处理前的 66% ,2℃ 35μmol/(m2· s)处理6.5h后则降低到处理前的 - 50 %。研究结果显示 ,在 5℃低温条件下 1 0 0 μmol/(m2· s)光照使黄瓜发生下列变化 :叶片毫秒延迟发光的慢相强度显著降低 ;从叶片中提取的叶绿体的PS 及 PS +PS 的电子传递速率显著升高 ;加 NH4 Cl和加 ADP+Pi的 Hill反应活性与基础 Hill反应活性相差不大 ;从叶片中提取的叶绿体 9- AA荧光猝灭能力消失。以上结果证明低温下光照处理使黄瓜类囊体膜解耦联。
Fatty acid desaturases are enzymes that introduce double bonds into the hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids. The fatty acid desaturases from 37 cyanobacterial genomes were identified and classified based upon their conserved histidine-rich motifs and phylogenetic analysis, which help to determine the amounts and distributions of desaturases in cyanobacterial species. The filamentous or N-2-fixing cyanobacteria usually possess more types of fatty acid desaturases than that of unicellular species. The pathway of acyl-lipid desaturation for unicellular marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus differs from that of other cyanobacteria, indicating different phylogenetic histories of the two genera from other cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater, soil, or symbiont. Strain Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421 was isolated from calcareous rock and lacks thylakoid membranes. The types and amounts of desaturases of this strain are distinct to those of other cyanobacteria, reflecting the earliest divergence of it from the cyanobacterial line. Three thermophilic unicellular strains, Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 and two Synechococcus Yellowstone species, lack highly unsaturated fatty acids in lipids and contain only one Delta 9 desaturase in contrast with mesophilic strains, which is probably due to their thermic habitats. Thus, the amounts and types of fatty acid desaturases are various among different cyanobacterial species, which may result from the adaption to environments in evolution. Copyright (c) 2008 Xiaoyuan Chi et al.
Cyanobacteria and red algae have intricate light-harvesting systems comprised of phycobilisomes that are attached to the outer side of the thylakoid membrane. The phycobilisomes absorb light in the wavelength range of 500-650 nm and transfer energy to the chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phycobilisomes, which biochemically consist of phycobiliproteins and linker polypeptides, are particularly wonderful subjects for the detailed analysis of structure and function due to their spectral properties and their various components affected by growth conditions. The linker potypeptides are believed to mediate both the assembly of phycobiliproteins into the highly ordered arrays in the phycobilisomes and the interactions between the phycobilisomes and the thylakoid membrane. Functionally, they have been reported to improve energy migration by regulating the spectral characteristics of colored phycobiliproteins. In this review, the progress regarding linker polypeptides research, including separation approaches, structures and interactions with phycobiliproteins, as well as their functions in the phycobilisomes, is presented. In addition, some problems with previous work on linkers are also discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The main light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b -protein complex (LHC II) has been isolated directly from thylakoid membranes of shiphonous green alga, Bryopsis corticulans Setch. by using two consecutive runs of anion exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. Monomeric and trimeric subcomplexes of LHC 11 were obtained by using sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. Pigment analysis by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography showed that chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), neoxanthin, violaxanthin and siphonaxanthin were involved in LHC 11 from B. corticulans. The properties of electronic transition of monomeric LHC II showed similarities to those of trimeric LHC II. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that strong intramolecular interaction of excitonic dipoles between Chl a and between Chl b exist in one LHC II apoprotein, while the intermolecular interaction of these dipoles can be intensified in the trimeric structure. The monomer has high efficient energy transfer from Chl b and siphonaxanthin to Chl a similarly to that of the trimer. Our results suggest that in B. corticulans, LHC II monomer has high ordered pigment organization that play effective physiological function as the trimer, and thus it might be also a functional organization existing in thylakoid membrane of B. corticulans.
The thylakoid membranes were isolated and purified from gametophyte of Porphyrayezoensis Ueda (P yezoensis) by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. After R yezoensis gametophyte thylakoid membranes were solubilized with SDS, the photosystem 11 (PSII) particles were isolated and purified. The activity of PSII particles was determined with DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol) photoreduction reaction. The composition of purified PSII particles was detected by SDS-PAGE. As a result, seven proteins including 55 kD protein, 47 kD protein, 43 kD protein, 33 kD protein, 31 kD protein, 29 kD protein, and 18 kD protein were found. Compared with PSII particles of higher plants and other algae, they were identified as D1/D2 complex, CP47, CP43, 33 kD protein, D1, D2 and cyt c-550 respectively. Besides, other three new proteins of 20 kD, 16 kD and 14 kD respectively were found. Among these extrinsic proteins, the 16 kD and 14 kD proteins had not been reported previously, and the 20 kD protein was found for the first time in multicellular red algae.
The phycobilisomes were isolated from blue-green alga Spirulina platensis, and could form monolayer film at air/water interface. The monolayer film of phycobilisomes was transferred to newly cleaved mica, and coated with gold. Scanning tunneling microscope was used to investigate the structure of the Langmuir-Blodgett film of phycobilisomes. It was shown that phycobilisomes in the monolayer arrayed in rows with core attaching on the substrate surface and rods radiating towards the air phase, this phenomenon was similar to the arrangement of phycobilisomes on cytoplasmic surface of thylakoid membrane in vivo. The possible applications of the Langmuir-Blodgett film of phycobilisomes were also discussed.
The chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics of marine red alga Grateloupia turutunt Yamada, green alga Ulva pertusa Kjellm and brown alga Laminaria japonica Aresch during natural sustained dehydration were monitored and investigated. The pulse amplified modulation (PAM) system was used to analyze the distinct fluorescence parameters during thallus dehydration. Results proved that the fluorescence kinetics of different seaweed all showed three patterns of transformation with sustained water loss. These were: 1) peak kinetic pattern (at the early stage of dehydration fluorescence enhanced and quenched subsequently, representing a normal physiological state). 2) plateau kinetic pattern (with sustained water loss fluorescence enhanced continuously but quenching became slower, finally reaching its maximum). 3) Platform kinetic pattern (fluorescence fell and the shape of kinetic curve was similar to plateau kinetic pattern). A critical water content (CWC) could be found and defined as the percentage of water content just prior to the fluorescence drop and to be a significant physiological index for evaluation of plant drought tolerance. Once thallus water content became lower than this value the normal peak pattern can not be recovered even through rehydration, indicating an irreversible damage to the thylakoid membrane. The CWC value corresponding to different marine species were varied and negatively correlated with their desiccation tolerance, for example. Laminaria japonica had the highest CWC value (around 90%) and the lowest dehydration tolerance of the three. In addition, a fluorescence "burst" was found only in red algae during rehydration. The different fluorescence parameters F-o, F-v and F-v, F-m were measured and compared during water loss. Both F-o and F-v increased in the first stage of dehydration but F-v/F-m. kept almost constant. So the immediate response of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence to dehydration was an enhancement. Later with sustained dehydration F-o increased continuously while F-v decreased and tended to become smaller and smaller. The major changes in fluorescence (including fluorescence drop during dehydration and the burst during rehydration) were all attributed to the change in F-o instead of F-v This significance of F-o indicates that it is necessary to do more research on F-o as well as on its relationship with the state of thylakoid membrane.
Eight kinds of pigment-protein complexes were resolved from the thylakoid membrane of the brown alga (Undaria pinnatifida Harv.) by using non-ionic detergent decanoyl-N-methylglucamide and PAGE technique. According to the apparent molecular weights, spectra characteristics, polypeptide compositions and referring to the higher plant spinach, eight pigment-protein complexes were named under Anderson's terminology system as CP I a, CP I, CPa, LHC1, LHC2, LHC3, LHC4, LHC5.
Thylakoid membranes were isolated and purified from diploid filamentous sporophytes of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation (SDGUC). After thylakoid membranes were solubilized with SDS, the photosystem II (PSII) particles with high 2, 6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) photoreduction activity were isolated by SDGUC. The absorption and fluorescence spectra, DCIP photoreduction activity and oxygen evolution activity of the thylakoid membranes and PSII particles were determined. The polypeptide composition of purified PSII particles was distinguished by SDS-PAGE. Results showed that PSII particles of sporophytes differed from the gametophytes in spectral properties and polypeptide composition. Apart from 55 kDa D1-D2 heterodimer, CP47, CP43, 33 kDa protein was also detected. However, cyt c-550, 20 kDa, 14 kDa and 16 kDa proteins found in PSII particles from gametophytes were not detected in the sporophytes.